Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She glanced up at him, giving him a small frown before returning to her work. "Don't think too hard on it.. This is war, and we were just on the wrong end."
Kanbe continued to watch her before standing and moving over, "If you like," He said quietly and carefully, so only she could hear, "Send the refugees to Markarth. I have room for some temporary citizens."
Nana looked up at him in surprise. "I... I don't know what to say, thank you Kanbe." She didn't know if she should trust him or not, feeling overwhelmed by his generosity. "But it would only set a red flag off with the soldiers, would they even let them leave..?"
"I'll have some of my guards smuggle in some extra guard clothes. The men put them on and 'escort' the refugees to Markarth to work in Cidna Mine..." He replied as he made it seem like he was helping her work out a scroll, "The refugees will get housing, work and food until we can get rid of the Empire here in Dawnstar."
Nana gave a small nod, keeping her eyes down on the scroll. "Alright, I'll see what I can do on my part." She responded quietly.
Over the next few days, Nana worked hard to keep the soldiers' suspicions down while she helped Hanbe in anyway that she could to get the people of Dawnstar out and to Markarth.
Whenever they got the chance, Kanbe would help Nana figure out ways to get rid of the Empire's grip on Dawnstar. Kanbe watched the disguised refugees head off to Markarth, all the while the strategic gears in his head were grinding.
All was going well, the refugees were being sent safely to Markarth and Nana was able to keep her cover, but the guards started to take notice of the declining number of citizens, and they didn't bother going to Nana, they sent a letter to Hideyoshi. Nana paced her room, chewing on her lip, wearing a heavy snow cloak, like she was about to make a journey off into the night.
Kanbe made a nervous noise as he sat outside, pulling the furs of his coat closer to his built frame. The snow was falling steadily and he made a noise, unused to the cold.
Nana opened the door and glanced around before moving closer to Hanbe, everything quiet and the guards dozing by the door. "Hanbe." She whispered softly. "I have to leave, I'll return at daybreak, but no one must know that I've left." She said softly. "Please, I need you to do me one more favor." She requested.
Nana gave a small nod and returned to the bed chambers were mead and a sweetroll sat above the hearthfire, grabbing both the bottle and the sweet and returning to Kanbe, holding both out to him. "You have my undying gratitude, Kanbe-san, I cannot thank you for the things you've done for me." She spoke quietly.
"I need to leave Dawnstar, but no one must know that I'm gone, I need you to keep the guards thinking I'm still here." She said. "Distract them, anything, long enough for me to get far enough so they won't catch me. I'll return when the sun rises." She said.
"Arigatou, and good luck." She said, turning and casually heading toward the door, editing the Whitehall and making her way to the stables, not even bothering to saddle a horse.
Nana raced away from Dawnstar as fast as her horse could carry her, being nearly blinded by the heavy falling snow as she made her way toward Windhelm, not slowing until she reached her destination four hours later. Jogging inside the gates, she kept her face hidden with her hood, making her way toward the Palace of Kings, hoping to gain an audience with Ieyasu. The sound of hushed arguing could be heard from downstairs, reaching the ears of Ieyasu himself. Nana had made it inside, but the guards recognized her and stopped her, weapons drawn and clearly not joyed to be in the presence of an Imperial, forced or no, but they didn't know that. "Leave this place, Imperial bitch, you have no right to even be in Windhelm." "Please, I need but a short audience with Lord Ieyasu-!" "No such audience will be granted to Imperial scum!" Another hissed, spear point moving closer to Nana's face as a warning.
"Stay your blades." Ieyasu's voice ordered firmly, "This is not how we treat the wife of a friend." "But, my Lord! She's an Imperial!" "Be that as it may, she is still an honored guest of mine. Treat her as you would treat me." "Yes, my Lord."
Nana's bottom lip nearly quivered at Ieyasu's warm welcome and acceptance, even if she was technically his enemy. "Lord Ieyasu," She bowed to him, getting down on one knee and lowering her head. "Please, listen to my pleas; my husband and I were bested in a surprise attack by Hideyoshi's forces and the price of sparing my husbands life was the heavy price of our own Dawnstar and my loyalty." She trembled slightly, lowering herself even more. "Please, I beg you, aid me in rescuing my husband from spending the rest of his days in irons beneath Solitude..!"
Ieyasu's eyes widened slightly and he frowned softly, reaching to help her stand, "Relax, calm yourself. You're weary...have some food and drink and explain everything."
Nana shook her head, taking his hand and standing. "I cannot remain here for very long, I am bound in chains that no one can see. If Hideyoshi were even to find out about me being anywhere near Windhelm, my husbands head would be waiting for me at Whitehall." She said, a broken light in her eyes. "I cannot be sure if my husband is still alive at this moment, but that isn't something I must dwell on; please, lend me your aid on returning my husband to Dawnstar... Or at the very least his remains."
"I wish to stand beside you when the time to retake my husband comes, it is only a start of the guilt I can show him; I have to be there." She said sternly.
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