Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

Hela's eyes went wide at that,"Really?"She stuttered looking amazed at that. wanting to believe before smiling happily at the idea. "He always said he gave it up for the glimpse of knowledge....but...yes. I could see a vanir taking it if they messed with her."She said biting her lip tears filling her eyes as she considered what her mother had gone through. Eyes widening as she heard what her name meant, because odin had always told her it was the opposite, darkness in the light. " wonder he's in a extremely bad mood. Not getting laid could do that."Hela muttered focusing on the fact even if she was crying, because it hurt to know that she had been the cause of her mother's death, and that thor, had been to late, though it was equally obvious the man had tried to get there in time. "Uncle always refused to say what wonder."She muttered biting her lip as she thought about her mother, rubbing her eyes, trying to dry her tears.

Meanwhile thor stepped into the prison, swallowing hard as he looked around. "Loki."He said simply turning his attention to his brother as he looked him over. Wondering just how in control the man was, and if he was actually going to do this. Because despite everything that he had done, thor understood why loki had done it, and wanted to trust him.
he smiled and nodded. "he did. sort of. it is said that the Vanir are knowladge made into solid form." he admitted with a smirk. "and as i am part Vanir, i am 'a bit of knowledge'... a shame he didn't keep me." Jor muttered with a snicker. "Odin has always been like that, from what i've been able to tell. the only reason why he took in Father was because he betrayed our great grandfather, King Borr, was turned into Snow by a curse, one of the Frost Giants hit him with. he failed to lift a finger to help Borr, and so Borr cursed Odin to forever be reminded of his Sin, which was Father, who had been abandoned by the Frost Giants for being a Runt. the King of the Frost Giants Fárbauti did not want a Runt as his heir, and so cast Loki out, and gave him his mothers name, Laufey, to further discriminate and insult 'The runt'." Jor explained, Fenris wincing a little. "the new King, Helblindi, thinks that Father is a brave warrior, and respects him." "he would. Helblindi is Father's brother by blood. and recognizes the true worth of a sorcerer. not to mention Father killed Fárbauti, thus freeing the Frost Giants from his tyrannical reign." he admitted with a sad smile. "because of this, Odin has always hated Father, and thus Us, simply because he is old, greedy, and a tyrant himself." he admitted, reaching over and taking Hela's shoulder. "you, where a precious gift so rare, that even the Vanir stepped in to protect you. Mother would have given her life to any of us, had we been in such dire need." he stated with a smile. "for that is what mothers do. and you know what happens when a Vanir dies, do you not?" "they become a star." Fen whispered, looking up. "a star that will forever watch down on the ones they love, no matter what world, or what realm they exist upon..."

Loki was, for once, sitting down and he looked over at Thor with red rimmed eyes. but like before, there was a glimmer of sanity peeking through those inane eyes of his. "Thor... have you come to gloat then?" he asked softly. "no... your here to tell me that yet another child has been murdered, at the orders of your precious father... he never wanted me you know. he told me, before he put me in here. he told me i was nothing but a curse... no one wanted me..." he swallowed thickly. "but Hayla wanted me..." he mumbled. "my precious Hayla." he mumbled, before turning his eyes on to Thor again. "why are you here? are you here to gloat Odin Son!?" he demanded, his voice a poisoned, hated hiss. "he's been like this for a while." one of the Warriors three whispered. "Odin's been slipping something into Loki's food. worried that Loki will spill some sort of secrete. i don't know what it is, but it's a big one if Odin is going to such lengths..." Fandral said, running a hand through his gorgeous locks of curly blond hair. "i fear Odin is trying to arrange for Loki to suffer a premature death. of course, Odin does not know that i know this. which is why i'm not in a glowing cage with him..."
Hela sniffled a little as she listened to her brother a little wide eyed, lookign like such a little girl who was so lost. Shifting she climbed into jormungadr's lap, resting her head on her elder brother's chest, snifflign a little. Indeed, a little girl wanting comfort from a elder sibling. Sighing as she snuggled into him, She might be forty years old, but to a asgardian, or in her case a vanir/jotun the years was a blink of the eye. "I will find out which star she is....Tony would probably be able to help."She muttered liking the idea before relaxing, snuggling her brothers and relaxing.

