Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

Clint grinned a little as he showed Fenris how to put the batteries in, cursing as he put them in backwards, which made Fenris laugh. "so these little... things, are power?" he asked curiously. "no, they store power inside of them." Clint explained. "how, i have no idea. Tony always smart babbles when he talks about it." Clint admitted with a small shake of his head. Fenris quickly realized that Tony was very much a low man on the totem pole. he acted very much like a Gamma. strutting, but very nervous and submissive when challenged. "Legolas?" Fenris asked, even more confused and Clint laughed. "it's a nickname he has for me. he nicknames everyone. like Hela is Bambi." he explained. "i'm Legolas. Loki was Reindeer Games, Thor is Point Break." he shrugged. "it's just his thing." Clint admitted. "and of course we're trying to get rid of you Tony. we don't want you to smart babble at us." "oh leave him alone." Steve ordered, rolling his eyes. "come on Tony, you can play Monopoly with us. or Life, we have enough people in here for a pretty good game."
Hela giggled a little at clint's mistake, "I think everyone, except tony, has put in batteries wrong before."She giggled before studying the batteries. "There's a chemical in there, that creates power when its mixed and makes it work."Tony said tilting his head a little. "Steve is capsicle or spangles, and bruce is bruce, because I can't think of a good name for the big guy."Tony snickered a little before making a face at clint. "I wasn't going to smart babble at you!I know you guys don't want to hear about how I'm having a issue getting Barton's bow to work better without making it to heavy to use."The engineer grumbled before perking up a little, relaxing as he realized they were indeed just teasing him. reminding himself not to act like a kid who'd just been invited to his first board game to play-though it was-he smiled settling down on the bed with the others, glad that the bed could hold all of them without crowding each other."let's play life. It'll be fun."
"i think even Tony has put batteries in wrong." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "chemical?" Fenris asked curiously. "what's a chemical?" "don't get him started!" Steve ordered with a groan. "you can have an Earth Science lesson later." Steve promised when Fenris pouted. "Big Guy is not a nickname?" Fenris asked curiously as he watched Steve setting up the Life board. "i keep telling you, my Bow is fine, it's carbon reinforced, as flexible as a whip when i need it to be, and i like the one i have!" unfortunately, the one he had, was broken during the fight with Loki, and Clint was refusing to 'move on'. Fenris seamed to love the game Life, almost as much as Tony did, though he fell asleep midway through the game, and Steve glared at anyone who tried to wake him. Fenris was still very much recovering from almost being killed. once Fenris was out like a light, Steve made Tony and Clint leave so they didn't wake the boy, since they where 'incapable of speaking below a screaming yell', as Steve said anyway. that's when something new happened.

"Sir, there are very strange energy signatures appearing in our basement. energy signatures not unlike what Loki and Hela use. you might wish to prepare."
"I have not. I'm brilliant."Tony snickered opening his mouth to answer the question before glaring at the super solider."He wants to know!"Tony whined a little before sighing. "It is, but its not as cool as the other's.I'm working on something."Tony said looking amused at fenris' question as he settled in to play glancing at Clint. "No it's not, and you're going to accept the new one, because I'm making new arrows. And Hela's helping. Having a sorceress around is handy when you need to make things."Tony grinned though hela didn't understand, she had enough grasp on the science to understand what metals tony asked her to create to use.

"Hm?"Tony startled a little when jarvis spoke, "Thanks jarvis.I'll go see what it is."Tony said looking concerned, because he was sure if it had been thor he'd just come in, glancing at hela he smiled before tilting his head towards steve. "You stay with Fenris and Hela between you two you got magic and power enough to take care of things if it gets by us, me and clint'll go get natasha and investigate."Tony said before walking out and heading downstairs to see what was going on.
Clint scowled a little at Tony before he finally grumbled his agreement, only once Tony mentioned that Hela was involved. which informed Fenris that Hela was quite high up the 'totem pole' as it where. he was quite impressed with his little sister, to have so much power amidst her peers in such a short amount of time.

