Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

Bruce shook his head. "i'd rather not, thank you." he stated simply. "my bicycle will do just fine, and my motorcycle when i have to any further than the block." he stated simply. "and i don't trust you not to kill me on the clogged streets." he admitted simply. Pepper offered Tony a sultry grin before focusing her attention back to the discussion at hand. "when will you be returning to Asgaurd? will you stay for a while to help your niece settle in, or will that attract attention?... does the poor girl even know?"

Steve smirked. "i'm glad you agree with me." he admitted with a nod. "i can see Loki beaning Thor over the head." he admitted with a grin. "from what i understand, they where a pair of scrappers as children." he admitted with a smile. "it could be that Thor's never had a reason to grow up. from what i understand, Gods lead very sheltered lives. they don't experience the pains that humans do that make us grow up all too soon." he admitted with a sigh. "if you find something to do, let me know would you? i'm rather afraid of this knew fad called 'hobbies'.... it just can't be good for you." he muttered, shaking his head as he offered her a smile. "rest well." he offered, showing her back to her room before heading off to take his own well deserved nap.

Steve snorted a little as he followed up with a low thrust of his fist, aiming for Tony's gut. he was barely winded at the moment, though Tony was sweating like a pig, he was still going strong too. Steve had to admit, the rich bastard was starting to get better. he actually had to make an effort now. "i'm not much for Dating Tony, i can't even manage to talk to most girls without insulting them. you know i got slapped in the face the other day for Daring to open a door for a woman? it's like being a gentleman is as rude as offering someone the finger these days!" he complained, rolling his eyes as he dropped and swept Tony's feet out from under him and knocked the breath out of his 'opponent' with a jab to the plexus as Tony went down. he smirked down at Tony while waiting for the man to recover. it was so much FUN putting Tony in his place.

"don't worry." Clint stated with a smile. "we're doing basics. we'll teach you how to stretch before exercising so that you don't pull anything. then we'll do a few basic exercises, jumping jacks, push ups, crunches, squats. and then we'll teach you where to hit a person so it hurts the most. the more pain a person is in, the less likely they are to keep going after you." he admitted, watching Steve bully Tony around the ring. "you won't be able to do anything like that, in a while...." he smirked. "alright there Tony?" he asked, his head cocked to the side as he watched Tony gasp for breath. why Tony kept insisting on facing Steve was beyond comprehension.
Thor winced a little, swallowing hard. “I’ll be staying the night…I cant…”Thor looked torn, because he really, really wanted to stay and be here for hela. But he also knew his father would soon realize that he had no intention of killing her, and that his presence here would just draw attention. “I’ll be visiting a lot, but I cannot stay.”he sighed tiredly before shaking his head.”No….I could not tell her that Odin wants her dead….she has long accepted that she is hated. But I am afraid of what this would do to her.”Thor said quietly looking pained. “I will leave her here in your care, because you are friends, and I trust you.”He said because he would trust no one else with a woman so sheltered she struggled to make conversation at times.

“They were. Lots of property damage from what I understand.”Hela agreed giggling a little before nodding. “That could be true.”she said thinking it over. She had had to grow up quickly, to deal with niflhiem as her own realm. Thor hadn’t had to, not until he’d been cast out to earth. Looking thoughtful she bit her lip. “I will. There has to be something to do. Surely humans would not live here with nothing to do.”She decided smiling as she went to sleep.

Tony panted as he winced, barely blocking the blow, wincing as it still landed hard enough to leave him winded for a moment. “Poor capiscle.”Tony snickered, winded but still able to talk as he fought. “Besides, she’s from a world where that behavior is-fuck!”Tony cursed as he hit his back, gasping as he glared up at the good captain.”Bastard.”he growled between clenched teeth.

Hela looked at clint, relaxing, and offering a small smile in relief that they weren’t expecting her to beat on anyone yet. “…Okay.”She said staring at the man in front of her, frowning ever so slightly as she tried to figure out exactly what kind of exercising those could be. “F-fine, birdbrain.”Tony growled as he pushed up off the floor, smiling slightly at the sight of the others, glad hela wasn’t simply hiding in her room. “Steve, would you like a real fight, instead of playing with the metal man?”thor said smirking as he walked in after the others, his blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing sweats and a tank top, looking ready for a fight. Having gotten in the habit of sparring with steve while he was on earth, because while it wasn’t truly a fair fight, it was closer to one with the serum in steve’s veins and his own demi-godness. Definitely a interesting fight. Wincing as he felt the tingle of magic along his senses, barely jerking back as hela pulled the same move as steve did with tony, though the illusion shattered as ‘hela’s leg came in contact with his. Because it wasn't really her, she had been able to pull off the complicated move without hurting herself, though it would indeed be a long time before she got to do that with her own body.

“Damn.”Hela huffed, sulking. “I shall have to write father and ask how to make the illusion hold when touching someone else.”Hela sulked from where she was still standing next to clint, looking disappointed that she couldn’t do it as well as loki can. Glancing at clint she sighed a little, realizing that she was indeed going to have the exercise and not able to use magic to get out of it. “…what’s first?”She grumbled, not sounding happy about it, but willing to do what they wanted.
Steve chuckled at Tony, watching the man, his head cocked to the side. "it's good for you to be bad at something." Steve stated with a grin. "you're just angry because i do what you try to do and play dirty." he teased with a snicker. "and i wouldn't know about how women are treated. she's not from the same place as Thor if you'll recall." he pointed out, sipping on some water while Tony recovered.

