Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Marik nodded at him, his smile saddened. "Maybe in another life uncle Baki. You won't always be a thief king." Marik said cryptically, looking at his uncle.

"Always my moon goddess. I will always want you and love you." He said as he sped up his thrusting, kissing her lovingly. He never wanted to let his love go.
Bakura rolled his eyes. "Again with the cryptic stuff. Come find me when you learn not to talk like that. Both of you." With that he disappeared

Serenity smiled. "And I will always want you and love you." She kissed him back, arching against him.
Krystal laughed, hugging her son to her. "That's your uncle for you. Shall we go interrupt your uncle sapphy's dreams?" She asked with a smirk as marik nodded smirking as she did, in an instant they were in his dream. "Hey there sapphy. How's life? You haven't come see me in forever." She said, holding marik and smirking at sapphire.

"That's good to know my love. I don't know what in rah's name I'd do without you." He said with a smile as he continued to thrust, getting close to his limit. He wanted her to cum first though.
Sapphire rolled his eyes with a smile. "How can I? You're never home when I do and I'm not the type to intrude."

Serenity arched under Seth, feeling herself getting to close. She soon pulled him for a kiss as her body tensed, her orgasm washing over her and her juices coating his cock.
Krystal frowns. "I goes your right. Di still pining over my sister? You'll be happy to know she's not engaged to Endymion anymore. Though, she isn't free." Krystal said, sitting down next to sapphire and cuddling close as marik climbs into his lap. The young boy smiles, "Hi, I'm marik!" He tells sapphire, smiling widely at the man in question.

As soon as Seth felt his love cum on him, he started to cum in her as well, kissing her back. He couldn't believe he was doing this with her. It was like a dream come true. He couldn't even fathom his good fortune.
Sapphire chuckled. "Yes he's still pining. Frankly I doubt he'll leave her alone even if it's not Endymion that she's with." He looked at the little boy in his lap then glanced back to Krystal. "Someone's been busy." He teased her.

Serenity smiled softly in the kiss, holding him close. "I'm really glad I got to share this moment with you." She blushed.
"He's not born yet sapphy. Marik just likes to hang around in my dreams." She said with a chuckle, kissing sapphire's head chastely. She knew he saw her as something more than a friend, but she kept quiet about it. She didn't want to break his heart nor make him feel unloved. She did love him, just not in the way he wanted her too. It was the same with Ruebeus. "So, how's ruby? Haven't seen him lurking lately." She said, chucking again.

Seth smiled softly, cuddling close to her. "Me to my love. There is no one I would rather share this with." He said, kissing her softly as he finished dropping his virile seed inside her.
Sapphire chuckled. "Still means you've been busy so there's no point in denying it." He shrugged when she asked about Rubeus. "No idea. Haven't seen him in ages either really. Not sure if I should be concerned or happy."

Serenity cuddled him close in return. "I feel exactly the same darling."
Krystal looked at him. "That could possibly be bad. If Atem dies by his hand instead of Baki's it will offset the time stream. You have to find him. Do it for me, sappy?" She gave him puppy did eyes and pouted, hoping it would be enough.

Seth smiled contentedly and kissed her head. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. Now, how about after a nap you show me your home? You've already seen mine. We can leave mahado in charge in case Krys and cousin want to tag along." He said smiling again.
Sapphire shook his head. "I'm not concerned he'll kill Atem. I'm concerned he'll do something stupid that'll get him killed either by Atem or by his own hand. I'm quite sure Atem would kill him. You're worrying for the wrong reason."

Serenity smiled. "A nap and a shower you mean." She giggled and kissed him. "But yes, I'll be happy to show you my home. You'll love it, I promise."
"I worry about everybody, sapphy." She told him, looking into the future. Yup. He's at the palace. Crap." She swore, waking up and looking at him. "Ruby? Is something wrong?" She said, looking at him with kind and concerned eyes, her hand moving to her stomach absentmindedly.

"Alright my love. Whatever you say, and I'm sure I will too" he said before yawning and falling asleep
Rubeus stood looking at her. "You already know what's wrong Krystal. The same thing that's been bothering me for months. Why you continue to ask...." He noticed Krystal's action on her stomach and stepped back with hurt in his eyes. " could you....pregnant....with his..."