Steve narrowed his eyes at Tony before he nodded. agreeing with the man. he wanted to stay here in case they needed to defend themselves from someone, probobly Loki, or worse, one of the Asgaurdians. Clint followed Tony down the stairs, towards the basement levels where they where joined by Natasha. Clint lifted his gun, and nearly froze as he caught sight of nothing but loop after loop of something long, thick, red, leathery... and alive. there was a heavy hissing sound and Clint swallowed thickly. "that... is a big ass snake." he whispered. "I, am not a Snake." a voice stated, rich, deep, strong as a body finally appeared. a human body. attached to for feet of human torso, was almost twenty feet of red snake tail. "shooting me will do you no good." the man warned, turning blood red eyes to Clint, who had raised his gun, preparing to shoot again. there where thick, bone white.. antlers, attached to the man's head, and long red hair that fluttered without a breeze. "i am Jormungandr. Son of Loki, Brother to Hela and Fenris, who you have higher up in this building. you will take me to them, or you will die."
Tony swallowed looking nervous as they stepped into the basement, the small thruster he'd made for a handheld, lighter version of the one in his suit, made for personal use when he wasn't in the suit shining brightly in his hand, but even he froze at the sight of the serpent, at a loss for words. Such a rarity, tony stark having nothing to say. "....They were told you were dead. They have been very traumatized, how do I know that you are not one of the ones hunting them?"Tony said, though he was willing to believe that this was indeed their brother, he was also protective enough of the two upstairs that he was willing to chance pissing off jormungandr, and pray that the serpent would forgive him for delaying when he realized that it had been done out of care for his siblings. Wincing a little he sighed,"Jarvis?" "Sir?" "Will you please ask Cap and Bambi to come downstairs?"