Clint smiled at her. "hey, if it makes you feel better, you get to beat up on me!" he promised her with a grin. "and just imagine going home and kicking ass, with magic and without! you'll be doubly as safe." he promised with a smirk at Tony. "compared to Tony, who can't even lay out an old man." he teased, Steve laughing as he nodded to Thor. he had gotten a lot better, sparring with Thor. he always lost, but he was good enough to land a few bruising blows now and again. "Tony, get out of the way." Steve ordered with an impish grin. "The Warrior wishes to kick my ass." he paused, stumbling as he felt a foot sweep his and he was confused for a long moment. he didn't go down but he stumbled and there was no one in the ring save Tony, who he was watching. "wow, i actually felt that." Clint stated, impressed before nudging at Tony. "come on man, i didn't hit you that hard."

Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "what happens if you get sick, or you use too much magic and can't use it to defend yourself. come on Hela, even your father understands that Magic can't solve everything. i've heard he's pretty kick butt at the sparring thing." Clint pointed out before leading her in the stretches and then the exercises.
"You're captain america,you're not supposed to play dirty."tony scoeled though he looked amused as he glared up at his blond teammate. Having every intention of finding out how women were treated in niflhiem,just for his own curiousity.

"...that doesn't make me feel any better. You're still going to beat me."hela said her voice holding just a tad bit of it wasn't she was resisting because she didn't want to,she was resisting because she didn't trust them yet,and having clint beat her meant she was defenseless if she coulfnt use magic. Tilting her head a little as she considered the two sparring partners."but since steve is stuck at age 20 body wise,doesn't that mean tony is the old man?" "..uegh. hela stop trying to make me feel better."tony sulked as he rolled to his feet, grumbling a little as steve nudged him."stop touching me."he ordered looking amused though as thor climbed into the ring.

"...father only admits it because uncle kept brating on him until he learned to spar. His ego was bruised."she pointed out looking amused even as she started to exercise with clint,letting him direct her through the motions thouh most of it was on automatic, she was mostly watching the two men sparring in the ring. While she might protrst and whine,much like loki had when thor first taught him to find,she was a happy and eager student once she gave in to actually doing it.
Steve just laughed. "says who!? that's like saying Politicians don't lie!" he teased with a smirk. "honestly Tony, how ridiculous. i AM a soldier you know, we'll do almost anything to win." he admitted with a shake of his head as he grinned and watched Thor carefully. he had to keep himself entirely focused on the task at hand. not that it helped, he was on his back, gasping for air in two minutes flat.

Clint snorted. "i'm not going to fight back Hela!" he assured her with a laugh. "i'll defend myself enough to make sure you don't hurt me too much, but i'm not going to hit you back!" he promised with a grin as he used Natasha first, showing Hela where to hit on a person's body to inflict the most damage with the least amount of effort. "break the nose and they usually can't see. strike the throat and they can't breath. punch them in the gut or the plexus, that's here, and they usually get very winded and it hurts like hell. aim for the crotch, it hurts women just as bad as men. take out the knee or the shin, if they can't follow you, they pose no threat. no don't bunch you're hand like that you'll break you're thumb, like this, thumb on the outside, hit with the knuckles, not the fingers, less pain for you, more pain on them. never punch someone in the head, it hurts a lot and does little damage. always aim for soft locations like the throat or the gut."
Thor grinned as he fought, at as home in a sparring ring, as he was in battle or just relaxing. Looking down at the good captain he reached out a hand to help him up. “You okay?”He asked after a moment wanting to make sure he hadn’t hurt his friend before looking towards hela, a slight worried frown on his face. Not wanting to leave her, because he was worried on how well she was handling things here.

“Oh. Okay.”Hela said flushing ever so slightly at her mistake. Hela frowned in concentration as she listened to the others, watching him work with Natasha before nodding. “I think I can do that.”She said pleased with what she was learning. Maybe this working out thing wouldn’t be so hard. Grinning as she settled in for the rest of her lesson. This was going to be fun, now all she had to do is find something to do.

A few days later tony smiled a little as he adjusted his tie, glancing at Pepper as she got ready. “You ready for this?I mean, it’s the first party your actually attending as my date, and not my personal assistant.”She said smiling slightly as he reached out, tugging her into his arms, leaning down to kiss her.

Meanwhile Hela was quiet and withdrawn as she got ready, out of sorts on why she was being invited to this party. She didn’t understand this world, she wasn’t a hero, and she most definitely didn’t want to be here. She wanted home, wanted her safe sanctuary, because despite her trying hard the first few days, the woman had started to deflate, collapse into herself the longer she was at home, at a loss on what she was supposed to be doing, or how to make friends, despite the others trying to include her. And with thor having to return to asgard to deal with some things, not that he mentioned what it was, the woman had no idea what to do. Starting a little as she heard a knock on the door she sighed, slipping on her shoes before moving to the door. “Hey, cap.”She muttered looking up at the blond. Struggling hard to figure out what she was supposed to do, but the woman had no experience interacting with people, and despite the last few days, she had no idea how to do it now. And now she was being dragged to a party at tony’s insistence. She was going to kill him…sometime…after she discovered if parties were as fun as thor’s stories had suggested.
he smiled as he gently corrected her and nodded. "good. now try. hit me." he ordered. "and don't worry, i know how to take a hit without getting hurt." he assured her. "aim for the nose at a side strike. don't just punch it, or you'll break you're fingers. come in at a sweeping angle so you strike the side of the nose." he ordered calmly, watching her, waiting. once she struck he was able to duck away from the strike. VERY good!" Clint crowed. "had that connected, you'd have easily broken my nose! very fast too, i'm impressed!" he admitted with a grin as he glanced at Natasha teasingly. Natasha hadn't wanted to listen when he'd first started training him, and she'd broken two fingers and her thumb on his nose the first punch she'd thrown. Clint hadn't even had a bloody nose, despite only a five year difference between them. Clint had been raised from birth to be an assassin and a fighter, after all. not many knew it, but Clint's mother had been a Shield Agent as well, as had his father. Hela was a quick, bright student and by the end of the day, Clint was sporting bruises. which he seamed rather pleased about.

