Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune hugged her snout and nodded. Kojurou was in a distressed panic, trying to dig through the rubble of the Keep as quickly as he could to get to his lord, "Masamune-sama!!"
Megohime was also helping with removing rubble, frowning heavily as Kojurou's panicked calls echoed in the town. It would be hours before they uncovered Voslaarum, and when they did, panic was followed by screams of terror as the she-dragon rose snarling, spreading her wings to appear bigger and letting out a massive roar, an unconscious Masamune beneath her.
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou moved over quickly to get to his lord, guards staring in frozen terror at the dragon that was unearthed in the Keep. "Master Katakura, it's dangerous, that dragon might swallow you whole!" One of the guards called but Kojurou ignored him.
Voslaarum didn't even yield for Kojurou, letting out another roar than shook the ground, stepping over Masamune possessively, head lowered and throat glowing faint orange as fire built in her chest, ready to scorch anyone who drew near.
Kojurou froze and stared up at the dragon, "I need to check on Masamune. He could be hurt. Would you be able to call yourself his friend if you let him die from an unknown injury?"
She bore her teeth at Kojurou, but slowly backed away, gently nudging Masamune closer to Kojurou. She watched Kojurou like a hawk would it's prey, folding her wings and lowering her head with a low growl.
Kojurou moved towards Masamune carefully and started checking him over for any open wounds. Only a few scrapes from when Voslaarum tackled him to protect him but that was about it. He sighed in relief and looked to the dragon gratefully, "Thank you."
Voslaarum rested her head on Masamune's chest carefully, encircling him to make sure he wouldn't get cold. "Goraan in joriin dreh ni fon wah med dii nuvah, aalkos hi fend stiildus niin." She rumbled.

((The young masters people do not seem to like my presence, perhaps you should calm them.))
Kojurou stared at her, not knowing a lick of Dovah to know what she was saying before he heard the sound of drawn swords. He turned quickly and raised his hands, "Everyone, please, calm yourselves. This Dragon means no harm!" "But what if it is in league with the World-Eater? I haven't seen a dragon until Alduin appeared." A guard stated cautiously. Kojurou frowned, "Voslaarum has been with Masamune-sama since she was a hatchling...she means no harm." "Our Jarl has had a pet dragon all this time?" The people started murmuring and Kojurou scowled, "He is Dovahkiin! The one prophesized to protect us from the World-Eater and you would doubt him because of this?! If he was working with Alduin, why would the beast attempt to slay him?! What say you, then?!"
The blue dragon curled closer to Masamune, covering him with her wing, listening to Kojurou speak. Megohime stood off to the side, glancing to Masamune, having an odd overwhelming urge to want to go to his side.
"But Master Katakura, what if the beast tries to take the livestock or even one of the townsfolk?" One of the guards piped up. "How can we really be sure it won't hurt us?" "Yeah..!" "I say we chain it!" Voslaarum hissed at the word chain, growling lowly.
"Because if she's been here as long as has without already doing those things, wha makes you think she'll do them? Just because Alduin has brought back the dragons that have done harm doesn't lain. A picture for all of them." He stated, "I trust her and so does your Jarl. That should be enough for you."
Many of the people were satisfied with that, but others hesitated on sheathing their weapons. "We should get Masamune-sama inside somewhere warm." Megohime said softly to Kojurou.
She let out a series of low clicks and rumbles before moving away from Masamune, giving him one last little nudge, pressing her snout against his cheek.
Megohime glanced at Voslaarum, bowing slightly before going to the Bee and Barb as well, not having anywhere else to sleep.
Getting Masamune to a room, Kojurou had Maramal look over Masamune in case there were any injuries he missed. There were none, besides a bump on his head, he would be fine.
Once Kojurou left to sleep in the next room, Megohime moved into Masamune's room, frowning softly and gently running her fingers through his hair before taking a seat in the chair across from the bed and watching him to make sure he was really ok, falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.
Eventually Masamune came to, groaning and rubbing his head before looking around. His heart jumped into his throat when he realized he wasn't with Voslaarum and he jumped out of bed, running downstairs and heading outside, "Voslaarum!"
Voslaarum wasn't by the destroyed keep anymore and was no where to be seen inside Riften. "She left last night, Kojurou said he couldn't understand her, but my guess is she went looking for food." Megohime had followed Masamune outside, holding his shoes and coat, Masamune having fun outside without them.
Masamune turned to her quickly and grabbed his things, tugging them on before moving to leave, "I have to find her...!" He stated before stumbling and holding his head, still dizzy
Megohime moved over and helped steady him, frowning. "I think a dragon the size of a cart horse can handle itself against bandits and wolves." She said. "You need rest."
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