Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

She blushed and smiled, "Good! I don't mean to be rude but...the one's in Solitude are significantly better..." She mumbled the last part out of embarrassment.
"If you aren't happy with the food here we could go somewhere else!" He nearly stumbled over his words, face and ears growing redder and redder.
"No, no! I was just wondering if you would like to go to another place to eat..!" He began to panic as well, heart dropping into his stomach.
She blushed faintly and nodded. She really had no idea what to say to him without coming off as a stuffy royal; she already offended and embarrassed him, she didn't want to say anythig else to upse him.
Not being able to hold back from the offered fight whilst her master was safe inside the tavern, Amaya and Sasuke were squared off against eachother, both fighting with all they had, in a to-the-death match.
Amaya's own hand shook, small sparks coming from the blades as she shoved him back with a grunt and took up another stance, letting out a soft breath and narrowing her eyes.
"I was going to ask the same thing, your hand was shaking pretty badly." She said, charging forward once again to attack.
"Why? Don't you have anyone else to play with?" She blocked his blade, jumping back to create distance.
Amaya charged forward as well, sweeping a kick underneath him and going at his middle with her blade, throwing her body into the attack. "Can't get off on killing rabbits anymore?"
"I would say the same, but you seem to be as dry as a bone." She gave a slight shrug, attacking again, this time leaning heavily into her attack.
Amaya was winded, letting out a muffled grunt before slamming her elbow down on the back of his neck, swinging her leg out to kick him in the side. "So you've met him then? Tell me what's he like?" She asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Sasuke was prepared for the hit on his neck but he rolled to the side in time to avoid the kick. "You wouldn't like him, I know that much." He replied. He frowned softly under his mask, tilting his head slightly as if someone was whispering to him. He exhaled before putting his blade away, "Sorry to end our date so soon yet again, but I'm needed." He said and vanished, appearing before Yukimura bowing, "Dana, I'm needed elsewhere. Forgive me, but I must leave."
Amaya sheathed her blade with a scowl, dusting herself off and returning to the trees. Yukimura stiffened when Sasuke suddenly appeared, blinking before nodding. "A-Ah, alright, good travels, Sasuke."
"The Night Mother." Akihime spoke, making Sasuke tense slightly, "She whispers to you. The Black Sacrament-" "Shut up." Sasuke hissed lowly, making Akihime flinch. Sasuke huffed and disappeared again, Akihime lowered her gaze, "Gomen..."
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