Stars and Ice(lady/moon)

Bruce chuckled a little as he shook his head, Clint laughing as he watched the video of Steve struggling to ask Loki for permission to date his daughter. Steve glared at them all as he and pepper walked in, paused in front of the TV, looked at Tony, looked at the TV and then with a shrug he turned to look at Tony with a smug little smirk. "i learned this from Thor." Steve stated before he 'bumped' the TV with his foot and sent it to the floor. "oh. so sorry about that." he stated, looking quite pleased as Pepper started to laugh and wrapped her arms around Tony's shoulders. "you are SO mean Tony." she complained with a chuckle. "you should be glad he's in a good mood or he'd have kicked your ass. he's taking Hela to the Zoo today." she explained with a grin. "he WAS going to ask you to make him look nice, but i think he's going to ask Clint for advice now." "what!?" Clint demanded, horrified. "Natasha dresses me, i don't know how to look nice!" " have no idea how sad that is." Bruce commented, looking highly amused.
"Steve!What?!?!NOoooooo!STEVE!That's mean!"Tony howled looking annoyed even as he shifted wrapping his arms around pepper's waist, tugging her into his lap. "Well good. I'm glad he got a chance to ask her."Tony said smirking before glancing at steve. "you can't ask birdbrain, he can't tell good looking clothes." "It is fairly sad, but he makes it easy by owning all black."Natasha mused walking into the room, glancing at the broken tv and then steve. "Ready for your date?If you really don't want to ask the playboy, I can dress you."She said smiling a little. "No, I can help him. Natasha and pepper shoudl help hela." "help hela what?"The goddess asked as she walked into teh room looking thoughtful.
Steve shrugged. "you can buy a new one." he stated simply. "besides, that's what you get for laughing at me." he stated with a sly little 'i'm a bastard' smirk. he felt bad for Loki though. he'd nearly had a breakdown when he had to go back to Asgaurd. living in a tiny little cell was not good for a persons sanity. thankfully none of the 'kids' had seen him when he'd begged Thor not to send him back. but they needed a bit of a better way to slip Loki out. if Loki slipped the reigns now, Odin would just send people to earth to hunt Loki down and kill him, and that would put the kids at risk. so he'd gone back to his little cell, but he certainly wasn't happy about it. "no i'm not ready for my date. Tony made me mad so he no longer has the privilege of assisting me." and it was a privilege because Clint knew Tony would have been teasing him the entire time. and he would have put up with it, which was a privilege. "Hela! you'd better escape while you can, they want to play 'life size dress up doll'." he warned. "we might not escape with our lives."
"That's not fair. Especially since you're not going to let me help dress you.This seems to be overkill in punishing me. Pepper, tell him he's being a bastard."Tony sulked sighing softly. He knew that thor had had difficulty taking loki back, not because the man fought, but because thor couldn't bring himself to want to take him back. "Oh. Isnt that fun though?I've never had friends to choose clothes with before."Hela said looking thoughtful as she considered them.
Steve stared at her for a moment and then. "i forgot..." he admitted, shaking his head. "women like that sort of thing..." he grumbled with a sigh. "come on Tony... make me pretty." he ordered with a snicker. "and if you put that gunk in my hair, and it turns green again, i will kill you." he warned. sulking because he had to sit with Tony, who was going to tease him ruthlessly about Loki giving him the third degree. at least Fenris was up and running around, distracting most of the house as he got into EVERYTHING. "i thought it was Cats who where curious??" Steve asked after he witnessed Fenris playing with the microwave. at least he didn't blow things up, but that was probobly because Jormungandr went with Fenris everywhere to make sure he didn't. at least one of the kids knew about earth technology, having grown up there. "so what should i wear? i can't wear a suit, and i can't wear my sweatpants and T-shirt..." which was usually the only thing he wore. though he did have a few pairs of very nice jeans. "i hate to say this but i think i need to go shopping... i don't have any good clothes for taking a pretty girl out in..."
