Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

“…I do to. All the paperwork’s in your desk, well my desk, in my office. And the tower doesn’t use keys.”Tony sulked glaring at his girlfriend. “Oh?Is that what he’s doing?”Hela twisted to look at the man sitting next to her giggling happily as tony glared at them all, before she became momentarily distracted at the sight of steve licking his lips clean before looking away, blushing ever so softly. “I need Jarvis, otherwise I couldn’t be awesome and save the world. And really, you know you love the suits, and the cars. Don’t lie.”Tony sulked looking pissed and annoyed with the teasing before pushing up off the couch, for once seriously annoyed with the teasing as he went to the bar and poured himself a bigger glass, and despite pepper’s warning of only one round, seriously considering misbehaving.

“Ah. Yes. That would be a problem. I shall have to figure out a way to let him have this food at home.”Hela said looking pleased with the idea before yelping a hand lashing out in response to the light, instinctively creating a shield around them all to protect them before scrambling to her feet as her mind caught up with what she was hearing. “Cap, clint! Get me some bandages. Please.”Hela yelled, her emotional equilibrium to unsteady still from the upset from earlier to handle explaining who it was as she scrambled out of her seat and pulling her blanket with her, wrapping the man in it, while she looked about twenty, she knew that 20 years separated her from fenris. “Fenris?It is I, your sister, hela?You are safe. These are uncle’s friends.”She said proving that no matter how frail she looked, even as slight as she was, she was stronger then your average mortal as she gripped fenris’ arms tightly to keep him still, trying to get his attention before he lashed out at the avengers. “These are thor’s friends, brother. You are safe.”She repeated, trying to get through to him,
she rolled her eyes. "Car keys, Tony, Car keys. or do you not need an ignition for your precious sports cars anymore?" she asked with the sarcasm he was so known for, flashing him a smirk as she watched Hela blush. "Anthony Stark don't you DARE take another drink!" Pepper scolded. "if you get drunk you're sleeping alone!" she warned. she couldn't stand him when he was drunk. "we could always send Frozen pizza's with him. all you have to do then is cook them... granted, they don't taste as good, but it will be enough at least." Steve mused as he tucked into a Crepe, unaware of how he was being watched. Steve and Clint both raced off to get the first aid kits. Fenris tossed his head and unleashed another unearthly howl, sounding not unlike that of a timber wolf, calling for help. only his howl was at such a frequency, that all the windows and glass in the room shattered and the Avengers had to clap their hands to their ears for fear that he would burst their eardrums. he struggled against the blanket wrapping around him, but he was weak, tired, and bleeding heavily. Bruuce was already working on a thick gash in Fenris's leg, helping her to pin him down and snapped orders to everyone else to get the rubbing alcohol, a pan of hot water, clean towels, a muzzle. Fenris howled again, but this time, while inhuman, there was no magic in it. he was not a very powerful sorcerer, not like Hela or Loki. he was very skilled at Voice magic, but he only had a limited amount, and he appeared to have used it all up.

he went limp, gasping and whimpering, whining as if he was in his Wolf Form, but he had stopped fighting now, feeling Magic that he recognized, even if he had only felt it very breifly as a pup. the Magic of Loki and his offspring. he knew he was safe, or mostly so, and he submitted to their efforts. thankfully, Bruce was very good at emergencies, and soon he was stitching up the worst of the gashes before working on the smaller ones, binding them tightly so the bleeding would stop completely. Fenris had finally stopped cringing and whimpering and was simply laying there, panting, his eyes a glowing blue at first appearance, had dulled into a grey color as he trembled, in shock and terrified. much like Hela, he had been sheltered much of his life. while he had suffered at the hands of Tyr and the other Asgaurdians, the Jotun had swept away that trauma and offered him a place of peace and promise. only to have those filthy Asgaurdians attack him again. "try to sleep." Bruce ordered Fenris calmly. "i can't give you a pain killer or a sleep aid, i don't know what it will do to you. if it will do anything. he's in shock." Bruce explained as Steve leaned forward to get a better look at Fenris, who had drifted into an uneasy sleep. "those markings..." he gently stroked an unhurt part of fenris, examining the silver markings. "they look like liquid silver. amazing." he admitted, looking at Hela. "so this is your brother. the... asgaurdian's must have found him. he'll be safe here. we'll tell Thor he's here." he promised.
“They’re down in the garage somewhere.”Tony said looking annoyed before looking at the drink in his hand, “Not drunk. One drink isn’t going to change that.”He said downing the drink, well aware that he was pushing the limits, but also so pissed with the teasing that he was willing to risk sleeping alone.”Besides, that’s why bambi’s here. She can keep me company if you don’t want to.”He muttered as he sat back down, just loud enough for pepper to hear, knowing better then to let hela, or steve hear him being a bastard, he wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t exactly happy with any of them though. And despite everything, it had only been a few months since the team formed, and tony stark was having a problem learning how to play nicely with others, or how to deal with them when they teased him. “I shall have to look into this frozen food.”Hela said thoughtfully.

