Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura sat just as awkwardly. "I.. Well... I just wanted to know how you are?" He rushed out, cheeks red.
Akihime played with her sleeve, "Oh, um...I'm fine..." She had never had any social interraction with anyone but Amaya and her father, so she felt a little out of place
Yukimura rubbed his neck and stared at the trail of ants on the ground. "Um... There's an in a few miles up the road... Would you like to get something to eat..?"
Amaya made a face, glancing from Yukimura, to Sasuke, then back at Akihime, giving a small nod of approval.
Yukimura nodded and flashed a small smile, standing and offering her a hand. "It shouldn't be a very long walk." He said.
((ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Huehuehue~))

Yukimura blinked and stared at her, confused and taken off gaurd, then his cheeks flared pink. "I- Um, no, I was... Trying to help you stand.." He said quietly.
Yukimura shook his head and motioned down the road. "It's okay, really.. Shall we get going?"
Yukimura walked beside Akihime, talking about everyday things, or rather anything he could talk about whilst flustered. Amaya hung behind in the trees, shooting Sasuke a glance every so often.
Akihime spoke of her life inside the Blue Palace and how she had never really been as far outside Solitude as Katla's Farm. Sasuke returned Amaya's glances with warning glares of his own, never sheathing the Blade of Woe.
Yukimura listened intently, sharing his own tales in Whiterun, and of the many adventures he's had. Amaya scowled heavily, hand itching to draw her weapon again and use it on the murderer.
"Skyrim is so beautiful." Akihime looked around with an awed smile, "Solitude is just snow and water but this...I'd no sooner mistake it for Sovngarde..." Sasuke gestured to Amaya in a challenging manner, hazel eyes cold.
Amaya clenched her jaw, but only sneered back, refusing to take the bait and draw her weapon and attack. "Yes, this place has been my home for a long time, but I still marvel in its beauty." Yukimura said with a soft smile.

((ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ "fight me you limp noodle!"))
(("I'll bite your leg off!" XD ))

Sasuke gave her a look that called her a coward before he rushed ahead. Akihime glanced to Sasuke when he passed and lowered her gaze, "You've been in Whiterun a long time then?"
"It's been my home every since the day I was born." He nodded, not noticing as Amaya slipped through the trees after Sasuke, dagger out and at the ready.
"Will you be my friend, Sanada-san?" Akihime blurted out and then regretted it, hiding behind her hood, "G-Gomen...." Sasuke stopped at a clearing not far ahead and turned to Amaya, blade gripped tightly.
Yukimura blinked at her straightforwardness, but smiled. "I would enjoy your friendship, Akihime-dono!" He said with a smile. Amaya entered the clearing just after him, a soft frown still present on her face. "You look tense." She verbally poked at him, trying to see what made him tick.
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