"yes we do."hela grinned as she left the room with pepper and natasha, looking amused. "You are fairly pretty. I think it's the hair.It's just so pretty."Tony snickered as he followed the other into the other room, looking amused. "They are, but he's young. Puppies get into everything. I had one once, chewed on your shield for awhile when I used it as a puppy bed."Tony snickered looking amused before looking through the other's clothes. "Definitely not a suit. And though she does apperciate the sweats, she stares at your ass...speaking of your ass, you could wear the spandex, capsicle. I mean, she could apperciate it."He snickered before nodding. "I'll take you shopping this week."Tony promised, actually not teasing as much as one would expect before smirking, "Here. Put these on."He said holding out a pair of the dark good jeans and a light colored short sleeve dress shirt, dressy casual. perfect for a casual date.
Clint scowled at Tony and set a hand on his hair. "what is wrong with my hair!? why does everyone comment on my hair!?" he demanded, shaking his head a little. "my hair is fine!... isn't it? do you think i should change it? do you think Hela would like it better if i combed it a different way?" he asked, messing with his hair as he looked in a mirror. "...i remember." he growled, glaring at Tony. "i actually had scratches on it once i got it back... dick." he complained, though his lip was twitching. they'd had to give the puppy up when it grew to almost two hundred pounds and couldn't fit in the upper levels anymore. you just couldn't raise a massive dog in a big city like new york. "i am not wearing my spandex to the Zoo! people will panic." he complained, rolling his eyes as he examined the Jeans before stripping out of his sweats and pulled on the Jeans, examining himself in the mirror. "...yeah... i guess i kind of like this." he agreed, looking at Tony and sighing. "oh alright... go for it." he agreed, indicating his hair. "make my 'pretty' hair better..."
"It looks like something out of the forties.Which it is."Tony snickered a little before shrugging."I don't think Hela cares either way, she doesn't know that its sorta a old style to cut it in."He pointed out before smirking. "Hm, I am. But admit it, the picture of a st. bernard sleeping in your shield was adorable."He pointed out before pouting."Damn.That's true.I guess you don't have to be spandex today."He said looking amused before nodding as he watched steve look over the clothes."Of course it's fine.I picked it out."he said smiling before noddding settling out to make up the other's hair, not cutting it but styling it into that messy cute look that just begged someone to run their hands through it."There. Now hela wont feel bad for messing up your hair when she wants to bury her hands in it."He snickered a little before studying the man."You ready?I mean, its been awhile since you've gone on a date."
Steve snorted a little. "you have a point." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm never going to get used to the twenty first century." he grumbled before he brightened. "i did figure out how to use a phone though! and there's this game i can play on the Face Booking now! Clint showed me how... i think he's using me for free lives and stuff." he admitted with a grin. "i doubt Hela would appreciate Blue and white spandex... i need a new outfit." he grumbled. "something that's not so... so..." and then he sighed and shook his head. "never mind... i don't want a new suit..." he had forgotten. Coulson had made him that suit. sure the man had been creepy, but he was used to creepy men asking for autographs. "god no i'm not ready!" he stated, looking mildly panicked. "i've never taken a girl out on a date before." he admitted with a shake of his head as he examined himself in the mirror, a little stunned at how... modern, he looked. "damn..." he muttered, gaping at himself as he turned to Tony. "you really CAN work miracles!"
"Well, you two can just figure it out together."Tony said smiling before snickering. "That's good. Better then thor, he keeps breaking his."he said before staring at the man, before starting to laugh."Yea, that sounds like something legolas would do, but I'm glad you figured it out."Tony smirked before shrugging. "It's not so bad, better then your old one."he said smiling slightly before biting his lip to laugh in the captain's face, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. It's not that hard. You spend time together here in the tower, just think of it as spending time elsewhere. Which it is."He pointed out before smirking, nodding. "What can I say?I'm amazing."Tony snickered. "Come on, let's go see what the girls put hela in, and you can get going."

