Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

"Ah. That makes sense." Krystal said, smiling at her mother. "Truthfully though, I thought you would be mad. That you would chastise me." She added, looking around a little. She was glad that her mother was not mad at her. It was a weight off her shoulders. She hated the thought of disappointing her mother.
"Maybe I might have been, if the father was someone I'm not fond of. Or if you hadn't already been engaged to wed. But since neither of those things apply, I'm proud and happy for you." She hugged Krystal again.

"Told you you had nothing to worry about." Serenity grinned wide.
Krystal nodded, hugging back. "We purposefully waited until we were engaged, just in Case. Better to be safe than sorry." She said with a smile, her mind calm. She had no idea why she had worried about telling her mother. It seemed silly now.

"You're right bunny, but you know penguin still worries. I never really know what is going on in either of your minds." She said, smirking a little, but suddenly feeling dizzy and fainting.
Queen Serenity had been about to respond to Krystal, when the girl fainted. She caught her and started calling for the doctors. "Serenity! Go get Atem! Quickly!"

Serenity nodded and popped down to Egypt, looking frantically for Atem. "Atem!"
He appeared a moment later, his cousin Seth next to him. "Serenity? *looks at her worried* is Krystal alright?" He asked, his expression showing nothing but worry and love. Seth looked worried as well, it was obvious that Atem had told him the news. The two of them had always been as close as brothers, even though they were cousins.

"What's happened? " Atem asked, looking to his future sister in law. He knew that Krystal had been under some stress, but could tell by the look in his "little sisters" eyes that that all had been resolved. His poor penguin. Something must have happened.
Serenity shook her head. "She fainted out of no where. We'd gone to tell Mother about Krystal's pregnancy, found out Mother knew already and wasn't upset. Then next thing we know, Krystal fainted." She was worried and concerned and anxious to get back to her sister's side.
Atem looked to her. "I see. Seth, take care of things in my absense. I will be back when Krystal is feeling better." He said in his "Pharaoh" voice, then taking Serenity's had. He himself didn't have the power to travel to the moon. He was very worried for his fiance. What could have made her faint like that? It was strange. Even on days where she was so sick she couldn't get out of bed she never fainted. He was beginning to question if this pregnancy was a good thing for her or not.

If it wasn't though, he suspected that she would still paddle on, trying to keep their son. He knew that his penguin loved the unborn child very much.
Serenity nodded and waved to Seth before popping back to the moon, taking Atem with her. Right away, she led him towards the medical wing of the palace where she knew doctors would be trying to find out what was wrong with Krystal.
Atem followed her, frowning when he saw Krystal. "Do you think I could go see her, Sere?" He asked, looking throughnthe window to where Krystal is, putting his gold adorned hand on the glass, mumbling something unintelligible in Egyptian. He was so worried about his penguin. What could possibly be wrong with her. Was it just exhaustion? Fatigue from pregnancy? He didn't know, but he knew that he would have to find out.

Meanwhile, Krystal was in a state of some type of sleep. Small things could be heard from her mouth, but the most frequent were the names "Marik" and "Atem" it was almost as if she were dreaming.
Serenity looked through the window at her sister, scared for her sister and her unborn nephew. She looked to Atem and nodded. "You're one of the few they would allow in to see her as her betrothed. Especially now with her current state." She saw Queen Serenity move next to Krystal with worry on her face as the doctors continued to examine the blue-haired princess for the cause of her fainting spell
Atem nodded. "Okay. You should come too." He said, walking towards the door and opening it, bowing respectfully at the queen before running to Krystal's side, taking her hand in his. He was beyond worried about her. Atem kept muttering in Egyptian softly, praying to the old friend of Krystal and sere's, Anubis. "Oh great Anubis, please keep my love safe." He asked, just watching Krystal. She looked to be sleeping peacefully, and he could hear the faint sound of her calling out for him.

"I'm right here my penguin." He said, his eyes sad and full of concern. What could be wrong with Krystal???
Serenity followed Atem inside, letting him take the place by Krystal while she stood with their mother. It pained her to see her sister in such a state. She buried her head against her mother, not willing to risk glancing at the scans being done by the Mercurian technology on both Krystal and the unborn baby.
Atem held Krystal's hand, and kissed her head, begging her to wake up. "Please come back to me my blue moon goddess" he whispered into her ear, fear in his usually calm features. He had no idea what could possibly be wrong with his fiancee. In the back of his mind, he toyed with telling Bakura, but would Krystal mind? She probably didn't tell him last night, knowing it would only cause a fight. He disliked Bakura, but could tell that whatever feelings he had for Krystal were genuine. He didn't think queen serenity would like Bakura much, so he didn't at least not yet. If Krystal didn't recover in a couple of days, he would tell Bakura, only because he deserved to know. Bakuras love for her was just as genuine as his.

