Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jin wouldn't wake for another two days, and when she finally did, she seemed to still be in a haze, having a slight fever. With the help of the Mages apprentice, she sat up, drinking the water greedily that he held to her lips. She trembled hard, both from the pain in her shoulder, and from her weakened state.
Kojurou would visit when Masamune didn't need him, praying to the Divines to keep her alive and to help her. When he saw she was awake, he looked overjoyed, "Jin-dono..!"
Jin finished off her water, Kojurou's voice sounding a bit watery. "Katakura-dono.." She smiled weakly, the mage bowing to Kojurou, before leaving to give the two room. "How are you feeling..? Did you get hurt?" She asked.
Jin seemed hazy, and her gaze looked about a thousand leagues away, sweat beading on her brow and soaking the bandages on the side of her face. "The Mages have taken very good care of me... Though the pain hasn't subsided, they've taken very good care of me, they gave me a potion to dull the pain." She gave a dry smile and held her shoulder carefully. "Though the pain hasn't subsided yet." Something was definitely very wrong with Jin. She looked like she was going to be sick, and with a quick jerk, she leaned over the side of the bed, vomiting up the water she had just drank. "I don't think... The potion has taken affect.." She murmured, falling forward off the bed, and crashing onto the floor.
The healer rushed back in, moving to Jin quickly and pushing Kojurou out of the way. "She's burning up..! I'm going to need water in her right away!" Pulling the blankets off of Jin, an apprentice ran in with a bucket of water, dunking the rag into the water and placing it on Jin's forehead. Removing the bandages from the side of her face, infected flesh was revealed, the long gouge marks on her face all festering from the dragons bite.
The healers worked on lowering Jin's fever, but it seemed to only increase. After re-opening and washing out the gouges on her face, they wrapped it back up, leaving her to rest. Her breathing was quick and shallow, sweat still continuing to bead on her brow and drip down her face, regardless of the blocks of ice they had set up around her.
The mage made a face, hesitating before shaking their head. "We won't know of her specific condition until she wakes, we'll keep a close eye on her however." He answered. "Though.. She may have contracted Brown Rot, but it may just be a small infection."
((Does Ko not believe in them?))

"We're already administering medicine, but it can only do so much; but you're welcome to keep an eye on her and try anything that could help." He said.

Jin's fever didn't lessen in the slightest while Kojurou watched over her, going from laying dead still to shifting and moaning quietly in her sleep over the hours of the night in early into the morning. Opening her eyes slowly, she shifted with a small grunt, turning her gaze to the figure who sat beside her. Through her hazy vision, she had to blink multiple times to try and figure out who was sitting beside her.

((Cue hallucinations~))
"Hello, Jin-chan~" A haunting tone sounded from the silhouette before it was brought into focus. Akechi Mitsuhide stood by her with his usual sly smirk of his, hands behind his back.
Jin stared at the man at her bedside, fear making her legs heavy and tongue feel numb, slowly her eyes grew wide as the realization of who stood before her finally dawned on her. Shaking hard, she struggled to sit up, but couldn't. "You... You're dead... No, I killed you.." She spoke, fear making her voice quiver.
Something inside the woman snapped, springing up from the bed, she tore the blanket off of her body and launched herself at Mitsuhide. Tackling him to the floor she slammed her fist into his nose, tears watering in her own eyes as she struggled to straddle him and pin him. Sitting ontop of his waist, she gripped his throat, pressing all her weight onto his neck and cutting off his airway. "No! I killed you! I watched you fall!" Tears ran down her face, and blood stained her bandages, wounds opening from the struggle. "You're dead!!"
Hearing Kojurou's voice coming from Mitsuhide's mouth only enraged the elf more, gripping his throat even harder, almost hard enough to crush his trachea. A guard entered the room to see what the ruckus was about, and upon seeing Jin strangling the life out of Kojurou, called for help. "Lord Masamune! Kojurou- I'm gonna need some help in here!" She moved forward to try and pull Jin off of Kojurou, but Jin didn't budge.
Masamune came rushing in after a bit, scowling faintly. "GOL HAH DOV!" He Shouted at Jin, knowing Bend Will would calm her enough for the mages or guards to grab her.
After Masamune had used Bend Will, the guards were able to easily pull Jin off of Kojurou, the elven woman breathing hard and murmuring softly in protest. "Katakura-dono, are you alright?" A guard moved over to help Kojurou, while Jin was being restrained. "Should we take her down to the jail?"
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