Thor winced a little studying his brother, tilting his head slightly."I know, Loki.But I want you, if you would allow me to call you brother."He said looking hurt at the announcement that no one had wanted him, because thor had always wanted his brother, even as loki kept moving out of his reach. Wincing at loki's words he turned his head to look at fandal, tilting his head slightly. "Well, fuck.Maybe I can find out what it is, to help him keep it..."He cursed, having spent enough time with loki to pick up his vocabulary. "Father has allowed me to make one birthday request, anything if it was in his power to do."He smirked slightly turning his head towards loki, "Would you, loki laufeyson, agree to be magically bound for the length of the day of my birth, to escape this prison for just the day?"He asked studying his brother. because he hadn't been able to get him released, but he had convinced odin to let him out of the cage, relucantly, and pissed, but he had had said anything if it was his power to grant it. and odin was definitely able to let loki out for a day, especially since thor had been armed and ready for war when he had asked.
Jor wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, comforting her and Fen, who had snuggled into Jor as well. "i don't know if you'll be able to tell which star is her specifically." he admitted, smiling at her. "but i know it's the one that shines the brightest when you need it." he admitted. and indeed there was a star, visible in the sky even during the middle of the day. watching over them even now.

Loki frowned at Thor, confused. "why would you want me? look at me, i'm disgusting... can't even take a shower..." he complained. "i'm nothing but filth..." he complained, muttering a little bit more as Fandal glanced at Thor. "did you just curse?" he asked, looking shocked before he nodded. "i can get a sample." he promised. "it's not hard. i'm on Loki watch for a while. Odin trusts me quite well." he admitted with a nod before chuckling at Thor. "and here i thought Tricks and trickery was you're brothers Forte." he teased with a smile as Loki focused on him and then, finally, nodded. "yes. i would agree... provided you let me take a shower." Loki demanded. snapping into sanity for just a moment. the promise of freedom, th promise of sunlight... besides, he loved Thor, he could never hurt his brother. Odin yes, Loki would rip that man piece by piece apart with his hands, but part of him would always recognize Thor, and would always love him, just as he loved Frigga.
"Well, I shall try.If anyone can, Tony will."She sniffled smiling a little before pulling away."I'm going to go catch up with Clint. I have training."She sniffled rubbing her eyes needing to get away, needing to get away from the emotions."I'll be back in awhile."She said smiling as she headed for the gym, knowing she'd either find clint or steve downstairs, as they usually spent time in the gym if they werent upstairs or on a mission.

"True you are covered in filth, but you are NOT filth."Tony said before wincing, nodding. "Yea. It seems I have been spending to much time with the man of iron.He curses alot."thor said looking amused before nodding."Get it before I leave. I'll take it to earth, I shall figure out what it is."Thor said before laughing quietly."They are, but it seems that I have picked up a few things from him."He looked amused before nodding."I shall let you shower."Thor said raising a hand and undoing the wards and letting loki out before resting a hand on his arm, creating the wards that would bond loki's magic before leading him upstairs to his own rooms to shower. letting the man shower before he told him what they were going to be doing. "We are going to earth, my brother.Do you feel well enough to travel?"He asked looking concerned about doing it now. worrying about his idea, now that he was actually seeing it through.
Jormungandr nodded and smiled at her. "Steve is a very good man, i am glad you have made such good freinds. "Jor stated with a smile, well aware she might be more comfortable making a relationship, if she had the blessing of someone she trusted. "Fen is falling asleep anyway, i'd best not move him." Jor admitted, smiling don at his little brother, who was indeed half asleep. both Clint and Steve where downstairs this time, both of them in the ring, taking pot shots at each other. well, Steve was giving out pot shots, Clint was just trying to keep up.

Loki frowned at Thor, clearly confused by that, as if unable to understand the difference. "perhaps you should consider better freinds." Fandal teased, looking amused. "i'll get the sample right away." he promised, bowing to Thor before making hi way off. he knew where the jars where kept in the kitchen. when he returned to Thor, it was clear he thought he was being watched. "This will help keep him under control Thor. are you sure you must give the Avengers their pound of flesh?" he asked, glancing to the doorway, where you could see just a hint of cloth. one of Odin's guards was listening in. "i know Loki destroyed a good chunk of their lives, but i don't like him being out of his cage..." Fandal stated, acting for the guards, acting for Odin. Loki, fresh from the shower and feeling much more clear headed had also noticed the guard, and was silent for now as he got dressed. "i am well enough, i suppose. not that it would matter if i am well enough or not. is that not why you take me to earth brother? to be beaten and ridiculed?" Loki demanded, his eyes clear for the first time in months, years even. the promise of seeing his children, was enough for his magic to surge against the drug.
Rest well, then."Hela said smiling a little, blushing as she realized her brother had indeed given her his blessing. But not sure what to think about it before grinning as she left. Looking amused as she watched the two fighting she moved to the ring, leaning against the ropes as she watched them. "You really should fight with uncle, Clint. He might be able to help you beat steve."She teased a little.