Hela looked up at pepper as she tugged her hair up into a pony tail, looking down at the nice jeans and tank top she was wearing, glad it was summer and warm out before looking nervous. "Are you sure this is apporiate clothing for this...zoo?"She asked looking nervous about actually going out.
Steve snorted a little as he shook his head. "Thor breaks everything." he pointed out, looking amused. "... your right, it is better than my old one." he grimaced. "at least this one doesn't ride up my ass." he admitted with a snicker before he looked at Tony. "yeah? it's that easy? i can do that..." he muttered, biting his lip a little. "we'll just.... talk about the animals... and stuff... we can do that... easy, right?" he asked, starting to panic a little. "...god i can't imagine what they put her in. i bet she looks beautiful." he muttered, smiling when he saw her. "i was right... she's beautiful. don't you think she's beautiful Tony... wat, don't look at her! i don't want your womanizing eyes to sully her." he demanded, narrowing his eyes playfully at Tony, play fighting with Tony to calm himself down. they all knew that Tony hadn't slept with another woman since he'd gotten it on with Pepper.

Pepper chuckled as she nodded. "it's fine. you look wonderful." she promised. "it's not a fancy place where your going, it's for fun. and sometimes fun can get a little messy." she admitted with a smile. "it's better to be in clothes that are comfortable, as well as makes you look nice." she assured the girl. "you'll have a lot of fun." she promised. especially since this particular Zoo was also very hands on. you could feed penguins, pet Llama, feed giraffe and race Zebra. you couldn't 'play' with the dangerous animals, but you could still watch them easily enough. Pepper just knew she was going to love it.
"Very true, but you're still doing better then him."Tony said snickering a little before smirking. "I don't want to think about your ass, spandex."Tony whined a little before nodding. "It is that easy. Animals and food, cause no trip to the zoo is complete without the animal crackers they sell. And She does."Tony said snickering, before pouting."Heyyyy!I wanna see the beautiful girl. Let me see."He said smirking though he was watching pepper and not hela, for him, these days, there was only one girl, though he did admire others, it wasn't like he slept with any of them.

"Oh good."Hela said looking pleased that it really was okay, and that it wasn't a fancy place before looking up at steve as he came into the room, blushing ever so slightly. "You look good to."She said smiling. "They're adorable, aren't they Clint? almost makes you want to tease them."Natasha said snickering as she looked up at her partner as they walked into the room, looking at the couple amused, though there was happiness in her eyes, because she'd been worried about them both trying to fit into the world, and now they had each other.
Steve smirked. "you're just jealous because i have a better ass than you." he teased with a chuckle as he nodded. "yeah... i'll get her some cotton candy too, everyone loves cotton candy." he mused. "and funnel cakes!" he decided, calming as he thought about all the ways he could spoil her. "and i can get her some stuffed animals. and she can try some of the games they have there. i bet she'd like that." he admitted with a nod before rolling his eyes at Tony as Pepper bit back a laugh and set her hands on her hip. "Tony Stark! are you looking at other women again!?" she demanded, though you could hear the laughter in her voice. "thanks. you really do look pretty in that dress." he admitted with a smile, offering her his arm. "would you like to take the car, or the motorcycle?" he offered, his head tilted at her. letting her decide. he offered Natasha and Clint a furious glare as he was being teased. "come on Hela, lets go before those two get smart ideas." he muttered, leading her away and through the city, explaining what a Zoo was, and why this one was special on the way there. once there, he offered her a smile and an arm and led her through the Park, where monkeys ran free, chattering and chittering, and where two Cheetah where being led around on massive chains so people could see them up close. Clint laughed as two monkeys landed on his shoulders and started picking at his hair. "i knew i shouldn't have let Tony play with my hair! he's given me bugs or something!... here, you wanna touch? they're really friendly." he assured her, reaching into his bag for some 'monkey snacks' that he'd brought with... apple slices. "here, they love apples."
"No doubt about that. Your ass better be better since it's covered in spandex."Tony snickered before nodding. "Calm, steve. Calm. And you might have sex, if you give her all that. She'll be hyper."Tony snickered before looking at his girlfriend. "I have. I'm sorry, hela's just to beautiful for me to look away from, and natasha's just to deadly to not stare at."Tony said sounding so serious that it took both woman staring at him to make him crack up. "Thanks."Hela said smiling, blushing ever so slightly at steve's praise. "Motorcyle."She decided looking amused as she snugged up against his back as he drove, using it as a excuse to cuddle. Grinning as she looked around, eyes wide in amazement as she studied the animals around her, giggling happily as she watched the monkey pull at steve's hair. "Don't blame tony for your hair looking to fun to mess with to pass up."Hela snickered at his words before taking the apple, giggling even more as the monkey landed on her shoulder, wrapping its hand in her hair to balance as it took the apple munching it happily as it balanced on her shoulder. "Oh, this is amazing. There are no animals in niflhiem, I never considered that they could be so friendly."
Clint smirked a little. "shut up Tony, she's not ready for sex probobly." he stated. "besides i don't need sex, i, unlike you, have mastered the art of masturbation." he stated with a chuckle. "Clint had stuffed his hand in his mouth to keep from laughing at Tony's blatant flirting as Pepper snorted and gave him a searing kiss. "your such a dick." she complained affectionately.