Wincing when fenris howled she winced, tightening her hands a little flinching as the howl threatened to shatter her eardrums but also not pulling her hands away. Talking quietly to fenris in old norse, because she didn’t lknow what else to do, to help him keep calm and allow the others to help. “Come on…we’ll get him in bed.Now no biting, I’m only going to move you somewhere more comfortable”tony said glancing at hela for her permission to pick up the young wolf, frowning slightly at how slight the youngster was as hela nodded, watching tony walk down the hall to hela’s room with the pup, figuring being in hela’s room would help him. Hela looked up at steve as tony left the room with fenris, nodding slightly, “Yes…it is my brother. Fenris. The wolfling.”Her smile was soft, sad before nodding. “I shall write uncle now. Will you stay with me?I mean…I do not think he could harm me, or attack me if he should wake but I would rather someone else be with me…”he said blushing ever so slightly as they walked towards her room as tony left it, muttering goodnight to the billionaire as she walked into her room, not about to admit that it wasn’t because fenris that she wanted company, but because she didn’t want to be alone.
Pepper narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed with his behavior. "Anthony Fredrick stark, do NOT make me punish you like the sulking two year old brat you're acting." she hissed, and he knew she'd do it too. just last week she'd hauled his drunken ass over her knee and delivered a punishing spanking. he still hadn't fully recovered from that humiliation.

Fenris slept, small whimpers falling from his lips now and again as he was being stitched up. he growled at Tony, baring miniscule fangs. while the boy was almost completely human, he still have very sharp teeth and long claw like fingernails that could probobly cut a person to the bone if he struck one of them. he didn't strike out though, he whimpered as he was picked up, as thin as Loki was. though unlike Loki, Fenris at least looked healthy, despite being so thin even pepper could have picked him up with ease. "he's so tiny!" Steve stated, looking rather stunned. of course, Runts of the litter where almost always tiny. "wolfling? like a werewolf?" he asked, looking stunned, and more than a little intimidated. "he can't infect people, right? because the last thing we need is a werewolf pandemic." he admitted, though his lopsided grin promised her that he was joking. "you'd have chaos in the streets, people sniffing each others buts and digging up the rose bushes." he stated, offering her a grin. "let me get changed quick." he suggested. "Fenris bled all over me, and i doubt he wants to see me covered in his blood when he wakes up." he admitted. he changed quick as a flash and was back with her in a matter of a minute and watched Fenris while she wrote. Steve was fascinated by the boy, for it was a boy. he knew that Hela was the youngest, but the Wolf looked no more than fifteen or sixteen. "Hela, why does he look so much younger than you?" he was a Runt of course, just like Loki. he was pretty cute too. Bruce walked in ten minutes later with a pile of blankets which he carefully arranged on top of the now happily sleeping Feris so he wouldn't catch a chill before walking back out and Steve chuckled. "i think you and Fenris have been adopted." he admitted with a grin.
Tony still looked annoyed as he walked back out of hela's room shrugging out of his tux as he looked at pepper."I'm going to coming?"he said for once the double entendre passing him by,to tired and stressed for once to deal with sex.

Hela smiled looking up at steve,nodding hesitantly before she realized he was just teasing."yes a werewolf...he is not a sorcerer like father,but he is a shapeshifter....and if tony's anything to go by,people already walk around sniffing each other."she giggled a little nodding to show that she had heard him as she headed for her room,settling onto the couch by the window as she set about writing to thor."runts usually are tiny. Father didn't get tall until he was at least a thousand, st least that's what uncle says,though I am sure loki disagrees."she said pausing,looking up from her letter to watch bruce,blushing ever so slightly at steve's words studying her brother for a long moment before looking at the man sitting next to her, not even noticing as she shifted to rest her head on steve's shoulder,tired and just wanting comfort." you think father would be angry about that?"she said looking anxious at the idea,because she didn't want to hurt bruce's feelings and she was enjoying being treated like a daughter,but she also didn't want to upset matter that the jotun wasn't on earth to see her treat bruce like a father,but it was still worrying her.
pepper considered him for a moment before she nodded and followed him, sliding her hand into his. "you know they don't mean to hurt you, don't you?" she asked softly. her head tilted at him. "they don't understand that you don't like it when they tease you. they don't mean to honestly upset you Tony. least of all Steve, he looks up to you a great deal, Steve does. he'd be pretty upset if he thought you where taking his teasing at all seriously." she admitted, smiling at him. "i am proud of you by the way, for not beating that bastard to a pulp." here her grin turned viscous. "according to Fury, the drunken bastard is going to be spending the next month cleaning the bathrooms with a toothbrush." she admitted, sounding quite smug.