"...Mayhap. But one could not ask for a more loyal one...even if he does talk to much."thor snickered a little before nodding, watching his friend go. Looking at Fandal when the man brought the potion back he nodded seriously. "I must. It is only right that he is dealt with by the humans. They are very bloodthirsty, as I understand."Thor said acting just as much before smirking at loki. "True. But I would rather have you in one piece, to withstand the torture better."Thor said before they left. And within moments they were standing in the avengers tower, tightening his hand on loki's arm to get his attention. "She knows, Loki. Someone told her what you did to new york....which is why you are here."Thor gave him a look of sympathy. "I thought you would believe she did not, that none of them hate you, better if you saw them, instead of simply reading about it.Also...she is in love with the soldier, do not make her feel worse about it then she already does."he warned because he knew hela hadn't figured out she was in love with steve, but he knew that hela was worried about how loki would react to it when he found out. Sighing quietly he stepped into the tower, "Jarvis, will you let everyone know that I am back?" "Right away sirs."A pause. "You will have company momentarily, sir odinson, sir laufeyson."
Clint and Steve paused, grinning at her as Clint grimaced and shook his head. "no thank you!" he stated with a laugh, shaking his head. "i have no wish to have my spleen broken." he admitted before looking up as Jarvis informed them that Mr. Odinson and Mr. Leaufeyson was there. "who in the world is Leaufeyson?" "Loki, that's his birth name." Steve explained, glancing at Hela as he offered her his arm. "shall i take you down my lady?"

Fandal smiled a little. "i have heard some impressive things about Tony Stark." he admitted with a nod. "and the rest of the Avengers. i would like to meet them someday." he admitted. "we could have a massive feast." he stated with a smile. "once things have been settled anyway. he stated with a smirk as he glanced at the guard. "very bloodthirsty indeed, i've seen what humans do to each other. just don't forget that King Odin wants the bastard alive Thor." Fandal warned, tossing Loki and Thor a wink, Loki mouthing a thank you to the Warrior. Loki had always gotten along the best with Fandal. they had often stayed up late, talking about the universe and what they where going to do with their lives. Loki nodded. "it is right that she knows." Loki stated with a sigh. "Thor... that drug that they give me..." he looked frightened. "it makes me... forget. forget everything good in my life..." he whispered. "it makes me forget why i stay in that cell." he admitted. "don't let me forget my children, please." he pleaded before straightening his spine and looking around Stark Tower. "i like what he's done to the place." he admitted with a smile before he gasped as he caught sight of a tall red headed male. "Jormungandr... Serpant of the Sun." he whispered, so emotional he almost couldn't speak. "i thought you where dead..." Loki breathed, wrapping the boy into a tight hug, ignoring the fact that his son was quite a bit bigger than him. Loki simply broke down and began to sob. after all this time, he finally had a child in his arms.
Hela looked startled, paling a little at the news her father was here, looking confused before nodding a little."Yes. Thank you."Hela said quietly taking steve's arm, as they headed down to the living room.