Meanwhile, as Krystal lay there, she heard voices in her mind. Atem's in particular. "I'm trying my spiky haired Egyptian god!" She said to the thin air of her mind, walking around in the darkness until she found some candles lighting a pathway. She found it strange, but knew it was not the light of Osiris calling her. Nubi would not let her die. This she knew for a fact, so where are these candles coming from? Krystal walked down the path until she found a bed, covered in blue rose petals, with a dark blue satin bedspread. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She asked into the darkness, looking around curiously. It seemed like something Bakura would do, but she didn't see him anywhere. Why had she fainted? Had it something to do with him? Then she remembered. Anubis used to come to her like this when she was sleeping. Maybe it was his doing? "Baki? Nubi?" She called off into the distance, utterly confused, but refusing to lay down. Something wasn't right, and yet she felt completely safe. She didn't like it.
The doctors frowned and one soon drew blood from Krystal to test it more directly in hopes of finding the problem soon enough.

Anubis soon appeared in her dream. "Hello again little one."
Krystal frowned. "How many times have I told you not to call me that nubi?" She said, crossing her arms, but smiled playfully at him. She was a little bit puzzled as to why she was there. Anubis only came to see her in emergencies, as of late. She looked to the handsome dog headed god and scratched his ears absentmindedly. She was calm, but at the same time worried.

"So why am I here? Last thing I remember is fainting in my mothers arms." She said, looking to the god, her expression puzzled as she stood there. She was feeling so weak, and she feared for herself, and for her son. "What happened nubi? Will marik and I be okay?" She asked, her expression one of pain, not because she was in pain, but because she didn't want to see her little marik hurt.
Anubis chuckled. "Every time I see you. And every time my answer is, you wish." He sighed. "It seems you were poisoned. But worry not. The doctors of your palace are working on you. The Pharaoh is at your side as are your mother and sister. You two will be fine. But it was a fast acting poison. If not for my intervention, you would've been dead before your mother got you to the medical ward."
Kryatal smiled. "Allways saving me, aren't you, nubi? Isn't there anything you want in return?" She asked, looking at him curiously as she scratched his ears. she had allways wondered why the god of the underworld was so kind to her. he had saved her from death countledd times, but never explained why. it was curious.

"who could have wanted to poison me?" she aked anubis, knowing he was allways watching. she knew he would know.
"Maybe it's your attachment to the Pharaoh. Maybe because it's not your time. Maybe there's a deeper meaning that you don't really need to know because of your destiny." He shrugged it off.

"As to who wanted to poison wasn't you the poison was intended for." He sighed. He knew she wasn't going to like what he was about to say. "It was meant for Atem, the person who did it had no idea you were in the palace or about to eat. I'm sorry princess but it was Seth's father, who just happens to also be one of Atem's high priests."
Krystal nodded. "Yes. I know him. Poor man just wants Seth to have throne because he never had it. Atem's grandfather thought the younger of the two would make a better sucsesser. I will forgive him, but I do not know what Atem will do." She said, raising her eyebrow about his comment about saving her, still scratching his ears. She let it go though. She knew he had his reasons and would tell her eventually.

Krystal pulled the dog headed god close to her, cuddling. She suddenly felt to lonely. "Your my superhero, you know that nubi?" She said with as smile, laying her head on his shoulder. She wished she could see him more often. He had allways stayed with her when she was young, so why not now?
"Are you quite sure you want to forgive him? You wouldn't have been so forgiving if he had succeeded in killing Atem. I doubt Atem will be so forgiving either. Not to mention your mother gets a chance to punish him as well."

He sighed. "I wouldn't let the Pharaoh hear you say that about me if I were you."

Atem was still worrying. The doctors had managed to find the problem and injected an antidote and yet she had not woken. "My beautiful's time to wake up."
"I do not know. I do know that I probably would have killed him. Accidents do happen nubi, even if it was on Purpose." She said, sighing a little as she cuddled him a little bit. She wished he would come see her more often. She couldn't help but feel a little bit avoided, even if he always came to her aid.

"I don't see why it would matter; nubi. I only mean it in terms of how you hallways rescue me." She said, nuzzling into his fur. He was so soft and cuddly she could just squeesie him forever, but knew she must go and awaken. Atem must be worried sick. "See you later, nubi. Don't hesitate to come visit. I miss you you know." She said with a sad smile, kissing his head before awakening.

"Saved again by a dog headed god and mercurian doctors!" She said with a laugh, smiling a little and squeesing Atem's hand. She was feeling much better now.
Anubis chuckled. "I'm not always that free you know." He waved to her before disappearing.

Atem smiled. "Thank Rah!" He kissed her forehead. "Keep this up and I'll owe him big time in the afterlife."

Serenity turned when she heard Krystal's voice. "Krystal! You're okay!"
"I'm fine bunny. Do not worry. A certain dog headead god saved me (and this time marik too) once again." She said with a small smile, sitting up. She felt much better now. She looked to her fiancee, and smiled a little sadly. She knew who had poisoned her. Anubis had told her.

"I know who poisoned me. It was an accident. The poison was not meant for me. It was meant for you my love." She said, her usual smile gone. This was serious and called for serious faces.
Atem's cheerful disposition was immediately gone at Krystal's words. "Who was it love?" He wasn't going to try and make guesses, he knew some of the servants weren't quite so fond of him and wouldn't put it past them.
"It wasn't one of the servants love. It was one of your high priests. Your uncle." She said, looking to him concerned. She knew that he would probably try again, and she wanted to prevent that, but didn't really want to see him hurt. She was quite violent most of the time, but really she didn't want harm to come to anyone.
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