"so, that voice thing he did? the one that made all the glass shatter?" he asked, curious about whether that was 'natural' or magical. "i wouldn't follow Tony's example." Steve assured the girl with a small grimace. "oh, a runt then, like i was." he mused, studying the boy again. "and those silver markings?" they where simply the physical manifestation of Jotun blood in his veins. all jotun had markings, you just couldn't see them with human eyes. "i think he would be glad." he admitted, sitting still and comfortable for her. "after all, Bruce is a good man, and he'll protect you when Loki can't right now. after all, lots of people have, and love, two father figures." he pointed out with a smile. "just because you love one person, doesn't mean you can't love others." he admitted. "besides, Bruce isn't looking to take over Loki's place in your life, or in your heart, he only sees a young woman who desperatly needs someone to understand her." he promised her with a smile. "Bruce is sort of a father figure to everyone you know. he's... weird, very odd... i think there's something not there, in his head i mean. but he's always there when we need him."
Tony rubbed a hand over his face, looking startled a little as she took his hand, turning to look down at her a little before nodding smiling tiredly. “I know.”He said sighing softly as he walked into his bedroom, tugging off his tie and suit jacket, hesitating just a moment, even if she had seen it before, still hating for anyone to see the arc reactor before undressing all the way before looking at her again. “I know they don’t. Which is why I don’t tell them to stop…its just…I never really had friends to get the teasing from. When people made fun of me in school, which granted, I probably earned a lot of it, and even in college, they really were making fun of the nerdy, super amazing genius….I just have to get used to it. I know they don’t mean it like the others…I’ve just been alone to long without real friends, besides you I mean…”He said smirking, not about to admit to what extreme he’d gone to to try to just fit in. That his first sexual experience had been in college-which he’d attended at 14- and he’d learned quickly how to please a woman, with the same single mindedness he now showed for his suit….and as more girls flocked to him, for the first time ever, he’d belonged somewhere. So adjusting to having the guys here, teasing him, for just being his friend, was hard for the man. Grinning wider as pepper’s smile turned vicious he tugged her into bed with him, “Hmm, just how proud of me are you?”he muttered kissing her lightly before nodding.”Good. He deserves it. I was sure we were going to have to explain to Thor where she was…”

“Magical. As I understand it, he doesn’t have a lot of magic, its one of the few things he can do…at least according to father. While we can all write to him, we were never allowed writing each other.”her smile was sad. “Uncle got in trouble the one time all us siblings talked to each other, so we usually just communicate through father if we want to say something.”She said before grinning, “I know better then to follow tony’s example, for anything. He’s just not normal.”She giggled a little as he grimaced before frowning, “You were a runt?I don’t believe it.”She muttered before flushing ever so slightly, while hers weren’t as blatant as fenris’, she had her own swirling, light blue markings, though she could easily hide it with glamour, self conscious even if uncle thor said she was beautiful as unlike loki’s who’s markings were dark blue over blue, hela’s were simple, dark blue swirls elegantly painted over pale skin. It was the only thing of vanity that she did to herself, unlike legend, she wasn’t half dead-half alive, she was simply a woman who had blue markings under the glamour she kept on all the time. “…They’re markings of my father’s blood. All jotun have markings like this, though it seems they are different for halfings.”She said thoughtfully wondering why they differed from hers, and probably jormunder’s. Biting her lip a little as she thought about his words, she sighed softly, yawning a little as she rested against him, relaxing more as she realized that he was right. Bruce didn’t want to take loki’s spot, and loki would be glad someone was looking out for them, just like thor had done. “…I have seen this. He is different, but it is also a good different.”She yawned a little tired, but struggling to stay awake, enjoying talking to him.
she smiled at him a little. "you just need to learn to socialize. Steve's only been here for a week and a half, and Clint and Natasha rarely stay the night. Bruce has been here for a month but he's not... you know. you all just have to get used to each other, that's all. a week is hardly enough time to settle into a comfortable state with each other." she admitted with a smile before she scowled. she had only very recently learned about the neglect and blatant abuse that Tony had suffered. she would strangle Obediah if not for the fact that he was already dead. fortunately she didn't blame Tony for being turned into a womanizer, but all the people who had failed to protect him. fourteen was much too young to be fraternizing with twenty year olds, and yet, he'd fucked most of the women on campus, and even some of the teachers! Tony was just lucky he'd never given out names, because she'd have hunted them down and really gave them a tongue lashing. "i'm very proud." she purred at him with a smile as she kissed him back. "so proud, i might let you do that thing you wanted to do." which thing though? there where dozens of things that Tony wanted to do that Pepper usually wouldn't let him do.

Steve nodded a little, his head tilted. he couldn't understand what Odin was so afraid of. Loki was a pretty pathetic sort of guy, when all came around. and the kids where just kids, barely old enough to hold a job, let alone cause any real problems. so why separate three children from their father, and each other so brutally? and why hunt them down and kill them now? had Odin simply been waiting for an excuse? "i was a runt. i was sick all the time, and i was thin as a rake, and i couldn't even go jogging without having an asthma attack. i was chosen for an experimental procedure, and i was given a Serum and it gave me this body, and strength, spead, everything i needed to wage war against the German Nazi." he admitted. "the scientist who made the Serum died shortly after, so i was the only case. we still don't fully understand how it's going to affect me long term." he admitted with a shrug. "really? all Jotun?" he asked, examining the silver markings. "Loki didn't have any." Loki had always been under a powerful magic 'glamor' of sorts. shapeshifted to look completely Aeser. "and you don't." he pointed out, examining her before smiling. "your exaughsted, go to sleep Bambi." he ordered softly. "i'll keep watch for you." he promised.
Tony made a face because he held himself to higher standards and so rarely admitted that yes,ome things just had to be taken at a normal person"s speed.if anything he was having more problems fitting in because he was so intelligent to see where he was fucking up and still so emotionally stunted to know how to fix it. "True....maybe having bambi here will be okay. we'll all bond over taking care of her...though cap wants to really take care of her..."he said waggling his eyebrows a little snickering,making fun of his inept friend, thouh he was sure over time steve would figure out women...90 years was just a long time. And in truth he was amazed most of the time that he actually liked the good captain because howard stark had spent so much of tony's childhood searching for the captain,that tony knew he'd never measure up to the living legend. Which was way he'd clashed so violently with him at first, before tony realized that it was hopeless to get the apporval of a man so many years dead. And that was truly shy he was angry over the teasing,cause it'd reminded him of his father. Glancing at pepper he frowned a lottle his eyebrows raising thouhtfully."oh?and what thing was that?"he asked new enouh to the whole steady relationship thing that he didn't want to piss her off by saying the first thing that had come to him.

