Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya had her blade in hand, shoulders stiff, but she didn't bother to pose or square up, showing her intention not to fight. "And here I was raised knowing assassins enjoyed their jobs; that they always found a sick pleasure in killing."
"So what? Have you lowered yourself to a mercenary instead? Or perhaps there's another reason you're around the Takeda boy?" She asked, meeting his eyes challengingly.
That didn't seem to sit with Amaya so well. "Then was she wrong about your love for the boy?" She retorted, her grip on her blade tightening.
"Cute. Pulling random assumptions from thin air like your 'Oracle' to try and get a rise from me. I'm afraid it doesn't work that way." He told her.
"You're evading the question even better than your feelings." She said, hand twitching slightly. "So what, I didn't think you'd be this interested in a babysitter of an Oracle. What's the purpose of you leading me here?"
"Perhaps, but I can show restraint enough to where I won't fight in my masters presence, leaving the risk if I do perish, you could take out Akihime-dono. You aren't exactly a very trustworthy person." She said.
"I could kill you right now with barely a thrust of my blade and you wouldn't even realize it." He replied, "But you seem attached and dana is keen for your false prophet, so I suppose a sparr will have to wait." He said
Without even seeming to move, she threw the glass dagger hard, sending it whistling inches past his head and burying hilt deep into the tree behind him. "I said I can show restraint, I didn't say I'd practice it."
Sasuke smirked under his mask and glanced behind her when he saw movement. Akihime and Yukimura had finaly caught up, the two assassins only being a bit to the side of the path, "Seems our date is over.."
"Ah, it seems so, maybe next time." She said, turning and making a motion with her hand, the blade pulling out of the tree and returning to her hand, a thin wire wrapped around the guard.
Amaya shook her head, sheathing her dagger. "Just waiting on you, m'lady." She bowed her head before returning to the trees to keep watch.
Once they arrived at the inn, Yukimura headed toward the bar, hoping to purchase something to eat and drink, sitting down and looking to Akihime. "What would you like to get, Akihime-dono?"
Yukimura stared at her in stunned silence. "Does that mean that you cannot eat..!?" He asked, shocked.
Yukimura relaxed, nodding and ordering two Apple dumblpinge and two mugs of water, paying the bar tender for the food and drinks.
Yukimura bit into his own Apple dumpling, chewing it slowly as he stared down at his hands, unnerved by Akihime's presence alone. She always made his heart feel like he had just fought one hundred battles and he didn't know why. "So, Akihime-dono..."
Yukimura froze, not actually having anything to say, he just figured he could fill the silence. "A-Ano... How's your dumpling?"
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