Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana gripped the bars tightly, frowning down at the floor. "Is everyone accounted for? Is anyone hurt?" She asked.

Two floors below Motochika was detained in a large cell, the interrogation cell bruised and bloodied, hung from the wall by chains that looked like they could restrain Hideyoshi himself. The torturer had just finished using a poisoned dagger, and was now cleaning all of his tools, letting Motochika have a break.

((Should just Hanbei kinda harass him or Hideyoshi as well?))
((Probs just Hanbe...~))

"We dunno what happened ta Ren, ma'am...'e mighta been sent to Honorhold Orphanage..." One said solemly

Motochika's breathing was ragid as he felt the poison coarse through him. He felt numb and cold, his entire body was like lead
Nana scowled. "We can only hope he jumped ship and returned to Dawnstar." She said softly.

"This tactic is no good on a man of barbaric violence, and surely he can handle poison torture just as well." Hanbei said as he entered the cell, hands clasped behind his back, a calm presence around the man even though he was in a room of torture. "No we'll have to find something much more efficient... Perhaps, an incentive, dogs always seem to work harder when they gain something." As if on cue, he looked to the door and a guard entered, holding on tightly to Nana's arm. "Motochika!" Her eyes went wide at the sight of his condition. She remained completely unscathed, except for the bruising around her neck. Hanbei returned his gaze to Motochika. "But sometimes a mutt won't come to any command, and so a new dog is brought it, one who might be... More willing to give into our demands." He said, taking a glance at Nana.
Hanbei moved closer to Motochika a small smile gracing his pale lips as he paced back and forth in front of the pirate. "You mistake me for the savages you are, I did not bring your... Lovely wife down here to be harmed, no, she's just going to be the one to witness your death." Nana's eyes went wide and she tried to attack Hanbei, but the guard easily kicked her feet out from under her and pinned her down, holding her head up by her hair so she had to watch. "However, I'm not a cruel man, for I will give your wife a choice; fight the Empire and watch your husband die, or join the Empire, and your husbands life will be spared." Nana spit at his feet, glaring up at him. "Eat shit." "You're the one who has made the decision." He said, faking a disspointed tone, stepping aside so the torturer could begin to beat Chosokabe with nothing but a blunt club; a slow death. Nana screamed and thrashed under the guard, trying desperately to stop her husbands beating, screaming obscenities and death threats, a look of mixed rage and horror on her face.
Motochika felt his skin split and his bones ache in protest, blood dripping from his mouth as he could do nothing but take this horrid beating. His vision was fading and all noise was starting to seem more and more distant, even the screams of his wife felt like they were a sea-league away from him. What would happen to Nana if he did die? His crew? His home and people? He clenched his fists as tight as he could, willing to stay conscious. The Ogre of Dawnstar would not be so easily slain, he would not give them the satisfaction of watching him die beaten like a hound. If they wanted him dead, they were going to have to work for it.
Nana couldn't take it anymore, tears falling from her eyes as she looked at her broken and bloodied husband. "Stop! Stop hurting him! I'll do what you want..! Just please don't kill my husband..!" She begged, trembling hard. "I'll give you full reign of Dawnstar... Just please, show mercy to my husband... We'll aid the Empire.." She said, lowering her head in shame. Hanbei held up his hand to stop the beating, the torturer moving away from Motochika. "See how easy that was, and all it took was a little push." He waved his hand again and the guard let go of Nana, who immediatly jumped to her feet and rushed to Motochika's side, looking him over and with trembling hands, wiping the blood off of his face as carefully as she could. "M-Motochika-sama..?"
Motochika looked up at her, breathing heavier than he was prior. "Y-You didn't have to do that..." He rasped, "He wouldda gotten tired...or bored..." A weak smirk played on his lips, "B-Besides...it'll take more than that to do me in...you know that..."
This only made more tears slip down her cheeks, pulling her bandana off to gently wipe blood off his face, gently dabbing at the splits in his flesh. She shook her head and moved closer, cupping his jaw carefully. "J-Just relax." She said, biting her lip hard to stop from crying. "I promised I'd handle the dirty work as your second in command, and as your wife it's my job to protect you in anyway that I can.." She said, kissing him gently. "That's enough, take her back to her cell, I'll inform our lord Hideyoshi of our progress, and as for the pirate dog, leave him in irons." Hanbei said, waving his hand. "We'll begin preparations at once."
"That is entirely up to your wife, and if she's willing to cooperate with us, or act as savage as her husband." He said before leaving the cell. Before the guard moved over, Nana pressed her bandana into his hand, setting her jaw as she was pulled away from Motochika and brought back to her cell. After only a short thirty minutes, a guard and a maid came down to Nana's cell. "You're to have an audience with High King Hideyoshi, and at lord Hanbei's request as well as Mitsunari-sama's, you're to bathe and wear the clothing he has so generously given you." The guard leaned against the wall after unlocking the cell and letting the maid in, who helped clean Nana up before handing her the fine red dress. After she was clothed the guard unlocked the cell again and lead her up out of the jail and to meet with Hideyoshi and his generals.
Nana picked up her chin slightly, glaring in return as she entered, stopping before Hideyoshi. "What you're doing is a low, dirty trick, not something a King would do." She spoke lowly, making Hanbei scowl softly at her rude tone and the fact that she would speak so freely toward him.
Hideyoshi did nothing but Mitsunari was beyond furious. His hand swung out fast and connected hard with her cheek, "Hold your tongue, you filthy sea rat!" "Calm yourself. Mitsunari." Hideyoshi said calmly. Mitsunari trembled but returned to Hideyoshi's side, death gripping his sword
Nana let out a gasp of pain, her head snapping to the side when he struck her, making her stagger slightly. She swallowed her rage and slowly turned her head to look back at Hideyoshi, her cheek already red and small scrapes left on her face from his armored glove, keeping her mouth shut.
"You have agreed to giving Dawnstar to the Empire. You will be the standing Jarl, you will allow Imperial soldiers into your Hold and you will comply with any Imperials demands given to you. Failure to comply will result in Chosokabe's death." Hideyoshi stated
She clenched her jaw and trembled slightly, averting her gaze out of shame. "If I keep my word... To comply with the Empire, and to give in to your demands, you must promise the saftey of the people of Dawnstar, and my husbands life must be spared." She said quietly, brows furrowed. "I don't think you're really in the place to negotiate, Nana-dono, although I applaud your civil attempt at bargaining, I'm afraid it doesn't work that way." Hanbei said, clasping his hands behind his back. "Give me your word." Nana forced out, bringing her gaze back up to Hideyoshi's. "My husbands life must be spared and you have my undoubted cooperation."
Hideyoshi's expression remained the same; monotone and calculating. "Very well. Chosokabe will keep his life so long as you give full cooperation to the Empire. The people of Dawnstar will also be unharmed, unless you decide to go against our orders. Then, one person will be publicly executed for every disobeyed order."
Nana swallowed the lump thag had formed in her throat and nodded almost numbly. "You will have my full cooperation." She spoke quietly, wanting nothing more than to protect those close to her.
The next day, Nana was sent back to Dawnstar, where she was kept under close watch by Kanbe. Any and all pirate ships had been turned into naval ships for the Empire, Dawnstar becoming a new port for shipping. Nana spent most of her time trying to push for more homes to be built for the refugees who came to her for shelter, but there was still no word yet from Solitude.
"You don't have to stand by my side, Kanbe, you may sit." Nana said softly, scanning over a large amount of papers, scrolls, and maps. Bags had formed under her eyes, getting very little sleep, and when she was awake, she was usually quiet and solemn.
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