Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Krystal smiled. "yes, he was a great man. i know he would have loved you sweetness.' she said with a smile, telepathically apoligizing to him.

"would you like to hear about my parents sweetness??' she asked, smiling, but on the inside a little sad. she missed her father alexander.
Krystal smiled and kissed his head. "Okay sweetness." She said with a smile, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"My mother is an amazing woman. She is the ruler of what we call the silver millennium, which is an alliance of planets of the solar system. She started this before even I was born my sweet. My father on the other hand, was a great warrior. When I was little, there was a war between the moon and Uranus. The people there thought that mother was a cruel ruler, because Uranus's queen was jealous of my mother. So my father fought tirelessly, but was killed in battle. By giving his life, he saved both planets " krystal finished, tiny tears escaping her. She had loved her father so much. It hurt to not have him around, now that she was engaged and pregnant. Before she knew it, she was full on crying, almost whining wishing her father were with her. "Daddy..." she breathed out before crying more, burrowing into Atem's chest.
Atem held Krystal close, gently rubbing her back soothingly.

"My little Krystal....look how beautiful you've become and how much you've grown." There, a slight distance to the side, stood Krystal and Serenity's father looking at her with a soft smile.

Marik gently tugged at Krystal's dress. "Who's that Mommy?"
Krystal blinked. "Papa?" She looked at him again, shock in her blue eyes. Krystal did not know what exactly to do, other than smile. She was glad to see him. So much so she ran to him, and hugged him tightly, happy tears streaming down her face "Papa!" Krystal pulled at his arm like she once did as a girl, pulling him toward marik and Atem, and picking up marik. "Papa, this is your grandson, marik.*kisses his head* say hello sweetness."
He hugged her back tightly. "I missed you." He looked to the little boy and ruffled his hair. "Hello Marik."

Marik giggled as his hair was ruffled. "Hello sweetness...I mean hello Grandpa." He blushed at his mistake.

Atem couldn't help but chuckle at Marik's mix-up. It was bound to happen one day anyway.
Krystal laughed. "Silly marik." She said with a smile, cuddling closely to her father. She was very happy. "Atem, will you go get bunny from her dream? I bet she'd like to see papa too." Krystal added, smiling at him and her father, cuddling closely. She was glad he was here. She had missed him terribly, as Krystal was as close with her father as Sere was with their mother.

Krystal smiled. "Papa, this is my fiancée Atem, pharaoh of Egypt on earth." She said, smiling proudly. Atem bowed. "Pleasure to meet you, majesty. Krystal has told me many stories." He said, smiling as well, sending a shadow clone of himself to bring Sere to them. He was sure she would be happy to see him, even if it wasn't as happy as Krystal obviously was.

The shadow clone appeared in sere's dream, smiling at her. "Sere, Krystal wants you to come into her dream. She has a surprise for you. As it were, it was a surprise for her too." He said with a cryptic smile, walking toward the door to Krys dream, beckoning Sere to follow.
Alexander smiled at Krystal and Marik, enjoying this time with them. He looked to Atem. "A pleasure to meet you as well. I do hope you've been taking care of my girl."

Serenity looked at the shadow clone that had appeared in her dream, a dream that included a life with Seth. "Can I not have a dream without one or the both of you showing up in it? I'm quite enjoying this one. So thanks but no thanks. Now scoot. Out of my dream."
The clone looks at her sadly. "If your sure. Just thought you'd like to see your father." He said, walking toward the door between the dreams.

Atem nodded at king Alexander. "Of course. She is my everything. I would rather die than see her sad or hurt." He said, kissing Krystal's head.

Krystal giggled a little and smiled. "He's sometimes even a little over protective." She added, wondering if Sere would join them or not.
"No. He broke his promise to me and mother. If he'd kept it, we wouldn't need dreams to see him because he would still be alive. He always said don't make promises you can't keep. And then he made us a promise and couldn't keep it." It was clear she was still hurting over Alexander's death."Tell Krys don't bother trying to change my mind." She turned and covered her eyes, crying. Unknown to her, her tears were spilling into the real world as well.

Alexander nodded. "Good. I'm glad she's found someone who loves her so much."
Atem's shadow clone frowned, feeling for Sere. "Alright bunny. I will tell her, but you know, even the strongest of warriors can't cheat death." He said before leaving to return, telling krystal. She sighed sadly, she frowned, looking to her father.

"I wish Sere would come, but Its apparent she is still mad over you death. You promised us you would come back unharmed, and then you died. Its hurts to not have you around papa, and I know mother misses you very deeply, she just hides it." Krystal said, cuddling close. She wished he father hadn't died, but knew it had to happen. That was the trouble with being psychic. She always knew, and yet she could not do anything about it.