he grinned at her. "yeah? you want to mess up my hair?" he asked with a grin as he fed the monkey on his shoulder. he came here a lot, he loved the animals and the calm that was in the massive animal park. "these animals are friendly, because they where raised from birth by humans." he explained. "in the wild, these animals would have nothing to do with us, some of them would even attack us." he admitted, scratching the monkey's head and chuckling as they both raced off to attack another visitor who had more interesting food options. candy. "there are animals that we keep as pets, like Dogs and Cats, fish, birds, some lizards and snakes, many kinds of birds. all sorts of things." he admitted with a smile. "if you like, i can get you an animal all your own... just o rodents or Tony will freak." after Afghanistan, Tony couldn't stand small furry things that squeaked. rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, ferrets. at least he seamed to be alright with bunnies... so far. they hadn't really tested it after he had a flashback in the rodent section of the pet store. "come on, they have a Dolphin show starting in ten minutes, you'll love this. Dolphins are so smart, that they can do amazing tricks." he admitted with a smile as he got them the best seats in the house with a massive bag of popcorn to share.
"...why should I master the art, when there's so many women willing to throw themselves at me?"Tony said snickering a little before smirking as he kissed pepper back."See, willing woman."Tony smirked at his girlfriend, nuzzling her a little."But you love me like this. I'm amazing. You'd be worried if I was nice."He pointed out.

"I do. It's just all over the place."Hela said smiling, blushing ever so slightly as she considered running her hands through his hair as she kissed him. "Well, I'll not try this in the wild then, just here."She said giggling a little as they raced off, tilting her head as she considered that people kept animals as pets, and how traumatic it had to be for her friend, to not even be able to walk through a pet store without freaking out. "I'd like that. And we'll take tony with us, since it is his tower, he should get a option of what I get."She decided, only wanting to take tony so she knew for sure he was okay with whatever she got. "A dolphin?"She said frowning a little as she followed after him, settling into her seat. Grinning even more as she ate the popcorn, her eyes wide and amazed as she watched the show, leaning against him ever so slightly, "Oh!That was amazing!Did you see them jump through the hoop?And do the flips. I want a dolphin."She decided looking up at him."I want to teach it tricks and everything!"She said, and like any kid being first introduced to cool animals, she wanted one. Granted she'd probably settle on something else as soon as she discovered just how many animals there were to choose from
Pepper snorted and shook her head. "SUCH a dick." she complained with a chuckle as she shook her head. "i would be worried though, if you started being sweet... although, you are unusually nice to Hela." she teased with a grin. "should i be jealus?"