"Wow...I want to hear about this magic later...whdn I am more awake."she decided tiredly before nodding."all jotun...and you forget,fenris is not a and father hold enough magic,not to mrntion loki can shapeshift, to have a glamour on all the time so its not visibble."she said rubbing her arm abzently self conciois evsn if the marks weren't visible."okay...goodnight steve."hela muttered shifting to get comfortable on the couch, eventuslly laying down with her head in his lap tucked under the blanket,safe enough to sleep soundly.

In the morning she stirred yawning as she snuggled under the blankets before jolting up realizing she'd kept steve from laying doen or moving.flushing hard as she realized he was awake she offered a shedpish smile." could have moved md you knos.."she muttered looking away before getting up to check on fernis.
she chuckled a little. "she is a sweetie isn't she?" Pepper asked with a smile. "everyone loves her, despite the fact that she's as timid as a rabbit and as shy as a clouded leopard." she admitted with a grin. "and yes, i have been watching Animal Planet again." she stated with a sniff. "Tony Stark! don't you dare tease Steve for having a crush!" she warned, though her eyes where glittering with laughter. well aware that Tony was going to ignore her and tease Steve relentlessly. "oh.. you know." she purred, leaning up and whispering in his ear.

Steve smiled a little and nodded. "i'll tell you all about it." he promised before he leaned back and got comfortable, letting her sleep as she pleased. "Goodnight Hela." he murmured, watching her sleep with a smile. "don't worry about it. i don't sleep." he admitted. "i sleep an hour or two a night and that seams to be all i need." he admitted. "in any case, i don't get cramps, so i didn't mind just sitting here." he admitted with a smile. "Fenris woke for an hour or so last night, i don't know if he could understand me or not. he kept talking in that weird language... Norse, isn't it?" he asked as he stretched. Fenris was still sleeping, but he looked much more peaceful, and there was color back in his skin. he growled as he felt someone touch him and he opened his eyes, looking sleepy and sluggish as he looked up at her. "Hela? you're Hela, yes?" he asked in ancient Norse, slowly sitting up, cringing and wincing as he did so. "they came out of nowhere. Tyr and the others. they tried to kill me. i knew Tyr hated me, but i never thought he would try to kill me!" Fenris complained, shaken and upset. "you mentioned Uncle Thor last night, didn't you? is he here? are we safe here?... they killed Jormungandr. they told me......" his voice broke and he swallowed a sob.
Hela frowned at him a little at his words, not looking sure that he was being truthful before nodding hesitantly. "Well, as long as you dont mind."She muttered blushing ever so slightly that she'd been using him as a pillow before looking at fenris before nodding. "Yes. Its the only language all the realms have in common."She smiled at steve, "Will you go get some breakfast, please?I'll eat in here with him."She said smiling at him sweetly before noving to the bed as he left the room, sitting on the edge of the bed before nodding. "I am.You will heal, while I could use magic to heal you, wounds like yours heal better if I do not speed the process, and since you are safe here, there is no rush.She said before swallowing hard. "I did. Uncle is not here at the moment, he is in asgard, but he returns here often.She muttered looking pained at the idea of their brother being gone, shifting before genty touching his hair, looking anxious, nervous about how to comfort him, before taking a page out of steve's book and just wrapping him in a hug, leaning close to him, resting her head on his shoulder. "It is not you they hate so much, fenris. We were just means to a end. Father was the one they really wanted to hurt. They killed jormungandr before uncle found out....after he came and got me and you. Got us safe. I promise, these warriors here, will protect us."

Tony looked up from his coffee and plate of pancakes as steve came in, a amused smirk twisting his lips. Waving his fork at his plate he tilted his head a little. "Dont worry, I didn't cook them. Pepper made them before she left for her meeting."He looked amused before looking the man over, a wicked little smirk on his face, glancing towards the hall to make sure that hela wasnt coming before saying what he wanted. Pepper was right, he just couldn't not tease the man. "So, you don't look any worse for the wear for spending the night with a goddess."
he smiled. "i would have moved you if i'd minded." he assured her. "i'll get enough breakfast for three." he promised. "Fenris looks like he could use a big breakfast." he admitted, scanning the boy again. "and a couple dozen snacks before lunch." he admitted before he headed into the kitchen, glancing at Tony. "she doesn't need you for the meeting?" Steve asked curiously. "why would i look bad for sleeping?" he asked, looking confused. "in any case, i don't sleep much anyway, you know that." clearly, the message went right over Steve's head. "does the milk look good to you?" he asked, holding out the carton that he had just sniffed. "Hela sent me for breakfast... do you think i should get her milk or juice? Fenris is certainly getting Milk, he's as tiny as a toddler!" Steve stated, shaking his head. "we're going to have to make sure he eats a lot... WHY are you looking at me like that?!" he demanded, baffled as he stared at Tony.

