Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

"because it's mean?He tries so hard to beat you."hela said snickering a little before frowning. "Oh. Well, humans still keep them around as sorta pets. I mean, this is like a huge pet store, even if you cant take them home."She said thoughtfully giggling a little at the idea of the elephant crushing the car."Yea, that would be bad. He loves his cars."she said looking amused snuggling her plushies, and by the time they left the pet store she had two kittens and a turtle, looking exhausted as she walked, her feet dragging a little as she let steve direct her towards their rooms. " that a cat?....and a turtle?"Tony said raising his head out of pepper's lap where he'd been laying to watch a movie in the living room, frowning sligthly at the cat carrier and the noises coming from it, swallowing hard. while cats weren't as bad as rats or mice, if he wasn't expecting it, or they touched him, they made him think of afganastan with the small furry rodents. but he didn't look upset or close to losing control, if anything the man looked amused at all the stuff steve was helping her carry.
he smiled a little. "this isn't at all a pet store." he admitted. "Zoo's like this are for education, and the rarer animals? the Zoos are fighting to keep the animals alive. this is basically a massive research and development center as well as an animal sanctuary. a lot of Wild animals are brought in too, from the wild when they get injured and sick, so it's a vet and a doctors office too." he admitted with a smile. "Zoos are a lot more than what most people see. many Zoos are actually the future for some Animal Species." he admitted as he smiled at her as he let her run around the pet store. "yep, that is two cats and a turtle... be glad it isn't a baby leopard and a full grown elephant. i had to talk her out of them... i almost couldn't." he admitted, shivering. "she pouted at me! it's so unfair that girls can do that." he complained as he carried all the pet stuff... including a 'make your own kitty condo' kit. it would be five feet wide, seven feet tall, and had more 'hidey holes' than Steve thought was needed. but it was the one Hela had liked, so he was carrying it. and as she took a nap AKA fell exaughsted into bed, he was putting it together. as well as the other toys they had bought, like the electric feather rod, and tome bouncy spring toy that would wiggle back and forth. he got the food out and fed both kittens and the turtle, the turtle got his own massive twenty galleon tank, with sand and a 'pond' and plants. god Steve's arms hurt. but it wouldn't last too long.
Tony smirked as he looked at the things they were carrying. "A leopard would have been fairly cool actually."The billionaire said looking amused as he settled in to help steve build the thing, glaring in annoyance as it didn't go well,"I build cars for a living. And metal suits. Hell, I made my first suit in a hellhole, I should be able to put a fucking tank together well enough for a turtle."The billionaire pouted a little as he started setting up the 'pond' and sand, smiling as he put the turtle in. "So, it was a good date then?"He said looking amused, wanting to know how much the other had enjoyed his date.
Toy snorted a little and shook his head. "yeah, cool... until it eats you." Steve pointed out before he laughed a little at the other. "it's not that bad." he stated with a smile as he looked at the instructions as he tried to keep the turtle from crawling away. it was a lively little shit. at least the kittens where laying in their new Cat Condo, dead to the world. "it was a great date! at least.. i think so." he admitted. "aside from having to talk her out of getting deadly pets." he admitted with a chuckle. "i hope you don't mind the animals... i couldn't tell her no. i know you won't allow rodents so i managed to keep clear of the ferrets and rabbits, but once she saw the turtle... and then the kittens... i actually had to talk her down to two. she wanted to buy all twenty." he admitted with a grimace. "i did but her some stuffed animals that she really seams to like, and she loves cotton candy, and popcorn, and funnel cakes, turkey legs..." he admitted with a grin. "they have new fair food from the last time i was there. they have these things called deep fried candy bars.... it's like... pure sugar, deep fried... god Tony those things are amazing!" Steve was hyper! who'd have thought?
"Hey, under that terms, shouldn't we get rid of fenris and jor, since they both could eat us to?"Tony snickered looking amused before sighing as he placed the plants in, "Well good. And deadly is sorta what she's used to. Or did you forget she's a death goddess?"He teased a little before shrugging slightly. "Meh. They don't bother me nearly as much as having you all in my house does, so its not that bad, really."Tony said shrugging, because he really didn't mean it. They bothered him when he was stressed or really antsy, but for the most part he enjoyed having company. "Now that would have been a sight. 20 cats....wonder if fenris has a problem with cats?"he snickered, laughing as he went on and on about the date, groaning as he realized the man was hyper. "Bloody hell, steve. You're hyper."He said finishing the tank and sitting on the floor next to the cat condo, hesitating before touching one of the kittens, rubbing its ears, startled as the kitten woke just enough to crawl into his lap and settle down to rest again. It seemed tony had made a new best friend.

And it was true, in the morning the kitten was still following tony around, even down to his lab, though he did put it in his bedroom down there to keep it safe. and by the time he came up for breakfast, the kitten was sitting in his lap as he ate."Not.A. Word."Tony said looking at steve and bruce as they came into the room.
Steve paused a little and then. "...good point... but don't tell her that." he warned before he snickered. "that's another good point." he admitted with a sigh as he rolled his eyes. "you're not fooling anyone." he stated with a smirk. "we all know you're a softie." he teased with a laugh before he shook his head. "whose hyper? i'm not hyper, i can't get hyper!" he complained. "if Fenris eats these cats, i am SO kicking his ass." "Cats don't taste good." Fenris informed them as he walked through the room to check on Hela before he smirked at them. "Jor might eat them though." he admitted with a laugh as he left, Steve groaning as he shook his head. "why are they here again?" he grumbled, shaking his head.

