Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Voslaarum let out a low rumble to let him know she heard him, bandages wrapped around her head where her missing horn was, her wing stitched up and healing nicely. "Frolaaz zey, in.."

("Forgive me, master.."))
Masamune shook his head and moved closer, sitting by her, "Nii los ni hin tozein. Zu'u nunon hind Zu'u lost til wah jaaril hi." He told her gently.

(("It isn't your fault. I only wish I was there to protect you."))
She nuzzled his side, letting out a series of low clicks, closing her eyes and resting. Inside the tent was rather warm, mostly due to Voslaarum's size and the ammount of heat that radiated off of her, causing steam to rise into the cold air.
((Hey y'know what would be fun~ Aki going to meet Yuki in secret and Ama and Sasuke getting in a standoff~))
The white haired shinobi had argued with Akihime's decision to meet up with the boy from Whiterun, but she wasn't in any position to really stop her. Her only job was to make sure no harm came to her, and she did that by keeping close behind her as she traveled the path down the road toward Whiterun, keeping in the trees and brush.
Akihime wore a hooded robe as she walked down the path, wanting to be as least noticable as possible; she knew that things were tense between Solitude and the rest of Skyrim, so wearing the colors of her home would be less than a wise idea.
After trekking for what seemed like days, finally getting to the rendezvous point where he was supposed to meet Akihime, the Oracle from Solitude, waiting for Akihime.
"Yukimura...?" The hooded figure of Akihime called softly as she approached. She looked around before moving closer, "Thank you for meeting me..."
Yukimura smiled widely when he saw her, moving to greet her. "Akihime-dono, I'm glad to see you made it here alright-" He was cut off as a blade was pressed to his throat, making him freeze and frown. Amaya stood behind him, blade pressed to his throat with a soft frown on her face. "How do you know he wishes you no harm, my lady?"
"He has brought another, he hides in the shadows." She said lowly, Yukimura glancing to the far trees. "Sasuke. You may come out."
A man dressed in Dark Brotherhood armor slipped from the shadows, Blade of Woe at the ready. Akihime paled, taking a step back, "Th-The Brotherhood is employed by Jarl Takeda?"
"I could smell him from a mile away." She growled and darted back in front of Akihime, no longer concerned with Yukimura, her glass dagger at the ready. "I heard that the Brotherhood disbanded long ago, do you only wear that guise for show?"
He didn't answer, not feeling a need to reply to such pointless questions. Akihime gulped, "Please don't taunt him, Amaya. He's a trained assassin."
Amaya made a face, but didn't lower her blade, keeping her eyes locked on the assassin. "If he does not even speak his intentions, how are you to know he won't slice open your throat, Akihime-dono?" Yukimura didn't know what to do, shocked into silence, looking from Amaya to Sasuke.
"His sole purpose is...to protect Yukimura-san." Akihime said slowly, getting a reading from the Divines. Sasuke's eyes narrowed, untrusting, before rushing forward with his dagger poised. Akihime gasped in horror, not seeing that he would be so eager to attack.
"Sasuke, do not hurt them!" Yukimura ordered, watching as Amaya charged forward, crossing blades with the other assassin, a heavy scowl on her face.
Amaya returned to Akihime's side but didn't sheath her blade. "Sasuke, you can put your weapon away, we're in the company of friends now." Yukimura said, trying to defuse the situation.
Amaya moved behind Akihime, but kept her eyes on Sasuke, letting Yukimura and Akihime chat.
Yukimura scratched his cheek and gave a sheepish smile. "I'd... Actually like to hurt speak with you."
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