"sir, lady. Sir asks that you and ms. hela join him downstairs."Jarvis said. Hela bit her lip getting up, looking at fenris worriedly, though she thought that he would be okay. "Will you be okay on your own?I can stay if you want me to..."
Jormungandr narrowed his eyes and hissed, baring long fangs that could fold back against the roof of his mouth, just like a normal snake. "for one thing, Asgaurdians are dull, drab creatures with not a brain!" Jormungandr admitted with a smirk. "for another, is not my form proof enough of who i am? or does not my family speak of me?" he asked, not in the least bit surprised if they didn't. if they thought him dead, which he also wasn't surprised about, then they wouldn't want to talk about him. "it is good for you to be sure of who i am." he admitted. "particularly with the Threat we are all under." he admitted. "there is a code phrase, that Uncle informed me of. he also told it to Hela, in case i needed to go and fetch her." he admitted. "as the eldest, it is my duty to protect the younger siblings." he admitted, cocking his head as he listened to Jarvis. finally he seamed to come to a decision about something, and his long red body twisted and writhed, growing shorter and shorter before they finally settled into perfectly normal legs, leaving him at almost six feet tall, and nearly naked save for the funny little skirt he was wearing. not that it hid much. "Hela." Jormungandr muttered as he looked at her. "you look just like Uncle said you did." he admitted with a smile. "i am Jormungandr." he explained, bowing to her. "as Uncle said "The Serpent meets the Dawn." the phrase he was supposed to speak, to show that he was, who he said he was.
"Ah, they might be, but I have no desire to meet up with your father if I failed to protect them. Not to metion, your uncle's sorta the god of thunder, I'm mortal, cant get hit with lightening and survive."Tony joked, the sarcasm a defense against his nervousness before shaking his head."They mentioned you, briefly, but not in detail."Natasha said watching him before looking even more pleased as the man melted into a man, glad that like fenris they would be able to pass in normal society. "Jor."Hela's eyes went wide as she hurried towards him at the sound of the phrase, wrapping her arms tightly around him."I am not the dawn, just simply darkness."She muttered, whining about it because while she'd agreed with thor's caution, she hadn't agreed with the phrase, to used to everyone looking down on her to consider that she could bring anyone light. "Come. You must be tired, we will get you settled. Come."Hela said already tugging her brother towards the stairs, ignoring her friends, so anxious at actually having her family together she was ignoring the family she'd gained.So out of sorts that she didnt even notice tony quietly laughing, pleased at her reaction to having jormungandr there.
Jormungandr smirked a little. "yes, he is a little heavy on the lightning, isn't he?" the Snake boy asked, chuckling as he shook his head. "he hasn't always been though, before he received Mjolnir, Uncle was actually more annoying than he was dangerous." he admitted, shaking his head. "they thought i was dead, it is to be expected. i had hoped they wouldn't find out i had been attacked until after i had found them. but it was not until Fenris appeared here, that i knew where to go to find them." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at Hela. "hello little Hell Cat." he offered her, opening his arms to her and letting her hold him. he had lived his entire life on earth, out of all of Loki's children, he was probobly the most well adjusted. "there is no Dawn without a Darkness. just as there can be no Darkness without a Dawn. you are two sides of the same coin." he assured her. "i am not so tired. it was a simple task to fool the silly Aeser who came for me. honestly one would think they would actually test my body for a pulse." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "they never even touched me. they just killed an illusion." he admitted with a chuckle. "where is Fen?" he asked suddenly. "i know he's here. it's how i found you... has he been hurt?" he asked before he staggered and went to his knees. "sorry... i forgot... i don't usually have legs..., i can't use both of them to turn..." he muttered, narrowing his eyes at his leg. "how do you two leggers do this all the time?"
"He is."Tony agreed before laughing. "Well, I'm sure your father still thinks he's plenty annoying."Tony joked snorting a little before sighing. "Thor is the one who told them. Odin sent him after hela, and he brought her here instead."Tony said looking pleased that the man seemed so calm. "Hello."She muttered resting her head on his chest, pleased with his presence blushing ever so softly at his words."You would think, but I'm glad they didn't."She said looking pleased with the idea that the aesers had been that stupid, wincing as he staggered catching him."He's upstairs. He was hurt in his escape, but he is healing."She promised before wrapping a arm around hsi waist to help him, "Well, we get used to it.And don't shape shift."She teased as they got to fenris' room before pausing, not wanting to go in. because she wasnt sure if he was awake."Hold on...he was sleeping..."She muttered before opening the door a little. "Fenris?"She said quietly.
Jormungandr chuckled a little. "Father thinks existence itself is annoying." Jormungandr admitted with a lopsided grin before he sighed and nodded. "he went and got Hela to safety, and had already heard from Tyr that they had killed me. well i can't say i'm surprised." the man admitted with a shake of his head. he smiled as she greeted him and he chuckled. "well, the Aeser are not a particularly intelligent species after all." he pointed out. "aren't you glad you don't share blood with them?" he asked with a smile. unlike the others, Jormungandr knew who their mother was. "if he is sleeping, leave him to sleep." Jor whispered softly to her as she checked on Fenris, who was indeed still sleeping, looking ever so adorable wrapped up in the blankets, with a pile of Life 'money' still clutched in his fist. "he's kind of adorable, is he not?" Jor asked with a grin as he examined the Wolf sleeping on the bed. "how badly hurt is he?" "not very." Bruce stated as he walked up to them. "some deep lacerations, but he's not bleeding anymore, and he's healing at a faster rate then humans do. he should be fine in a few more days. he'll be easily exaughsted for a few weeks as his body struggles to adjust to the rapid healing... in theory anyway. we're trying to feed him as much as he can hold four or five times a day so he puts some meat on his bones. "and you are?" "Bruce Banner. i'm a doctor, i'm the one looking after Fen's injuries. we have a room set up for you right next to Fen and Hela." "thank you very much, you are all very kind. especially considering what my Father did." "like we told Hela. you are not your father. you cannot be held accountable for his desperate actions."
