Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jumping down to stand by her, he took the bottom of her dress and wiped the goo from his armor, "But I want you to hold my hand, Mego." He jeered.
Megohime smacked his hands away and moved ahead, keeping her sword unsheathed as she walked quickly. "Fuck off." She hissed.

(( ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mego isn't in a dress, she's in armor.))
((Pffft I knew that. >.> ))

Masamune followed after her, getting really annoyed with the damn maze. Eventually, after reading and entering four more books, they reached a huge housing structure with another book. Masamune let out a loud groan before opening the last book. He jumped away and unsheathed his blade as a mass of eyeballs and tentacles appeared before them. "All seekers of knowledge come to my realm, sooner or later." The deep, molasses tone resonated from the inky mass. Masamune scowled heavily, pointing his sword at it. "I won't serve you, Daedra. I just came to learn how to defeat Miraak and get back my dragon." "You will serve me, willing or not. All who seek after the secrets of the world are my servants." Hermaeus Mora replied, tone slightly confident.
Megohime kept her distance, eyes glued to the mass of eyes and tentacles, the Daedra's appearace making her skin crawl.
"So what's your price for the final Word of Power?" Masamune growled. "Knowledge for knowledge. The Skaal have withheld their secrets from me for many long years. The time has come for this knowledge to be added to my library." Hermaeus Mora stated. Masamune scowled more, "Isn't Miraak your ally? Why help me defeat him?" He asked. "He has served me long and well. But he grows restless under my guidance. His desire to return to your world will spread my influence more widely. But it will also set him free from my direct control. It may be time to replace him with a more loyal servant. One who still appreciates the gifts I have to offer." Hermaeus More replied calmly. Masamune clenched his jaw, "I will not be your servant." "Oh, you will, Dragonborn. You have to, or I will not give you the means you need to defeat Miraak and return Voslaarum."
Megohime bit back a snarky comment or two, figuring it would be best to not mouth off to an all-powerful being, seeing as he could easily turn her into a grease spot on the floor.
"How do I know I can trust you, demon?" "My word is as true as fate, as inevitable as destiny. Bring me what I want, and I will give you what you seek." Hermaeus Mora replied. Masamune grumbled irately, sheathing his blade and moving towards the book to leave, grabbing Megohime's hand. Hermaeus Mora flicked a tentacle to catch their attention, "I know that you want to use you power as Dragonborn to bend the world to your will. Here is the knowledge you need, although you did not know you needed it. The second Word of Power. Use it to bend the will of mortals to your purpose. But this is not enough. Miraak knows the final Word of Power. Without that, you cannot hope to surpass him. Miraak served me well, and he was rewarded. I can grant you the same power that he wields, but all knowledge has its price." He forced the tentacle into Masamune's forehead and the Jarl winced in discomfort before it was removed, "Send the Skaal shaman to me. He holds the secrets that will be mine."
Megohime couldn't help the gasp that escaped her when the tentacle pierced his head, her heart dropping into her stomach, but when Masamune didn't fall dead, she relaxed slightly. Her eyes darted from the Daedra before looking to Masamune, giving his hand a squeeze. "Masamune...?" She said softly.
"Mighty Talos, that hurt..." He muttered, rubbing his head. Hermaeus Mora disappeared and Masamune looked to Megohime, "Ready to be a bearer of bad news?"
Megohime frowned softly and gave a small nod, a grim look on her face. "Look, I'm sorry alright... Just, be careful when you fight Miraak ok?" She said.
"Obviously..." He replied, opening the book and they were forced back into Nirn. Neloth moved closer and looked them over, "What happened? What did you see? Different people have very different experiences when reading these books."
"No.. I'm pretty sure we saw the same thing." Megohime muttered, moving away from Neloth and Masamune, a soft scowl on her face. "Can we just hurry this along?" She asked, heading toward the doors and opening one with slight effort, freezing when she was met with a large dragon, waiting just outside.
"Miraak has commanded your death. So shall it be." The dragon, Krosulhah, stated. Masamune and Neloth exited the ruin and Neloth readied his Fireball as Masamune unsheathed his blades, "Mego, run!"
"Why are you always telling me to run..!?" She ground out, aiming an with her bow. "I didn't come to sight see!" She snapped, firing the arrow and readying another.
((He could say something he'd regret later and Fus her into the water to get her out of the way~?))

Megohime fired again, her arrow sticking into the Dragons neck. "I can fucking see that!" She snapped back over the sound of the fighting.
"Sorry, I forgot to attend the dragon training class back in Windhelm!" She took aim again, waiting for the right moment before firing. Shooting down a dragon was much different than shooting down a bird. For one, birds wings didn't disrupt the airflow around their bodies enough to cause the arrow to stray, and second, birds didn't wear armor. Her arrow tore through the dragons wing and caused it to snarl, and upon doing the same four more times, finally brought it to the ground.
"Thanks a lot, you crabby bitch!" "Children!" Neloth hissed, firing at Krosulhah as he crawled towards Masamune with haste. Masamune rushed forward and slashed the beast across the snout with his blades before jumping on its head and driving all six blades through its skull.
Megohime put her bow over her shoulder, scowling. "Good job, now let's go and ruin other people's day." She said bitterly, tossing Masamune a glare.
Masamune returned her glare as he absorbed the dragon's soul. Neloth muttered something about doing more research on the Black Books before returning to Tel Mithryn. Masamune walked back to Skaal Village with Megohime in silence, keeping his gaze forward.
When they reached the Skaal, Megohime hung back as Masamune approached the Elder, a soft frown on her face as she turned to look out through the snow and ash covered trees to look at the far off shore.
After speaking with the shaman briefly, Masamune approached Megohime. "You're staying here while I go free the Sacred Stones. Storn needs to think on what I've told him. If you follow me I promise I will Shout you into the damned ocean. Stay. Put." He ordered.
"Fine, you don't have to ask me twice." Megohime said, trudging off in the snow to take a seat outside the blacksmiths house on the bench.
Masamune trekked off to where the Stones were marked on his map. "Your husband is either very concerned for your well-being or is too prideful to have you traveling with him." Frea said, moving to Megohime.
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