Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Atem smiled. "I'm fine. The important question is are you alright?"

Serenity nodded and led him back over to the seats so he could remove his skates. "Just leave your skates once you've got them off. I'll meet you back on the other side of the doors." She headed off to go change back to her gown.
Krystal looked at her fiancee. "Yes and no Atem. The cut is still very deep, but I find comfort in both the memories and in you. Loosing ruby is like loosing a brother." She said, making copies of all the pictures she was gonna use and putting the originals back into her box. She smiled a little as she put the box back in her closet, then busied herself putting together the collages. When she was finished, she smiled at her good handiwork. "Perfect." She said, cuddling back into Atem, eating more of ruby's favorite cookie, the powdered sugar covered camel cookie. It was called that because it had creme filling inside. She handed one to Atem. "Here, try. They were ruby's favorite. You'll like them." She said, cuddling him closely.

Seth took off his skates and left them as he was told, putting his sandals back on. He waited for serenity, smiling to himself. "How in rah's name I ever deserved her I'll never know." He thought to himself, watching for her.
Atem smiled and bit into the cookie, finding he did like it after all. He had almost refused it as he wasn't feeling for cookies at the moment but for her sake he had taken it to make her happy and wasn't disappointed.

Serenity soon came out of the other doors dressed in her gown once more. She walked right up to him and kissed him. "Ready to see the gardens?"
Krystal smiles, eating more cookies. "These are the only sweets I'll eat. Especially when I'm sad. Somehow they remind me of Ruby's warm smile." She said, getting a vision of the future.

"Start vision*
Crossroads sweet shop, Tokyo

*a teen boy with flaming red hair is buying camel cookies as Krystal is too*
Krystal: theses cookies are the only sweet I will eat. They remind me of an old friend who I lost tragically to suicide.
*the teen turns and looks at her*
Ruebeus: that's very sad. I can relate. A girl once destroyed me. She married someone else. *mutters* stupid spiky haired pharaoh *walks out*
Krystal: *her head shoots up and she follows him* what did you say?
Ruebeus: oh, Why do you ask?
Krystal: because if you said what I think you just said, all I have to say is "ruby prince"
Ruebeus: *his head shoots up this time, looking her in the eyes* blue?
Krystal: *smirks and curtsise* the one and only, ruby.

*end vision*
Krystal smiles. "See you then ruby" she says with a smile, telling Atem about the vision she just had.

Seth kissed back, smiling. 'of course my love. lead the way.' he said, smiling.
Atem just sighed and closed his eyes as she told him about the vision. He didn't have the heart to tell her he didn't want to hear about it, especially not while she was grieving over him. But he also didn't want to worry about him possibly not having her in the next life so he kept quiet, did his best to stay calm and keep his emotions from showing on his face.

Serenity smiled as she took his hand and led him towards the gardens.
Krystal knew he was hiding his emotions. She cuddled into him, kissing him softly. "I'm sorry Atem. You probably don't wanna hear about this. I wasn't thinking." She said, pulling him close to her and smiling as she ate another cookie, Her mind occupied by thoughts of her love and of her best friend.

"Wow, this place is beautiful, just like you my love." Seth said with a smile, seeing Endymion out of the corner of his eye. He paid him no mind though. He knew Alexander would give him his.
Atem smiled and shook his head. "It's alright. You're grieving. I can let you have that because of this." He cuddled with her.

Serenity smiled and blushed. "Thank you. They're my pride and joy." She gently squeezed his hand, unaware that Endymion was there.
Krystal kissed him, snuggling into him closely. "Don't worry love. You'll be mine in the next life too." She said, pulling him in as close as he could be to her.

Seth smiled proudly and kissed her, stroking her hair softly. "You're welcome, my moon goddess." He said softly, pulling her close to him and smiling.

The kiss was the last straw for Endymion. He walked over and grabbed serenity out of Seth's arms. "What are you doing with my fiancee, priest? You should just keep your grubby little fingers off her. You are not worthy of a princess. You are not royalty. You're just a stupid priest." Endymion spat out, looking annoyed.

Seth took a deep breath, doing all he could not to hit Endymion square in the face. "You have no right to say that, Endymion. I am a prince. Next in line for the throne of Egypt. You have no right to claim to love serenity. All you want is power. You are a greedy little man, and are the one unworthy, not I." Seth told Endymion flatly. Stating it matter of factly.

