Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Queen Serenity stirred in her bed and looked around. Her eyes widened when she saw Alexander clearly sleeping next to her. In her shock, she screamed....loudly.

Alexander hugged Krystal back. He then winced, having picked up Queen Serenity's screaming. It was then he noticed he was starting to disappear. "I have a feeling that I'll be seeing you and your sister again real soon. Until then." He then disappeared from the dream.

Serenity smiled and snuggled with Seth. "I'm never sad long with you around. Can we go see the sun rise?"
Alexander averted his eyes but smiled "uh, Morning dear?" He said, trying to calm his wife's screaming before the guards heard her. He would rather not explain, since he himself did not even know.perhaps Krystal's assumption of the crystal was correct? He didn't know, but what he did know was that he was clearly alive again. 'Well this is weird." He said, laughing.

Krystal didn't know quite what to think of what her father had said, but smiled anyway. "Sneaky crystal..." she thought to herself as she too awoke, her ears perking up as she heard her mother scream, running to her room and barging in.

"Mother, are you alright? What's happened?" She asked, looking around the room and then looking very confused. "Papa?" She almost fainted from seeing him.

"Of course my love." He said, picking her up bridal style and walking to the balcony, where they could watch together,
Queen Serenity calmed down after her initial shock. "How? Why?"

Alexander chuckled. "Ask Krystal." He then moved behind Krystal, ready to catch her. "How's my blue moon?" He smiled and leaned to kiss her forehead.

Serenity giggled when Seth picked her up. "I think you and Atem have some sort of complex that you two just refuse to let me and Krys walk anywhere while you two are around."
'Honestly mother, I really don't know. I think maybe (and this is just a theory, mind you) that seeing papa in my dream caused me to make a subconscious wish on my crystal which made it come true. You hallways say that subconscious wishes are the most powerful." She said, steadying herself and sitting in a nearby chair.

Meanwhile, Seth laughed. "Maybe I just like carrying you." He said, giving her a kiss as the stone rose. He smiled and added, "something tells me you should go see your mother."
Alexander chuckled. "Well. Either way I'm back now." He looked to Krystal with a soft expression. "Now, tell me more about this development between your sister, Seth and Endymion."

Serenity giggled once more. "Maybe that's it too." She smiled. "Go see Mother, huh? You'll be around when I return?"
'Well, it all started a few days ago, when Endymion hit on princess rei. Sere was crushed, so naturally I wanted to crush him, but she still loved him so I couldn't. So, knowing how Seth feels about her, I told her this when we were conversing in her dream because she was confused about loving Seth too. So, I convinced her to go see him and that's where it all fell out and I think that Sere wants to be with him, but can't because of her obligation to her kingdom and to Endymion, who I am not even sure really loves her mother, papa." She said in a jumble, knowing they would both be able to follow her babble.

"Of course I will my love. I have to watch over the people of Egypt while my cousin is protecting your sister, don't I?" He said with his signature smirk, kissing her softly.
Both the king and queen listened intently to Krystal's words, even with her babbling. Queen Serenity gasped in horror. "And I had basically condemned her to that marriage by refusing to allow myself to be a possible person who could null it. I didn't expect things like this to happen between them. Other than Serenity or Endymion, the only other person who can null that contract is your father."

King Alexander nodded with a look of determination. "And I hereby null that contract between Endmyion and Serenity." He smiled softly to Krystal. "I meant it when I said I wouldn't allow either of you to remain in a marriage with no love."

Serenity giggled and kissed him back. "That's true. Now can you put me down so I can go? The sooner I go, the sooner I can return."
Krystal smiled. "It is alright mother, you did not know. *she looked to her father* so Sere will be able to marry Seth now?" She asked, eyes slightly wider than usual.

Seth laughed and put her down. "Okay my beautiful moon goddess. Hurry back as soon as you can." He said kissing her lips softly, then her cheek.
Alexander nodded. "Though it wouldn't look good to call off her engagement with Endymion then have her jump right into a wedding with Seth. They'll need to do things right, which means courting."

Serenity smiled. "Of course." She blew him a kiss before popping back to the moon, appearing right outside her mother's room.
Krystal sensed her sister outside the door. "Come in bunny." She said with a smile, waiting for her sister to come in. This was exciting to her. Her papa being back and Sere being able to marry the right man. Things were looking up.

Krystal smiled at her father. "Something tells me they already have, papa."
Serenity stepped inside the door and looked at Krystal in confusion when she heard her sister say 'papa'. "What are you talking about Krys? Papa's been...." She stopped as she looked and saw that their Papa indeed wasn't dead anymore. "Papa!" She ran to him and hugged him.

