Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

As soon as the elk moved into a clear line of view, Jin brought her how and arrow up, aiming and firing, all in one fluid motion. The elk stumbled and fell to the ground, thrashing weakly for a moment before dying, arrow nearly sticking out the other side, running through the lungs. Jin hooked her bow over her shoulder and stood, moving to the elk. "This makes three, should we collect them and head back?" Jin called over her shoulder.
Jin nodded and began to gut and clean the elk, eyes downcast as she dug a hole in the ground, removing the innards and except for the few that would be eaten, and dumping them into the ground. A sudden strong gust of wind made Jin pause, thinking it was nothing more than a strong wind, but when a rumbling noise sounded overhead, she immediately thought of Voslaarum. But the beast that nearly landed on Kojurou was not Voslaarum. A moss green dragon reared its head and let out a screech, spreading its wings and flapping them a few times before lunging for Kojurou.
The dragon hissed and recoiled, only to have an arrow lodged into its mouth. Roaring in pain and fury, the dragon fell back onto all fours, using its tail to try and crush either of the two. Jin rolled out of the way and moved to take cover behind a tree, firing arrows at its head to distract it while Kojurou attacked. Something seemed off though, the dragon seemed a bit smaller than normal.
Jin took aim once more, aiming for the wings as well to keep the beast grounded, but that's when she noticed it. "Katakura-dono! Wait!" Lowering her weapon she darted out from behind the cover of the trees, moving quickly towards Kojurou. All hell broke loose after that. An even bigger dragon dropped down behind Jin, cutting off her words with a mighty roar. "It's a hatch-!" A force that felt like a herd of horses slammed into Jin, ripping her off her feet and into the air, stuck in the jaws of a dragon. The smaller dragon lowered its head when the mother dragon landed, giving a nervous screech before taking flight. The mother wasn't done yet, thrashing its head, Jin tried to brace herself against the side of its face, groaning in pain, blood spilling down her side and her armor being torn, metal groaning as it was mangled, the archers entire left arm and shoulder in the dragons jaws.
The dragon let out a roar of pain, which in the process set Jin free from its jaws and dropping to the ground like a stone, arm a mangled bloody mess. The dragon hissed smoke at the Housecarl before taking flight, leaving Jin and Kojurou to themselves. Jin lay face down on the ground at the base of a tree, deep gouges run in down the side of her face, her ear looking like a wolf had gnawed on it, but the worst of it was her arm. Her arm lay at an impossible angle, armor crushed around her arm and twisted around, her last two fingers missing. The elf stirred and groaned, but didn't try and move, dazed.
Kojurou moved over and pulled a health potion from his pouch, in case they met with any Spriggans in the woods. "Jin-dono, drink this.." He said gently, carefully gripping her chin and parting her lips enough to pour the potion into her mouth.
Jin twitched, some of the potion dribbling down her chin as she struggled to drink some, coughing and spitting up some of the red liquid, which was mixed with some of her blood. "Katakura-dono..." She rasped, eyes unfocused, blood pooling at Kojurou's feet. She was bleeding heavily from the deep wounds in her shoulder, the arm nearly torn from her body.
"We'll have to remove your arm and cauterize the wound." He told her, frowning softly. It would be difficult, however, because he didn't have the proper means.
Jin looked up at Kojurou, unfocused eyes struggling to remain trained on him. "Hah... M-My apologies.." She murmured weakly. "I can't... Can't hear you very well... You'll have to speak up.." She breathed, closing her eyes, she was losing too much blood too fast.
Kojurou frowned more, he would have to act fast. Unsheathing his blade, he apologized before quickly severing what was left of her arm. He then took some linens they had brought for minor wounds and held it to the large wound as he quickly started a fire with a torch, heating his blade and beginning to cauterize the wound.
Jin grunted softly as her arm was severed, barely feeling anything more than an odd pressure on her shoulder. She opened her eyes once more, looking at Kojurou as he heated his blade. The first pain she felt since the dragon clamping down on her arm, was when he pressed the hot blade against her open flesh. Her vision went white, and then black dots danced in her vision, the taste of iron in her mouth making her gag. She screamed weakly in agony, trembling as the flesh was being closed, but still lacked the strength to struggle or even move much. Through all of this, one thought did manage to surface some what clearly in her muddled mind. "Is it safe? Is the bow safe?" She croaked, even on the verge of death, she didn't abandon her duty as the protector of Auriel's Bow.
Kojurou glanced at her before he finished, looking around for her sacred bow. The faint golden glow could be seen a few feet away and he moved to grab it, bringing it to her. "Hai. It's right here, Jin-dono. We'll get you back to Riften and the healer very soon."
Jin made a faint noise of relief when she saw the bow was unharmed, reaching up to take it, but found her arm too heavy, and so it dropped back to the forest floor. She closed her eyes and let out a slow, shaky breath. "Forgive me, Katakura-dono... I don't think that I will be able to make it back to Riften." She apologized softly, her skin a ghostly ashen color, opposed to her usual tan skin. "I am only glad that you were not harmed." Her voice seemed to fade away, and she stopped speaking, blood covered face and hair starting to slowly clot and dry. The bleeding had been stopped, but she had still lost a terrifying amount of blood, not to mention an entire arm, she would need to get to a healer immediately if she were to be kept from perishing.
Jin faded in and out of consciousness, limp in Kojurou's arms. When Kojurou came through the doors of Mistveil, Megohime looked up and stood in shock. Blood was smudged across his chest plate and hands, a dead looking elven woman in his arms. "What the hell happened?" She asked, eyes wide.
The healers went to work as fast as they could, cutting the leather straps of her armor to remove it , one mage working on healing the wound on her face and ear, while the other Mages worked on removing the cauterized flesh so they could clean out the wound properly. Jin stirred, a look of pain showing clearly on her face, but she didn't wake from unconsciousness.
It took a few hours to clean out the empty socket where her arm use to be, after closing up her wound and wrapping it with sterile cloth, she had been stabilized for the most part. "She lost quite a bit of blood, so she will probably be unconscious for a while." The healer reported, Jin laying unconscious in the bed behind her.
Megohime poked her head in to see what was going on, Masamune attending a city council meeting. "You said a dragon attacked her, is she going to live?" She asked, frowning an moving to stand by Kojurou.
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