Atem nodded and smiled, rubbing Krystal's back soothingly. It was obvious she was upset, even if she was over the moon to see her father again.
Alexander sighed in understanding. "I'm not surprised Serenity doesn't want to see me. I promised you both and your mother that I would come back from that battle unharmed and failed to keep it. But I also had promised Serenity that I would be there to watch you and her grow up and be there at your weddings to give you two away. Obviously with my being dead, I can't do that. Here you and her are, engaged to be married and I won't be there to walk you girls down the aisle. That meant a lot to her."
Krystal nodded. "To me too. Seth is walking me down the aisle and Atem is walking Sere down. *she sighs* Honestly though papa, I wish Sere were marrying Seth instead of Endymion. I don't think he even loves her, at least not the way he should. Not like Seth. Seth loves Sere the way Atem loves me. Its so unfair to him, considering Sere doesn't even love Endymion anymore." She said, cuddling close.

She loved her father very much and wished he could walk them down the aisle. Subconsciously though, the width was much stronger. So much so, that the blue imperium crystal acted on its own from her wish and brought her father back to life, landing him right in his wife's bed. Krystal however, could still see him ihnher dream so she did not know that it had happened. Boy would her mother get a shock in the morning!
Alexander sighed at hearing Krystal. "And yet Serenity is still marrying Endymion. That contract is binding her still, isn't it?" He had no idea that he had been wished back to life yet. "And she refuses to break it out of duty, correct?"

Serenity however had woken from her dream, still crying. Atem's clone's mention of her father just brought back her grief over losing him. And so she sat up in bed next to the still sleeping Seth, crying anew
Krystal nodded again. "Yes. In her eyes, the contract is iron clad, and even though she may love Seth, she knows she cannot be with him, because of her duty to marry Endymion, even though Seth is royalty as well. He's Atem's cousin." She said, frowning a little. It was infuriating to her. She wished so hard her sister could be with Seth, instead of abusive and cunning Endymion.

Seth woke a few moments later, frowning. "What's wrong my beautiful moon goddess?" He asked, pulling her close and chastely kissing her shoulder, trying to make her feel better.
Alexander nodded. "If only I were still alive. I could null it. There is no way I would allow a contract to keep either of you in a marriage where you didn't love the person nor were truly loved by the other person, duty or not."

Serenity turned in his embrace, grateful for it. "I miss my Papa. He's been dead for years...but he was in Krystal's dream and Krys invited me to come see him. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm upset at him still for breaking a promise." She continued sobbing.
Krystal hugged her father. "I know papa. *a flicker of blue light shines in the distance, and Krystal looks confused* papa, when you were alive, did you ever see the silver crystal act on its own because of a wish mother made?" She asked, curiosity in her eyes, but but having ulterior motive for asking. She had a feeling her crystal had done something, but she didn't know what.

Seth rocked Sere softly. "It will be alright my moon goddess. I promise." He whispered in her ear, whipping her tears away and kissing her softly. He didn't like it when she was sad.?
Alexander looked down at Krystal. "It's quite possible. Though I can't think of any such occasion. Why do you ask?"

Serenity allowed Seth to rock her in his arms. Her sobbing soon becoming quiet crying. "You're right. It's just hard. Knowing he won't be there to walk me down the aisle."
Looked to her father. "Curiosity; and I think maybe my crystal might have done something like that just now." She said; unsure but smiling a little anyway.

"I know my love. Things happen for a reason. Maybe him visiting Krystal will make something amazing happen." He said, cuddling her close and kissing her.
"You think so?" He looked at her with a soft smile. "Well, let's hope its something really good."

Serenity cuddled close and kissed Seth back before looking at him with hope in her eyes. "You think so?"
"I think it is papa. I think it is." She said with a smile, still cuddling close, and laughing at thought of Atem being jealous of her own father.

"I do my love. Especially knowing how crazy that sister of yours is. I never know what she's capable of." Seth said with a smile, kissing her once more.
Alexander chuckled. "Well we'll see. Now tell me, what sort of stories did you tell your fiance for him to remain quiet so long?"

Serenity smiled. "Who does know? I'm not even sure Anubis knows half the time." She giggled.
"All of them papa, all of them. But Atem I think is just giving us space. He misses his own father." She replied, cuddling close. It felt nice to be in his arms again, even if it was in a dream.

Seth smiled and laughed. "Your right about that, Sere. Its a wonder the god doesn't have a heart attack from worry about her."
Alexander frowned. "And here I've been hogging you from him."

Serenity giggled and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "Thanks for comforting me Seth."
"He'll survive. He can see me when I wake up. Its not the same with you, papa." She said, hugging him. She really did wish so heard he was still alive for both her mother and sister.

"It is no problem my beautiful moon goddess. I'd hate to see you sad. You are my everything. You always have been." He said, hugging her close and kissing her softly.
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