Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Atem rolled his eyes. "It would make sense Krystal. And I'm telling you again, no calling Ra." He smirked.

Alexander raised his eyebrow. "I knew Krystal was sadistic, but I didn't realize it had gone that far."
Krystal pouts a little but then smiles. "Okay, I called him there." She said with a devious smile as she popped them all to the throne room. Atem nodded and told her she could sit in his throne to watch, and the three me waited for the older man.

"I'm just here to watch remember? Besides, I can sick rah on someone else later. ,maybe one of Baki's minions." She said with a laugh, waiting as well.
Alexander shook his head. "Don't feel you have to show off for me Krystal. Just make sure your mother doesn't hear of it."

Seth's father soon walked through the door and bowed. "You called for me, Pharaoh?"
Krystal smiled. "I won't papa. I keep myself tame when I am around her" she said, smirking as she saw Atem's uncle come in. "This is gonna be good."

Atem nodded. "Yes, I did uncle. It has come to my attention you have been trying to poison me, and in your error, almost killed my fiancee. This I cannot allow, uncle." He said, blood read eyes fierce.
The older man laughed. "And just who has told you such vicious lies my Pharaoh? Your fiancee? Or her thief king lover? I've warned you many a time against your romance with her. She's made you weak sire. She has more fear from the people than you do and that should not be. You've let her have too much power and you are not even wed to her yet."

Alexander's eyes raged with anger at the accusation that the other man was implying towards Krystal. "How dare you accuse my daughter of having an affair. Disrespect of the name of a lunarian heir is another charge added to the list against you."
Atem looks furious. "You think me weak? Is that why you try so hard to put Seth on the throne?" Atem asked, his voice full of anger. "For your information, it was not Krystal who told me of your plot, but Anubis himself. Do you really think he would lie?" Atem added, getting read to flat out smack the man in question.

Seth stepped in a moment later. "Father, the thief king and she are just good friends. She holds no feelings for him. Its deplorable that you would think so badly of her. I can't forgive you for what you have done." He said, looking at his father like every bit of future kind he is.

Krystal sat in Atem's throne, watching quietly. She knew this would not end well for Atem's uncle. The young princess knew he deserved it though, as the penalty of attempting to kill a monarch is death. She smirked just slightly, thinking to herself. "Damn this is hot" she thought quietly, smirking a little wider.
Seth's father only smirked. "Yet you know here in Egypt, a woman's place is quiet behind her man. It's well known through the palace that Anubis has a fondness for the princess. Was it really him Pharaoh, who told you or did he tell you through her?" He looked to Seth. "And if she holds no feelings, then she should have no problem letting Atem kill him, a punishment that has been rightly owed to that thief for ages. Yet because of her, he still lives. And you all tell me that the Pharaoh has not become weak because of her."

Alexander drew his sword and pointed it at the man. "You have no right slandering my daughter's name when you have not been so loyal in action towards your pharaoh."
Atem looked at him, even more furious than before. "You have no right to judge my fiancee, uncle. I love her and there is nothing that will change that. The fact that you would accuse even Anubis of lying for her proves your guilt. Or would you prefer I asked Anubis here and had him tell you him self?" Atem roared, looking more angry than he had ever been in his entire life.

Seth spoke next. "Father what you fail to see is that Krystal is good for Egypt. She will lead us into a new era. She will bring Egypt into the coming changes that it so desperately needs." Seth said, giving his father no mercy. What he did to Atem and Krystal was unspeakable.

Krystal continued to sit back and watch, enjoying herself. She stayed quiet, hiding herself in shadows so Seth's father would not see her. She knew very well that if her presence was known by him, he would attempt to kill her once again. She preferred to stay alive.
The older man narrowed his eyes. "Last I checked, the gods talked to the Pharaoh alone and yet they're speaking to a little lunarian. And what changes does Egypt need? We were doing just fine until she came along. Before we know it, Egypt will be ruled over by queens instead of the Pharaoh. We'll be looked at as a laughingstock. We'll be conquered by other countries in no time."

Alexander narrowed his own eyes. "Enough! I believe we've let him ramble on long enough. He's only digging his grave further."
Atem laughed. "Conquered? With Krystal around? Have you met my fiancee?" He said with a sort, looking to his cousin, and then to Alexander. "So what do we do with him? He asked, suddenky unsure. He didn't know what would be a fitting punishment.
"Ah yes. She's at her most ruthless when her sister's involved. But how would she fight, if her sister were put right at risk of being killed by her?" He smirked.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "Do not tell him I have nulled the contract between Endymion and Serenity, no matter what he says." He told Atem, Seth and Krystal telepathically. He then looked back at the other man. "Explain."

Seth's father chuckled. "It's well known the power of the silver crystal, rumored to be the most powerful object in the universe. There's been word that Prince Endymion has plans to use that to his advantage for he knows that the silver crystal would go to Princess Serenity. He plans to attack Egypt once Princess Serenity has acquired it. He is quite sure that she would not hesitate to use it for such an attack, should he request it."
Atem did not look surprised. "And serenity wonders why we hate him." He said with a laugh, looking to his uncle. He would not reveal the broken engagement, even if he knew his uncle would be dead in minutes anyway. This was all very infuriating. That damn bastard was just playing with their emotions; and Atem knew it.

