Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"A building fell on you." She reminded, getting him up the stairs and back to the room they had rented for Masamune. "You're lucky all you got was a bump on the head.." She actually sounded concerned, frowning softly.
Megohime cringed slightly and sat down in the chair across from the bed. "Kojurou said that she didn't look hurt, just a little banged up."
Megohime picked at her dress, a soft frown on her face. "I.. Um, I'm sorry about Voslaarum." She said quietly, rubbing her neck with a faint blush on her face. "And I'm... Glad you're okay." She muttered the last part quickly, looking away.
There was an awkward silence in the room for a few moments before she spoke again. "Do you need anything to drink?" She asked, glancing up at him.
Megohime gave a short nod before standing, heading downstairs and buying two bottles of mead before returning and handing him his bottle. She uncorked hers and took a sip, returning to her chair.
Megohime didn't know what to say, she felt out of place and more like an intruder than his fiancé, so she stared down at her bottle in silence.
"I honestly didn't even know what to think." She admitted with a meek smile. "It's not everyday you get to experience a dragon hatchling trying to tear your throat out." She joked.
It had been days since there was any sign of Voslaarum, not a single person around Riften even catching sound of the great beast. Up in Solitude however, the large beast was under chain and shackles, wings bound tight to the dragons sides, tail and hind legs chained and a large, heavy metal contraption keeping it weighed down by the neck. As an extra procaution, the beasts mouth had been chained shut, but that didn't stop the angry growling that rumbled in her throat each time a human came near her. The side of her left wing had been torn open, having been shot out of the sky while returning home with food, the great beast had landed in the sea before being captured by a heavy chain net and brought in like a prize. Blood had dried on the wing, but the skin looked irritated, and so did she.
Masamune was having a panic attack. He had used his Voice to try and summon her back but it wasn't working and it worried him. She always came when he called, "Where is she..!?"
Megohime had been keeping closer and closer to Masamune the passing days, frowning worriedly, trying to calm him. "Please calm down, I'm sure she's fine." She tried to sooth.

"Hideyoshi-sama, Mitsunari-dono, the beast has been completely secured and the mages have looked over the beast. She appears to be a young female, almost a year old, and the strangest thing..." The man looked nervous. "A gold band at the base of her horn has the Date insignia... We've taken the liberty of removing it as well as a few scales and blood for research."
"If she were fine, she'd be here." He huffed, "Something's wrong."

Hideyoshi nodded, "Excellent. Soon, we'll be able to use it to our advantage."
Megohime frowned more. "She'll be home soon." She promised. "But for now you need rest, Maramal said you should take it easy."

"Yes sir." He bowed his head before leaving, the entirety of Solitude rumbling as Voslaarum thrashed and growled as loud as she could, trying to spread her wings. Small flames flickered in her mouth, spilling out over her teeth, smoke rising from her nose.
Masamune scowled softly but nodded, heading to his room.

"Silence, beast." Mitsunari hissed, "Before I cut out your eye to match your master."
Voslaarum didn't like that threat one bit. Thrashing twice as hard now, her throat started to glow bright red, hot flames licking out of her mouth in large amounts, trying to break the thick leather that kept her mouth shut, the flames threatening to catch the leather aflame.
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