Alexander hugged Serenity tight before looking at Krystal. "Do tell."
Krystal tilted her head in confusion as she looked to her father. "Do tell what papa? So much has happened." She said, smiling.

A more went or two later, Atem appeared in the doorway, looking for Krystal. His eyes widened when he saw her father. "Krystal's doing I suppose?" She asked his future father in law, smirking a little.
Alexander rolled his eyes. "I meant explain about this so called belief of yours that Seth and Serenity have started courting."

Serenity blushed. "But Papa....I can't court with Seth. There's still that contract."

The king smiled. "A contract that is now null Serenity." He kissed both of his daughters on the head before kissing Queen Serenity. He then looked to Atem. "So it seems. Though she didn't even know she did it until she saw me."
Krystal smiled. "Well its just knowing seth, he'd be kissing and holding her irregaurdless of that contract. He loves her very deeply." She said with a smile, beckoning Atem in to the room.

Atem came into the room. "With Krystal, that's usually how it works. She forgets sometimes how powerful her wishes are." He said with a smile, hugging Krystal close to him before adding, "good to see you back. Krystal says your wife really missed you."
Sere blushed upon hearing Krystal since she knew her sister was right about Seth.

Alexander nodded to Atem. "I missed her and the girls as well. It's good to be back. I'm sure your cousin will be glad to know the contract no longer stands."
Atem nodded. "You have no idea, majesty. He will probably put a ring on her as quickly as he possibly can. He loves her very much, majesty. As much as I love Krystal." He said, smiling at the two monarchs.

Krystal smiled as well, giving Atem a quick kiss on the lips, talking telepathically."I love you too, my spike haired Egyptian god." She told him, kissing his cheek.
Alexander chuckled. "And I can tell that Serenity loves him back just as much. Go on Serenity. Go tell him the good news. I'll be here when you next come home." He kissed her forehead once more.

Serenity hugged him again. "Thank you Papa!" She then hugged Krystal. "You take care of yourself and my nephew." She giggled before popping back to the Egyptian palace.
Krystal smiled, putting a hand on her stomach. "I will bunny. Don't you worry." She said with a wider smile, leaning into Atem's touch, who was stroking her hair softly.

Seth smiled as he saw Sere appear again. "Hello my love. So, what was it your mother needed? I can't deny that I am quite curious." He said, pulling her to him and kissing the top of her head chastely, smiling. "I had breakfast made for us and all of the steak thrown out. Must take any precausions. I wouldn't not like to see any of my precious family hurt, but especially you." He added, smiling at her.
Alexander watched Krystal and Atem. "So little Marik hasn't been born yet?"

Queen Serenity smiled. "We only just recently found out Krystal is pregnant."

Serenity smiled. "Good news my love. Papa's alive again and he's nulled my contract with Endymion!"
Krystal smiled. "I'm only 2 months along papa. Marik for some reason though, is able to project himself into my dreams." She said, slight proudness in her eyes.

Seth's eyes widened. "Really? That's great news! *takes her hands* didn't I tell you something good would come from Krystal's dreams? I'd like to meet this papa of yours if I could." He said, giving her a soft kiss.
Alexander chuckled. "You did the same thing when your mother was pregnant with you and Serenity. Though you chose my dreams."

Serenity grinned and kissed Seth back. "I'd love for you to meet him too. I'll take you when Atem and Krystal return here. Can't leave Egypt without someone in charge."
Krystal smiled. "Really? I didn't know that. *she giggled* I have always been pretty attached to you papa." She said, rubbing her stomach a little. "I don't know about any of you, but I'm ready for breakfast!" She said, smiling more.

"Okay my love. Chances are though, only Atem will come back. He's told me how attached Krystal is to your papa." He said, kissing her softly and cuddling close before adding. "I love you so much, serenity my moon goddess. Don't ever forget that."
Both the king and queen laughed. Queen Serenity smiled. "Should we expect any strange cravings from you?"

Serenity smiled. "Well Krys would have to bring him back unless I go get him. So in a way, she would come back too." She kissed him. "If I ever do forget, I'm sure you'd remind me." She winked. "Let's go eat."
Krystal smiled back at them. "Steak. Preferable sans the poison this time." She said with a laugh, cuddling into Atem.

Seth nods. "True. He wants to punish my father for poisoning Krys right? He deserves what he's getting. Grandpa my right to choose my uncle as his sucessor when he died. *he smiles* but enough about that. Let's eat!" He said, smiling at his love.
Queen Serenity giggled. "Of course Krystal."

King Alexander looked concerned. "What's this about poison?" There was a passion in his eyes that clearly said he wanted to kill whoever poisoned his daughter.

Serenity nodded to Seth. "I don't know who your father should be more afraid of, Atem or my papa." She giggled.
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