Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Krystal laughed, crossing her legs. "Rei is not easy, Endymion. You should not be so quick to judge. Besides, she is in love with jadeite. You wold know that if you paid even a smidge of at tension to your generals."She said, smiling a little then adding a warning to the stupid prince. "Tread lightly Endymion. Or you may fang your generals have betrayed you" then she disappeared.
Endymion only smirked when she left. If she wasn't so busy following the Egyptian around, she would know better herself.But he would definitely be ensuring she stayed out of his head from now on.
Krystal smirked. Like he really could keep her out of his head. He didn't have that kind of power, and he never would. If Endymion had shadow magic, it would drive him insane. She sort of smirked at tone though, but thrust it away, knowing that would be bad for Sere. She kissed Atem softly before falling back to sleep, this time dreaming of telling her little marik all her problems, except he wasn't little. He was at least 18 in this dream.
Eventually Serenity retired to her bed, sleeping contently through the night. She was unprepared however for being woken up by Endymion. He apologized to her for hurting her so, a genuine apology as far as she knew, and gave her a dozen red roses. Between his seemingly genuine apology and the bouquet of roses that she had come to love so much, she forgave him. But what shocked her next was hearing that Krystal had approached him in his dream. She couldn't believe Krystal had still approached him about it even if she didn't touch him.
"She said she was just curious. Whatever's making her mood swing so much could possibly be a good. I probably could have acted better. I sorta shoved her off. She didn't react though. Something must definitely be wrong with her." He said, laughing a little. It was strange to see Krystal so calm when it came to him. Usually she was ready to sick the pharaoh on him, or kill him herself, depending on how mad she was.

Krystal slept well, dreaming only of marik. She was calm, and held her Anubis plush, and her stomach tightly. "Sweetness" she said in her sleep, dream Ind of good times with her little boy.
"Just curious my ass. I told her to leave you alone over this. Guess she didn't think invading your dream counted." She sighed. "I can't be all too upset with you. It's not like Rei was resisting your advances anyway. Not that I really expected her to. I'd hoped she would, but I didn't really expect it. I expected her to throw herself at you first really." She hugged herself tight."I need to be alone Endymion if you don't mind."

Atem pulled Krystal closer in his sleep, nuzzling against her.
"Alright Sere. But you know, your sister doesn't lie." He said, smiling at her a little before kissing her head and leaving. As much as he hated to say it, Krystal did have a point. He had been awful to both twins. He'd apologise to Krystal, but he wasn't sure if she'd believe it. Endymion walked past her room and heard her snoring, unaware she had been poisoned only hours earlier. He laughed a little as he walked by. Krystal was such a funny sleeper.

Krystal sensed endymion at her door, but she did not awaken. She was much to tired. She simply made a note appear in his hand. "To tired. Poisoned earlier. If Its really important, wake me. If not, ask me in the morning. -Krys" he read the note and laughed a little, then went to his room, going back to sleep.
After Endymion had left the room, Serenity sat on her bed thinking. The night before, her dreams had been of Seth in a loving manner rather than of Endymion in the same position. It had been that way for a couple weeks so she sat and re-evaluated her thoughts and actions towards Seth. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that every time she'd wanted to talk to Krystal while Krystal was in Egypt, Serenity always popped directly to Seth's room rather than to outside Atem's chambers. She'd notice her heart would seem to flutter every time Seth would want to go after Endymion on her behalf. Did she have feelings for Seth along with the feelings she held for Endymion? She was wondering if it was really duty more so than love that kept her from breaking off the engagement with Endymion especially after this last time. She knew she still had feelings for Endymion too but it was also a part of her duty to her kingdom for the marriage with Endymion.
Krystal appeared in her mind, a small boy who looks like Atem in her arms. "Coin for your thoughts, auntie bunny?" The small child said, floating over to her and giving her cuddles. Krystal sat next to her sister , rubbing her back soothingly. "you know you can allways tell me anything, bunny. penguin's allways on your side." she said, looking to her sister. She wondered what could be bothering her sister so that she would send out a subconscious cry for help to her. It worried the older teen, but she did not push. She wanted Sere to tell her on her own terms.
Serenity was surprised to see the little boy and she just knew that this little boy was the unborn babe in her sister's womb. She cuddled him back and leaned against Krystal. "Krys...I'm just so confused now. I love Endymion...but....I also think I am developing feelings for another."
Krystal smiled. "Seth perhaps?" She said, stroking her sisters hair. The little boy smiled as well. "He loves you auntie bunny, uncle seto does. Much more than you know." He said, hugging her close. Krystal smirked a little. She was so proud of her little boy. Only a fetus and already in full control of his powers. It was a feat she was sure Atem didn't even master.