That was once again Endymion's breaking point. Punch after punch Endymion tried to lay on Seth, but he just dodged everyone being a more skilled fighter than the dark haired prince.
Atem smiled softly and kissed her. "I'm not even going to bother telling you to stop reading my mind because I know it's a moot point."

Serenity watched in horror as Endymion tried to hit Seth even as he continued to fail to hit. "Stop it! Stop it right now!" She could already tell that should Seth try to hit Endymion, it would connect. And though she no longer loved the dark haired prince, she didn't share the enjoyment of watching violence that her sister had.

Alexander had heard Serenity's screams and ran out to the gardens in shock at the sight before him. He then put a serious expression on his face. "That's enough Endymion!"
"Its also an accident. I can't always control it, Atem" she said, cuddling into him.

Endymion stopped dead in his tracks at hearing the king. "H-H Highness?" He turned to see the king standing there. Endymion's eyes widened at really seeing the king, and he bowed respctfuffly, the anger at Seth forgoten as in endymion's eyes, he was seeing a ghost. "How?" Was all he could get out.
Atem chuckled. "Do you practice trying to?"

Alexander stood there with his arms crossed. "It doesn't matter about the how, Endymion. Care to explain just what you were doing?"
Krystal nodded. "I do. But it doesn't always work. My powers have minds of their own, I swear it." She said with a laugh as she laid her head on Atem's shoulder.

Endymion blushed. "I was trying to hit Seth for kissing my fiancee, Highness. He should know better." The prince said in a voice that showed slight fear. It made Seth smirk to think Endymion was afraid of Alexander. Alexander was a good man.
Atem chuckled."That's why it's called practice sweetheart. You keep doing it until it gets better. You can't have your powers going awry when you need them most."

Alexander narrowed his eyes at Endymion's words. "I see no fiancee of yours here. I see you, Seth and Seth's fiancee Serenity."
Krystal Nuzzled into his neck. "I do love. All the time." She said, smiling.

Endymion's eyes widened at Alexander's words. "What? He can't be engaged to her! She was my fiancee!" He said, no anger there, just sadness. Perhaps the stupid power hungry prince had loved serenity after all.
Atem smiled and held her close, rubbing her back soothingly. "Good."

Alexander nodded. "The key word there Endymion is 'was'. I will not have my daughter married to someone who's hurt her as badly as you have or plans to use her for power like you have. Do not deny the last part. It was said that you blabbed about it enough for word to stretch the planet."
Krystal cuddled into him, kissing him softly. "I love you." She said softly, cuddling into him.

Endymion sighed. "Yes, I admit I've been awful to her, and Seth's right. I don't deserve her. I was stupid. Well, Seth, all I have to say is take care of her. If you don't I'll kill you myself." The young prince said before disappearing and landing in his bedroom on earth, Face in his hands, crying. I really screwed that up. Why does everything I want turn on me? Maybe I'm a worse person than I thought."
Atem smiled and kissed her back. "I love you too."

Alexander watched Endymion apologize to Seth and disappear. The lunar king turned back to Serenity and Seth. "You two are both unharmed?"

Serenity nodded. "We're both fine Papa." She was glad he had come out and settled things before they got too bad.
Krystal smiled right back. "Good"

Seth smiled. "I'm fine highness." He said, nodding his head.

Meanwhile, Endymion was crying. He had no idea how he had gotten so cruel. How he could possibly hurt bunny. "He'll protect her." Endy said with an exhausted yawn, falling asleep.
Atem chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Alexander nodded to the couple. "Good. I'll leave you too alone then." He headed on back inside the palace.

Serenity smiled and turned to Seth and kissed him.
Krystal looked to her fiancee. "It's almost time for the memorial. Love can you bring these down to the gardem while I change? I can't wear this in memorial of him." She asked softly, kissing his head. Krystal went into her closet and dug out a dress bag, setting it on the bed. "Now, please got put those in the gardens. I have to change and get ready. You'll see me when I meet yo there, not before." She told her fiancee, a stern look on her face.

Seth kissed her back but then broke it. "Its almost time for the memorial. Would you like to go see penguin before then?" He asked, smiling a little.
Atem looked at her in confusion but nodded and walked out with the items towards the gardens.

Serenity shook her head. "Not unless she calls for me. She was closer to Rubeus than I was. Of the black moon family, Sapphire is my best friend. I won't impose on Krystal's thoughts unless she wants me."
Seth smiled. "Alright bunny. Then let's just wait for here here. Oh, there's Atem." He said, kissing her head softly.