he grinned at her, pleased that she liked it. "thanks, Tony fixed it up for me... i think i like it, i might keep it this way." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "well, if you feel you have to, but make sure you get a pet that YOU want." he warned with a smile as he led the way, explaining what a Dolphin was on the way. "yes i did! they are amazing aren't they? did you see the one doing math?" he asked with a grin, glad he had listened to Tony and gone to the Zoo before he laughed and shook his head. "Sorry Hela, but you can't have a Dolphin for a Pet. they're protected, and they need WAY too much space." he admitted. "we won't be allowed to keep a Dolphin." he admitted. "there are other water animals too, like the Killer whales, their over here, come on i'll show you." he led her through the massive aquarium, where Clown fish danced, and Sharks soared and Sea Horses and Sea Dragons peeked at them through coral. there was even a few dozen alligators and crocodiles. then he took her to the more interactive animals, Tigers paced back and forth, watching them, and they where allowed to bottle feed a newborn leopard that had been abandoned by it's mother. "no we can't have this for a pet either." he warned with a smile. "a Wild Cat can never truly become domesticated, and they can get very dangerous. not to mention these guys are endangered." he admitted with a shake of his head. "see their pretty spots? people really like them, so they hunt the cats for their fur. they are so over-hunted that they almost went extinct. some greedy people still hunt them for their fur." he admitted, scratching the baby leopards chin and smiling when it purred.
Definitely not. I'm nice to all goddesses who can kill me,who's father threw me out the window,who's uncke can strikr me with lightening,nd eho's boyfriend kicks my ass whenim not in my suit. Not to mention her siblings."tony pointed out with a smirk.

"It does look good."hela smiled looking him over,blushing ever so slightly before nodding."ill get the pet I want. I just want tony to be comfortable in his oen house to."she reassured him before pouting because she couldn't have a dolphin"oh...yes I guess the tower doesn't have enough room for them..."she said grinnjng happily,dolphin disappointment forgotten as she inspected the rrst of the animals frowning when steve told her she couldn't have the leopard."but its mother didn't want it. I want take good care of it!and let no one hunt it,or hurt it."hela said looking up at the man with a pleading expressions.
Pepper snickered a little. "you know, i think Loki is actually sorry about that." she admitted with a grin. "but her brothers would totally happily kill you." she teased with a grin as she pulled him down for another kiss. "Steve would protect you though, if only to kill you himself. but they would only want to hurt you f you hurt Hela, so you'll be alright. now come on, i want to get laid."

he smiled a little. "i suppose that's understandable. but you do realize he'll smile and nod, even if he hates it don't you? because he wants you to be happy and if that means having a super freaky pet then he'll grit his teath and bear it." he admitted. "he is such a pushover." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "Sorry Hela, but we can't take care of these guys. they're small and cute now, but someday they'll grow into that." he indicated a massive Leopard that was watching them. "do you really want to make one of them live in a city? where there's nothing green, and nothing to chase but us? besides, this little guy is very important. he's going to go to Tokyo, where he's going to be taught how to be wild, and then released intot he wild to help the dwindling populations." he admitted with a smile. "we can't keep him, but there are cats that you can have. they're just much smaller, and much more suited to living with humans."
"He can be sorry all he wants to. He still threw me out the window."Tony sulked a little as he kissed her back, pouting a little."I feel the love pep. You wouldnt protect me?"He muttered before raising a eyebrow as he nudged her towards his bedroom."And if I don't want to?"Ha, as if tony stark ever turned down sex.

Hela frowned a little as she realized that steve was right, that tony would just deal with it if he couldn't stand her pet. Giggling a little. "Don't let him hear you say that. He'll try to convince you he's not a pushover."She giggled before frowning. "...oh."She stared at the leopard, looking a little wide eyed before nodding. " would be better in the wild."She said biting her lip before smiling pleased with the idea that the little guy was going to be helping in the wild. "...let's go get a cat on our way home. Like you said, tony would just deal with it, even if I took him with us. We'll just show him the cat when we get home."She decided looking up at him with a small smile looking excited at the idea of having a pet.
Pepper chuckled a little. "of course not, what could i do against people like that? it's your job to protect em, remember?" she asked with a grin as she kissed him. "your Tony Stark." she stated simply. "you always want sex. now hurry up, i'm horny."