Seth looked to his father. "Use the silver crystal to conquer Egypt huh? Endymion was never known for being smart. The crystals do not work when they are so close, as they are each other's balance." He said stating it matter of factly.

Krystal watched; wondering what would happen next as she sat comfortably in Atem's throne.
"And Krystal's powers are not only from her crystal? You still haven't answered the question. How likely would she be to fight if just one attack from her could end her sister's life?" He laughed. "No matter. My brother was weak and you Atem are weak. That thief king should have been killed with the rest of his village and taken his rightful place powering the creation of the millennium items. Or at least a sacrifice to the..." Seth's father's words were cut off by what looked to be an arrow protruding from his throat.

"I know I said I'd wait in Seth's chambers, but something told me to come here." Serenity stepped further into the throne room. "And I'm glad I did. No one bad talks my family and gets away with it. And frankly you all took too long shutting him up. So I did." In her hand was a bow that she had shot the arrow with.

Alexander's eyes widened in shock and awe. "What? When? Where?"
Krystal laughed. "Told you she had times when she was like us, papa." Krystal said, still laughing heartily then throwing a blue energy ball at the body, dusting it. Frankly, he had been starting to piss her off as well.

Atem and Seth sighed in relief. "Finally" they said together, smiling at the king, then Seth added. "Its so nice not to have to be stuck under his shadow. *he picks up the eye* this goes to my little brother now. Luckily for us, he always hated father." He said, tossing the eye around like a ball.

Krystal smiled. "Finally. Now, what do we do?" She asked, smiling at her father.
Serenity blushed. "Least I can pull off innocent and make people underestimate me while you ooze threat." She teased before looking back to Alexander. "Princess Rei taught me how to shoot arrows." She shrugged and ran over to Seth.

Alexander sighed in relief. "Remind me to thank Rei then. I've always thought your mother needed to let you learn to defend yourself."
Krystal smirked. "Yeah cause I can't be there to protect her all the time. I think mother just wants Sere to be a proper lady because I'm brash and violent." She says with a laugh, smiling at her sister and her father.

Seth pulled serenity into his arms, kissing her softly. "That was quite a display, my moon goddess. *he looked to his future father in law* you must be proud, majesty." Seth said, bowing his head just slightly out of respect for the monarch.

Krystal appeared in Atem's arms, cuddling closely. "I'm glad that's over. I never liked that guy my love. I always felt as though he looked at me like a piece of meat. It seems he saw me as one as well." She said, sighing.
Serenity blushed from Seth's praise. "Thank you." She heard Krystal and made a face in disgust. "Do you have any idea what sort of image that put in my head Krys? It's very disturbing."

Alexander nodded. "I am proud. Of both my girls." He smiled.

Atem chuckled and laughed at Serenity's words. "I think I have quite the idea and you're right. It is disturbing."
Krystal sighed, smiling a little. "Oh, get your heads out of the gutter. That's not what I mean and you know it." She said, giggling just slightly.

Seth smiles. "Your welcome my love." He said with a quick kiss, smiling at her. He laughed a little at Krys's comment. "I think she just means that my father saw her as something expendable."

Krystal smiled. "Thank you papa. It means a lot."
Serenity shook her head. "She may have meant that way. But what I was thinking was right too. How Krys never noticed, I have no idea."

Atem gently kissed Krys. "We know love."

Alexander smiled. "Anytime Krystal."
Krystal stuck her tounge out. " that would have ever happened." She said with a laugh, looking to her father and nodding. She kissed Atem back, cuddling into him, telling him she loved him telepathically.

Seth did the same, picking Sere up. He loved having her in his arms. It was a dream come true.
Atem smiled and told her he loved her back before picking her up.

Serenity giggled when Seth picked her up.

Alexander smiled. "Well I'll leave you two happy couples to some alone time." He kissed both his daughters on the head
Serenity smiled at Alexander. "Bye papa." She looked to Seth. "Yes please."

Alexander smiled and popped back to the moon.

Atem chuckled. "Come on love. You're clearly exhausted." He started towards his chambers.
Instead of going straght to the throne room where he knew his wife would be, Alexander put together something romanic for her in their bedroom, covering the bed with both white Lillie's and purple roses, which he knew she loved. He lit candles all around And then proceeded to make her a romantic breakfast with all her favorites. Lastly, he set the CD player type gadget to play only their songs, carrying the remote with him as her popped to the throne room with a bouquet of those same flowers, and a handsome dark purple suit on. "Hello, my fair queen. If thee is not to busy I was hoping you might accompany me to our chambers?" He asked, smirking the way he knew she loved. The guards looked on confused, wondering where the king had come from, and were slightly suspicious, but didn't voice it.

Seth smiled. "But of course my love." He said, popping back to his chambers which he had had done up romantically for them, much like what Alexander did, but with a few slight differences. *he kissed her softly and set her down on the bed, smirking a little. "We have the day to ourselves my sweet serenity. What would you like to do?" He asked, looking to his beautiful princess.

Krystal giggled and popped them back to his bed, cuddling close. "You can stay with me, right my spiky haired Egyptian god?" She asked, her blue eyes wide.
Queen Serenity smiled and stepped down from the throne. "Why I would be glad to accompany you, my handsome king." She walked over to him and kissed him. "Just what do you have planned, Alexander?"

Serenity giggled. "Why I don't know Seth. Why don't you surprise me?"

Atem chuckled. "Of course my love."
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