Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Sasuke made a small face, "Just don't spend too much time with her or you might become distracted again."

((Can Ama just taste the bullshit radiating off of Sasuke yet? XD))
Yukimura nodded and hardened his expression. "I promise I will stay focused for My Lord!" He made a fist and hurried out to where he could train, determined not to let down Shingen.

((Ooh yeah~))
The temperature seemed to drop a bit inside, Amaya on the far side of the beams, scowling faintly before returning to Akihime.
After a few days of Akihime being there, it seemed like a normal day in Whiterun. The Oracle was in the Cloud District admiring the Gildergleam that a traveler was kind enough to revive, restoring Kynareth's connection in the Hold. Sasuke was watching from the roof of Dragonsreach when he noticed the front gates open and a group of hooded mages stride into the Hold. He furrowed his brow and cast Invisibility before moving down quickly to investigate. The guards watched hesitantly as the mages moved through the Hold without a word, eventually making their way to the Cloud District. They approached Akihime, who sensed a disturbance in the wind and turned. "Oracle?" One asked. Akihime looked hesitant, "Yes...?" She asked, "Is there something you need?" The one who spoke pulled a pouch from his robes and opened it, letting loose a miasma. Akihime gasped, breathing in a good portion before her eyes grew heavy and she collapsed, falling forward into the arms of a tall Breton. The guards grew alert and drew their blades, rushing forward to protect the guest of their Jarl, the other mages engaging while the others made an escape with Akihime.
Amaya had been resting on one of the rooftops, keeping an eye on Akihime, sitting up when they Mages approached Akihime. When the miasma was let loose, she jumped down, drawing her blade. Weaving through the guardsmen and the other Mages, she tailed the Mages holding Akihime, moving as fast as she could.
Amaya stumbled and fell, looking up to watch Akihime disappear with the Mages beyond the front gates. She clenched her fists and got back to her feet, moving to continue her pursuit, her chest tightening up with fear.

((Yukimura's gonna panick but he's gonna hide it~~))
Sasuke smirked to himself before moving back to Dragonsreach like nothing happened. The guards rushed to Shingen's throne, "My Lord! Mages have begun an uproar and have kidnapped the Oracle, Akihime!" "What!?" Shingen burst up from his throne, furious.
Yukimura, who had been out training in the yard, burst into the keep. "Oyakata-sama!" He hurried to stand before his lord. "What's happened of Akihime-dono?!"
Yukimura nodded and turned to hurry off, but stopped, remembering Sasuke's words. "... My Lord, I know rescuing Akihime-dono is of the upmost importantance, but I think I should stay by your side incase the Mages return for you.." He said, turning to face Shingen.
Shingen looked livid, pulling his fist back and punching Yukimura hard, "YOU UTTER BUFFOON!" He yelled. "My Lord! Was that necessary!?" A guard asked in a panic
Yukimura cried out, sent flying across the keep in a flash of red, but just as soon as he had been sent flying, he came flying back. "B-But My Lord..!" His nose was bleeding, as well as his lip. "If you were to be injured, the one at fault would be me! I'm supposed to keep you from harm..!"
Shingen only punched him again, scowling angrily at his housecarl, "She is an important guest! If anything were to happen to her, Jarl Mitsunari would engage a heated battle with us! Do you wish to have the blood of our citizens and guards on your hands because you would throw our only hope of peace to the wolves!?" He snapped. Sasuke sat in the beams, watching with a look of dissatisfaction. Of course Shingen would make sure Yukimura would be Akihime's stand-in guard while she was here; getting Yukimura to avoid her would be a lot harder now.
Yukimura once again came flying back, now this time with a black eye and swollen cheek. "Y-Yes my Lord! I understand now, I will protect both you, and our honored guest with my very life!" With those words, he turned to gather some men, and head out after Akihime.
"Where did you take her?!" "We won't speak a word to you, filth!" The guards were interrogating the remaining mages for answers, wanting to know where the Oracle had been taken.
Yukimura entered the prison and moved over to the cell. "You can take your leave, I can handle this from here." Yukimura said, face stern.
"Of course, Housecarl." The guards nodded and left. Sasuke appeared by Yukimura with a packet of torture tools, "I've always been a fan of pliers, dana."
Yukimura looked up to Sasuke with a grim nod. "Do what you have too, we need to locate Akihime-dono as quickly as possible-" The air grew cold and heavy, rigid and unforgiving like they had been transported to the high mountains during winter, a woman with white hair entering the room, a scowl on her face. Amaya still had blood splashed across her face and armor, making her way past Sasuke. "I hope you don't mind me asking him a few questions before you get started." She stated, Yukimura blinking before shaking his head. Amaya entered the cell and closed the door behind her. "Wasn't that Akihime-dono's gaurd..?"
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