Serenity smiled softly and fell asleep cuddled up next to him.
Krystal looked at him. "Ruby..." she couldn't say anything else. She didn't know what to say. Her eyes showed hurt as well, but for a different reason then his. She hated seeing him this way. She looked at him sadly. "Ruby... *she bites her lip looking at him with fear in her glacial blue orbs* you shouldn't be here. Atem's extremely jealous and I don't want to see you get hurt because of me. He'll kill you, Ruby." She said softly, not wanting to wake her fiancee. She just sat there, unable to move. She couldn't without waking the jealous pharaoh of Egypt.
Rubeus didn't move. "Let him. I'd rather die. There's no point in living if I can't have you as mine."
Tears started to stream once again down Krystal's face. "No... Ruby..." at that moment she didn't care if Atem woke up, she ran to Ruebeus and hugged him, burying her face in his chest, her tears more prevalent now. "No ruby.. stay... don't.. go..." she choked out, not letting him go. She didn't want to see him die because of her. She loved him to much, the only problem was, she didn't love him the way he wanted her to.
Rubeus hugged back briefly. "Don't waste your tears on me Krys. I'm not worth it. I wasn't worthy enough for your heart to choose me, I'm not worthy of your precious tears now. He gently pushed her back. "Don't bother coming after me. You won't find me." He turned and disappeared.
Krystal fell to her knees, crying harder. She couldn't help it. He had hurt her so badly, and she had hurt him as well. "Ruby, just because I didn't choose you doesn't mean you have to leave. I do love you just not that way." She said, almost breathless, fainting from all the crying. She moaned in her faint, calling out for him. She knew she had hurt him, it made her cry even more.
Atem happened to wake up while Krysta was calling out for Rubeus. He frowned at hearing the other name, but said nothing as he slid out of bed. He went over to her and picked her up gently, laying her in bed before getting back in on his side and cuddling her close.
Krystal eyes shot open. They were red and puffy from all the crying she had been doing. "Ruby... he left Atem... I feel so bad for hurting him, but I just don't love him the way he loves me. It hurts though Atem. A lot." She said, nuzzling into him, her tears dry for now. Honestly, she really had no more to shed at the moment. She was spent. "He told me he wasn't worthy of my tears.. but he is. He definitely is." She added, sniffling.
Atem kept a mostly blank face. He didn't really want to hear about someone else that wanted her heart even if he didn't have to worry about the guy anymore. Right now, he knew she needed to just have someone to talk to and since Serenity was with Seth, he knew he had to be that person for her. "Maybe that was just his way of telling you not to cry over him. If he's found peace, let him have it." Of course he had no idea that when she said Rubeus had left that it meant anything more than Rubeus just leaving her life.
Krystal shook her head. "No Atem, you don't understand. He's gonna kill himself. He said it before he left. "Then let him. I'd rather die. There's no point in living if I can't have you as mine" and I quote!" She said, her look of worry only increasing. She would do almost anything to keep him from doing that. "Its all my fault Atem..." Krystal's dry eyes start to run again and she's crying even more furiously. She was so hurt. "I'm sorry Atem... I know I must be hurting you to with this. I just can't help it. I've gotta find him."
Atem listened to her before finally sighing. "I'm sorry Krys but I can't let you go. I understand he's a friend but your safety and that of our child is more important. You have no idea where to even look and I just can't let you take that risk." It wasn't her talk of worry over the other man that was hurting her, but her willingness to put the safety of her and their child at risk for the other man.
Krystal shook her head. "No, Atem, I know exactly where he is. He's in the old treehouse we used to play in on nemesis as kids. It was our special place. That would be the only place he would want to end it all. That was the place he stole away my first kiss and told me he loved me when we were 10." She said, looking to her fiancee. Her face was clouded with worry and love, her eyes pleading. "Please Atem. I can't let him die because of me." She said, looking to him with the saddest stare she could muster, waiting for a reply.
Atem sighed. "Fine. You can go but I'm going with you. And you must promise that if he's not there, that you won't try to convince me to let you search any further."

Sapphire would then send Krystal a telepathic message. "'s too late....he's gone....jumped in a black hole."
Krystal falls to the ground again, tears streaning down her face and all she can say is "to late... all my fault..." she can be seen hyperventalating profusely, her tears not stopping, the sound of her crying heard all over the city.

Seth awakens to the sounds of Krystal's cries and gently shakes his fiancee. "Bunny, wake up wake up! Krystal needs you." Her said, looking concerned for his cousin's wife to be. Wwhat could have possibly made her so distraught?
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