Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Seth nodded. "Right bunny" she said before watching her walking away and the walking over to his cousin. Seth smiled slightly sitting next to Atem. "You okay, spike?" He asked, using the affectionate nickname he had given Atem when they were children. Seth looked at his cousin with concern in his eyes, unsure of what else to say. By this time, sapphire and diamond had left the scene to go find Krystal as well, and her parents had disappeared somewhere else. It was just the two of them, sitting in those chairs near where Atem had set all the collages as Krystal had asked.

When diamond and sapphire would go to Krystal's blue room, then would find that the door was locked. Sapphire would listen at that door and simply hear Krystal snoring softly and the sound of her mumbling "ruby."

Meanwhile, in her dream, she ran to Ruebeus. "Ruby!" She yelled, trapping him in a tight hug, fingering his wings. They suited him, these wings, as he had always come to her aid when she needed him. She needed him more than ever now, but could only find him in a dream. Krystal buried her face in his chest, tears falling again. "Oh ruby.. that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Why ruby... why did you do it?" She asked, pulling at his wingers slightly, tears marring her pretty face as she looked up at him, pulling him toward the loveseat.
Atem sighed. "It's just....this news about Krys being closer than I previously thought with this Rubeus...It is just...overwhelming. She never told me. It makes me wonder even more just how important a part did that dress play in her time with him. I doubt she'll tell me. She practically shoved me out of her room before changing into it, telling me I wouldn't see it until she came out for the memorial. I'm just wondering...afraid....that I stole her from him unknowingly." He chuckled half-heartedly. "If I stole her from him...then Bakura fighting me constantly for an attempt from karma to get back at me for it."

Serenity walked over to Diamond and Sapphire, seeing them outside Krystal's room. "Is she alright?" Her concern for her sister showing on her face.

Rubeus stopped her pulling him to the loveseat. "Haven't exactly mastered sitting with these things yet." He sighed. "You don't even need to ask that question. As glad as I was to see you happy, it was unbearable to see that it wasn't me that you were happy with. I believe the line is 'can't live if living is without you. You looked beautiful in that dress...I just wish I'd been able to see you in it for its original purpose."
Seth rubbed his cousin's back soothingly. "I know this must hurt, and that's probably why Krystal kept it from you. She didn't want you to feel responsible for accidentally falling for her. You can't control who you love, cousin." Seth said in a calm tone, trying to make his feel better. He hated to see his cousin like this. Krystal was grieving, but that wasn't any excuse for making his cousin feel the way he does. "I'm sure she loves you, spike. In fact I'm positive. She'd be marrying Ruebeus now if she didn't." He added, hoping to cheer his cousin up.

Sapphire nodded. "She's fine bunny. Penguin is sleeping. She's dreaming about ruby." He said softly, his expression sad. Sapphire had loved Ruebeus like a brother. His death was taking a huge toll on the younger black moon prince.

Krystal pulled him close to her. "Truthfully Ruby... so do I. You mean as much to me as Atem does. You allways have my ruby prince. I'm so sorry. I caused this" she said as tears streamed down her face once again. She buried her face into his chest, like she had done the night he died. She couldn't help crying. She had just lost the first love of her life, and even though he was with her now, when she awoke he'd gone again. "Ruby, you have no idea how much it hurts. I'm tempted never to wake up just to stay with you." She said through her tears and then getting on her tip toes to kiss his lips. She had always loved the feel of his lips on hers. It was one of the times she felt most calm. As much as Krystal loved Atem, she never felt calmer than when she was with her ruby prince.
"I don't feel responsible for falling in love with her. But I wouldn't have pursued her if I knew she belonged to someone else. I have that much honor. Especially not if he was treating her well, which from her words, he treated her very well. If I hadn't pursued her, then he would be alive and she wouldn't be in her room crying her eyes out. She would be happily married to him. Part of her heart will obviously always be with him and I'll have to accept that."

Serenity nodded. "I hate seeing her like this." She then looked to Sapphire and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry Sapphy. I know he meant a lot to you too."