Pepper smiled at Tony as she slipped an earring into her ear. "i'm a little nervous." she admitted. "what with you're... history." she teased with a grin. "i've never cared what other people thought of me." she admitted with a shake of her head. "just try not to flirt with too many other women." she teased with a laugh. "and try not to bring an airhead home this time? they are so annoying." she complained with a roll of her eyes. teasing him was so much fun, and she knew he knew she didn't care that he slept with other women, so long as she approved of them and as long as he made sure they where not expecting anything long term.

Steve tugged on his tie and grinned a little as he examined himself, humming a little. he always loved wearing suits. he didn't look as nice in them as Clint, or Tony did, but at least he looked better than Bruce, who looked like he wanted to crawl out of his and go roll in the mud. "evening Hela." Steve chirped, offering her a smile. "don't be nervous. there's nothing to be frightened of in a party like this." he promised with a chuckle. "you can kill Tony later if you don't like it. poor Bruce." he mused with a snicker. "he's so terrified of these things, but he pretty much hates people. he's so antisocial." Steve admitted with a smile as he offered her his arm. "i hear you managed to break someone's nose." he mused with a grin. Clint had been so proud, and was sporting his broken nose with the air of a man who'd gotten a kiss. he had moved from basic self defense, to hand to hand combat. teaching Hela Karate, Kung Fu, Jujitsu, and other various styles of fighting. "do you know how to dance?" he asked curiously. Pepper had made sure of it actually, teaching Hela several various, fun dances. Pepper adored Hela, and had taken her under the wing, as it where, to teach Hela anything she needed to know. even cooking, sewing, and other various things. Bruce had taken to teaching Hela how to cross stitch and embroider and meditate. out of all the people in the house, Hela was the only person Bruce would drop something for. even Tony couldn't get Bruce to stop working, or cross stitching, unless it was an emergency or Bruce felt like a break. the entire Avengers loved to entertain Hela. frankly, none of the avengers, save maybe Tony, wanted to go to some stuffy party, but they would for Hela. since she'd never been to a party before.
Tony laughed smiling a little.”That’s good, because people are going to think a lot of things.”he looked amused before smirking a little, “Does that mean I can bring bambi home with me?I mean, she’s adorable and intelligent. Not to mention she broke clint’s nose. Very sexy, that.”Tony muttered his hands resting on her hips, stealing a kiss. Having taken to calling hela bambi not only because she was as cute and awkward as the deer, but well…loki WAS reindeer games, and even if she had no idea what had happened still, he could still make fun of the god of mischief for looking like a reindeer. “Shall we?No reason to be late to my own party.”he said amused as they headed for the door.

Hela swallowed hard,looking nervous. “…there is to. Lots of people. Drinking. Food. I mean, I’ve heard about some of the asgardian parties, not to mention tony’s parties. This is going to be interesting.”She said looking nervous as she took the good captain’s arm, walking with him as they headed upstairs to the tower’s ballroom where the party was being hosted. “Well, maybe I shall have to ask him to dance. Poor bruce shouldn’t have to deal with people.”She mused before grinning happily, nodding. “I did. He’s been going on about it since this morning. I think Natasha’s getting tired of hearing about it, truly.”She said looking pleased though. Though it had upset her greatly to hurt him, he seemed so proud that she was getting such a handle on actual fighting, that she hadn’t stayed upset for long. “I do. Pepper taught me, when she realized Tony was making me attend.”She said quietly biting her lip a little. Because while she tried, she was just as antisocial as bruce, her isolation leaving her unable to be comfortable with being around others, even friends. Pausing as they got to the elevator she swallowed hard, “...are you sure its okay I’m coming?”She said still looking for a way out. Because it made her so very anxious to be going to the party, even if she wanted to go. She was just a mess of emotions. Looking up at the man at her side, she let out a shaky breath as they stepped out into the ballroom, smiling when she spotted Natasha, clint, and bruce, amused at the sight of clint's raccoon eyes from her breaking his nose.
she chuckled a little as she picked at her hair, making sure it was just perfect. "no you can't flirt with Bambi, Thor would kill you and then kill you again when you break her heart." Pepper teased, humming as she stood up and stretched. "Loki sent her another letter. Thor had it delivered using those funny owls of his." she admitted. Thor couldn't come himself, but four winged birds that looked like moon faced owls often delivered letters between Thor and the Avengers. Steve adored them, and often let the birds roost in his room until they where sent off again. "it's not Your party!" Pepper complained, rolling her eyes. "it's a party for the Avengers! your Ego knows no bounds." she complained even as she kissed him on the cheek, looped her arm around his and followed him out the door.

he chuckled. "yes and you could kill most of them with a flick of your wrist. don't look at me like that, i know Natasha showed you how to throw needles and knives." he pointed out, shaking his head. "Tony's parties are usually a lot like Thors parties. a lot of food, a lot of alcohol, a lot of idiots doing stupid things." he admitted holding up a camera. "a perfect chance to gather blackmail material. the only person who isn't going to make fun of himself tonight is probobly going to be Bruce, he doesn't drink." he admitted. "even i have a drink now and again... course, i don't turn into a raging green monster when drunk, so i guess i can't blame him." Steve mused with a grin. "i don't intend on drinking tonight in any case, so i can stop you from doing silly things if, by some miracle, we manage to get you drunk." he admitted with a smile. "Clint's weird like that. he's always wanted a little sister, looks like you took the slot." he admitted with a smile. "he's like a proud father, going on about how you broke his nose 'on purpose'. it's really kind of adorable. only don't tell him i said that." Clint ordered with a grin. simply babbling in the hopes that she'd calm down. "ah good, i love to dance. would you like to have a dance with me?" he asked hopefully. "and of course it's fine. you're our plus one you know." he admitted with a smile. "this party is for us, after all, we can invite whoever we want. and we wanted to invite you." Steve in particular. Clint and Bruce both offered her a smile and motioned for her and Steve to join them.
"You foegot to mention that the good captain would freak if I flirted with bambi."he pointed out having noticed just how protective all of them,but especially steve, was over the girl. "The owls are kinda creepy...and so is loki as a dad.... I know we should. Tell her before she figures it out but I can't..."he muttered before pouting."it is so. I'm pating for it and donating a million from all us avengers to the familes and to rebuild the city."he said snickering as they got to the ballroom.

