Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Alexander kissed back, pulling her close and blind fielding her with a purple silk scarf just slightly darker than her hair. "You'll see." He said with a wide smirk, kissing her again as he picks her up bridal style and pops back to their room, kissing her again as he removed the blindfold, revealing the romantic atmosphere, and clicking on the stereo type thing. "I missed you my love. More than you could ever know." He whispered into her ear, smiling softly.

Well, how about we start with a romantic lunch?" He asked, motioning to the table set for two with roses and Lillie's on it and all sere's favorite foods.

Krystal nuzzled into his neck, kissing him softly. "Good. I need the cuddles" she said softly, putting his hand on her stomach.
Queen Serenity gasped when she saw what Alexander had laid out. "It's beautiful." She turned around and kissed him. "I missed you just as much darling."

Sere gasped when she saw the prepared table before looking at him with a smile. "Lunch sounds like a wonderful idea." She was touched that he remembered all of her favorite foods.

Atem chuckled and let her put his hand on her stomach while laying them down on the bed.
Alexander smiled and kissed her back. "Its been so long since I could hold and kiss you. I figured you'd enjoy something romantic while the girls are away. They really are very happy with their loves." He said, pulling her close. He pulled her toward the table, sitting her down and getting down on one knee, pulling a small purple velvet box from his pocket. "My love serenity, will you marry me again?"

Seth smiled, "shall we then? Hope you like the food I made." He said, kissing the top of her head chastely and then kissing her lips.

Krystal smiled. "We're creating life love. A son. Would you like to adopt before or softer we marry?" She asked, looking at her fiancee with curiosity in her eyes.
Queen Serenity gasped as Alexander proposed, her eyes filling with unshed tears just like the first time he'd proposed. "My darling, strong, handsome Alexander, my answer has always been and always will be, yes."

Serenity giggled. "You made it? Considering it's all my favorites, I'm quite sure it'll be delicious and not just because I'm biased in your favor." She kissed his cheek with a smile.

Atem kissed the top of her head and cuddled her close. "After my love."
Alexander smiled and slipped the beautufyl heartshaped purple and white diamond white gold band around her finger, kissing her softly. "I love you forever and always my beautiful fair and lovely queen." He said, getting back up from his knee.

Seth smiled. "Well, in any case, I hope you like it. He said, leading her to the table and pulling her chair out for her.

"Alright my love, though, I think I'd like a daughter now." She said, giving him a soft kiss and smirking.
Queen Serenity smiled and kissed him. "I love you forever and always my king."

Serenity smiled as he led her to the table. She kissed his cheek before sitting in the chair he'd pulled out for her.

Atem laughed. "I thought we'd already agreed on adopting a daughter."
Alexander smiled. It was so good to be in his loves arms again. He twirled her around in a dance, kissing her softly. This was the best accident Krystal had ever managed.

Seth pushed the chair in for her, then sat opposite her, gesturing for her to eat. "Go ahead love. I made this especially for you." He said, waiting for her to start eating.

Krystal laughed. "I know. What I meant was I want to adopt her now." She said, smiling brightly.
Queen Serenity giggled as Alexander twirled them around in a dance before kissing him back.

Serenity smiled and started eating. Her eyes closed as she savored the flavor. "Perfect."

Atem chuckled. "As much as I would like to agree, we should at least wait until after the wedding."
Alexander smiled. "Shall we eat my queen?" He asked, kissing her head softly.

Seth took a bite as well, smiling at the taste. "You're right. Who knew I had it in me?i he said with a laugh, taking another bite.

Krystal smiled a little sadly. "If you're sure love."
Queen Serenity smiled back. "Yes we shall my king."

Serenity looked at him with a giggle. "I did."

Atem nodded. "Trust me darling. I'd love to do it as soon as possible. But right now, it might be better for appearances to wait. Especially since we haven't formally announced your pregnancy. We don't want to give a little girl the idea that she'll be replaced when the baby is born."
He sat her back down and pushed the chair in for her, smiling. "Go ahead my love."

SSeth smiled. "Course you did. I didn't though" he said with a laugh, kissing her cheek from across the table.

Krystal smiled. "You're right my love. I wouldn't ever want her to feel that way. I'd love her to much. Krystal looked to him with a smile, kissing him ssoftly.
Queen Serenity smiled softly before taking a bite of her food. "Delicious love."