Thor looked startled as he looked at Loki, gribbing his arm a little."I wont. Never. I will find a way to help, brother."he said looking worried about his brother and holding tightly to the vial he was holding, having every intention of putting tony stark on the project of finding how to counteract the potion without showing to much. "Hm, I'm sure your opinion on his tower is exactly what he wanted."Thor said snickering a little before eyes went wide, staring at his nephew, so at a loss for what to say, that he had no knowledge of the others coming in. "He tricked the aesers, father. He then found me and Fenris."Hela said quietly her voice soft and broken as she let go of steve's arms, creeping closer to her brother and loki, looking hesitant. so used to the aesers dismissing her, no one wanting her, that she was hesitating nearing the man she loved more then anyone else. "Father?"she said quietly looking up at the man.
Steve smiled as he led the way, offering her the comfort he could, stunned to see Loki openly crying as he held his son. "Hela!" Loki breathed. "My light in the darkness. my little girl!" he gasped, pulling her into a hug. "you're safe. you're all safe... i'm so releived..." he breathed, trembling as he held her, releasing her as soon as he got the sense that she was uncomfortable. "i'm sorry. my babies, i'm so sorry for what i did." he whispered, looking around. "where is Fen? where is my pup?" "he's been hurt. Easer found him. he's healing very well but he's easily exaughsted and can't walk." Steve explained. "we'll take you up to see him." "you're the Captain, yes?" Loki asked, trying to focus on the man. "thank you, for taking care of my children. thank you for protecting them." he breathed, accepting Steve, a silent promise to Hela that he would not interfere if she should want to mate with the man. "you look just like your mother..." he admitted suddenly, smiling as he stroked Hela's hair. "you have her face... and my aweful hair." he complained, wrinkling his nose as Steve choked on laughter. "Fen had your mothers hair, when he was born..." "he still does." Jormungandr admitted. "Father are you alright?" "yes... no... i'm sorry, it's the drugs, they make it hard to stay focused." "they've been drugging you!?" Steve demanded, horrified as Loki nodded. "Odin can't let me tell anyone the truth." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "he's trying to shut me up anyway he can without actually killing me." he admitted, his eyes glinting. "but your safe, you three are safe, knowing that i can endure anything." he promised. "one day, soon, you'll all be free..." he promised. even if he had to kill Odin to acheive that. Loki had killed before, he could kill again.
Hela flushed at loki's greeting, hugging him back tightly as she started to cry, clinging to him for a moment before growing uncomfortable in his arms. even for loki, she didn't like being touched that much. "He's sleeping."Hela smiled turning to look at steve, looking amused that he gave a more detailed answer before looking up at loki, frowning slightly. she hadn't thought that loki would be that accepting of the warriors who'd stopped him from taking over the world. But wouldn't be that hard then, to have a relationship?Biting her lip she smiled at steve, jumping a little as loki touched her hair. "its not so bad. It just gets really curly when it's wet."She said looking amused at loki's complaining about his hair before wincing, looking worried about her father. "Do you need to sit?Would it help? what kind of drugs?"She said sounding anxious, needing to help him. "I brought it, where's tony?I brought him a sample, thought him and bruce would be able to find a way to counter it some."Thor said looking at steve. "I'm here, point break. And you need to stop bringing people into my house. it's going to be crowded soon."Tony whined looking unhappy about even more people here and hiding just how anxious having loki back in the place was making him. While he really did like company, it made him anxious. And having loki anywhere near him, when the last time he'd seen him, loki'd thrown him out the window, made him anxious. So he really was just a mess of emotions. WAnting to support hela, and equally wanting to toss them all out of the tower.
"he'll be alright though?" "a few scars, but he will have full function and his face is still pretty." Jor promised and Loki snorted. "your just as sarcastic in real life as you are in your letters." "well, i certainly got it from somewhere." Jor teased back which made Loki chuckle. "i know. mine does too. just wait until you experience humidity." he grumbled dryly. "then it gets completely impossible." he admitted before shaking his head. he didn't know what the drug was or what it did, only how it made him feel. "i would feel better if i could sit." Loki admitted. his legs where shakey. too much pacing on too little food combined with the drugs had left Loki incredibly weak. "ah, Man of green..." Loki stated before he paused and frowned, focusing harder. "no, sorry, you're the man of Iron. i'm sorry about dropping in so suddenly. Thor does what Thor does. i won't be here for long." he promised. "ah... i'm, you know... sorry about trying to kill you... i was just trying to get my children free... that's all. it was nothing about you personally..." there was a pause. "well, maybe a little..."
Hela giggled a little looking at them both."You're both sarcastic. Poor uncle, having to put up with you both." "Well, at least someone understands my distress."Thor snickered a little looking amused. "...really?I do not want to see this humidity then.Clint already makes fun of it as it is."She said pouting a little before smiling as she helped him to the couch. "I am. and it's okay. Totally getting used to people randomly showing up. But at least you didn't break my windows. This time."Tony pouted a little before smiling, willing to play nicely. "Just relax, reindeer games, I'll see what I can find out about this."he said plucking the vial of drugs out of thor's hands before disappearing back into his lab. "See, he will find out how to help. You should rest...papa."hela said quietly,resting her head on loki's, relaxing as she sat down next to him.
Loki and Jor shared a snicker at that as Jor helped Hela get Loki to the couch. "you deserve no distress Brother." Loki stated with a sniff. clearly he had forgiven Thor for, well everything, if he was teasing Thor again. "this Clint is picking o you?" Loki demanded, narrowing his eyes as he looked around, clearly intending on defending his daughter, which made Jormungandr laugh. "Clint is not bullying Hela." he promised. "it is friendly teasing, nothing more. i never thought you would be so protective Father." " either, imagine that." Loki muttered as he settled down. "i could break a few windows if you'd like me to? at least this time i wont use you to break them." Loki admitted with a grin as he watched Tony vanish before he gaped at Hela, looking stunned and shocked before his eyes welled up in tears and he pulled her up into another hug. "i never thought i'd get to hear you say that." he whispered, letting her go and stroking her hair. "Fenris is awake. we can take your Father up there if you like." Bruce commented from the doorway, holding the bandages that proved he'd changed Fenris's dressings.
Thor laughed a little. "I don't. Though your children seem to enjoy causing me some, loki."Thor teased back, something tight in his chest relaxing as he realized loki had forgiven him. "No, he's just trying to make me punch him. I broke his nose once, he was inordinarily proud of it."Hela said looking amused before giggling. "No thanks. I just got the mess cleaned up after last time."Tony called back rolling his eyes as he left. hela yelped in startlement as she was pulled into a hug, snuggling her father for a moment before squirming free. "Well, you shall hear it all the time you are here, papa."She muttered smiling at him before nodding. "let's go."She giggled happily as her and jormugandr helped loki upstairs, so very excited at having her family all together."Sir rogers?Tony asks you to join him in the lab, please."