he chuckled a little. "don't worry i'll let you know if someone in the Tower won't like your pet. so long as you stick to cats, dogs, or birds you'll be fine." he promised. "he so is a pushover and i so am telling him just to watch him fail at proving me wrong." he stated with a grin as he handed the kitten over to the keepers once it was fed. "come on, i'll take you to the petting Zoo. most of them aren't good for pets in the city either, but you can pet them all you like, and they even have horse and pony rides." he admitted with a smile as he hesitantly took her hand, yelping as a monkey used his head as a landing/launch pad.
"Damn. I knew there was a flaw in dating my assistant. I need a super hero."he whined before laughing. "true."He said as he followed her into the room.

"Okay."Hela said smiling, pleased with the idea of him telling her before smirking slightly at the idea. "Tony's a genius. He'd probably be able to prove you wrong...or come up with something to make you regret calling him names."She said looking sad as the kitten left before looking at him thoughtfully, nodding happily. "Okay. I've seen horses before."She mused, yelping to when he yelped, so startled at the monkey's appearance, laughing at the look on steve's face, her hand wrapped around his. looking amused as she considered him."You okay?"She said smiling as they walked towards the petting zoo, trying hard to not to laugh at him to much.
he smiled at her. "he could never prove me wrong." he admitted. "all you'd have to do is pout at him and he'd cave. he really likes you, you're like the little sister he's always wanted." he admitted with a smile before sulking as he rubbed the back of his head. "i'm alright, it was more surprise than anything else." he promised. "i might have whiplash." he admitted with a chuckle as he took her to the petting Zoo, explaining how they got milk from cows, eggs from chickens, and honey from the beehives, which they couldn't touch, but could watch through a glass wall. he explained how Goats could give milk, and how Pigs where actually rather clean animals. not sure how she'd react, not to mention the little kids, he made no mention of the food that they got from the animals. he smiled as he held a chicken and watched her ride a Camel and an Elephant. "no we can't have an elephant for a pet." he informed her, eyes dancing. "we'd never fit it in the elevator." he admitted with a chuckle as he handed her a turtle. which seamed to rather like the attention. "you can have turtles for pets though, so long as you don't get one of the endangered species. some people have lizards and snakes for pets too." he admitted. "is there anything else you wanted to see?"
"Hm, but that's me. You couldn't pout at him and get him to do what you wanted."She said snickering a little amused before smiling slightly, "Good. Hate to explain how you got injured by a monkey to tony. He'd probably die laughing."She said smiling as he explained everything. "Humans are amazing. Nothing like this at home, with all these animals. Amazing!"She said smiling up at him so happy to seeing the cute animals. Pouting as she got off the elephant she whined quietly. "I want a elephant!"She complained, "We could keep it on the ground floor with tony's cars."she decided before laughing as she held the turtle, gently petting the little guy, amused that it seemed so pleased with the attention. "I think I'll get a turtle and a kitten."She decided before shaking her head, "No. Lets go to the pet store, then home."She said looking ready for a nap. This was by far the most excitement she'd ever had, and definitely it was a good, but long, day.
he grinned a little. "well, i could try, but it probobly wouldn't work very well." he admitted with a smile. "still, why pout when i could just beat him up?" he asked with a smile. "you do know that we didn't make these animals right? a lot of these animals are descendants of creatures from well before we humans ever even existed." he admitted with a chuckle. "do you know how much Elephants eat? even Tony couldn't keep up with that financial strain." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "besides, it would sit on or crush Tony's cars and then we'd have to get rid of it or risk tony's wrath." he admitted with a smile as he took her hand again, bought her a jaguar kitten and an elephant plush and took her to the pet store to pick out her pets where he let her pick out as many as she wanted, and the items to go with it. after all, there was an entire tower void of animal life, it was Steve's job to fill it up. everyone loved kittens after all,everyone would be happy to help Hela take care of her new pets.
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