Hela grinned a littke at steve's words."not to mention I can do magic to."ahe said amused looking nervous because she had no idea how to act at a party. Giggling at steve's description and idea of everyone drunk."I'm sure midgardian ale would not get me drunk. We'll just keep a eye on the others."she said amused as she watched tony join the party and get some champagne for himself and pepper. Even more amused as the self admitted narcissist went out of his way to talk to everyone that got near him to make aure they knew they were welcome."..he is adorable. Even if I hadn't meant to break his nose on purpose. I really hadn't. But I would not mind a brother as I've never meant would be nice to have someone in that role.."he said sadly as she thought about jormunder and fenrir not realizing it was probably a shock to steve that loki was a father not once,but multiple times. Startling a little at his question she looked up at him."I...yss..I would like to dance with you."she said blushing ever so slightly as she relaxed at his reassurance it was okay she was here."hey guys.natatsha." "you look lovely hela."natasha smiled as the assasin handed the goddess a glass of champagne amused that steve was taking such good care of her. It was good to see steve reconnecting with the world.
she smirked a little. "that's just common sense." she pointed out with a shake of her head. "Steve would kill you if you dallied with Bambi." she stated with a smile. "Loki is actually a pretty good father." Pepper admitted with a sigh. "he sends letters to all of his children every few days... from what i understand, Loki lost one of his boys. Jorgumundr, or something like that. he was banished to earth after he was born because Odin decided Loki didn't deserve a child. his other child, Fenrir made it though, Thor was able to save him a few dozen years ago from a fate almost worse than death. and of course Hela was saved. the only reason why Loki is still in his cage is because he doesn't want to attract attention to the fact that two of his children are still alive. Thor told me that Loki could escape anytime he wanted to right now. he's been working loose the magic in the cage... that Odin made him help build ten years ago... can you imagine that? it's almost as bad as being forced to dig your own grave..." she muttered, shaking her head. "i got off topic there. Loki is a good father. he's helped Hela with a lot of things from what she's told me." Pepper admitted with a smile, watching him. "you are such an egotistical little shit head."

he grinned. "you can do magic, but try not to alright? it might cause a panic and the last thing we need is a stampede." he admitted with a shake of his head. "honestly, why Tony invites the twitter heads that he does is beyond me." he grumbled before he smirked. "shall i get you a camera too? you could collect your own blackmail." he offered with a smile before he choked. "you... you have a brother!?" he demanded, wide eyed at the other. " never got to meet him? was he taken away from your father as well?" he asked softly before offering her a smile. "i'm sure all the Avengers would be glad to dance with you as well... well, maybe not Bruce, he doesn't dance from what i understand. but he'll talk to you when you get tired at least." he mused with a smile. "oh you look wonderful Bambi!" Clint chirped with a smile as he examined his 'little sister'. he hadn't even tried to hide his 'coon eyes' and several of the guests where whispering about whether it was Tony, Steve, or Bruce who'd broken the assassin's nose. "you do look wonderful." Bruce agreed with a smile. for once there wasn't something in his hands. no cellphone, no tablet, no thread and hoop of fabric. just him in a suit looking entirely too uncomfortable in the crowd of people in a suit.
“…if your trying to make me feel bad for him, or even like him, it wont work.”Tony said making a face at the woman though he was starting to feel bad for the man. “And no, I cant imagine.”he said, thinking about Afghanistan, of the time where he’d been reshaped into iron man, and thought about how much longer loki had been tortured….yea, he could see why the man was insane. “You make it sound like you didn’t know that? You know I was egotistical.”He pointed out snickering.

“Okay, okay I’ll try not to.”Hela said snickering a little before watching everyone, “because he likes feeling smarter then everyone…not to mention there’s SHIELD agents you guys have to work with… he’s trying to make a good impression.”She said though she knew that by the end of the night tony was going to be just as fed up with the idiots as the rest of them were. Looking startled at his reaction she nodded a little, “I have two. And yes to both questions. I’ve never met any of my family except for Thor, and I only know him because Odin is incapable of confining him….there are few people willing to lay a hand on their prince, much less one of the best asgardian warriors. Thor comes and goes as he pleases.”She said sounding proud of her uncle before laughing at Clint’s words, relaxing even more at clint’s words, relaxing as she realized it really was okay. “So, how long are you going to keep the crowds waiting to know who broke your nose, clint?”She teased looking at the man before smiling at bruce, “Thanks. So do you.”She smiled watching the crowd, content to just be with her friends, and let tony deal with the rest of the crowd.

In a bit Hela smiled looking up at steve, gently resting a hand on his arm, watching the other guests starting to move to the dancefloor. “Would you like that dance now?”She said smiling up at him. Blushing ever so slightly as she looked up at the good looking captain.
she snorted. "i feel badly for him." she admitted. "what he did was wrong, very wrong, but i might have done the same if it meant my children where free and with me." she admitted with a shake of her head. "Thor feels so awful about it too. he never realized how horrid Odin was being to Loki." she admitted with a sigh. "poor Hela... we should really tell her what Loki did. she's his daughter, she knows how much he has suffered. surely she would forgive him?" Pepper asked, biting her lip a little, unaware of a half drunk man listening in on them, furious that the monster of Manhattan had a daughter, and even more furious that the Avengers had brought her with.

he rolled his eyes. "those are pretty stupid reasons to invite people who can't even spell." he grumbled, shaking his head. "i miss the days where i came from. life was easier then... granted, it was filled with a lot of bigotry..." he mumbled. "well maybe i don't miss it." he muttered with a shake of his head. "i'm sure you'll get to meet them someday." he promised her with a smile. "i can't imagine anyone beating up Thor because he went somewhere that he wanted to go." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he's a pretty amazing fellow, Thor is." he admitted with a smile as he smirked at Clint. "why bother avoiding them? i love crowds. you can kill a man in them and no one will see you do it." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, i'm not hiding it, i'm proud to have trained you so well! i should he dodged instead of ducked." he admitted with a grin as he took a sip of the whiskey in his wine glass.