Fenris nodded at her as she explained why he hadn't been healed magically. "that makes sense. thank you for bandaging them... but what are these funny black threads for?" he asked, examining a set of stitches on his upper arm that hadn't needed to be bandaged. "it's been a long time since i've seen Uncle. i haven't seen him in years, not since he rescued me from the Plains of Woe. that filthy Tyr. tricking me like that!" Fenris snarled, yanking at the silver collar that was forever wrapped around his neck, no matter what form he took. the Wild boy settled down rather easily though. "where are we anyway? Midgaurd? not Asgaurd surely? in any case, i can't blame Father for this. it's not his fault that the Aeser hate him, and by extension, us. they have no right, trying to kill us! we have done nothing wrong! what right does Odin have to say we should die simply because he doesn't like Father!?" Fenris demanded, his eyes glinting with rage as he leaned into her hug, trembling. "you where unharmed? the Aeser, did they find you? where you hurt at all? they better not have or i'll rip out their throats, i'll give them a REASON to hate us!" he snarled, baring his teeth, which made Bruce pause before walking in. "good, he's awake." Bruce stated, offering Fenris a smile when the boy snarled at him. "i need to check his stitches. will you tell him?" he asked Hela. Fenris grumbled once he realized that Bruce was a healer, but submitted to the doctors careful examination. Bruce smeared on paste onto each gash, which would prevent infection, and then rebound everything. "Thank you." Fenris stated in English, which made Bruce stare at him in surprise before the doctor snorted and left, grumbling about prankster gods and their penchant for mischief. "i take it he didn't realize i knew English?" Fenris asked with a wicked little grin.
Tony smiled slightly. "Probably did, but like I told her, I don't attend meetings before noon, so if it's really important, she'll schedule it later in the day."he said looking amused before groaning, pushing his empty plate away and banging his head against the table. "It's not fun making fun of you if you're going to be a innocent."He grumbled before raising his head a little to look at the milk, "It's fine. Pepper shops and cleans out my fridge, so it should be safe to drink."he mused before rolling his eyes. "Get her juice, its what she usually drinks."He said looking amused before huffing out a sigh. "You know, teasing you for spending the night with Hela isn't nearly as amusing if you're not going to realize I'm making fun of you for not having sex. If you're going to spend the night in a room with a beautiful woman, you should have sex, do know how to have sex right?."He whined looking like a sulking two year old, and as much as he was annoyed when they teased him about work, he didn't mind them teasing him about anything else, or his sex life. it was only when it made him question his self worth or how useful he was to the world, that the teasing got to him.

"You are welcome, brother. And those are stitches. They hold the skin together while you heal.She said before smiling sadly, "I know. But uncle said he was worried about leading them to you, so he left you alone. He is sorry for it, he never meant for you to be alone for so long."She said her eyes sad because she knew Thor felt badly for not seeing his nephew in jotunhiem as much as he visited niflehiem, even if his visits to the realm of the dead had been rare to. "Yes, midgard. In the city of new york, by the sea....I do not know by what right Odin does this, but Uncle is protecting us. And is in asgard with father. I sent him a letter to tell him both of us were safe, so he probably will visit soon.She said smiling slightly before wincing a little as he snarled before shaking her head.I am unharmed. Odin foolishly sent Thor to kill me. He brought me here to his allies instead." she said before looking up at bruce, nodding as she told fenris, looking amused as she watched the other two. "He did not. Though he should be used to tricks, I have been staying with them for two weeks."She said looking amused, and while she didn't do nearly as much mischief as loki did, she'd played pranks and caused chaos simply by teasing tony, or joking around. Definitely it was obvious that these two were children of a mischief maker. Biting her lip she smiled. "Do you feel up to getting up?or we could eat in here..."
Steve snorted a little at that. "you are so lazy." he teased. "it amazes me that you accomplish the things you do." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "being smart must be exhausting." he commented. "you sleep till noon nearly every day, and yet you can make a fully functioning car in two hours. it's madness! and if you start techno babbling at me again, i'm going to beat you." he grumbled. "you and Bruce do that and i feel like the world has tilted." he admitted as he poured out two glasses of milk and a third of apple juice. "oh..." Steve muttered, staring at Tony for a moment. "well she isn't ready for that kind of thing, she can barely handle being hugged at the moment." he pointed out. "besides, one night stands aren't my thing, particularly with women who could probobly make me suffer for it for the rest of my life, whose father is the god of mischief, whose uncle is the god of thunder and whose brother literally turns into a raging beast whenever he pleases." Steve pointed out looking amused. "even YOU wouldn't flirt with a woman like that!" he pointed out with a laugh as he piled enough food for five people onto his plate. he ate more than most people himself, because of his metabolism, and he wanted to try and fatten Fenris up a little. "and keep in mind that i was at war during WWII. of course i've had sex." he pointed out with a snort.