Serenity giggled. "Good thing I had enough faith for the both of us then."

Atem nodded. "Exactly. I'd hate for our kids to have between them what my father and Seth's father did."
"Thank you love. Its made all for you." He said with a smile, eating as well.

"Yes, sure is bunny" he said, smiling at her.

"No, I'd never want that to happen either. We'll adopt after the wedding. Though I wish we could do it now. There's so many egyptian children in need." She said, looking at him with concern for what would be her people.
Queen Serenity smiled and continued eating.

Serenity giggled. "How did you learn all my favorites anyway? Pump Krystal for the info?"

Atem nodded. "And no generalized way for them to get the care they need until they're adopted."
Krystal nodded. "I'll figure out something. What if we built an orphanage, and filled it with caring people who would keep them safe and healthy until they could go out on their own or be adopted?" She asked quizzically, smiling a little.

Seth smirked sheepishly. "Guessed actually."

Alexander at too, smiling at his wife.
Atem nodded with a smile. "That could work. We'd have to interview them. And check in on the orphanage unannounced at times for the children's sake."

Serenity smiled. "A very lucky guess." She leaned over and kissed him. "And a very appreciated one too."

Queen Serenity smiled. "Wait til the girls hear we're getting married again."
"Exactly. You hallways know just what I'm thinking." She said with a soft smile, giving him a kiss before adding, "and on those visits we could bring them presents! Oh Atem, can we start that now?" She asked, excited. She could manifest the building. She knew she could. "We could uses mercurian technology too. Keep them super healthy."

Yes, I suppose it was." He said with a small laugh before kissing her back.

aAlexander smiled. They'll be ex static, since they never got to see our first one."
Atem laughed. "Oh Krystal. We should plan things out first. As for Mercurian technology, the people should be introduced to it a bit at a time and eventually we could incorporate throughout all of Egypt and not just the orphanage."

Serenity giggled and continued eating.

Queen Serenity giggled. "Of course they didn't. I was still pregnant with them when we got married. And it seems Krystal is following that. Though Serenity seems to want to wait until her wedding night."
"Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking love. It would help make Egypt better. Certainly there would be less sickness." She said with a smile, laying her head on his chest.

Seth continued eating as well, smiling, happy to have his love.

Alexander smiled. "That's true. Krystal doesn't realise it, but she's much like you. But, knowing Krystal and their son, as I met him in a dream. He'll find a way to see, even if its through her eyes." He said, nodding a little before continuing eating.
Atem nodded. "But again it would do better to introduce it slowly."

Serenity smiled softly. Soon she finished eating.

Queen Serenity smiled. "I wouldn't be surprised if he's already seen it having inherited her gift."
"True. It will help everyone, I am sure." She said, smiling at Atem.

Seth finished a few minutes later, wondering what he should do. He blushed. "Sere... I know we're supposed to court first... but I'm anxious. *fidjets a little* no one would have to know but our families. *gets down on one knee, pulling a ring out of his pocket; still blushing* Serenity, will you marry me?" He asked, looking at her with hopeful eyes, His nervousness obvious.

Alexander smiled. "Could be, my love." He said with a smile, finishing his food.
Atem nodded. "Now get you some rest love." He kissed her softly

Serenity gasped with a blush of her own. "Yes Seth! I will!" She kissed him blushing before looking at her hand. She saw her old engagement ring from Endymion was still there and removed it before pocketing it. "There." She held her now bare hand out to him so he could slide his ring in place.

Queen Serenity smiled as she finished her own food.
"Alright love. Don't leave me." She said, cuddling close and falling asleep.

Seth slipped on the ring and smiled, kissing her. "I made the ring myself. Its all moon stone and diamonds." He said, still smiling.

"Something tells me our other daughter is engaged again." He said, smirking a little.
Atem nodded with a smile. "Never, my love."

Serenity kissed Seth. "It's beautiful."

Queen Serenity giggled. "Even I saw that coming."
Krystal cuddled into him, muttering in her sleep about Marik. "My sweet boy" she breathed out, snoring lightly.

Seth smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad you like it my love. Truthfully though, I made it months ago. Something in me just told me to." He said, his expression showing slight embarrassment.

Alexander laughed. "True. At least this time she'll be marrying someone who truly loves her and not one who only wants the silver crystal." He said, smiling a little at his wife.
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