Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Pretty much about the start of the war, and to see who's side people are on~))

Within the same week, all the Jarl's were to meet for a council about the recently started war, all of them gathering in Solitude as usual for meetings as such. Nana stood beside Motochika, being both his first mate and Housecarl, as well as lover. A young lad, about fourteen, with shoulder-length brown hair stood beside Shingen, clad in red armor, a determined look on his face.
Hideyoshi sat with his Housecarl by his side, a young man with white hair and purple armor despite Solitude's traditional red coloring. Masamune and Kojurou stood waiting, though the young Jarl looked impatient. Fuma Kotaro came in place of Hojo Ujimasa of Winterhold, who was suffering in his old age from back and knee problems. Shimazu Yoshihiro of Morthal was there soon after Masamune had arrived, followed by Kuroda Kanbe of Markarth and Shima Sakon of Falkreath.

((Dang, now that I think about it, I probs should have brought in Aki before this XDD))
((Bring her in whenever!))

The young boy, known as Yukimura, looked around with excitment in his eyes, looking from Jarl to Jarl. Once the final Jarl came in, Mori Motonari of Raven Rock, they all took their seats in their normally arranged spots, each Housecarl standing behind their Jarl.
Hideyoshi folded his arms tight over his chest, his usual scowl on his face, "I've called this meeting to address the trivial battles the Stormcloaks have been erecting all over Skyrim." His eyes landed on Ieyasu, who had been hiding in the background for some time. "What makes you think the actions of your soldiers should go unpunished?" "High King Hideyoshi, while there has been a long standing peace here in Skyrim, I will not stand idly while the Empire continues to abuse it's power by allowing soldiers to seize towns and villages for so-called 'Imperial matters', executing warriors if there is even small doubt or rumor that they're plotting against the Emperor, raping women because they would be beaten - or worse, killed - if they so much as fought back against them, because soldiers are given the right to do as they so please! That is not the peace I fought for! The Empire is rotten to it's core and the Emperor corrupt and immoral! I allow the actions of my soldiers to go unpunished because they fight to free this land from the tyranny you so proudly support." Ieyasu stated firmly

((I figure this is better than the actual reason for the Civil War because Ieyasu wouldn't disagree with the White-Gold Concordat; peace is peace unless it's abused.))
The hall was dead silent as Hideyoshi and Ieyasu spoke, though the looks on the Jarl's faces were less than excited, all knowing of the Empire's own soldiers committing such heinous acts, and yet some still sided with Hideyoshi. Nana scowled softly and cast her gaze downward, knowing all too well of the affects the war had taken. Refugees looking for shelter often came to Dawnstar, and though they were able to take them in and provide shelter, more housing units had to be built in order to house all of them; but they were still treated like family and both Motochika and Nana herself had taken it upon themselves to see each citizen fed, clothed, and given a warm bed. Motonori almost looked indifferent, and he had all the reason to be. He was not directly involved in the war, his land unplagued by such atrocities, refusing any soldiers that weren't his own to step foot on his land. Though he still seemed in favor of Hideyoshi and his forces, he still maintained his own self-serving attitude.
"I have not seen such instances." Hideyoshi stated. Ieyasu slammed his hands down on the table, furious, "Because you're blind to your own corruption! You abuse the people of your town and you tax the poor until they've lost their very homes!" "How he runs Solitude is his own business, he's High King." Shingen stated casually. Ieyasu looked to him, "And you are Jarl of Whiterun. Are you happy with your soldiers and guards forcing themselves into villages and abusin their rights as protector's o the peace?" "My guards have not been so idiotic." Shingen replied. Ieyasu motioned to Motochika, "How many refugees have you taken in thanks to the Empire?" "A few hundred a day, by my count." Motochika answered solemly
Nana placed a hand on Motochika's shoulder and leaned down to whisper information into his ear. "Food is plentiful now thanks to the other villages, but with the rate of refugees pouring into Dawnstar, two-fourths of the population will go hungry." She reminded him. "And with the amount of soldiers joining both sides, most of the poor will starve, not only in Dawnstar, but everywhere." She calculated.
Motochika trembled faintly, rage boiling. He wanted to do everything in his power to make sure the people of his home were properly cared for, but at this rate, his people would starve or grow ill and he would be powerless to prevent it. Ieyasu looked back to Hideyoshi, "I will force my soldiers to cease their fighting when Skyrim has achieved true peace. No sooner and no later." "How dare you, Ieyasu." Mitsunari growled beneathe his breath
She gave his shoulder a squeeze and fell silent once more, watching the other Jarl's. Motonari let out a disinterested sigh, finding none of the bickering to be in his interest, as Raven Rock was not in danger.
After Ieyasu was finished arguing, the air grew tense and awkward. Yoshitsugu limped out, putting his weight on his cane, saying the meeting should come to a close
And with Yoshitsugu's call, the Jarl's dispersed, each returning to their own holds to return to their duties as usual.
As Shingen and Yukimura passed an entry to a far hallway, a glimps of red fabric and jangling of jewels darted out of sight. Shingen paid it no mind, needing to return to Whiterun
The sound of the jewels jangling was what caught his attention, stopping with a soft noise and looking down the hallway, unsure if he had truely heard the noise, or if he was just imagining it.
"Ah! Right, my lordship!" Yukimura hurried after Shingen, not wanting to be left behind.

((Shall we skip ahead a few weeks to when Motochika and Nana are married?))
With the passing weeks, all seemed as well as they could be durning a war. More homes had been built and there was still enough food to feed everyone, and so in that time of good opportunities, Motochika and Nana had been wed, but even bound by marriage, she was still his first mate and they had just set sail to make more rounds for food and supplies.

((Should Hide come now or a little later?))
((Probs now..))

"Are we ready to set sail yet?" Motochika huffed, growing impatient. He could feel a storm brewing and he wanted to shove off before it hit
The last sail was raised and Nana came up from the boiler room, soot smudged across her face. "The engines are warmed up and we're ready to set sail." She said, flashing a smile, excited to set sail.
Nana gave his hand a small squeeze before heading back down to the boilers, making sure that the engines stayed hot.
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