Fenris pondered the stitches and then shrugged them off. must be a mortal method. "oh i know. i actually had a fun time with the frost giants. it was cold, and they loved to wrestle with me when they had the time. i think they liked me because i was of Father, which is a rather nice change of pace... i am very glad to have finally met you. you look much prettier than i imagined. for some reason i kept thinking that you would look more like Father... and, while he's very handsome for a man, he wouldn't look very good with longer hair and a dress..." Fenris teased, grinning impishly at Hela, deciding to change the subject to something happier. "well, it's their own fault if they haven't learned their lessons." he stated with a chuckle before he paused and flexed his legs, wincing. "no, there's no way i'm going to be able to walk." he admitted with a small sigh. "i hate being stuck in bet." he admitted with a shake of his head.
"I can work from bed, I do some of my best work in bed."Tony said with a self satisfied perverted smirk before shrugging. "I made the plans for the suit in the middle of a cave in afganastan, THAT is madness."He said looking amused before smirking. "And I shall refrain from the techno babble until bruce gets up for the day."He snickered going back to his pancakes watching steve for a moment, considering what the other was telling him. "....Jarvis?" "Yes sir?" "How close did hela sleep to him last night?"Tony said smirking because he just couldn't help it, and he was curious. "Laying in his lap sir." "Heh. And I wouldn't put it past me...though getting hit with lightening would kinda ruin the mood."He mused before watching steve load up his plate with food, before laughing, though his eyes were guarded as he considered steve in the war. Not because of the idea of the man having sex, but because they'd carefully avoided mentioning who else had been there, steve having figured out quickly that tony went to great lengths to not discuss Howard stark. "True. Though having sex with the guys in the trenches don't count when you have a beautiful woman to seduce."He said rolling his eyes a little as he looked at the food.

"That's good. I'm happy for you, fen."She muttered happy that he had had someone to look after him, to be happy near him, even if it saddened her to that she'd only had the dead, and thor. "Thanks.... and no, he wouldn't. Though he is quite handsome."She muttered grinning a little, flushing as she considered that her brother thought she was beautiful, and tony called her beautiful all the time, even if she knew the flirting was more reflex then actually meaning it. And the thoughts on that led her into thinking about steve and...starting a little she swallowed hard, not wanting to think about steve right now. "Its not so bad. I'll keep you company. And Tony-this is his house- has enough things to be entertained. I shall find you something to do, brother."She said smiling a little, "And as soon as uncle gets my letter, he'll come, I am sure."she said having sent it off before sleeping last night.
Steve pondered that and then nodded. "good point." he admitted with a snort. "good, it makes me want to smack you when you start talking all smart." he admitted. "almost as bad as when you start text speaking." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "she was tired and upset, she needed the comfort. and you know i don't sleep, she can use my lap for a pillow if she wants." he stated with a glare at one of the many cameras that Jarvis had in the house. "traitor." he grumbled at the A.I. "i'm more worried about having my dick smashed flat with a hammer." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i can actually survive being hit by lightning. hurts like a bitch, and everything tingles for a few days, but other than that." he shrugged. "i did not have sex with the guys in the trenches!" Steve raged, flushing bright red at that. "shut up Tony!" he demanded, rolling his eyes. "as a matter of fact, i had a very nice woman that i stayed with for two weeks during one of my leaves." he admitted with a grin. "now then, i have to get this food to the Pup and Bambi." he admitted, hefting the laden tray. "they might starve to death before i get back."

Fen smiled a little and gently took her hand. "it must have been hard for you." he admitted softly. "Father really is very nice to look at. not like most Aeser." he admitted, lifting his lips, in a curl of a sneer. "i was able to catch a few sights of him in the plains of Woe." he admitted. "there was a scrying pool very nearby, and i could get sights of things when someone else used the pool." he admitted with a smile. "maybe now that we're safe, Father could come and visit us." he mused, unaware of the troubles that had gone on. "it will be fin, seeing Midgaurd!" he admitted. "the Jotun said that humans are full of innovation!" he admitted. "hey, you're awake!" Steve chirped, glad to see Fenris up and about. "i brought breakfast. try to eat as much as you can, you're too skinny." he ordered Fenris, who looked utterly baffled by the show of concern. the Jotun where playful enough, but they didn't care what Fenris did, or didn't do so long as he didn't die and didn't bother them. "here Hela, i got you some Apple Juice." he chirped. "You are, who?" Fenris asked, lifting an eyebrow at Steve who smiled. "Steve, Steve Rogers, nice to meet you. Midgaurdian Warrior." he explained and Fenris looked delighted. "you know fighting?" being mostly un-magical, Fenris was very much a physical fighter. "yup. a lot of us here are." he admitted with a smile.
"Hm, I'm sure I can start LOLing and doing something smart as soon as you leave the room."he teased looking at the other, before tilting his head a little. "Huh, that's the only reason you offered you're lap as a place to rest."Tony said snickering a little before wincing, "Ohh...yes. That would be a problem. Okay...I think I'm definitely going to refrain from flirting with bambi."He shrugged before smirking at Steve as he raged, "Okay okay, no guys...and...hmm now that does sound interesting. I want to hear that story later."he said sounding thoughtful, watching him go before heading down to his lab to get some work done.

