Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Atem goes around the bed to her and pulls her close, nuzzling her gently. "I'm sorry my love."

Serenity wakes to Seth's words. "Huh?" She then hears Krystal's cries. "Oh my gosh." She hurriedly got dressed and ran to Atem's chambers.
Krystal sees her sister, and he head picks up a liitl as a ruby Bracelet appears on her. It was the one Ruebeus had given her the night he told her first kiss at ten. "Ruby... gone... black... hole... to... late..." she said, staring off blankly, her eyes devoid of anything. Tears came to the the young blue moon princess again, and she hugged her knees to her chest, unable to do anything but cry.
Serenity gasped as she listened to Krystal's words. "Oh my gosh!" She stepped close to her sister and hugged her. "Oh Krys...what happened?"
"He came here... I told him that Atem is very jealous and that he'd kill him. Ruby didn't care.... wanted to die.... ruby told me he wasn't worth my tears because my heart didn't choose him and he'd rather be dead than be without me.... then.... disappeared.... tried to stop him... Atem... wouldn't.. let me... to... late..." Krystal pieced out, her heart obviously broken. Ruby had been her best friend, her brother. Loosing him hurt like it would to loose Seth, or Mahado. Krystal was in shock from all this. She had just lost one of the most important people in her life.
Serenity hugged Krystal close. "We'll hold some sort of memorial for him at home, okay? He deserves that much." She knew how much Rubeus meant to Krystal...similar to how much Sapphire meant to herself.
Krystal nodded at her sister, whipping away her tears, but still hurting so very much inside. "Okay bunny. I'll gather up all my favorite pictures of him. Atem, you don't have to come if you don't want to." She said softly, her voice a little raspy from all the crying. She looked at the bracelet on her left arm. "Find me again someday my ruby prince." She thinks to herself, still very hurt by all this.
Serenity smiled softly and hugged her sister again. "Let me go tell Seth what is going on. He and I were planning to go to the moon anyway. Why don't you get cleaned up?" She stood up and headed back to Seth's rooms.

Atem watched the two sisters. "You need support in this tough time my love. I will be there with you."
Krystal smiled a little and kissed him, then went to wash up, depuffing her eyes with cucumbers. If her father saw that she had been crying, Atem was dead meat, and she did not want to see that happen. When she was dun cleaning herself up, she put on a new dress and put on her makeup, smiling a little at her reflection. She came out of the bathroom "Do I still look like I was hit by a elephant?" She asks with a laugh, explaining to him telepathically why she had to look better.

"So is Krystal better now? What happened to make her cry loud enough to make the whole city hear her?" He asked, looking at his fiancee concerned.
Atem smiled as he watched her come from the bathroom. "You look perfect love." He understood her reasoning and was silently thanking the gods that she'd had that foresight.

Serenity frowned. "A friend of hers from the dark moon....took his life because he felt living without her at his side was too much to bear. He had feelings for her since we were kids. We're going back to the moon to have a memorial for him since he...well he jumped into a black hole."
Krystal smiled small. "Thank you love. I'm trying to keep smiling for him. He wouldn't want me a to cry. He'd want me to smile. He was alwa littys like that." She said, sighing a little. A little plushie of Ruebeus appeared in her hands and she cuddled it, the cut fresh still.

Seth looked at his fiancee sadly. "Do you think penguin would want her cousin around?" He asked, wanting to give both of them support.
Atem smiled softly and went to her, hugging her close. He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "It is no problem at all."

Serenity nodded. "I did tell her you were coming with us anyway. She could use the support."
Krystal smiles. "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserver you Atem" she says with a kiss, still cuddling the doll.

'Well, I'll be there for here too. Think they're ready?" He says as he tells mahado and Isis telepathically their in charge because of a family emergency.
Atem chuckled. "Be your beautiful wonderful self is what you did love."

Serenity nodded. "I think so."
Atem chuckled and looked to Seth and Serenity. "Ready to go?"

Serenity nodded. "When you two are."
Serenity smiled and pulled Seth over to Krystal and Atem. "Let's go then." She gently took Krystal's hand.

Atem nodded, looking to the twins
Krystal nodded at her sister as she took Atems hand and Seth took sere's, popping back to the moon. "Home again." She said as she jumped into Atem's arms. 'Carry me back to my room? I'm exhausted both mentally and phisically." She said, cuddling closely.

Seth smiled. "So, where to first my love?"
Atem chuckled softly. "If not for the circumstances, I'd say you're always exhausted these days and tell marik to ease up on draining you." He headed towards her room.

Serenity giggled as she watched Atem and Krystal leave before turning back to Seth. "First, I think I'll show you my favorite view." She gently guided him towards the balcony she usually watches the Earth from with a grin. "What do you think?"
Krystal fell asleep in Atem's arms as they walked to her room. She really was exhausted. It Wasn't until Atem stepped foot into her bedroom and played down with her that she appeared in a very familiar bedroom. Not hers or Atem's, but familiar all the same it was diamond's room.

"Beautiful, just like you. What next?" He asked kind of excitedly smiling at her like a child.
Diamond and Sapphire both appeared in the room. "Hey Krys." Both said together, looking sad over the loss of Rubeus.

She giggled. "Well, I think I know something you might find interesting. A sort of contrast to the hot sun of Egypt. We've got an ice skating rink here."
Diamond looked at her and shook her head. "Don't you ever blame yourself for his death. It's not your fault."

Sapphire nodded. "Diamond's right. You couldn't force yourself to love him the way he wanted you to. The fault is his and his alone."

Serenity smiled. "It's basically frozen water. Imagine the Nile freezing over til it's really hard. That's ice."
Krystal looked at her friends, sighing deeply. "I'll try not to, but it will still weigh heavy on me. I feel bad because I did feel the same at one point, remember? But when I met Atem, all bets were off. He stole my heart. Ruby couldn't never deal with that." She said, looking sad.

Seth looked at her quite interested. "Curious. I must see this "ice" for myself." He said, smirking at her.
Both brothers nodded and hugged her. "He didn't see anyone as being right for you other than him." Sapphire explained.

"He didn't realize your happiness was more important."

Serenity smiled and led him to the building with the ice rink. She took him through one set of doors and stopped just outside another set. "Go on through those doors to the seats around the rink. I've got something else to show you in relation to the rink but it's a surprise." She kissed him and hurried off to a separate set of doors before he could stop her.
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