Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

A smirk crept across her face. "I'll see you soon, Brother." She said, dissapearing in a cold wind of snow, leaving him on his own.

Megohime had been mostly laying low, a bit out of character, something gnawing at her. Everyday she'd check the stitching on her chest, cleaning it and making sure it'd heal properly; dabbing disinfectant on the wound, she winced slightly. The wound had yet to close fully, but it was getting there. Sitting on the bed, she started to wrap her chest in clean wrappings to keep the stitches from being irritated.
Megohime cursed softly under her breath. "I'm fine, give me a minute." She said, hurrying to put away the ointments, but accidentally knocking one off the bed in her rush, sending the bottle shattering against the ground. "Shit." She muttered, trying to gather up the glass.
"I'm fine!" She snapped, sweeping the glass into her hand and putting it in the fire, hurrying to cover her chest before he saw the mortal looking wound.
Megohime pulled her dress up and moved over to the fireplace. "Yeah come in." She said, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "I'm fine, just worn out still from our travels." She said, looking at him, but some of the stitching peeked out from under her dress, the skin reddish.
Megohime's eyes dropped to her chest and she pulled her dress up further. "It's nothing, just a scratch." She said, turning to look at the fire. "By the way, have you seen Masamune?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "I don't know if he left early or just didn't come to bed at all last night."
"I said it was just a scratch, you don't have to worry about it." She said, glancing at him. "Have you seen Masamune this morning?" She asked, trying to once again change the subject.
"Kojurou it's fine honestly." She answered irritated at this point, turning and moving to head past him and go downstairs. "It's just a wound, you get them all the time in battle, it's not unusual."
"I have been trained to fight, I've however been forbidden to fight in the war." She said, finding him to be irritating, and making a hard backtrack, heading back upstairs to the bedroom.
"I didn't mean to insult you, I just-!" "Oi, Kojurou!" Kojurou stopped and turned when Masamune approached and he bowed, "There you are, Lord Masamune. Everyone was worried about you." "Yeah, sorry, decided to go out and track some game." Masamune answered. Kojurou looked a little confused, "You hunt now?" He asked. Masamune clenched his jaw slightly, "I thought I would start picking it up, yeah." "Where's your bow?" Kojurou asked. Masamune waved his hand, "That isn't important. Look, I need to have a word with you about sending out some soldiers to deal with bandits." "Of course, my Lord."
Megohime was on Masamune like an angry bear before Kojurou could finish his sentence. "Where the hell have you been?" She growled. "You've been gone all night."
Megohime glared, making a face and looking Masamune up and down, but between Kojurou hounding her, and Masamune acting odd, she didn't want to deal with anyone right now. "We're going to talk later." She hissed, pushing passed him. "Out hunting my ass."
Masamune shook his head before attempting to leave with Kojurou again. But the doors to Mistveil opened and another more sloppy looking Masamune stumbled in, holding his head, "Talos, I should never drink that much again..." He muttered. The Masamune with Kojurou froze as Kojurou looked between the two, "What in Oblivion...?"
Megohime stopped dead in her tracks, looking from the hungover Masamune, turning to look at the Masamune beside Kojurou. "What?"
Megohime reached for the dagger on her hip and the guards drew their weapons, moving toward the false Jarl. "Who are you?" Megohime growled.
The fake Masamune scowled heavily before he began to shimmer, revealing himself as a masked Brotherhood member, "No one who needs mentioning." He replied before pulling out his blade with lightning speed and prepared to run Kojurou through. "FUS!" Masamune shouted, causing Kojuro and Sasuke to stumble. The guards moved to apprehend Sasuke but the assassin regained his footing easily and drove his blade through one guard's throat before turning and slicing another's belly. Blood splashed against his face and armor and Sasuke felt a familiar rush surge through him.
Megohime sheathed her blade and instead went for her bow, taking aim at Sasuke, a scowl on her face as she fired at him.
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