Hela giggled a little, looking up at her brother in curiousity. Though not questioning it yet, she wanted to know who her mother was."Very.I do not enjoy the other of being related to any of them."She muttered,"Except uncle, but he does not ccount, as he would have claimed us no matter our blood relation."She mused so happy and proud that her unlce had indeed overlooked the fact that there was not a drop of asgardian blood in their viens,but claimed them anyways. Shutting the door quietly she smiled."He is."she muttered gently stroking fenris' hair out of his face, careful to not wake him before looking at bruce as he answered the question. "Come. We'll go get something to eat."Hela said gently nudging the men out of the room before heading to the kitchen, wincing at Jor's words about loki's invasion. "Hey. You want something to eat?"She said nearly walking into steve as he stepped back into the living room, having been so distracted by talking to jormunandr that she hadn't paid attention, blushing ever so slightly as she caught his arm so she wouldn't fall over, having literally walked into him.
Jormungandr chuckled a little. "Uncle is a rarity." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we could have been Dark Elves for all he cared." he admitted with a smile before he glanced at her. "we're not, of course." he promised her. he smiled as he finally saw his little brother. "i forgot how tiny he is..." Jor admitted with a shake of his head. "i was actually able to see him when he was born, because Mother went to earth to have him. hoping it would protect him from Odin." he admitted with a sigh. "it didn't work, of course." he admitted with a sigh. "i saw you when you where born too. you had a full head of hair when you came out." he admitted with a grin. he didn't mention where their mother was though. "food would be lovely." he agreed with a nod. "hello." he stated to Steve with a smile. Steve muttered a hello back, but was more focused on making sure that Hela hadn't gotten hurt slamming into him like that. "i was just coming to get you." Steve admitted with a smile. "Jarvis just told me that Lunch is ready. i was going to see if Fen was awake." "he's not." "we'll save him a plate then." Steve decided with a nod. "i'm Steve by the way." he stated, offering Jormungandr his hand. pleased when Jor shoot it without even a hesitation. "so what's for Dinner?" "a big pot of Spaghetti and a half a ton of salad." Steve admitted with a laugh.
"That's good to know."hela said looking relieved indeed that she wasn't part elf before nodding."he is tiny."she muttered looking up at her brother in curiosity so many questions she wanted answered but feeling to awkward with her new brother to ask them."I'm fine.don't fuss."hela said smiling up at steve as he made sure she was okay blushing as she walked with them to the kitchen,amused that tony was no where in sight."send the genius back to his lab with food?"she snickered knowing tony'd headed back down after the excitement was donr to try and work on whatever he was doing.though she was sure the frustrated genius would be back as soon as he hit a dead end for the moment. Smiling as she settled doen to talk to her brother and steve as she ate,though she was torn between sho she wanted to talk to the most blushing as she realized jor propably knew she was attracted to the super solider,rven if steve was a little oblivious.
Jormungandr smiled a little. "it's because of his genetics. Father was very small as well. Fenris will grow in a few hundred years." he assured her. "and even if he doesn't, being small isn't always a disadvantage." he admitted. "i have to fuss." Steve admitted. "it's hardwired into my brain. fussing and worrying." he admitted with a smile. "and yes, Tony went back to his Lab, apparently he was hit by inspiration." he admitted with amusement. "that and he's incredibly shy and all the new people in his house is sending him into an anxiety attack." he admitted. "but don't worry. he had those when it was just me and Bruce here. Tony doesn't handle change well." he admitted. "and if you left, he'd still have them." he admitted, Jormungandr nodding. "he is a builder of things, is he not? he builds through his anxiety. very good coping technique." he approved with a smile. "say, Jormungandr... would you like some, you know. clothes? i think you could fit into some of Bruce's things." "clothes? ah yes, i had forgotten." Jormungandr admitted with a smile. "i was living in India, where nudity isn't that big of a deal. they worship Naga and Snakes there." he admitted with a nod. "they never cared how i dressed." he admitted with a laugh. "oh..." Steve muttered, looking surprised. "well that's interesting." Jormungandr laughed a little and nodded. "indeed. oh but that does smell good." he admitted as he examined the massive pot of Spaghetti on the table with an equally massive bowl of self serve salad. "i'll tell you about our Mother when Fenris is awake to hear too." Jormungandr finally promised her with a smile.
"Oh.that makes sense."hela said looking pleased thst fenris eould probably grow rventually having not liked how small he was."tony?shy?are we talking about the same billionaire?"hela said before looking anxious,"we could go..I don't want him to be uncomfortable in his oen home.."she muttered before looming relieved at steve's assurance,having not been sure where to go if it would have been better to leave."he is.he builds a lot of things no one really understands,but they're pretty cool."she giggled a little before getting up to go see bruce.returning in a few minutes with some pants and a shirt she handed them to jormundr,before blushing looking up at him,or once looking like a little girl who wasn't sure if she'd done something wrong."I wasn't going to ask yet.."she muttered anxioud because she wanted jor to like her,nd she didn't want to talk about their mother if it would upset him.
Steve chuckled a little. "yeah, we're talking about Tony. he wouldn't have so many issues if he'd just go to the doctor." Steve admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "there's medicine people can take for anxiety, but he doesn't want people thinking he's insane or anything so he doesn't go." he admitted with a shrug. "Tony can build almost anything, so long as it isn't so simple even Thor can do it." Jormungandr laughed at that. "many genius are like that." he admitted with a smile as he pulled on the borrowed clothes. "i can understand your curiosity. only Father and I knows who Mother is. Odin knows that she is your mother, but he does not realize that he is i and Fen's mother as well. Father hid it very well." he admitted. "i will happily tell you all about our Mother." he promised with a smile. "she was an amazing woman." he promised, helping himself to some of the food.
Hela frowned a little at that, biting her lip."Maybe pepper will talk to him. She's good at getting him to do things he doesn't want to do."Hela said looking worried for her friend, before giggling. "I saw him mess up trying to work the toaster the other day. it was quite endearing."She mused before biting her lip as she looked up at jormungandr, relaxing as she realized he was okay with her curiousity. "I do want to hear about her.."She said smilign pleased with the idea of both odin having no idea, and that she was a good woman.