Steve beamed at her and took her hand, giving her a bow before leading her onto the dance floor. "did i tell you yet, how beautiful you look tonight?" he asked with a smile. "like a flower finally blooming."
“…you have kids?Should I be worried about this?”tony teased a little looking amused before sighing quietly. “I know, I know. But I can’t. Because even if she forgives him, their relationship will never be the same…not to mention the one with thor. I..”Tony looked upset and torn as he sipped his champagne, “I don’t want to hurt her, Pep. And no matter what we do, its going to upset her.”He muttered kissing her head as he wrapped a arm around her, looking amused as steve and hela walked onto the dance floor. “Care for a dance, my lady?”He said looking amused.

“He is fairly amazing. Him and father are always arguing over whats better, the warrior or the sorcerer.”She snickered amused before looking at clint. “I shall have to remember that, if I ever need to kill anyone.”She said amused at the idea of them teaching her before blushing, grinning slightly. “You should have. Though I am sure your lover does not appreciate you being so talkative about another woman.”She teased. “Hm, its not so bad. I know he’s not seducing you, just wanting to teach you to beat him up. Which, is good for all of us. Clint needs his ass kicked more.”Natasha teased rolling her eyes as he sipped the whiskey. Watching the crowd, even at a party, with all the avengers in attendance, unable to relax totally.

“No you didn’t, but thank you. You look good to.”She said smiling at him as she let him lead her into the first steps of the dance, laughing and pleased as they danced. Not noticing the half drunk agent growing even more furious as he watched her have fun, with a avenger no less. “Thank you, steve. That was fun.”She said laughing in delight as the song ended, stepping back from him, yelping as she walked she stepped into someone, turning to apologize. “I’m sorry-“ “You’re a monster. And so is your father. Who else could cause such reckless destruction to a race that had never done anything to you.” “Wha-“Hela frowned looking confused as she took a step back from the man, “A monster, two beautiful monsters who nearly destroyed the city. Do you like seeing the families here, that are missing loved ones, because your father destroyed them?Or living in the tower that overlooks the destruction?Does it please you?”The drunk slurred shaking her a little, for the moment so drunk that he was ignoring not only steve standing at her shoulder- but the other avengers moving towards them, not even noticing when the woman he was holding became a illusion, not noticing until his hands went right through her shoulders as he shook her, and hela was gone. Like loki, she’d pulled the disappearance act.

Tony growled quietly as he realized she was gone, wincing as hail hit the glass. Having discovered like thor, she could control the weather when she wanted to, though he suspected this was a emotional lashing out and not her actually choosing to make it hail in the middle of summer. Looking at the agent as he neared them he glared. “If we don’t find her, YOU can explain to Thor his niece is missing.”He growled before taking a deep breath, trying to calm. Trying to think of where she was.

Hours later found that Hela had retreated to the only place that was safe for her, quiet enough for her.Steve’s personal gym, not even the one they usually used for training, but the one tony had built to look like the one from the 40s for the man, built to be a perfect place for steve to relax. Not even noticing though that as she struggled with the emotions and her disbelief over what she had gone to investigate, having walked through the wreckage they were still rebuilding….not even noticing that it the room was pretty much a freezer, having inherited from loki jotun blood, the woman when she wasn’t in control had a tendancy to freeze things, and the ice coating the walls showed just how unstable she was.
she snorted. "you know i don't." she complained with a roll of her eyes. "but i might." she pointed out with a wicked little smirk before she sighed and nodded. "i know. it's going to hurt, but we can salvage it, i hope..."

Steve grinned as he watched her. "Clint can't be unfaithful you see. because Natasha is the only person who could kick his ass." he pointed out. "well, Thor might be able to. but Clint never gets into the sparring ring with Thor." Steve admitted, Clint snorting. "Captain, YOU can kick my ass, as you well know. there's no way i'm getting into the ring with Thor." Clint admitted with a laugh as he watched Steve take off with Hela. "aah young love. aren't they cute?" he asked with a sly little smirk.

"i look like a little kid playing dress up." Steve stated with a chuckle. "but at least i wear mine better than poor Bruce, who is..." he paused and looked around. "hiding in shadows again." he stated with a sigh. "Hey now!" Steve protested. "that's no way to talk to a lady you drunken beast!" he raged. "you leave Hela alone! she's an innocent and i won't have you taking your ire out on her!" he hissed before groaning as he realized that Hela was gone, having just tried to pry the drunk off of the girl he had taken a great deal to. "if we don't find her, you'll face ME in the ring Soldier!" Steve snarled at the man, giving him a firm shaking, not realizing that Bruce was also gone. having followed little Hela, and was simply giving her time to calm down before he entered the Gym. he didn't try to get too close, he simply sat down near her. calm as ever.