"Yes, it was."Hela said softly holding fenris' hand, before nodding. "he is pleasant to look at, though uncle is not bad either."She mused, having gotten thor to bring her a painting once, wincing a little. she knew there was no chance loki could come here, or they could go there. Maybe Tony would be able to get something of his technology to work?she mused silently, because she didn't understand the technology, she was willing to think of outlandish ideas. "They are, and tony is among the brightest. His house is very grand."She said looking up at steve, smiling softly. "They do this alot. Care about everyone."Hela said seeing Fenris' look of confusion before taking the glass from steve, sipping the juice before smiling, looking at the two men talking as she started to eat. "They have been training me to. I have learned to fight, though I can still cause more damage with magic at this moment. Though Clint has a broken nose."She said sounding thoughtful, feeling a little less proud of her fighting ablities now, when it was so obvious that her brother was going to be so much better then her at it, simply because of his non-magical nature.
Steve stared at the man for a long moment. "what do L's and O's have to do with anything!?" he demanded, more than a little baffled as he scowled at Tony. certain the man was fucking with his head again. "well, not the only reason." Steve admitted with a very odd expression on his face. mischievousness. not an expression one normally saw on Steve. "she IS very pretty after all. and i AM the sexiest man in the building. you're just too old." he teased with a snicker. "sure, i'll tell you all about Sapphire." he promised with a shrug.

Fenris laughed a little as he nodded, holding her hand as well, glad that she was doing so. he was very frightened, very nervous and having her close was soothing him very much. "i don't know, Uncle is a bit large." he teased with a grin. "i prefer skinny people, then i don't feel so tiny!" he admitted, laughing at that before pausing, his head tilted. "Tony, he's the one who owns this home?" Fenris asked before glancing at Hela. "they don't even know me, why should they care?" "because you are important to Hela, and therefore keeping you safe, healthy and happy will make her feel safe, healthy, and happy." Steve stated with a smile. "also because your too tiny and we feel bad for you." that made Fenris roll his eyes. "your learning how to fight Hela?" Fenris asked, looking delighted. "i only know Jotun fighting, it would be fun to learn how humans beat on each other! will you teach me?" he asked hopefully. Steve chuckling a little. "how do Jotun fight?" "hit hard, hit fast and then get the hell out of the way." "ah."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing Steve."Tony grinned, his smirk showing that he was indeed screwing with the other man before making a face at the look on Steve's face. it wasnt often he got to see a mischievous steve. Maybe he was spending to much time with loki's children? "I am not old!Besides, spangles, you're older then I am."He said smirking a little as he watched the other go, amused at steve's words. Definitely was going to be interesting.

Hela smiled softly, shifting to lean against the headboard, holding her brother before laughing. "He is a bit. and good, there's plenty of skinny people on midgard. Uncle looks like a giant among them."She teased a little before nodding at fenris' question. "He does. You will meet him eventually ,he does not get up early in the morning, and if he is, he's usually working."She mused before looking at steve, letting him answer the question, before nudging fenris a little. "I care for you, uncle cares for you, and they are good people. They will help."She said before nodding, blushing ever so slightly."I am.And Clint will be happy to have another student..isn't that right clint?"She said smirking at the cover to the air vent. She didn't know why, but the master assassin perferred sneaking up on people by the air vents instead of using the halls. Glancing at steve she smiled, blushing a little as she considered the fact that she was glad her brother seemed to like the man, not even wanting to consider why she had been worried so much about the idea, or why it mattered to her if her family liked steve.

"Steve, will you see if Tony will bring up a tv or a starkpad, after breakfast I mean?Mayhap we can keep my brother entertained until he can move on his own."she said smiling because the woman hadn't gotten any technology in her room, because it scared her, but maybe she could figure it out, to help her brother. Not wanting him to be bored.
Steve offered Tony a world class scowl as he realized he was indeed being fucked with before he huffed and walked off. "Tony, when it comes to the mental age, everyone is older than you." Clint quipped.