Meanwhile tony slid out from under his car enough to look at the woman standing between his legs, smirking a little as he studied his girlfriend. "Did you come down to give me a hand?"he said shifting sliding a hand up pepper's bare leg, looking amsued. Like always, when he was anxious, he either worked, or had sex. With her down here, he could do both. "How'd your meeting go?"He asked growing serious after a moment.
Steve chuckled a little. "we're trying to help him ourselves before we end up having to make him go to a therapist or something." Steve admitted with a shrug. "Tony is pretty amusing when he tries to make himself food. he can't even boil water, he's never had to cook before though, because he's rich enough he usually just eats out whenever he gets hungry." Steve admitted as he dished out a large plate for Fenris and covered it and slid it intot he microwave to keep it warm until the boy woke up. "go ahead and eat Hela." he suggested. "the others are all busy with various things so they won't be up for a while yet." he admitted as he helped himself to his own plate.

Pepper smiled as she settled onto his belly, smiling at him. "i did." she admitted with a chuckle. once she realized just how serious his anxiety attacks really where, she had stopped trying to make him stop working and stop hiding. because she loved him enough to make some concessions. as long as they where working together to make each other happy, then she would be all too happy to compromise. so, instead of demanding him to get up, she simply joined him... unless he was working on things that exploded. "i see we suddenly have three new people in the house." she admitted, looking more than a little baffled. "i wasn't even gone for a full day Tony." she complained, looking highly amused. "who in the world are they?" because she'd seen, and been introduced to Hela, she'd been distracted by the major meeting and hadn't paid attention. "the meeting was a horrible disaster." she groaned. "two of them didn't speak English, and they didn't speak the same language so we had to have two translators, both of whom where lecherous little perverts who wouldn't stop looking at my, and Namea's breasts..." she grumbled as she leaned down and kissed him. "on the plus side, we are now the proud owners of the company that creates the Mercedes." she admitted with a smile. "so your plan to make a clean energy Car is Green." she teased, grinning at her own pun.
"Ah."Hela said looking thoughtful, wondering how to help her friend before giggling. Nodding happily. "He really is. And he looks so confused when he failed to make edible things, even if he was following the directions. Its probably a good thing he can buy things to eat, or that he lives with you. otherwise, he'd probably starved by now."Hela laughed quietly before starting to eat, amused as she settled in to eat with her brother and the man she was feeling more attatched to the more time she spent in his company. "So what are you up to today, steve?We're not keeping you are we?"she asked smiling a little.

"Good."Tony said smiling a little as he set down the wrench, resting his hands on her hips, content to lay with her, as his creeper was fairly comfortable to lay on. the anxiety of having other people in his house melting away for the moment at having both electrical things around him, and pepper sitting on top of him."Hm, we do.And it's not my fault!Steve and bruce keep inviting them to stay!"he said sounding slightly anxious. "You know hela, and the other two are her brothers jormungandr and Fenris."he said sitting up, shifting her a little in his lap, groaning as she settled across his hips, smiling slightly. "Hm, poor pepper. I'll have to make it up to my CEO for dealing with them."He muttered kissing her lightly. "How about the next meeting, I'll go with, so I can be the one to leer at your breasts?"He said before grinning, looking pleased and amused at her news and joke."Good. I've been tinkering with this car, seeing how it would work best."he said jerking his head towards the mercedes he had been tinkering on. While he knew he had other designers at the company's to build them and make them best, it calmed a part of his mind to be the one doing it, allowing a whole new idea settle his nerves as he thought about how to do the car the best.
Steve laughed and nodded. "this is true, but i can't cook all that well either. i can make eggs though! i make a great omelet!" he admitted with a smile. "and not really." he assured her. "normally i'm bored out of my skull. i mean so bored that i actually make messes to clean up and go for runs out in the city just for something to do." he admitted with a small chuckle. "it's a lot of fun having so many people here who are just as bored as i am." he admitted with a nod before nearly leaping out of his Skin as Jarvis informed them that Fenris was awake and had to pee. "...oh boy." Steve muttered as he shook his head. "wait here, i'll go help him." Steve promised as he headed down the hall, Jormungandr laughing at Steve's sheepishness as he stood up and grabbed the plate of food for Fenris and followed Steve to lend assistance. Steve was a good Alpha, he was always making sure his pack was healthy and happy.