Rubeus hugged her tight. "Stop apologizing and stop blaming yourself Blue. It's my fault and something I'll have to deal with for eternity." He kissed the top of her head. "And what about Atem? As honored as I am to find I still have such a special place in your heart....did you consider how he feels. The having Sapphire and Diamond on either side of you....wearing your dress that would've been for our wedding...your consideration to stay asleep just to stay with me."
Seth looked at his cousin sadly. "You didn't know Atem. Don't fault yourself for that. This isn't your fault. What happened was obviously meant to. I don't like seeing penguin this sad either, but we can't change the past. If we could, sailor Pluto would have all our asses." He said with a chuckle, trying to cheer up his cousin. Seth hugged his cousin tight, smiling at him a little. "It will all be okay."

Sapphire nodded, as did diamond, who spoke first. "I don't either, bunny. But its not like we can magically revive him like Krys did with your dad. He'd only kill himself again and she'd be in worse shape. This is what's for the best, no matter how hard it is on all of us." He said, looking at his unrequited love sadly. Sapphire looked just as sad and hugged Sere close to him, pulling her into his lap. He nuzzled her neck. "It does hurt really badly bunny. I can't even imagine how penguin is feeling right now. Her face may not have showed it, but her eyes did. She still loved him." Sapphire deducted, kissing sere's head. She kept him calm, though the twin he had eyes for was Krystal.

Krystal bit her lip. "You're right, as usual Ruby. I've probably hurt him pretty badly. *she sighs* damn. I'll go apologise as soon as I wake up, but.. I wanna stay awhile longer." She said, cuddling into him. She needed to just be with him for awhile. A familiar looking small boy poked his head in unable to wait for her any longer. "Mommy, I don't mean to intrude... but I need cuddles. *he looks to Ruebeus* do you mind?" Marik didn't come in any further until he was told it was alright, knowing all about his mother and the handsome flame haired man she was holding. He also felt partly responsible for Ruebeus's death. Even from in the womb he could sense the hurt he had caused him.
Atem looked at Seth questioningly. "And yet she does nothing when Isis warns us of something so that we can change it. You and I both know that the future changes according to the choices we make. I didn't know because she didn't tell me. And I don't think I ever would've known if not for what happened."

Serenity nodded. "Her eyes...her choice of clothing....That dress was the one she'd picked out to marry Rubeus in. While I admit the day and service was about's almost like she forgot Atem entirely....the poor guy felt alone."

Rubeus looked to Marik and sighed. "Actually little guy, this time I do. It's nothing against you or your father, but I don't have much time left to visit her right now and I'd like to make the most of it."
Seth looked to his cousin. "Krystal does what she thinks is right. Isis only sees a fraction of what Krystal does with that necklace of hers. You're fiancee knows what is to be changed and what isn't. As far as this Ruebeus guy goes, I don't know why she didn't tell you. Maybe she didn't expect to fall in love with you too." Seth said, his expression curious. At the moment, the only real person who could tell them about Krystal's actions was she herself, but Krystal was locked in her room crying her eyes out as far as they knew.

Sapphire looked to his friend. "I figured as much. Poor Atem. I'm sure he understands the situation though. Penguin isn't thinking clearly because of her grief. She needs time to adjust. She loves Atem very dearly, that much is apparent, but there's a piece of her heart that died with ruby." Sapphire stated almost matter of factly, still looking sad.

Marik nodded. "Alright then. See yah!" He then disappeared, going to bug his father in his head. "Mommy's with a red haired guy with wings. So I came to bug you daddy! I need cuddles!" He told Atem in his head, pouting a little. When Krystal and Ruebeus were alone again, she looked to him. 'So, tell me what's on your mind my ruby prince." She said with a small smile, drawing little hearts on his chest.
Atem sighed. "Honestly, I'm wondering what else Krystal has kept from me. But as curious as I am about it, I also know if she wants to tell me, she will. Then there's what could she be hiding that she won't tell me and that part wants to go see if I could get it out of Serenity...but I won't do that. Because I know Serenity would likely tell me even if Krystal told her to tell no one...just on basis that she would think Krystal should've told me and know she won't. And then Krystal would get upset with Serenity for telling me and I don't want to cause that pain for Serenity." He sighed as he heard Marik in his head, a frown visibly on his face both in his head and in reality at hearing that Krystal was with Rubeus. "Now is not the time son. Go visit your grandparents."

Serenity nodded at Sapphire, hugging him tight. "She held so much back from Atem though. I hate seeing them both hurting."

