Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Voslaarum let out a muffled noise of pain, tail thrashing angrily as she tried to back away from Hideyoshi, lowering her head.
The Imperial soldiers went to work on taming Voslaarum, closing off the courtyard area and removing the tail and leg retraints, loosening the wing restraints so she could walk, but just barely. Sighing ten minutes she already injured fourty guards, killing thirteen. She was starting to get out of hand, the leather piece over her mouth starting to stretch and tear.
Hideyoshi over looked the entire thing in case he needed to restrain the beast himself. They were having a hard time keeping her controlled and it wasn't making Hideyoshi very happy.
Voslaarum had enough, spinning, she used her strong tail to knock over the men closest to her, the leather keeping her mouth closed snapping. Letting out a loud roar that made many men stumble away from her, she easily tore through the retraints keeping her wings flattened to her chest. The soldiers came back to their senses and drew their weapons, the archers taking aim, but she was quicker. She sent out a blast of scorching flames, setting the archers on fire. "Muz med hi vust neh kos vos wah kod suleyk med zey!" She snarled angrily, spreading her wings.

(("Men like you could never be able to wield a power like me!"))
"Zu'u fen ni gelum dimaar dahik hi los hinzaal, dii faan los Voslaarum, ahrk Zu'u dreh ni engein wah hi!" She roared in his face before flapping her wings, ready to take off.

(("I will not lower myself because you are ignorant, my name is Voslaarum, and I do not belong to you!"))
Voslaarum let out a loud roar, jerking her head to the side, which caused a crack to form at the base of her horn, opening her mouth and setting Hideyoshi's free arm ablaze, armor burning bright red from the heat.
Her entire horn broke off with a loud snap, making the dragon let out a loud wail of pain, the roar echoing through Solitude. Standing, she smashed her tail into Hideyoshi before taking to the air, blood falling steadily from the poor Dragons head as she flew away as fast as her wings could carry her, heading for home.

Two more days and a night would pass, and on the second night, a gaurd came rushing to Masamune. "Lord Masamune! A dragon circles just outside Riften, to the North West, we had the archers on standby, but the beast fell from the sky suddenly, just past Merryfair Farm."
A large mass of scales and wings lay amongst the fallen trees, a trench carved from her crash landing. Voslaarum sides were still heaving, arrows sticking out of her sides and wings, but had done little to no damage. A low rumbling noise came from the fallen beast as she laid there, to exhausted to move at all, one of her wings trapped under her own body and the other splayed haphazardly over a fallen tree.
"Voslaarum!" Masamune rushed over and pet her snout, looking her over worriedly, "Stiildus, fahdon. Hi fen kos pruzah einzuk das." He soothed

(("Calm, friend. You will be well soon."))
Voslaarum looked panicked when Masmaune came running at her, actually flinching when he touched her, her eyes wide with panic. When she picked her head up to look at him, blood spilled from her head and fell at his feet, the empty socket where her horn had broken off of her skull still bleeding.
Masamune didn't even notice until the blood fell at his feet and he took his coat, wrapping it around her horn, stroking her snout soothingly.
"Daar wo iliis undin vund do... luxury...hind wah prolg orin dovah." She reported in a low rumble, laying her head on the ground again.

(("Those who hide behind the walls of luxury wish to tame even the dragons."))
When morning came, it took both Megohime and Kojurou to get Masamune away from Kojurou, a few tents stationed around the dragon so that she could be protected in her weakened state, and tented to by the healer. Forcing him into his own tent, Megohime made sure he laid down to rest, keeping the fire going. "She's going to be okay, Kojurou brought nearly every mage from Riften here."
Megohime frowned softly and set the fire poker aside. "Kojurou said they'll figure out what they can do to fix it... But right now the most important thing is to fight off the infection that's making it fester." She said, turning to face him. "I cannot speak as a member of your court, so I'm not allowed to speak freely about politics with you... But please, do not rush off into battle durning winter."
Megohime placed a hand on his cheek, cupping it softly before moving away. "You should probably go check on her.." She muttered, then headed for the tent entrance.
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