pepper chuckled a little as she grinned at him, wiggling her hips a little. "oh you big softy. they showed up and you let them stay for Hela." she teased with a chuckle. "she's got you all wrapped around her fingers... especially Steve." Pepper teased with a laugh. "so they are the sons of Loki? they're... not what i was expecting." she admitted with a small grin. "i'd rather you stay away from the meetings. we both know you'll fall asleep, and what message would that send?" she asked with a laugh as she examined the car, her head tilted. after living with Tony for so long, she understood a little bit about what he was talking about now... sometimes. "oh, and as a bonus, i managed to get you a contract with a motorcycle company for you to do the same thing." she admitted with a smile. "i forget which one though. so you'll be busy for a while mister Stark." she teased, kissing him deeply. "now then.... are you in the middle of this, or can i lure you away for a quickie?" she asked with a sly little smirk.
"Which is better then, tony."Hela said smiling before grinning. "that's sad steve."She teased smirking a little. "And if you're really bored, you could go have that tech talk with Tony. He's working on a car or something."She said smiling jumping slightly as jarvis spoke. Looking nervous as she followed the boys into fenris' room, settling on the bed to wait for steve and fenris to return, looking up at her brother. For once, feeling young, faced with her older brothers."How you feeling, fen?"she said smiling as she fussed over him as steve helped him back into bed.

Tony groaned as he smirked. "Hm, no. They're just bigger then me. Figured it was a good idea to just let them stay, and not have bruce and steve sulking."She smirked before laughing."Steve's definitely wrapped around her fingers. He stayed with her last night, let her sleep in his lap."He said laughing before nodding."They are. And definitely not what I expected, but it is good to see them. Hela's happy."He muttered running a hand down her back, pouting a little. "I would not. I'm capable of staying awake."he said before smiling as she examined the car, laying back down so he could show her what he was working on."See here, I'm switching out the gaslines for powerlines to the arc reactor running it."He said flushing a little because he was such a geek, but it was his way of showing he was good enough, that he was good enough to date and smart enough to take care of her. "Really?"Tony sat up quickly looking excited, nearly cracking his head on the undercarriage before kissing her back, tugging her tighter against him, groaning as he pressed his grroin into hers."hmm, I think I can take a break from the middle of this. You keep telling me breaks are good."He muttered tangling his fingers in her hair kissing her slowly.
Steve chuckled a little and shrugged. "it's the truth. i'm not needed all that much anymore, and i make enough that i don't need to work. not that i can get a job because if they need me for a mission, i'll get fired for leaving work." he pointed out. "which leaves me with nothing to do." he admitted with a grin before he left to help Fenris, who was carried back out in Steve's arms. "i'm tired, sore, and rather mortified." Fenris admitted, laughter in his voice, Steve snorting. "who is this?" he asked curiously, narrowing his eyes at Jormungandr. "Fenris, this is your elder brother, Jormungandr. he faked his own death so the Aeser would stop hunting him." "it was horrifyingly easy." Jor admitted with a roll of his eyes. "i promised Hela i'd tell you about our mother." "you know who our mother is!?" "indeed i do." he admitted with a nod as Steve carefully extracted himself, figuring they'd want privacy for this one.