"Avoiding the family reunion?"Tony said glancing up at steve as teh man walked into the lab as if he hadn't asked him down to talk, already workign on figuring out what the drug was made of, hair sticking up every which way, but looking more amused then stressed for the moment. "you know, you could just ask him for permission to seduce his daughter, you might rest easier for it."He teased, glad steve had listened to him and come down. while bruce was the more obvious choice to join him in the lab, and he would probably make bruce come down later, he needed the stress relief of teasing someone without having to worry about the hulk, so teasing steve about hela was the best option as his head figured out what to do with the drug he was working on. That and like pepper wanted him to, he was trying to make friends, and since bruce and him got along the best, he was reaching out to the one person in the house who made him feel the most uncomfortable, captain America, who'd meant more to his father then his own son had.
Loki grinned at Thor and shook his head a little. "did you really?" Loki asked, looking highly impressed with his daughter, Jor snickering. "yes she did, and he struts around like he's the proudest big brother in the world." Jormungandr admitted with a chuckle. "Hela has practically been adopted by the Avengers." "good." Loki stated happily. "they are good people, they will keep you safe." Loki stated, relaxing now that he knew his children where indeed safe and that Odin could not reach them. Loki had a little bit of his strength back, and was able to walk up to Fen's room with almost no assistance... he needed help on the stairs though. Fen was so excited to see his Father for the first time he actually turned into a Wolf, much to Fen's utter embarrassment until Loki told him about the time he'd accidentally turned into a jackalope after he'd received his very first present at the age of eleven.

"sometimes i hate you." Rogers admitted with a roll of his eyes as he sat down in the only empty chair in the room. he didn't bother complaining, he knew why he was down there. " think i should?" Steve asked, looking worried. "i was a bit worried he might, you know. kill me if i asked him to Date Hela, but they're pretty old school, even for me..." he muttered, honestly seeking Tony's advice. he trusted Tony to give him good advice. Steve trusted Tony on a lot of things, but this was the first time he'd actually come to Tony for advice. "what does it feel like. when your in love? i mean, you love Pepper, right? so whats that feel like? because... i think...." here he flushed, looking down. "i think i might be in love with Hela..."
"I did."hela said sounding pleased giggling a little. "You'll have to see him later, he still has the black eyes from it."She said looking amused before flushing slightly at the idea she'd been adopted, but glad that loki was okay with it. Giggling happily as fenris changed into a wolf, eyes widening at loki's story. "You turned into a jackalope?Really?"

