Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((There's another room with a lever, remember? Mego can go pull it~))

"Boy, Dana won't like this..." He muttered. Mitsunari stormed down to the prison so swiftly, the guards almost didn't notice he had past them.
((Oh yeah!))
Amaya bowed deeply as Mitsunari entered the prison, waiting in front of Sasuke's cell. "Lord Mitsunari, I've captured the assassin who aids the young Takeda boy."

Megohime and Masamune were searching for another way inside the temple, searching around in the rooms until she happened upon a lever. "Masamune-sama!" She called. "I found something..!"
Mitsunari looked over Sasuke with a scowl, "He calls the aid of Assassins?" He sneered. Sasuke smirked lightly, "How do you know I didn't just rob a dead Brotherhood member of his armor? It's rather slimming, in my opinion."

"Please let it be something that can get us out of this room." Masamune groaned.
Amaya scowled heavily. "Answer the question or I can find use of your tongue as skeever food." She hissed at him through the bars.

Megohime pulled the lever, hearing a stone door slide open in the next room. "Please let it be a way out."
"Oh, honey, please, I have people in high places as well as low. If anything happened to me, I know a couple people who could make things real bad for you." Sasuke stated. Mitsunari scowled and turned to Amaya, "Where are his weapons."

"Hey, that musta done it! A door opened up!" Masamune called.
Amaya turned to Mitsunari, holding out the multiple blades, poisons, and potions, the Blade of Woe glinting in the dim light.

Megohime jogged out to regroup with Masamune, heaving a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods, let's keep moving."
Mitsunari picked up the Blade of Woe, looking it over, "I hear only the leader of the Dark Brotherhood can wield this blade." "She took an extended holiday." Sasuke sneered, "I would appreciate it if you didn't touch my things."

They moved deeper, the halls turning dimmer and more direct. Eventually they came to a small room with nothing more than a book. Masamune moved towards it with a thoughtful scowl.
Amaya once again ignored Sasuke, keeping her back to him as Mitsunari examined the deadly blade, scoffing softly. "I heard the harlot betrayed the Brotherhood and then begged you to take her life." She stated coldly.

Megohime followed close behind Masamune, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Wait, I don't like how that book feels." She scowled at the black book. "It isn't safe."
Sasuke didn't even feel himself lurch forward in anger, "Shut your fucking mouth about Astrid." He hissed, "You don't know anything about what happens between me and my Family."

He glanced at her and frowned, "What if it gives us the answers we need?"
"I know that most of your family is dead because Astrid was useless as a leader." She said, turning to face him. "Don't think that just because you weild this weapon means you're a leader. You're nothing more than a glorified hunter."

Megohime frowned to herself, chewing on her lip before removing her hand from his shoulder. "Ok, but just be careful, ok?"
Sasuke would have used his Illusionary magic had Mitsunari not struck Amaya across the cheek, "Save your weak venom for someone a little more deserving, wretch. Return to your duty guarding our Oracle, I tire from hearing you badger our guest." Mitsunari ordered.

Masamune nodded and moved to the book, opening it gingerly. His eye widened when black slimey tendrils shot out and wrapped around him, his body becoming transparent and motionless as he stared dead eyed into the book's pages.
Amaya's head snapped to the side and she lowered her gaze, nodding slowly. "Yes, Mitsunari-sama." She spoke softly, disappearing in a whirlwind of snow.

Megohime bolted forward a step, but stopped herself, moving to sit against the wall as she waited, watching Masamune with a concerned frown.
Megohime moved over to him quickly, steadying him and nudging the book away with her foot. "Are you okay? What happened in there?"
"What? You saw him in the book?" She seemed a bit confused about how he had met with someone inside of a book, but it wasn't all that surprising. "What did he want?"
"There's a whole nother realm in that thing. Bastard thought it was funny to chastize me about not slaying Alduin yet. He wants to return to Solstheim and take over." He huffed
Megohime stared at him as though he was crazy, but shook her head. "Return? Does that mean he's dead already or just trapped in the book?"
"You there." Masamune looked towards the voice, seeing an older woman approaching them from the path, "Who are you? Why did you come from Miraak's Temple?" "I am Date Masamune, Jarl of Riften in Skyrim. This is my future-bride, Megohime." Masamune replied. The woman frowned thoughtfully, "You are a long way from home, Jarl. But that doesn't answer my question." "Some cultists attacked me near my home, this Miraak sent them to kill me. I am Dovahkiin." He stated
Megohime nodded her head in greeting, but stayed beside Masamune silently, eyes trained on the woman before them, hand brushing the bow on her back.
"I am Frea, of the Skaal. You know of the plight that plagues the people of this land, then? The mindless state they all seem to be in?" "Yeah, what's up with that?" Masamune asked. Frea frowned, "It is Miraak's doing; he has taken control of their minds and is forcing them to fix his temple." She said. Masamune frowned faintly and glanced to the book before holding it out, "Can you tell me anything about this?" He asked. Frea looked at it and frowned herself, shaking her head. "I cannot. Though, my father - Storn - is our village's shaman. He may know." She said. Masamune looked hopeful, "Can you take us to see him, please?" He asked. Frea nodded and led them down the path, Masamune taking Megohime's hand
As they approached the village, Megohime noticed three figures kneeling around a large glowing beam of light that rose into the sky, an elderly man sitting at the head of the group.
"Father, I have returned! There is yet hope!" Frea called, approaching the elders. The elder at the head of the meditation ring paid her a passing glance. "Frea! What news do you bring? Is there a way to free our people?" He asked. Frea frowned softly, "No, but I have brought someone who has seen things..." She replied, "He has confirmed that Miraak is indeed behind the suffering of our people." The elder frowned faintly, "I feared it would be so..." "But how is that possible? After all this time..." Frea said. "I fear there is too much we do not yet know." He said. Frea looked to Masamune and nodded, "Please, tell Storn what has happened." She requested. Masamune nodded and approached the old man slowly as to not break his concentration.
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