Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura seemed concerned, frowning softly, loking to Akihime. "The Black Sacrament... Do you know who is calling him?" He asked her.
Yukimura felt an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach, frowning softly. "It's getting late..!" He realized, perking and throwing on a smile. "Would you like for me to accompany you back as far as I could?"
Yukimura nodded and stood from his chair. "Then at least let me see you from the stables." He offered.
((Well, do you wanna check back in on Motochika and Nana? I really have no idea what to do next...I can shift through some quests and see if I can come up with something, but I'm drawing blanks right now..))
((Yes, sorry! My ipod didn't inform me of your snap!))

Masamune walked around the Rift taking a leisurely stroll with Megohime, both of them silently enjoying each other's company. Kojurou walked a few paces behind them, staying alert in case anyone would try to ambush them.
Megohime's hand was clasped loosely against Masamune's, fingers twined with his as they traversed along the dirt road, the far-off sound of leathery wings could be heards from above the trees, but it was only Voslaarum circling lazily overhead. "Does Kojurou have to follow us everywhere?" She mumbled softly, her lips turned down in a soft pout.
Megohime made a noise of disapproval, but only nudged him with her hip, continuing on down the path.
Masamune chuckled and continued to walk with her. A bit of a ways from the watchtowers, Masamune stopped, pulling Megohime to hide behind him as two oddly dressed mages approched them.
"Mages..?" Megohime scowled softly, hand resting on the grip of her dagger, a heavy feeling of malice radiating from the two.
"You there! Are you the one they call Dragonborn?" A female voice sounded from the first mage. Masamune furrowed his brows but gave a curt nod. "I am." "Your lies fall on deaf ears, Deceiver! The True Dragonborn comes...You are but his shadow. When Lord Miraak appears all shall bear witness. None shall stand to oppose him!" The mage spat before casting Ironflesh and preparing to attack with her companion. Masamune unsheathed his sword, "Get out of here, Megohime!"
"Like hell!" She spat back at Masamune, rolling to the side to avoid the blast of flames that came at her, switching out her dagger for her bow and arrows. "Kojurou!" She alerted the Housecarl, notching an arrow and taking aim.
Kojurou rushed forward, brandishing his shield and blocking the magicka with his nulification enchant. "Voslaarum!" Masamune Shouted, calling to his companion before charging and attacking the first mage.
Megohime fired arrows at the two mages, ducking behind the tower when they returned fire with magic, flinching when the ground shook, Voslaarum landing behind the two mages with a loud roar.
The young dragon had nearly doubled in size, its damaged horn almost completely healed, a gold horn cap stuck over the remaining piece of horn to act as a replacement. A low rumble came from the beast, gold eyes staring the two mages down as a loud snarl was torn from her throat.
The second mage panicked and launched a fireball at Voslaarum, the first mage yelling at him to stop. Masamune grabbed Mego and pulled her away, "Voslaarum isn't going to take kindly to that."
As Megohime was pulled behind the watch tower, she lowered her bow and moved closer to Masamune, the building sound of a roar exploding with the killer heat of flames, a column of white hot fire shooting past the watch tower. The sound of screaming was cut short as their lives were extinguished as well as Voslaarum's flames, irritated grumbling coming from the dragon.
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