Rubeus smiled softly. "I want you to stop crying and let Atem have your whole heart. You pledged it to him, now let him be there for you. Don't be so afraid to tell him things. If he truly loves you, he won't ever judge you on your past. You saw how I was. Even as much as I wanted you back...I never actively tried, did I? I understood that he was your choice and as long as he made you happy, then he had nothing to worry. He deserved the right to know who I really was to you long before my death. He needs you now. I'll always be watching over you Blue." He kissed her forehead.
Seth put a hand on his his cousin's shoulder. "It will be okay, cousin. Krystal loves you. I'm sure she will tell you all about it. Just remember, penguin is grieving. Cut her some slack." He told Atem, nothing but concern and love for his cousin in his features. Marik hugged his father. "Don't be sad daddy. Mommy loves you. I'm proof of that." He told his father, squeezing him before disappearing to Alexander's head.

Sapphire looked to his friend. "How do you think Atem's gonna take knowing about everything?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He wished Krystal saw him as lover and not a brother. He loved her so much, but would never kill himself. Diamond was erratic enough. Him dying would cause his brother to become darker than ever.

Krystal cuddled Rubeus tight, looking at him sadly. She wished he didn't have to leave. As much as she loved Atem, a piece of her still deeply loved him. "I'll try ruby. It really hurts though. You've no idea how much, but I'll tell him about you." she said as she looked up at her ruby prince and fingered his wings. She just didn't understand why he had to kill him self. "Ruby, i ask again... why did you kill yourself? If being without me was so hard, why didn't you tell me? I know I could have come up with something to fix it." she said softly, smirking her signature smirk and remembering their first time together. "come back anytime you like. I'll always want to see you." she finished in that same sad and loving tone. kissing his lips again softly. He may not like it, but she knew she'd always love him. A piece of her heart would always belong to the handsome crimson knight, her ruby.
Atem nodded and smiled softly at Seth. "Thank you Seth. For being there. For me, for Krys, for Sere. It's meant a lot. I hope that I'll be able to be there for you the same way."

Serenity sighed. "It's hard to say. I know though that he won't press her to tell him but will let her tell him on her own terms. He needs the knowledge though, to better be there for her during this. To keep her from shutting herself in and shutting him out. As her sister, I can only do so much for her now in that aspect. He knows that deep down behind her tough exterior is a heart as big as mine that can be hurt just as badly."

Rubeus looked at Krystal with a soft smile. "And risk having you try to do something like be with us both? No. I was selfish, I know. But I feel more free. I can look after you this way." He gently lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it."I'll always be watching over you Krys. Don't forget that."
Seth smiled. "You're welcome cousin. I am sure you be at some point." She said, hugging him again before walking away to go find bunny, who he found in sapphire's arms, sitting on the floor by Krystal's door. "Is penguin okay?" He asked a little worried, looking to his fiancee.

Sapphire looked to Sere. "You're right. Penguin is hurting. Probably even worse than any of us. She was his fiancee for rah's sake. Only Anubis knows what's going on in our poor penguin's head. But I believe that ruby is telling her to tell Atem. He always was sneaky like that. For all we know, he could be lurking as a ghost in the palace." Sapphire said with a smirk, the thought some home comforting to the younger black moon prince.

Small tears fell from Krystal's face. "I won't ruby. We'll meet again. I know it." She said softly, wiping the stray tears with her finger. She looked into his slender red eyes, and hugged him again, not wanting to let him go just yet. Her heart was broken at his death, but she knew it would all be alright. It always was.
Serenity looked to Seth with a soft sad smile. "She's in her room sleep. Likely cried herself to sleep. But I think she'll be okay. With her love of talking to people in dreams, wouldn't be surprised if she's talking to Rubeus." She smiled a little more upon hearing Sapphire. "He probably is telling her. Though if he's a ghost...he better stay out our rooms while we're changing." She giggled.

Rubeus hugged her back. "Stop trying to play so tough. At least to the ones who you hold close and dear. They'll worry for you more with you doing that. Especially poor Sere."
Sapphire laughed. "Yours he would. But Krystal's? Not so much. I mean, it isn't like he hasn't already seen her naked." He commented with another laugh, kissing sere's head.