"Sometimes, I hate me to."Tony said looking amused as he looked at steve perched on the chair before going back to studying the liquid in front of him, chewing on his lip as he ran a scan on his computer, trying to seperate the components and see what it was made up of. "I do. And they're definitely old school, from a age when people asked permission for doing things with other's daughters. But be glad you don't have to ask thor. I'd rather deal with loki and whatever he'll do to me, then risk getting struck by lightening."He said thoughtfully before looking at the other, staring really. not sure what to say before nodding slowly. "I do.And it''s calming. At least for me."Tony bit his lip, "She makes me hold still, and thinking of her allows me to think of only one thing, without getting distracted."he sighed a little smirking. "I knew I loved her, when she suggested inviting you all to live with me, and I didn't kick her ass out of the tower. Because I trusted her to keep me calm with you all here, loved her enough to try playing nicely with others. I...I dont know."He shrugged a little."
Loki laughed a little at that. "i'll certainly have to." he agreed with a smile. "it seams a little odd to me that Tony has let all of you into his tower." he admitted with a small laugh. "yes, a Jackelope, and i've never lived it down either." he admitted with a sigh. "your mother used to tease me endlessly, especially when i got drunk. because when i drink i'd randomly transform and somehow it was almost always into a Jackalope... ugh!"

Steve snorted a little and shook his head a little as he watched Tony messing with the drug. "is it safe to be handling that without gloves?" yes, it had to be injected, or injected to be effective. if Tony had open cuts, then he'd have to worry, but until then, it was safe. "yeah, but Loki has already damn near killed us. and he could turn me into something gross, like a fish, or a slug..." Steve complained, biting his lip a little. "calming?" that wasn't what he felt... he felt... excited when he saw Hela, like a child who caught sight of a brand new toy just for them. but then... Steve was usually very calm, very Zen and only got riled up when Tony pushed too many buttons or he saw something that went against his morals. like when he beat up that punk kid for heckling the little old lady on the bus. "..i'm glad you let me move in." Steve admitted, looking sheepish. "i'd probobly be mired in depression right now otherwise... everything is so.. weird and i can't seam to catch a grip on anything that makes sense anymore." he admitted with a sigh. "but with Hela... god it's like the world is an exciting place to be and i'm not scared anymore..." he admitted, grimacing. "how the hell am i going to ask Loki for permission to date her? for that matter even if i do ask, how the hell do i ask her for a date!?.... and if she even agrees where the hell do i take her!?" Steve looked like he wanted to rip out his hair and cry in sheer frustration.
"Yes, he's staying mostly in his lab. His girlfriend thought it was a good idea for him to make friends, so he's letting us all live here."Hela said smilign slightly before grinning as thor laughed. "I remember. Fandal had to go and create a pet jackalope so you could keep it."Thor grinned. "Now I kinda wanna get you drunk just to see. You and tony could get drunk together, bonding time."Hela grinned looking way, way to amused at the idea.

"Yea. It's not absorbant, meaning it wont bother me if I get it on my hands, it wont soak in."Tony explained smiling slightly as he worked snickering. "Hm, a guppy!She could carry you around in a small tiny fish tank, and you guys could go to the zoo."Tony said snickering as he glanced at steve before calming. nodding, "Yea. Calming. But you're always calm. I'm not, most of the time I can't sleep because my head wont calm down enough to let me do so. You're always calm, of course she leaves you feeling like a kid who just got a award or something."Tony said, as if he was reading the other's mind, and he was. Sorta. He'd guessed what the other's thoughts were. "Well, I'm glad you're here. Sorta. I like the company, it just drives me insane sometimes."Tony said sighing quietly, knowing the other understood the sheer anxiety it put him through to have people here. "Yea, you're in love. That feeling?Definitely in love."He snickered a little. "Besides, if you both are figuring out the world-as she knows nothing of it- you'll two will get a grip on things."He smiled slightly before smirking. "Just ask. I'll get thor to help me distract her for a bit, so you can talk to Loki. After that, well, you'll just have to ask her, then I'll help you figure out what to do on your date."He said looking amused.
Loki nodded. "he's just anti social, he'll come out of his shell once he gets used to all of you." he promised before he groaned. "Fandal is a jerk." he complained, but he was smiling. "i had that stupid jackrabbit with horns for years." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "but don't tell him that!" he demanded, narrowing his eyes at Thor. "and you know i can't stand alcohol." he complained with a shake of his head. "weird things happen when i get drunk..." he grumbled. "and it's not all to me."