"you shouldn't let him affect you so." Bruce stated simply after a long moment. "Loki did some bad things, yes. he made some bad decisions. he hurt a lot of people and he caused a lot of pain, but that is only because he had reached the end of desperation. sometimes, when a person finds themselves with no other options, they realize that all they can do is cause pain. Loki reached that stage a long time ago Hela. he was mad with greif and fear, because Odin is a sick bastard who hates Loki for no real reason. Loki lost himself when his babies, you, and his sons, where taken away from him, and the only reason he was able to cling to sanity, was knowing that you where safe and happy." Bruce informed her. "when he saw a chance to win your, and your brother's freedom, he took that chance. same as any father would have. would you not destroy an entire civilization just to meet your father for a day?" he asked, his head tilted at her. "i'd destroy for the chance to see my father." he admitted. "i never knew him myself. he's been in jail all my life..." Bruce admitted, looking at her. "your father loves you very much, and some very bad people took advantage of that. they twisted his mind and his meaning and that is why he did what he did." Bruce admitted. "because he felt that he had no other choice, no other chance. it is no more your fault than it is mine or Steve's." he pointed out. "and you should not let the words of a bitter drunkard work at you so."
“Ahhh, well that makes sense.”She said giggling a little before smirking. “…I wouldn’t want to get into a ring with uncle either. He’s been fighting for a thousand years.”Hela mused smiling as she walked with steve. Natasha smirked, looking at her lover. “They are. And even more adorable since she doesn’t know, and he’s so awkward.”Natasha said amused that they all knew that the good captain had it bad for bambi, except for bambi.

“You could have always worn your suit. Though if you had, tony would have felt the need to show up in his iron man suit.”She said sounding thoughtful before disappearing, the look of utter horror and pain etched into her features.

Tony meanwhile was getting everyone out of the party, and giving the agent over to fury to deal with, approaching steve after a few minutes. “She’s downstairs in your gym, steve. Bruce followed her down, and Jarvis said its colder then Antarctica down there, but you’re capiscle, you’re used to ice..”tony said offering him a tight, strained smile as they headed for the elevator,making a joke because he had no other way of dealing the stress. Having every intention of at least going down to the right level, even if he didn’t try to talk to her. Needing to be there for the girl. And remembering this is why he didn’t like caring about people, it was greatly upsetting to him.

Hela was quiet as she listened to bruce, and though it stayed frigidly cold, it wasn’t deadly cold anymore. Calming as she listened to the other, she shuddered a little, not really feeling the cold but aware of it. Wiping her eyes she realized that they were right, before nodding slightly.”I…I would.”She said quietly, sadly. “I would pay dearly to see him…but this world…suffered…you all accepted me here, despite that… and didn’t tell me!”She said her voice going high and anxious, though the illusion showed that she was crying, she was actually having a severe panic attack behind it and the high crack in her voice gave lie to the illusion. So much so that she could barely talk, because it was greatly upsetting her to think they’d all lied to her, that her father had been driven to such extreme lengths. And for a woman who was so very displaced from all that she had ever known, she was having a hard time finding the stability to calm down. Glad that no matter how upset she was, she was still enough in control to project a calm illusion towards bruce, even if she knew he wouldn’t believe she wasn’t freaking out. To much like loki, to allow anyone to see her vulnerable. Having not even realized that she’d hidden in steve’s gym because it was the safest place she knew, the private place of a man she trusted more then anyone else."....Uncle never told me why I had to leave. I had to leave because of...of what he did.."She said sounding angry, and anxious, because she was intelligent enough to start putting the pieces together, and looking around the gym, not even really aware that she was looking for steve,even if it was obvious he wasn't there. That she'd left him behind
Steve nodded and gently clapped Tony on the shoulder. "don't fret Tony, it wasn't your fault." Steve promised, well aware that Tony was feeling guilty about what had happened. "and i'm not too concerned about the cold. the Serum makes it pretty hard for me to catch a chill." Steve admitted with a small chuckle, shaking his head a little as he headed down to talk to Hela, once Bruce was done anyway. once he realized Bruce was doing a magnificent job of calming her down, he waited. Bruce would have made a wonderful father. too bad he was so terrified of people he'd never land a girlfriend.

Bruce nodded. "yes we did accept you. what Loki did was terrible, but what Loki did was NOT your fault!" Bruce informed her. "your just a girl with a jackass for a father." he pointed out with a smile. "sometimes literally if the shapeshifting rumors are to be believed." he joked, trying to make her feel better. "no we didn't tell you Hela, because we didn't want to burden you with the sins of your father. we didn't want to ruin the love you have for him, and we didn't want you to feel shame, or pain while living here. it was wrong of us to keep it from you, yes. but we only meant to protect you from the pain, that's all." he admitted before he sighed. "and we didn't tell you, because we didn't want you to know..." he admitted softly. "the thing is, i think you know now, why you where braught here. don't you? why Thors been so anxious lately." he looked at her, really looked at her and offered her his hand. "now i want you to listen to me very carefully. i know what you're feeling. my Father tried to kill me." he admitted softly. "it was only a few years ago, i know the pain of betrayal from someone you love. someone you trust... the thing is, Odin was never your family. Thor is your family. he always has been and he will protect you with everything he has. and so will i, because i am your family now too. i won't let anyone hurt you. Tony, Natasha, Clint, Pepper, they are all your family." he promised with a smile. "you, are our family, and we love you." he promised. "you don't need to hide from us, you don't need to lie to us to make us love you, because we already do. and we will protect you no matter who your father is, or what your mother was." Bruce promised, glancing up at the doorway where Steve was watching, worried.
Tony twitched a little looking up at the super solider, looking guilty before he had a chance to hide it away again, “Maybe we should test that sometime, see just how cold it can get before it bothers you.”He said momentarily distracted at the idea of a experiment to test it out even as he waited to see what happened.