Steve just smirked in the morning at Tony as he watched that cat following Tony around. "so have you named it yet?" Bruce asked calmly as he watched the Kitten, his head tilted. "the other one is fixing to be called Terror.... it attacks everything that moves, including people." he admitted with a snicker. everyone but Bruce that is. the small kitten seamed to absolutely adore both Bruce and Hela... it had an unnatural hatred for Fenris though, it would seek him out to attack, very unnatural. well, Fenris thought it was unnatural, Steve just thought it was because the kitten liked the way Fenris squealed in terror when he was attacked.
"I wont. don't worry, letting her figure it out on her own would be amusing."She said looking amused at the idea before smirking slightly. "I am not. And you are. definitely hyper no matter what you say."Tony snickered. "...well, at least hela wont have to worry about you eating her kitten, but you better warn jor not to do it."He snickered at steve's groan. "cause they're your girlfriend's brothers."He pointed out.

"'s not mine to name. Hela can name her."Tony said petting the small black and white kitten, before laughing. "Terror does sound like a good name. I watched it attack jor for awhile."he snickered a little before smiling slightly. "Fen, are you terrorizing my kitten?"Hela said smiling tiredly as she walked into the kitchen, looking concerned for her kitten, carrying Terror. Definitely wasnt going to be going anywhere without her animals for awhile, and thankfully despite the cat attacking everyone, he seemed content to be carried around.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "i am not, definitely not, and you sO are. you're such a pushover, letting Hela have so many pets and letting her brothers stay here and giving her anything she wants... not that i can say much myself..." he admitted making a face.

"yeah but she seams to like you the best." Bruce admitted with a grin. "i am NOT! the little beast keeps coming after me! it can open doors!" Fenris complained, glaring at the creature in Hela's hands as Steve started to snicker. "have you named them yet Hela?" he asked with a smile. "because little Terror there seams to be making a name for himself, and that little Stalker won't leave Tony alone for more than a minute." he admitted with a laugh. "they really brighten this stuffy old place up. we should have gotten cats ages ago."
""No it can't. Kittens can't open doors fenris. Leave my cat alone." "It's not his fault. He just sounds so girly when he squeals like that."Tony snickered a little as he petted 'stalker'." "We can't name then that!They're sweet!"hela said smiling thinking about it before nodding to herself. "This one's anna."Hela decided,"And tony can name the other."She smirked a little. "Hmm, I think I'll name mine ryssa."he said smiling. " what are you going to tell pepper, when she realizes she has to share her bed with a cat now?"
"uh, actually Hela, some cats can open doors." Steve admitted, looking amused. "i am NOT girly!" Fenris hissed, baring his teeth at Tony before shrieking as the newly named Anna leaped for his fingers. "See! he's attacking me!" Fenris complained, clutching hi fingers to himself. not that he'd been hurt. "what are we telling Pepper? ooooh Tony you got a kitten!" Pepper gasped, practically oozing glee. "oh aren't you cute!" she cooed, picking up the little black and white kitten and snuggling him. "oh so adorable! i love cats!... is that a turtle?" she asked, watching as the pet turtle scooted across the floor, Steve cursing as he realized the Tank had collapsed, releasing the antsy turtle unto the world. it seamed perfectly content to simply sit in place now that it was with the people.

(welp, ima go to bed now. tired... night night.)
"Well, this kitten can't.she's not following fenris."Hela said smiling a little before snickering. "That was definitely a girly squeak.Just pet her and don't freak out, puppy."Tony teased a little looking amused that he was freaking out so much."hey pepper."Tony said pouting a little as the cat got picked up,pouting that his stalker was being held by someone else."No, Hela got a kitten. This little girl is just s stalking me."Tony said before laughing as he looked at the turtle, amused that it was just hanging out now that it was with everyone. "I told you that tank wasn't together right." "Didn't you put it together?"Hela said smilign as she looked at the turtle, looking pleased that all her pets were together. "I did.But I build cars and awesome machines that don't exist elsewhere in the world, not wood and glass turtle tanks."
Fenris scowled. "it CAN open doors and it IS following me!" he growled, tossing his head and stalking out of the room, Steve snickering a little as Anna darted out after him, Fenris shrieking as he was attacked again. "...Hela? i think your cat hates him." he admitted with a grin as Anna stalked back in, looking ever so smug. Bruce just chuckled as he picked up the turtle and set it on the table and started feeding the thing some lettuce and apple pieces. "i'll fix it." Steve promised with a sigh. "he can't be left loose all the time, or he'll get stuck somewhere we can't reach." he admitted. "turtles are bad for that." he admitted, making a face as he scowled at the turtle. "why do you have to be such a troublemaker?" he demanded, pouting as he stroked the turtles head.
"No it's not!"Hela said grinning as the cat followed after him. "No, the cat doesn't hate him...well maybe. He is a wolf after all."She said sounding thoughtful about that before leaning down to pick anna up, settling the kitten in her lap. "Yea, and considering it's my house, there's even more dangerous things for a turtle to get into."Tony said snickering a little. "Are all turtles such troublemakers?"Hela said looking amused.
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