"really? well maybe i won't look so out of place here." he mused happily, smiling at her. "as for Uncle, he's big even compared to other Asgaurdians." he pointed out with a snicker. "i don't see how anyone could sleep in. it's great to get outside and watch the sun rise and roll in the mud when the day is still cool and fresh..." "if you roll in the mud here, you're not coming back inside." Steve warned with a grin. "you'll get hosed off in the yard, it's hard enough as it is to keep this place clean with Tony and Clint running around." Steve stated before glancing at the air vent as Clint started cursing at having been caught. "you guys make it impossible!" he complained. for a while there, he had enjoyed sliding intot eh air vents and scaring the shit out of people. "still, it would be pretty fun to teach someone else how to break noses." Clint agreed as he popped the cover off, slithered out, replaced the cover and flopped down onto the floor, completely covered in dust. "'re making a mess Clint!" "so? Tony's machines will clean it up." "you make my OCD unhappy." Steve complained, his eye twitching. "and Bruce would beat you to a pulp, being filthy in here when Fenris has open wounds." "...i'll go clean up." Clint agreed, not about to risk Fenris's health. "sure, i'll get both." Steve promised, kicking Clint. "go get a TV and a Starkpad... and some of those crappy crime novels you like so much." Clint grumbled but walked off to do as he was told, Fenris laughing. it was pretty obvious who the Alpha was around here. Steve... well for now anyway. steve seamed a little too laid back to be the Alpha. maybe? "i'll go get some board games too." he promised with a smile. "we'll teach Fenris how to play Rummy and Sorry." he promised, knowing how much Hela loved to play the simpler games.
"No,ot so out of place."she promised before looking amused at clint as he flopped out of the air vent."its not my fault your sneaking up on a goddess of death,arton. Sensing people is what I do."she pointed out giggling a little at the guys arguing before looking at fenris."see?you'll fit right in. "She said eager to make sure her brother felt welcome before looking up st steve,"did you kick tony out of bed yet?"she asked knowing it drove steve insane when the billionaire slept in late."board games would be good to."she said perking up at the thoughts of the card game, and even as fenris watched it was obvious to the wolf,ith a wolf's instincts that these two were acting like a mated pair,even if they weren't sleeping together or aware of the bond,they were still relying on each other and happy to be in each other's company.
Clint snorted and Steve smirked a little as Fenris lifted an eyebrow. "do mortal men often crawl through the air tunnels?" he asked curiously. "no, not normally. Clint's not... all there, you know what i mean?" "he is insane?" "...that'll work." "hey!" "i feel very much welcomed." Fenris admitted, looking much more relaxed with a strong Alpha figure by him, protecting him. "didn't have to for once. Tony was already up." Steve admitted with a smile. "i'll go get the games, you two eat." he ordered. glad that Fenris liked him, and all too aware why. he was back in moments, and Clint as well, perfectly clean and carrying a Stark@ Tablet with a large flat screen TV following along behind him, carried by a Robot. "here hold this." Clint ordered, handing the Tablet to Hela as he started setting up the TV. "now, i know you are probobly smarter than Thor." Clint stated, giving Fenris an odd look. "but i'm going to say it anyway because i like this TV and i don't want you breaking it... the people on here? not real. they are NOT insulting, or attacking you." he promised Fenris. "so don't break the TV." Fenris just looked confused so Clint sighed and flicked on the TV to a calm Talk Show. "Oh! it is a Spying pool!!!" he cried out, excited. "sort of... sure." Clint mused before he settled down and explained the basic concept of recording and replaying that was basically TV.
"No, but he's not normal."Hela giggled answering at the same time as steve, looking amused at clint's complaining. "You know we love you."She muttered looking amused as she kissed the assassins cheek before watching her brother worriedly."Good."She patted his hand a little before starting to eat again. Glancing up at clint she looked amused as she was handed the tablet, looking down at the contraption in her hands, playing with it as she settled on the bed before gigglign at clint's words. "That is a unkind thing to say clint.Even if it is mostly true."She said amused because her uncle was intelligent, he just didnt understand the new electronic things. "A spying pool, where they are actors. Pretending. Much like father, when he is pretending to be someone else."Hela explained grinning a little as she settled in to watch tv, pleased that her brother was here, and that he was indeed being accepted as easily as she had said he'd be.

"How's the tech coming?"Tony said as he walked in, his hair stricking up every which way, a obvious sign that he'd been down in his lab, and that he had gotten frustrated enough that he had to take a break. "Fen, this is tony. Tony, fenris." "hey kid."Tony said looking amused.
Clint made a face. "no you don't. if you loved me, you wouldn't pick on me." he complained with a smile, beaming as he was kissed on the cheek and scampered off to brag to Tony that he got a kiss from Hela, Fenris snickering as he watched. "they are most amusing." he admitted with a grin as he leaned over to watch her play with the Tablet. "mostly true? it's all true!" Clint teased with a snicker. "but then, Thor doesn't have to be a thinker to be a good leader and a good man." Clint admitted, Fenris nodding. "Uncle is very good at leading." he agreed. "is he you're Alpha?" "nope. we have two Alphas. Steve is our Alpha on the Battlefield, and Bruce is our Alpha in the home. he says to do it, and we do it." Clint admitted with a grin. "your Uncle even listens to them while on earth." Clint admitted before watching Fenris understand what the TV was. "they are recorded theater actors! amazing!" he stated, clapping in delight as he played with the Remote. Fenris, was very clever. simple, but clever. "...i broke it!" Fenris squealed in horror, examining the gleaming batteries, the battery back and the remote in horror.

"..Kid?" Fenris asked looking baffled. "what do young goats have to do with anything?" he asked, frowning at Tony with his head cocked to the side. "are you indicating that i am a smelly meat animal?" Clint started laughing wildly at that. "no. a 'Kid' is slang for a child." Steve stated, sounding amused as he walked in with the board games, examining Tony's hair. "get Bruce to help. he's always good at sound boarding for you. even if he's not as good at the physics and science as he is the biology and physiology."
"No id just ignore you if I didn't love you."hela corrected amused as clint skipped off."true. Uncle is aleays better with letting others think for him."she giggled a little before smiling wifer as she watched fenris play with the remote resting a hand on his arm."no you didn't, its supposed to do that so you can put more power into it."she said having listened to tony's talk on eletronics.tony looked at the werewolf in startlment at the reaction pausing as he tried to figure out what yo say.though he didn't move away he was tense. He wasn't good with fights when he wasn't in his suit."I didn't mean anything,en. I know better then to insult you with both hela and legolad there being all protrctive.not that id insult you anyways."tony stated overexplaing in his frustration making a face at steve at the afvice not eanting to take it simple because he disliked being told what to do,even if it was good advice."..are you trying to get rid of me?"thr billionaire pouted a little looking so much like a child hela started laughing.
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