Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She nodded, thanking him before running to find Tadakatsu, telling him of the plan before hurrying off with those men, allowing them to use some of the horses from her stables, setting out for Solitude.
Nana rode hard toward Solitude, wishing she had the Fugaku to get her there, which would have only taken them a few hours. Arriving at the gates of Solitude, she dismounted her horse and made her way inside; heart jumping in her chest as she hurried to the prisons.
The Solitude guards and soldiers didn't know what to really do when they saw her pass with Tadakatsu trailing behind her. They didn't really want to mess with him, anyway.
Nana made her way down to the dungeons, worry in her eyes and a scowl on her face. "The keys." She hissed out, making the guard jump. "But Lord Hideyoshi-!" "Hideyoshi will mean nothing once your head rolls from your shoulders." She growled, the guard paling before giving her the keys and letting her pass. She first unlocked the cells that imprisoned Motochika's crew, making sure they were okay. "Make your way back outside, we're taking back Dawnstar! Harm no civilians, but if any Imperials get in your way, show them no mercy!" She said, motioning to the weapons that lined the walls; trophies of captured warriors. Making her way down lower to the chamber where her husband was being kept, unlocking the door and throwing it open.
Motochika didn't bother looking up, his body covered in untreated wounds and gashes. His arms had burn marks from hot irons pressed against them, skin caked in blood and dirt. "Come to finish me off, eh...? Guess I can't blame Nana for trying her best..."
Nana felt her heart sink and she nearly fell to her knees in horror. "My husband..." She stepped inside, tears falling down her face at the sight of his untreated wounds and acceptance of death. She looked around, lower lip trembling as she found a rag, soaking it in some water before moving over and gently beginning to clean him. She tried to keep her crying quiet, but she couldn't choke down her sobs; many wounds would have to be scrubbed and cleaned with boiling water.
Nana unlocked his shackles and helped keep him standing, holding him carefully and letting his hair. "Please forgive me my husband, I couldn't come any sooner." She said, helping him walk to the door.
Nana shook her head and helped him up the stairs. "No my love, you're alive, but right now we need to get you out of here. I had to seek out Ieyasu's help, and I don't think Mitsunari and Hideyoshi are going to take kindly to it."
She gave a weak laugh and hurriedly got him out of the city, helping him onto his horse, then getting onto her horse, hurrying back to Dawnstar.
Nana made sure she kept a firm grip on Motochika's horse, not letting him fall behind. The reached Dawnstar a few hours after nightfall, Nana helping Motochika from his horse and to the Whitehall.
When thy returned, the battle had ended. Mitsunari was chased off due to wounded pride, Kanbe escorted back to Markarth. Any remaining Imperials were taken as prisoners, Ieyasu looking over his small battlian with pride before he noticed Nana and Motochika. He moved over quickly to help, "Motochika! Nana!" "I...Ieyasu?" Motochika looked around in a daze, trying to find his friend
Nana looked over to Ieyasu in worry. "Many of his wounds have festered and he feels to have a fever, I can do what I can, but we're going to need a real potions master." She said, getting him inside and to his bed.

((ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I hope you don't mind that I do the thing we were talking about?))

Back in Riften, behind closed doors, Megohime sat ontop of Masamune, straddling his hips as she kissed down his shoulder. She rolled her hips slowly, dress skirt hiked up around her hips and weak moans coming from her throat as she teased him, grinding against his hardening manhood, but keeping her movements slow and deep. But even though they were partaking in such an intamate act, there was no love in it, only desire, but neither of them seemed to care much.
(( (´・Д・)」Aren't Masa and Mego still, like 14 - 16 years old?!))

Ieyasu nodded and hurried off to find a healing mage or potions expert. Motochika hissed and moaned with pain when he moved, a small sweat forming on his brow
((I though Mego was seventeen and Masa was eighteen? D: ))

Nana helped him lay down, removing the rest of his armor and beginning to work on cleaning his wounds, helping him drink a healing potion, then moving to sew closed the fresher wounds.
Motochika clenched his fist to keep from hitting her or breaking somethig near-by, the pain was almost as bad as when they tortured him. "B-Bloody hell!" He growled through clenched teeth.

Masamune groaned in slight annoyance with her teasing, gripping her hips and clawing at her thighs to try motivating her to do more.
Nana frowned heavily and tried to work as gently and quickly as she could, finishing the stitching and applying ointment to keep them from festering. Handing him some ale to try and ease the pain, she went to fetch water for the cloth and basin to clean off the old blood and dirt.

Megohime smirked and slowed her movements, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "What is it you need, my Jarl..~?" She kissed his jawline, wanting to hear him beg.
Nana wiped the dirt from his arms and legs, frowning heavily. "I know, my love, Ieyasu is fetching a potions master, they'll have something to ease your pain." She said softly, gently wiping his face off.

Megohime gave a soft grunt, her smirk growing; it was probably the biggest victory she'd get at the moment. "Don't touch my hair." She breathed in his ear, sitting back, she moved down, moving his clothing out of the way so she could give his manhood a slow lick. Her cheeks flushed pink as she took him into her mouth, closing her eyes with a soft noise.
Before Motochika could say much, Ieyasu entered quickly with an alchemist he brought with him to provide potions for the soldiers. "Nana!" He called, moving up the stairs.

Masamune's breath hitched and he gripped the sheets, shudderig and moaning lowly
"We're in here! Good, Motochika needs something to ease his pain." She said, staying by his side, and continuing to clean him.

Megohime worked steadily, bobbing her head and moaning lowly, groping him gently as she pleasured him.
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