Steve blinked a little. "oh." he muttered before he scowled at Tony. "don't give the magic users ideas Tony!" he demanded, sulking a little. "...the Zoo... do you think she'd like the Zoo? i think she'd like the Zoo." Steve muttered, getting entirely distracted. yeah, he had it bad. "so being in love makes us... feel things we normally wouldn't feel. i guess that makes sense..." he muttered, head cocked to the side before he looked at Tony. "don't they make medication for that?" he asked, gently teasing Tony. "a 'big bag of weed' could do you some good i think. it's legal now apparently." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i have to admit... weed is pretty nice. we smoked a ton of it in the barracks." back in WWII farmers where actually in trouble if they refused to grow Hemp for the War effort. which made weed being illegal a complete bafflement to the man out of time. "yeah. i guess we could. explore the world together." he agreed with a smile. "hey Tony?... thanks." Steve muttered, feeling rather sheepish and embarrassed. "i know it must suck, having me around and such, but... well your my best freind, you know?" Steve asked with a smile as he clapped Tony on the shoulder. "i'm gonna go... sign my Will and then talk to Loki."
"No he's not. And I'm definitely telling him you liked him enough to keep his present....does that count as a courting gift?"Thor smirked looking amused at the idea. "You two would make a wonderful couple."He teased before nodding. "I know, but think, the weird things would be happening to my fellow avengers. Which would be as entertaining as it is weird."he pointed out as all the siblings watched the brothers with wide eyes, having never seen them together, it was weird seeing them like this.

"Hm, but I give everyone ideas!That's my genius."Tony grinned before rolling his eyes as steve got distracted, amused that the man had it this bad. "I'm sure she would. Since Thor thought guntersnipe was a common animal here, she probably has no idea what normal animals are like."he said looking amused before twitching a little. "Can't use it. built up a immunity to the medication, and drinking only helps so much."He smirked a little, "I don't do drugs. Drinking yes, drugs screw with me."He sulked before staring a little wide eyed at the man. "...This is a totally weird conversation topic that I'm moving on from, because I have no idea how to respond to you smoking weed."Tony decided before looking up from the drug he was working on, his eyes shuttering for a moment before he smiled. "Welcome. You know, I really wanted to hate you....truly. Howard stark made my childhood a nightmare but....well. You are kinda a living legend. Who actually lives up to it...kinda made it hard to hate you."He muttered, not about to admit he liked steve to. "Go ahead. And make sure you say goodbye to the death goddess before doing that, she might keep you from dying or something."Tony snickered watching him go.
"Do shut up! tell him and i'll make YOU into a Jackalope!" Loki complained, his eyes glittering with laughter. "besides, as cute as Fendal's ass is, and as feminine as he appears, he's lacking key items in which would actually attract me to him. namely, breasts and a vagina." "Father!" "what?" Loki complained, blinking at Fenris who was blushing even as he was laughing. "in any case." Loki complained, shooting a sulky glare at Thor. "how are you feeling Fen?" "like some stupid Aeser with a sword thought i would make a good target." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm healing quite well according to Bruce." "which one is Bruce?" "he changes into the massive green thing with anger issues." Fenris stated simply. "Tony's words, not mine." "oh yes... him."

Steve snorted a little. "i thought your Ego was your genius?" Steve teased with a lopsided grin before he worried his lip a little. "yes the Zoo... i'll have to take her to the big one." he muttered. "show her everything i can. there are books too, we could get books for her about the Animals if she really likes them..." he gave Tony a sympathetic look. "i'm sorry your life is crap Tony." he admitted before laughing at the admittance that drugs screwed with him. "that's a shame. Pot was the only reason i could function when i first started fighting." he admitted with a shudder. "whats wrong with me smoking weed? it might not be socially acceptable now, but it was 'back then'." he pointed out. "especially for soldiers suffering wounds or anxiety attacks." he admitted. "god i miss smoking." he muttered with a sigh before he looked at Tony before he snorted. "how ironic..." he mused. "i wanted to hate you too, being Howard's son... god i hated him." Steve admitted. "he was twice the ass you ever where and the bastard stole my girlfriend." he grumbled. "at least you have morals... they're loose, but they're there." he admitted, flashing the other a grin. "do you need me to stay for a bit, or will you be alright on your own? i could get Pepper or Bruce for you?" he offered.
"Hey no threatening uncle. Hd has enough problems eithout being a rabbit."hela said giggling a little before her eyes went wide at her father's words,amazed at the them."you need a date."she decided looking smused before watching the others."I see you remember meeting."hela teased looking amused though she worried about her father, and how he was dealing with what he'd done."