"Yes. Seth won't admit it to you out of fear of his father. He's confided in me many times, crying his eyes out because you didn't feel the same." She said, stroking her sister's head, kissing it lightly.
Serenity nodded in confirmation of Krystal's guess, then listened to her little nephew, hugging him tight. She glanced up at Krystal. "What do you mean out of fear of his father? What does his father have to do with it?"
"The reason his father was never pharaoh was because Atem's grandfather knew he was a tyrant. He knew that if Seth's father got the throne he would try to take over the world. Seth knows that if He were to marry you, his father would try to cause you and him to do as he never could." Krystal said, looking to her sister. Marik smiled and looked to his auntie, clear premonition in his mind. "You're better off with Seth auntie bunny. Endymion will only cause you tears."
Serenity frowned as she listened to Krystal's explanation. She knew after what had happened to Krystal that the problem of Seth's father would soon be eliminated. She was starting to think Krystal and Marik were right about Endymion only causing her tears. She sighed and looked at Marik. "As right as you may be, there's nothing I can do. The marriage contract for me and Endymion is in place. I have no choice but to go through with it for the moon's sake."
Marik shook his head. "No. You will not marry in this life or any other. He is someone else destiny but refuses to acknowlage her." He said, looking to her. Krystal looked at him and smirked a little. She was so proud. Her little boy was so amazing. She couldn't wait to actually meet him. Her little marik.

"I would trust him, Sere. I think his visions are even more accurate than mine, and he's not even born yet." She said, proudness in her tone as she said it. She knew he be be a great ruler of Egypt someday.
Serenity frowned at hearing that she wouldn't marry Endymion in this life. The contract was set and signed, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to break it and she already knew he wouldn't. Which meant the only way the marriage wouldn't happen would be if one or both of them died and she didn't want to think that way. "I don't want to think that way though,'s depressing."
"I know Sere. Don't think about it. It will all be alright." She said, smiling at her sister reassuringly, but in her mind she wasn't so sure. She knew the wedding was set in stone as well, wishing it wern't. She knew Endy did have good qualities, but he was never meant to be with Sere. What marik said was proof of that.

Marik smiled a little and looked to both his mother and aunt. "Don't worry. Everything will work out like it should. I promise." He said, his smile widening.
Serenity nodded quietly. She then started smiling. "I need to go see Seth. Thanks Krys. Thanks Marik." She gently kissed Marik's head and hugged her sister.
"Your welcome bunny. You know where to find me if you need anymore advice." She said with a smile, leaving with little marik who just waved and pulled her and him into Atem's dream, glomping him. "Daddy!" He exclaimed, latching on tightly to the older man.

Meanwhile, Seth was sitting in his room, trying to write a love letter to serenity. He was tired of hiding his feelings and tired of being second fiddle to her earth prince who was nothing more than a cheat.
Serenity waved to them both as they disappeared from her mind. She became conscious once more and looked around for her star locket. She grinned when she found it. She was planning to give it to Seth so he could think of her. She had a feeling that it would help him find her in the next life. She quickly popped down to Egypt with her locket in her hand, making sure to appear outside of Seth's room rather than inside it.
Seth sensed someone at his door, knowing they were friend. "Come in." He said sort of absentmindedly, still working on his love letter to serenity. He wasn't sure if he would send it, but he knew Writing it all down on papyrus was making him feel so much better. It was nice to let his feelings out.

Krystal kissed Atem lightly in his dream. "Hello love. Marik insisted we intrude. I hope you weren't dreaming something to good" she said, smiling at him. Marik cuddled closely, happy to be in his father's arms.
Serenity smiled upon hearing Seth's voice and quietly slipped in the room. "Hey Seth." She was nervous and so didn't quite walk right over to him like she normally would.

Atem kissed Krystal back with a smile. "Nothing could be better than the two of you." He hugged his little boy tight. "Aren't you just like your mother?" He chuckled
Seth raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "Sere? Is everything alright?" He asked, his face full of worry for her and for her sister. He'd be lost without Krys. She was the glue that held his feelings together.

Krystal smiled and marik giggled. "That's what I'm told, daddy" he said proudly, swatting at one of Atem's long gold earrings like a kitten.
Serenity nodded with a smile. "Krys is alright. Turns out she'd been mistakenly poisoned. But she's fine now." She carefully walked towards him. "So? May I ask what you were doing?" Her natural curiosity setting in.

Atem pulled his head back with a laugh. "I can definitely see why. She does the same thing at times."
Seth smiled. "That's a relief." He said, blushing a little at her second question. "Just writing a little." He added, still smiling a little. "So, what did you want bunny?"

Marik giggled again. "Really daddy? Will you tell me more about mommy? I wanna hear about her from you and only you."
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