After Atem left, Krystal took off her dress, replacing it with a flowing blood red one with gold and ruby accents. She took her hair down from its usual style and brushed it out so it was s simply hanging in long dark blue waves, just the way he had liked it. Krystal looked at herself in the Age mirror in her bedroom, smiling sadly. "Ruby, this dress was the one I had Picked out to marry you in. Before I met Atem. I hope that it does not disappoint." She told herself softly, and When she looked back into the mirror, she could have sworn she saw him behind her, kissing her neck like he always did, but when she turned she saw nothing. Krystal slipped on the jewelry he had given her and held herself close, crying a little before regaining her composer and fixing her makeup. She walked out of her bedroom soundlessly, appearing in the gardens soon after Atem had set everything up. She smiled slightly at him. "Hello Atem" she said softly, watching him for a reaction.
Atem set up the pictures he'd brought down for Krystal and took a seat. He watched as Krystal came out in the red dress with her hair down and all the jewelry. He could see that it was a major significance if she felt he couldn't be there while she changed. He was confused about it but part of him wasn't sure he wanted to know and so he wouldn't ask. And he wouldn't let the changes to her affect him. He wasn't used to seeing her hair down for too long but to him, she looked beautiful regardless. He stood and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

Serenity watched Krystal come out and knew the significance of the dress. But she would remain silent on it for her sister's sake and let that be something Krystal should explain to Atem if she ever would. She led Seth to a couple of seats, glancing back briefly when she heard pops to see Sapphire and Diamond had appeared for the memorial. She also saw her parents walk out to the garden and take seats as well.
Krystal smiled a little when Atem kissed her head, but ran to diamond and sapphire when she saw them appear, trapping them in a tight hug."You came" she whispered softly, kissing both their heads before sitting them down on either side of her in the front row. She watched as the moon priest said his piece, her face sad as she kept her head leaned on diamond's shoulder.

When the priest was done with his piece, Krystal got up slowly, taking a deep breath as she stepped up to the podium. She fingered a ruby heart shaped pendant as she stood there, silent a moment before talking. "Today we are gathered here to honor a friend and brother lost to suicide, Ruebeus Crimson. I knew Ruebeus for many years, and he was my closest friend. Many nights I would come to him crying over something someone had done to hurt me, and every time, Ruebeus was there to hold me and chase away all the bad. He was my crimson knight, and I loved him dearly. In many ways though, I feel almost responsible for his suicide. If he hadn't have met me, maybe he'd still be alive. You see, Ruebeus was head over boots in love with me, and I hurt him by loving someone else. There was a time when I shared Ruby's feelings, but that was many years ago. Looking back though, I don't think I would change a thing. He was my knight, my brother, and my lover. May he rest and peace, and may we have hope to see him again in the next life." She said, her expression almost stone like, showing no emotion as she walked off the podium.

Krystal kissed both sapphire and diamond's heads before running off to her room and locking the door, flopping down on her bed, and crying her eyes out as she wailed for her ruby prince. Soon enough though, she had exhausted herself and fell into dreamland. The place where she landed made her sniffle. It was all to familiar to her with its plush red couches and black carpet. It was the treehouse Ruebeus and she had spent so much time in as kids. Krystal sat on the nearby love seat and held her knees to her chest, wondering what could have possessed her to dream of this place so sacred to her and her ruby prince.
Watching Krystal sitting with Sapphire and Diamond had Atem sitting quietly a few rows back. But listening to Krystal give the eulogy...tore at his heart and he held his head down....feeling at guilt...and to blame. He hadn't known that Rubeus and Krystal had once been lovers and he felt as if he might have partially been to blame for the man's suicide. As far as he knew, he unknowingly stole Krystal from Rubeus....and was now beginning to see Bakura's attempts to steal her from him as being karma. After Krystal left...he remained seated in thought.

Serenity looked between Krystal and Atem after Krystal's speech. She could see they both needed someone...and Krystal's stone-cold expression concerned her because she knew her sister was hurting over this. She looked to Seth, I'm going to check on Krystal. You should go check on Atem." She kissed his head and headed off to find Krystal.

"Crying over me after I told you not to, Blue?" Rubeus appeared in front of her, shirtless and with a set of angelic wings coming out his back. "You always were stubborn. Made me wonder countlessly who was more stubborn, you or Serenity." He chuckled.
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