Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

All was seeming to go well, until they made it just past Winterhold, were things started to go downhill. "Captain! Bad news!" One of the men held a telescope up to his eye, looking at the coastline, pointing to the army forces that stood along the shore, all looking ready to do battle; and in the front, Hideyoshi of Solitude."
"What the hell?" Motochika growled lowly, movin to the bow of his ship, "What is Hideyoshi's army doing out here?"

Hideyoshi stood on the deck of his own ship, arms crossed tight over his chest. When he was close enough to Motochika's ship, he fired his canons, almost getting a direct hit.
Both shots hit their targets, slamming into the side of the Fugaku, sending many of the men aboard toppling over. Nana damn nearly fell into the burner, catching herself with the shovel and hissing under her breath, ordering the men in the boiler room to keep the engines hot before hurrying up top. "Who's firing?" She called to Motochika as she came rushing up the stairs, the men rushing to ready the canon and moving into battle formation. When she say the Toyotomi flag, her heart nearly stopped, moving to stand beside Motochika. "I didn't think he even had a naval fleet."
The entire ship rumbled as the Fugaku returned fire, sending three canon balls directly at Mori's ships, and even one aimed at Hideyoshi himself. Nana placed her hand on her weapon, a look of uncertainty on her face.
Hideyoshi punched the canon ball and sent it flying into the sea. Motochika grew increasingly more angry the longer it took to down one of the ships, "Goddammit!!"
Nana had moved to man one of the smaller canons, working as quickly as she could to fire and reload the canon as she could, hoping that they wouldn't be blown out of the water first.
Canon balls slammed into the side of the Fugaku, blowing holes through the wood and letting water from the sea flood into the boat, their chances looking more and more grim.
Suddenly, the firing stopped and Motochika knew better than to let his guard down. Soon, Hideyoshi's forces started to board the ship, Hideyoshi himself moving to Motochika
When Toyotomi's men boarded the ship, Nana gave up on the canons and drew her weapon, using the advantage of the long range weight and chain, and the close range sickle, taking out as many men as should could.
Hideyoshi and Motochika began to fight, Motochika doing his best to stay at a distance to use his anchor while Hideyoshi easily closed whatever distance Motochika made.
Nana fought tooth and nail, cutting as many men down with her sickle as she could, and even crushing skulls with the weight and chain, but she was brought out of her momentary bloodlust when something when flying past her; Motochika. He slammed into one of the pillars on the Fugaku and hit the ground hard, covered in bruises.
Before Hideyoshi could move any closer to Motochika, Nana moved in between the two, weapon at the ready. "I won't let you move any closer."
"I won't. As both his second in command and wife, it is my duty to serve and protect him. This fight is over, I will let you harm him no more." She said lowly, not moving an inch.
Hideyoshi didn't look very impressed or amused, "Wife? How could a man marry a creature he dared to visibly scar." It wasn't even really a question more rather a statement
"You have no room to speak when your own wife lay in the cold dirt of Solitudes own graveyard." She shot back, feeling a small shred of shame at the mention of the large scar that crossed her face.
Nana struggled in his grasp, gasping for air and grinding her teeth. The pressure he was applying to her throat was enough to make her feel as though her head were about to explode, weapon falling from her grasp as she tried to pry his large fingers off of her throat, legs kicking beneath her.
Hideyoshi applied just enough force to render her unconscious instead of killing her like he wanted. His men took the crew hostage as Hideyoshi grabbed Motochika and dragged him and Nana back to his ship
When Nana woke next, the first thing he saw was gray bricks; blinking a few times she looked around, allowing her eyes to adjust before slowly sitting up. She was on a bed inside of a cell in what she guessed was Solitude, the only thing missing from her person being her weapons. Her throat throbbed, but she ignored it as she stood and moved to the cell door, heart sinking when she saw that the other cells had been filled with Motochika's crew, or as many as could be forced into one cell, but it wasn't the entire crew, no, she could tell some were missing. That included her husband.
Nana scanned their faces for her husbands, her heart jumping into her throat when she didn't see him. "Motochika, where is he?" She asked, fearing the worst but keeping her voice steady. "Where is my husband?"

((I'm playing Cosplay mask right?))
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