Hela frowned a little as she let the illusion drop, realizing she could trust them, needed to. Struggling to calm before giggling a little. “…Oh, no. He would never deign to be a donkey. Though he has spent time as a horse.Has to be something majestic for the prince.”she giggled waterly thinking about it, before sighing quietly listening to him. Indeed he would have made a good father, and in the absence of her own, she was accepting him. “…I do.”Hela’s features tightened, before worry filled her eyes even more looking anxious as she got up, moving over to bruce, hands tightening on his arms, “What of Fenrir or jor? Did uncle say anything about them? Odin would have had a easier time injuring them then me as I was in niflhiem, where they were in asgard.”She said sounding anxious about her family, needing a answer before realizing he didn’t have them. Offering him a small smile she nodding slightly, looking down. “….I do not know who my mother is, though I assume she is asgardian, as I look more like them then my brothers.”She mused for a moment distracted from her worry by his words, relaxing as she realized that she did indeed have family.Swallowing hard she stared at the floor, gaining enough control to start warming things up again. “…I need to write my father. I…”She trailed off, not sure what she was going to say, but needing to speak to the father that had lost everything, before looking up at steve, looking startled at his appearance, having not realized he was there.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "horses are rather nasty creatures themselves sometimes you know." he pointed out with a smile. "i can't stand the things. i prefer a nice calm cat." he admitted with a nod. "of course, i'm allergic to the things so i can't actually have one." he admitted, smiling at her. he gently shook his head as he wrapped his arms around her. "Fenris is fine. he was in the land of the frost giants when the order went out, and they protect their own." he promised. "Fenris is fine, but Jor.... i'm sorry Hela, but Jor was killed. Odin sent men down to kill him before Thor was even aware of the issue." he admitted softly. at least she still had one brother, for now. no one knew how safe Fenris would be in the lands of frost, snow and ice. "for now, Fenris is safe, and so are you and Loki." he murmured, comforting her with a tight little hug, though the grip was loose enough that she could escape him if she wanted, or needed to. "who your mother was doesn't matter much, i don't think." he admitted with a smile. "because your father really does love you." he promised softly. "we'll get you a pen and paper in a moment. take the time to calm down." he promised softly.

"hey now Bambi." Steve stated softly, offering her a smile. worried, but not wanting her to be guilty about worrying him. "it's like an icebox in here. are you cold?" he asked, examining her. "do you want me to go get you a blanket?"
“Well, my father can be a rather nasty piece of work to. You’ll have to ask thor about some of the pranks father’s played.”Hela said smiling slightly before staring at the man, leaning into his chest, crying quietly. Her brother gone, before she’d ever had a chance to meet him, having always wanted to meet him, and as long as they were alive, she had thought they would be together. Sniffling she hugged bruce back briefly before escaping, not able to stand being touched still for long periods of time. “I’m okay.”She said rubbing her cheek, offering a shaky sigh, looking up at steve. Studying his face as she tried to figure out just how upset he was, before shaking her head.”No, not really. Father is a frost giant, the cold doesn’t bother me….but I would take the blanket anyways.”She said willing to let him take care of her as she focused enough to let the temperature turn up again.

Tony poked his head around steve, a worried look on his face, though he did look relieved that she was indeed in there.”Hey bambi, you hungry?I sent clint and nat up to make some food.”He said having sent the master assassins away to make comfort food as soon as he realized that she was still in the tower and safe. Figuring that they could all use the comfort foods. “…food would be nice.”She said offering a hesitant smile before following the men upstairs to tony’s penthouse.
Bruce smiled. "all kids can be nasty if they're pushed in the right, or the wrong way." he pointed out. "just ask Clint. he used to play very dangerous pranks on people he didn't care for." Bruce admitted with a smile. "and even Steve can be very nasty if he's pushed hard enough." he admitted with a smile. "you are not 'okay'. you're tired, your emotional, your traumatized, and that's alright." he promised. "it's normal, it's natural even." he admitted, offering her a smile. "not even a little bit?" Steve asked, looking impressed. "even i feel the cold at certain temperatures." he admitted with a grin. "the typical new york winter doesn't bother me much though." he admitted with a shrug as he beamed at her, glad to be of help as he raced off to find her a warm blanket. Bruce smiled as he carefully helped her to her feet and followed her out of the room. "i hope Natasha made Crepes." he mused. well aware that she had. it was the favorite comfort food of the Avengers. there would also be Pizza from New York, Tony's addition. and a ton of Ice-cream, at Pepper's insistence.

all the guests had been kicked out, the drunk soldier was being punished by Fury. who didn't take well to 'ass wipers' taking up fusses against his 'prized soldiers'. Fury didn't show it often, but he had a pretty damn good soft spot for the Avengers, and even he liked Hela, the brief moment that he had met her. so the drunken soldier wasn't about to get off easy. "ooh! cookie dough ice-cream!" Bruce chirped, delighted as he scooped up the pint sized bucket of ice-cream and sequestered it away so only he could eat it. Bruce was practically obsessive over cookie dough ice-cream.
“I shall. Maybe I will pick up new pranks to play on the asgardians from him.”She decided filing the idea to talk to clint away before smiling slightly rubbing a hand over her face, sighing softly. “Well, as long as that’s normal then…”She muttered biting her lip a little before laughing, “No. I can tell it is cold, but it doesn’t bother me.”She said sounding thoughtful amused as he raced off to find a blanket as they all headed upstairs. “Crepes?”She questioned sounding interested. Startling a little as bruce stole the ice cream she frowned, “But how can cookie dough be cream of ice?You do not get cookies from ice.”Hela said as she settled onto the couch next to tony and pepper, the huge L-shaped couch big enough for not only the couple, but for both hela and steve…though the two would be sitting very close. Tony having made sure that everyone was settled into spots that would make the two obliviously flirting ones be together. He was determined to play matchmaker for hela and steve, and amuse himself at the same time."Thank you steve."Hela smiled slightly looking up at the super solider as he brought the blanket in, shifting to wrap it around herself, settling into the couch further, tucking her legs under her to give him room to sit down. "Here. Eat."Natasha ordered, her tone softer and more caring then normal as she past out the freshly done crepes.