Pepper snorted. "Tony.. Fenris is half your size and Hela is even smaller." she stated looking very amused. "although you're right about Bruce and Steve sulking." she admitted with a laugh. "though Clint would have sulked too. very much so, as you know. he's so happy to have people to teach." she admitted with a grin. "you have really got to start letting them have some chores around here. if you let them get too bored, they'll get into trouble." she warned with a small little smirk. "so... you're basically turning the engine, into a massive battery." she summed up, smiling. "that's impressive. do you have to rewire the entire thing?" she asked before laughing as he nearly cracked his head on the car. "careful Tony. if i have to take you to the hospital for a concussion you won't get laid." she warned, laughing as she took his hand and led him to the little bedroom he had in the shop for when he couldn't sleep, or she wasn't home. often, she actually slept down there with him.
"Well, just beat up tony into letting you do something.He'll let you help him build something."Hela snickered a little before smiling at fenris, "Aeser's aren't known for being overly smart."Hela pointed out before sighing softly, settling down to listen to jormungandr, looking up at him. "will you tell us now?"She said looking interested, wanting to know all about her mother, for once not acting like a adult, and trying not to bounce in place at the idea of knowing about her mother.

"Well, size doesn't matter. Bigger in that she'd make me regret tossing her out. Not to mention steve whining I tossed out his girlfriend."He grumbled, looking sulky because it caused him great anxiety to have everyone in his house, even if he actually did enjoy having everyone there. It was nice, to have friends, it just left him anxious. "I know, but I was ignoring just how much he'd sulk because if I do, I might have to consider how much he'd kick my ass for it."He grumbled before nodding."I am. And I know. I'm just a pretty impressive guy, before nodding."Most of it. I'm trying to decide how much I have to rewire or if I can use some of what is already there."He said laughing as he followed after her."Hmm, concussions dont stop me."he grinned.

A hour later tony sighed quietly as he nuzzled his face against her shoulder, "hm, we should go upstairs. Check on our guests."He muttered pressing a kiss to her skin, much more relaxed then he had been in days.
Fenris grinned a little as he leaned in, eager to hear about their mother as Jor paused, pondering how best to start before deciding to just jump in. "out mother was a Vanir." he finally informed them. the Vanir where old school. they where what was left over from the last universe. creatures of light and purity, they where much like guardians of Fate. some of them could see into the future, and worked hard to avert total destruction, and to save certain select individuals that where needed 'in the grand scheme of things'. not even Odin would mess with a Vanir... at least, that was what people thought, apparently they where wrong if Odin had messed with a Vanir by taking her baby. "she was an exceptionally beautiful Vanir, with hair like spun silverlight, and eyes as blue as the deep skies." he admitted with a smile. "she's actually the one who took Odin's eye. because he took me away. that's what she told me anyway." he admitted. "but she was weak from childbirth, and Loki was locked up to prevent him from interfering. by the time Frigga freed Father, i was gone and Mother was almost too weak to make it. Father had to carry her all the way back to Vanahiem so the other Vanier could heal them. when Fen was born, she fled to earth, to me, hoping that i could help protect her. Odin knew that he was coming, so he once again restrained Loki, went to earth, and took Fenris... i still don't really know what happened. i drew my sword, i rushed him, and then i woke up, with a mouth full of mud and blood in the water." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Mother once again almost died. the Vanir never have easy pregnancies, and for one Vanir to survive childbirth once, let alone three times is almost miraculous..."

he paused and closed his eyes. "and then you where born." he whispered, smiling at Hela. "she was so happy, so excited to have a little girl growing in her belly. she named you Hela. Light in the Darkness..." he paused again. "Odin tried to outright kill you. i think he knew that you where destined for something amazing, something great.... something he was afraid of, because he drew his dagger and tried to kill you and mother...." he paused, swallowed again and closed his eyes. "Mother shoved you into my arms, told me to flee, and tried to defend you. Odin thrust his sword through her, and that's when Thor came with Frigga and the second Eldest Vanir and all of them started screaming at Odin. Mother was dead, the leader of the Vanir was dead, and Odin was henceforth cursed for all eternity for slaying a Vanir, and for trying to play with the fate of the world. that's why you where left to live. the Vanir warned Odin that if he ever tried to kill one of the children of Hayla, our mother, again, he would find himself swept out of existence. i guess he forgot, because he's trying to have us killed now. either that or he doesn't fear the threat, or thinks he can negate it by making others do the dirty work..." "is that why Odin never fathered anymore sons?" "yes. the Vanir cursed him impotent. he can't even get it up anymore."
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