Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

All the Jarl's from their holds showed, even Motochika and Nana, but they set aside their bad ties for that day to hear what was so important. Even the youngest Housecarl showed, Yukimura, standing beside his lord like always.
At the balcony atop the stairs came Yoshitsugu, smiling behind the wrappings that covered his face, "Greetings, my Jarls." He began, "I'm glad you could all come. I've brought you here to introduce you to the being who shall help aid Skyrim in these troubling times." "If you wanted to throw me a party, you should have said so." Masamune smirked, making Kojurou roll his eyes.
A best a few dry chuckles could be heard, Nana avoiding looking anywhere near Mitsunari. Yukimura stood a little too stiffly beside Shingen, wanting to do his best on making his lord proud.
Yoshitsugu made a fake noise of amusement before turnig slightly to the side, indicating someone step forward. A familiar jingle of jewelary hit Yukimura's ear before a youn woman stood slowly next to Yoshitsugu. She was adorned in silk robes the same color red as the rest of Solitude with gold embroidery, black cherry hair done up in a braid crown with a silver and moonstone circlet weaved into the braid. She kept her auburn eyes downcast, focusing on her jewelary and keeping silent like she was told, "I present to you Skyrim's Oracle." "Oracle?" Ieyasu echoed, sounding amazed. Masamune scoffed, "Of course Solitude gets the Oracle." He muttered hnder his breath dryly
Yukimura couldn't believe his eyes or his ears. The oracle, though she looked to be fourteen or thirteen was breathtaking. Her skin was as pale and creamy as the marble walls in the Blue Palace, and her hair only showed its red colors in the sunlight that filtered through the windows. A blush settled over his cheeks and even his ears, making him look down quickly, heart thumping hard against his chest.
"She has been blessed by the Eight-" "Nine..." The Oracle meekly corrected. Yoshitsugu looked to her, "Pardon?" He asked. She glanced to him before looking down again, "The Nine blessed me...please do not miscount Talos because the Thalmor say it's so...he is as much a Divine as the others." She told him. Yoshitsugu looked unhappy with her speaking out of place but returned to the Jarl's regardless. Masamune grinned, "I like her. An Oracle who knows what she's talking about." "Masamune-sama." Kojurou whispered, signalling him to stay silent.
Yukimura could hear murmuring, but he couldn't help but stare up at the young girl. Nana was the first to speak openly. "What is the point of this meeting? Yes an Oracle will indeed help Skyrim during the war that plagues the land, but to me, this seems more of a victory to that is being rubbed into our faces by the Empire." She crossed her arms with a small scowl on her face. "It seems this is more of a display of power to force those who haven't choosen their sides to choose now."
The girl stepped forward and took a breath, "Even though my home is here in Solitude and those who have implored my aid are allied with the Empire, it is my duty to Skyrim to help aid in anyway I can, be it aid to Jarl Ieyasu or High King Hideyoshi. I want to help all of you from your petty problems to your large scale travesties. The Divines gave me this gift because They knew I would do the righ thing with it. I swear to you I will give you any help you need if you ask for it." She said. Ieyasu looked ecstatic, "This is wonderful! We can call upon you whenever we need you?" He asked. She smiled and nodded, "I am always available, my Jarl."
Nana bowed her head finding her answer acceptable. Yukimura caught himself staring at her soft, full looking lips, his ears even turning red.
She felt his staring at looked to him, blushing and fidgetting, "Akihime." She muttered. Shingen looked to Yukimura curiously before looking back at her, "He did not ask for your name." He stated. She blushed more, "H-He didn't need to...I knew he wanted it..."
Yukimura's entire face flushed dark red and he cleared his throat and scratched the side of his face. "S-Sanada Genjiro Yukimura desu." He stuttered, looking down at the floor.
Masamune made a noise and turned to leave, signalling Kojurou to follow. "Matte, Dragonborn." Akihime called, making him freeze, "Please be careful when returning to Riften. You'll have an unwanted guest." She told him. Masamune looked back at her and scoffed, "Thanks." He replied and left.
((Heh, "she's already there."))

Megohime waited at the Bee and Barb, drinking her ale and eating some of her vegetables, a soft frown on her face as she skimmed through her book, waiting for Masamune's return.
When Masamune finally made it back, he lookd tired and annoyed. Akihime's warning got under his skin. What did she mean anyway? Maybe she was talking about Mego. He didn't know.
Masamune wasn't greated by Megohime when he entered his room, instead by Voslaarum, who had grown to the size of a horse, letting out a low rumble of joy upon seeing her master return.
Voslaarum nuzzled his chestplate, letting small puffs of smoke come from her nose, but then she froze. She made chuffing noises, unfolding her wings slightly and turning toward the balcony door, letting out a low rumble of a growl. The sound of beating wings could be heard outside, a low rumble shaking the keep. Voslaarum let out a growl before turning on Masamune and tackling him to the ground, but only to lay ontop of him and told her wings around him. The next second went black, the keep exploding with a loud boom, pieces of wood and stone raining down on Riften, Mistveil reduced to a pile of rubble, and a huge beast flying off into the night. Megohime had been heading toward Mistveil when it nearly imploded, making her freeze in place and staring with horrified eyes.
Voslaarum rumbled lowly, trembling slightly from the weight of the rubble on top of her, blood dripping onto Masamune's cheek. "Dovahkiin, los hi ahraan?"

((Dragonborn, are you hurt?))
The dragon licked the blood from Masamune's face, letting out a sad noise. "Daar sos los ni dii." She shifted, making sure both her weight and the weight of the keep wouldn't fall onto Masamune.

Megohime was outside the ruined keep, helping Kojurou and the other townsfolk try and dig out anyone who would've made it through the accident, but it looked grim. Already two guards and a maid had been found, and they were all corpses.

(("This blood is not mine."))
Hearing that only made Masamune panic more. There were Divines knew how many of his people dead or dying in the rubble and he was here protected by his dragon whom he kept a secret from his people.
Voslaarum could sense his panic and let out a low noise one young dragon typically made to comfort its nestmates; a low chirping noise. "Dii in, hi kent ni uful fah daar wo vaat niist lahney fah , luvmah vis bo zuspein."

((My master, you must not worry for those who swore their lives for you, mourning can come later.))
"Nuz niidro dii tozein. Zu'u vust ni jaaril niin, niidro dii heyv wah jaaril dii joriin, Voslaarum. Zu'u funt." His voice shook as he spoke. He was terrified and heartbroken and he could do nothing, "Zu'u dreh ni qaariv wah kos for Dovahkiin."

((It's my fault. I could not protect them, it's my duty to protect my people, Voslaruum. I failed." "I do not deserve to be called Dragonborn."))
Voslaarum rested her snout against his forehead, trying to comfort him. "Praan, dii drog, ney hin liin ahrk hin joriin tovit fah hi, waan hi lost funt, nust fund lost vault hi wah dir."

((Rest, my lord, both your mate and your people are searching for you, if you had failed, they would have left you to die.))
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