“So, as I’m still sober, does this mean you’re going to be nice to me tonight, and join me in bed?”Tony muttered in pepper’s ear as he nuzzled her a little, trying to distract himself from the guilt he was feeling, glad to see that hela was alright, but it would take longer for the billionaire to come to terms with that he wasn’t at fault….and convincing pepper to staying in his penthouse instead of returning to her own floor-because they were still figuring out their relationship, they still had the appearance of living separately, even if they spent most of the day together.
he smiled a little. "just leave me out of it, yeah?" he asked hopefully, laughing a little as he nodded. "it is, very normal." he assured her. "even Steve cries, though, as a man he thinks it's shameful and tries to hide it." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "you will find, Hela, that human men are entirely silly." Bruce admitted. "and require constant attentions and reassurances." he received glared for that, from all the men in the room, and most of the women started to snicker, because Bruce was entirely too right. "ah, no that's not what we mean." Pepper explained to Hela with a smile. "Ice-cream is a frozen sweet cream, and cookie dough ice-cream is frozen sweet cream with chunks of cookie dough inside of it. here, try some." she offered. "this one is mint chocolate chip, this one here is triple chocolate chunk. it has chocolate ice-cream, fudge, and chunks of dark chocolate. this one is snickers, it has chunks of broken up snickers candy bar inside." she explained with a grin. "this is plain old Vanilla ice-cream, and this is strawberry, it has peices of real strawberry inside." she admitted with a smile. pick whichever you think you'll like the most." she offered snatching up the plain old Vanilla and dumped almost a full bottle of caramel sauce on it.

"Crepes!" Bruce chirped, delighted, his mouth full of ice-cream. this was one of the very few times that Bruce acted like a normal male... or even a normal person. usually he was too zen to be so impolite. "we'll see how well you behave tonight." Pepper teased, offering him a kiss. "oh for goodness sakes Bruce!" she complained, laughing as he tried to shove an entire Crepe into his mouth, the man smiling happily as Clint and Steve both laughed and scrambled for their share of Ice-Cream, Crepes, and Pizza before Bruce ate them all. "here Hela! food of the gods, literally!" Clint declared, offering her pepperoni Pizza. Steve always insisted on Canadian bacon, and Vegan Bruce had goat cheese pizza with peppers, olives, pineapple, mushrooms and garlic. which usually made most of the others want to gag, but was no worse than the Anchovies that Pepper loved.
“Of course I will.”Hela reassured looking amused before tilting her head, shaking her head.”Human men are very silly, it seems. I agree. Tony more then most, needs the most attention.”she decided grinning at tony’s huffing laugh. “I do not. I’m perfectly capable of being alone.” “….can you even survive on your own?”Natasha asked looking thoughtful as she snickered before smirking as they watched hela look at the ice cream confusedly, before starting to try it all. “Oh..this is most delightful. Humans have more interesting treats then asgard.”he said thoughtfully eating before taking the triple chocolate chuck, curling up on the couch as she ate a bowl of it.

Tony grinned kissed her, “I should get credit for not killing the idiot….or letting steve do it. I should get a reward.”he teased grinning as he moved away, starting to get some of the pizza and crepes before settling back on the couch with pepper sipping his glass of scotch(no matter what anyone said, alcohol was a food group), amused as hela looked at the food in bemused fascination. Hela looked at the food, taking a piece from clint, offering him a small smile.”Thanks, clint.”She said, knowing he, and the other’s, were being even kinder then normal because of what happened, and genuinely touched they were making such a effort. “Ohhh….yes. This is food of the gods. I shall have to ask thor to take it home. He would enjoy it greatly.”She decided giggling a little.
Bruce laughed, delighted at that. "you're right! Tony is the most helpless!" he admitted with a grin as he watched the man sulk. "no he can't." Pepper admitted with a grin. "he doesn't even know where his drivers license is right now. nor his keys or his birth certificate, insurance information, or social security card. if he had a heart attack right now, he'd be dead." she admitted with a snicker. "we have a lot of junk food, yes." Steve admitted with a smile. "we live short lives, so we spend most of our time trying to find ways of being remembered, so we have a lot of stuff no one really needs, but everyone wants... like AI, cell phones, and those silly Stark@ Tablets." he mused, licking his lips free of ice-cream. "oh, and lets not forget massive metal suits and Ferrari cars." he admitted with a smirk as he watched Tony's reaction to THAT.

Pepper considered Tony's 'counteroffer' and finally nodded. "true. very well. you've been good enough for a reward for now." she decided, offering him a smirk. "but misbehave and you'll only get one round." she warned, taking a sip of champagne. "no problem Bambi." he stated with a smile before laughing at her reaction to the Pizza. "isn't it? and Thor loves Pizza. he's been trying to get the chefs in Asgaurd to try and make it. but since they don't have tomatoes, or cows, or wheat, it makes Pizza making difficult." he admitted with a grin as he bit into cheesy goodness, only to nearly choke as a howl filled the air, and a bright flash went off, much the same way as when Thor appeared. only instead of Thor, it was a bleeding boy, who only looked a year, if that, older than Hela. he was covered in thick gashes, and had silver markings all over his body, which was completely naked save for a simple pair of what looked like tighty whiteys made of leather. he howled again, the sound filled with Voice Magic. "what the bleeding hell!?" Clint demanded as the boy collapsed, a silver collar wrapped around his neck was the only indication of who the child was. Fenris, son of Loki, who had once been held captive in wolf form by a ribbon made from the goblins, released by Thor. there was no removing the Ribbon, and so it stayed, locked around Fenris's neck for all eternity. the boy scrambled to his feet, delirious with pain, and cursing in the language of the Gods, ancient Norse. the boy didn't realize he was safe yet, and was trying to defend himself still from Tyr and another god who had gone to kill the 'bastard wolf'. Tyr had never forgiven Fenris for biting off his hand, and would have leaped at the chance to attack, and kill the boy.
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