"Noo!my brilliance is my genius."tony snickered befire shrugging."I'll see about getting those books."he said amused at the idea of hela and steve going to the zoo before shrugging."its not so bad anymore. As long as pep's home I can sleep.."he said before smitking a littld."I knoe but you're I can't picture you smoking."tony snickered before sighing."yea that sounds like dad. He always did like other people's woman.and don't spread that around, I worked hard to make it seem like I have no morals."he snickered before shrugging."if pepper's up send her down,but definitely send bruce down.I could use the help with this fucking drug."he looked annoyed waving."bye bye steve,remeber stay away from ice,he might refreeze you capsicle."he snickered watching steve disappear upstairs to talk with loki. "Jarvis?" "Sir?" "Please record steve's conversation with loki so I can watch it later."the billionaire smirked as he settled doan to work.
Loki snorted. "non of Thor's problems are MY fault, so i can threaten him as i please." Loki stated with a sniff and an impish smirk. "i remember nothing." Loki denied, shaking his head. "i know not 'man of the green rage' and i refuse to admit that he kicked my ass." that got Jormungandr and Fenris laughing so hard they almost collapsed. honestly, Loki wished he'd never attacked New York, no matter how close he'd gotten to giving his children honest freedom.

Steve rolled his eyes. "and your Ego is what? an added bonus?" he asked with a grin. "i'm glad she can help you at least. Peppers pretty great." he admitted with a smirk. "and pretty impressive, managing both you and your company. it can't be easy to control you." Steve teased with a snicker before he nodded. "i would have started smoking when i woke up, but i don't like the taste of tobacco." he admitted with a grin. "i suppose they left that part out of american history?" he asked with a snicker. "Tony everyone knows that you have Morals, you're not very good at hiding them." Steve stated simply as he headed up the stairs to find Loki. he did pause to glare at Tony. "....sometimes, i do hate you, i hope you know that." he grumbled as he headed back up the stairs. Pepper was out arguing with snobs again, so he sent Bruce down to help Tony work whicle he went to look for Loki. "uhm. Sir Leufeyson?..." Steve asked, fidgeting. "might i ask for a word in private." Loki looked up at the man and had to use every ounce of control not to start laughing. this was going to be fun.

they settled into a separate room where Jarvis not only recorded the conversation, but actual video of the event. Steve was so nervous, he just blurted it out. "i wanted to ask your permission to ask Hela for a date Sir!" Steve stated quickly, swallowing thickly when Loki lifted an eyebrow and then narrowed his eyes. "...i don't like you." he stated suddenly and Steve swallowed thickly. "i don't like the way you dress. i don't like the way you talk. i don't like the way you defeated me and my army, and i absolutely hate your hair.." Steve nervously ran a hand through his perfectly combed hair. "hmm.. that's a little better." Loki muttered before shaking his head. "the fact of the matter, Spandex, is that i just point blank despise you..." Steve wondered if this is what a person felt like before they fainted? "unfortunately for me. my daughter does like you. and she likes you a lot. and even if i tell you no, she'll attempt to seduce you anyway. and she'll succeed because she's my daughter, and she always gets what she wants. you make her happy, and i want to see my daughter happy. so you may take her on a date." Steve was practically skipping in place. "but if you hurt my daughter in any form or fashion, i will put you in the plains of Woe and LEAVE you there for the rest of eternity." "yes sir! i understand Sir! thank you sir!" Steve squeaked, fleeing as soon as Loki waved him off. there was a heartbeat of a pause before Loki burst into gut clenching laughter. "oh my god... oh that was fun! my daughter is going to kill me but it was SO worth it! Sir! he called me Sir!" Loki gasped, laughing so hard he couldn't even sit up. "hopefully Hela will pull that american flag he's got clenched in his ass..." Loki mused once he'd calmed down.
Hela nearly died with laughter as her siblings and her laughed at their father, for once the whole group looking like a normal family.

"It is."Tony agreed before nodding."She is. And more then a little scary, with how well she controls both."he said snickering before nodding."Yea, just a bit. might have to rewrite a histroy book to put it in there."he said before making a face, sulking that everyone knew he was okay. "it's okay, the feelings mutual sometimes."Tony snickered amused as he settled in to work with bruce.

In the morning found Tony settling onto the couch with Bruce, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. "We found a serum that'll help loki shrug off some of the affect of the drug. That deserves a prize. Jarvis?Will you play my new favoritest video please?"tony asked grinning, nearly dying of laughter as he watched loki and steve talking, twisting on the couch to look at the good captain and pepper as they came in, trying to calm because he knew if he laughed to hard, pepper was going to hit him. "Hey, spangles, you should mess up your hair more often. You look like you just had sex."Tony grinned biting his lip, struggling for calm.
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