Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Zu'u los flogah, nunon motag." She snarled, but lowered her head as Masamune drew near, resting her head on the ground at his feet. Megohime followed Masamune, but kept her distance from Voslaarum. "What were those two going on about you not being the true Dragonborn?"
"Beats me..." Masamune shrugged, moving to one of the bodies to search them. He made a noise when he pulled out a note and opened it, reading it quietly to himself
Megohime moved over and stood on her toes to read over Masamune's shoulders, a soft frown forming on her face. "Who the hell is Miraak?" She muttered, mostly to herself, but looked to her fiancé.
Masamune looked puzzled; closing the note and tapping it against his chin as he thought, "It sounds familiar..." He mused. He didn't bother asking Voslaarum, knowing she didn't know the answer either. "I'll have to do some research...maybe go to High Hrothgar and ask the Grey Beards." The thought made his face contort in discomfort, "I hate talking to them..."

((I'll shove Sasuke in here in a sec~))

Megohime took a step back. "You're actually going to go find this guy? He just sounds crazy to me."
Megohime made a face, hands on her hips as she turned her head away, a blush creeping over her cheeks. "Fine, fine..! But I'm going with you." She declared.
"It wasn't a question, I'm going with you." She scowled softly. "You can't just go off alone and expect to make it by yourself, Dragonborn or not."
((Wanna bring in Sasuke as Masa and Mego head off?))

Megohime didn't like it, but she probably didn't have much of a say in the matter and arguing would only end up with her losing. "Fine."
((Yes~! ...Now or when they go to Solstheim?))

Masamune moved and scratched Voslaarum's snout affectionately before heading back to Mistveil with Megohime.

"Are we leaving today then?" Megohime asked as she followed Masamune back to the keep.
"Nah, I gotta go to High Hrothgar and ask the Grey Beards about Miraak. Hopefully they have some answers." He replied.

Sasuke slipped out of Dragons Reach while Yukimura was distracted with his hardcore, don't-stop-til-you-drop training regimen to sneak off to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, hearing the Night Mother call to him. Being the Listener and Yukimura's protector was incredibly difficult, but he managed to make it work. Reaching the sanctuary, Sasuke entered and moved to the Night Mother. "Ooh, Listener~!" Sasuke grimaced and looked back. "Not now, Cicero." He grumbled. The jester clapped and danced, happy to see Sasuke after so long. "Cicero is excited to see you, Listener. It has been a dog's age! Will we go out and kill again?" "If you pipe down and let me speak to our Matron?" "Oh, yes, Listener, of course! Cicero will wait~!"
Amaya was out on guard as usual, scouting around the palace before making her way around town, and then back to the palace, repeating the process all night. A soft scowl settled on her face as she stuck to the shadows, pulling the fabric of her collar over her mouth and nose to warm her face from the cold.
After receiving the contract and "gently" letting down Cicero about joining him, Sasuke headed off towards Solitude to assassinate the target; a guard captain who was taking money from the very citizens he was meant to guard. He adjusted his mask and moved swiftly along the tree line to get to the capitol of Skyrim.
Amaya perched ontop of the large bridge that went over the middle of Riften, scanning the streets for movement. The softest of noises sounded from the far shadows and Amaya perked, moving over quietly and quickly to investigate. Upon spotting a man cloaked in shadows, she drew her dagger, and dropped down on top of him - literally.
Amaya rolled onto her feet, instantly recognizing the man before her; without giving him time to move zhe shot forward, swinging down hard with one hand while reaching for his own weapon, hoping to disarm him.
Amaya pulled her hand away quickly, but still earned a nasty cut on her palm, sweeping her feet under his and moving forward to thrust her blade into his stomach. "Scum like you aren't allowed inside the walls, leave." She hissed.
Sasuke sunk into the shadows, forcing her blade to clang against the stone floor. He reappeared on the bridge looking down at her, "Sorry, I have a job to do."
Amaya spun around to face him, grinding her teeth and using all her strength to jump up the wall and onto the bridge after him; hefting herself over the side of the bridge, she took a stance. "The only wall you'll be getting that job done is if I'm dead."
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