Seth raised an eyebrow. "So, you telling me penguin wasn't a virgin when she took Atem's?" He asked, nothing but curiosity in his eyes, until a realization hit him. "Did she have a child with him?" He asked, looking around.

Sapphire looked to Seth. "Yes and no. Best ask her yourself." He said, his eyes showing slight fear. He would rather not have Krys mad at him in her mental state. She'd kill him.

Krystal sighed. "I'll try ruby. But, you know me. I'm the older one, so I'm supposed to be the strong one." Smirking at him slightly. "You should give sapphire hugs too. He's hurting just as bad you know." She added, looking into his ruby eyes and cuddling close. She didn't want him to leave just yet.
Serenity lightly slapped Sapphire's shoulder. "That may be true, but Atem's usually in there with her now. And I highly doubt Atem would be fond of that."

Rubeus smiled. "Just because you're the one expected to be strong, doesn't mean you're not allowed to fall apart and let others be strong for you. Your parents clearly named you and Sere perfectly. She keeps you calm and you are her strength." He cocked an eyebrow. "He may be hurting. But us guys aren't as huggy as you girls are. Especially not towards each other." He kissed his forehead. "Now, my time is up Krys. Not to mention, you have a lot of concerned people waiting to see you." He started fading.
Krystal frowned. "Bye bye ruby." She said softly, watching as he faded and when he was gone, she awoke, feeling slightly better, but still hurting inside. She would miss him. Krystal opened the door, to find other were 4 people waiting at the door. "Geez, ruby was right." She commented with a small laugh, looking at everyone. She sighed. "I'm okay. Not exactly great, and it hurts a lot, but I'm okay. Now... I think I should talk to Atem." She stated simply, walking away and back to the garden.

"Love? You still here?" She asked tentatively, feeling woozy and sitting in s nearby chair, trying to keep herself okay. She Wondered where Atem was, and hoped he still wanted to see her, even after how badly she had probably hurt him today.
Serenity smiled softly at seeing Krystal up. She couldn't help but giggle at hearing Krystal's comment about Ruby. She gave a look to Sapphire after Krystal had left for the garden. "You were right Sapph."

Atem looked up at hearing Krystal's voice and moved closer. "I'm here darling." He knelt down in front of her, searching her face for any sign that she was worse off than normal grief.
"When am I ever not?" He said with a laugh, smirking slightly. He was sad too, but he knew Krystal had probably convinced ruby to be good or something.

"I'm alright my spiky haired Egyptian god. Ruby put things in perspective for me.. as usual. I'd like to tell you about him.. but promise you won't get jealous, okay?" She asked, looking at him, her blue eyes sort of pleading.
Serenity smirked, a smirk eerily similar to one of Krystal's. "Do you really want me to go off listing the times you were wrong? It's quite a lot my friend."

Atem smiled softly and gently took her hands in his, kissing both and giving them a gentle squeeze. "I won't Krys. I promise."
Krystal smiled slightly. "Good." She said simply as she told him the whole entire story from beginning to end, leaving her favorite and least favorite part for last. "On the night of our engagement, Ruby and I... well... we had had sex... and well, he got me pregnant. It was gonna be a boy, and I was gonna name him Charoite. Sadly though, I lost him in my 5th month." She managed to choke out, the happy memories of ruby and their possible son, causing her to cry again. She couldn't help it. This was very painful for her. At least now Atem knew the whole truth about her and ruby.

"That's not what I meant Sere. I meant about Krys." He said, smiling at her.
Atem listened quietly and patiently to the entire story. When she started crying again, he moved to sit next to her and held her close. "Oh Krys. I'm so sorry that happened." He gently rubbed her back and ran his fingers through her hair soothingly. "Thank you. For opening up to tell me. I harbor no jealousy nor superiority. The only thing I have now is concern, for you and for our unborn son. You have been under a lot of stress as of late and it could be harmful to both of you."

Serenity smiled. "I knew that's what you meant. Doesn't change my answer though." She giggled and kissed his cheek before running over to Seth and hiding behind him.
Sapphire smiled cooly,and the sighed, to worn out emotionally to argue. "Whatever you say, bunny." She said with a smirk, taking a breath.

Krystal nodded. "I know love. I need to lay down and just take a breather. He'd feel awful if I lost marik because of him." She said softly, cuddling into Atem's touch. "Carry me back to our room? She asked, kissing him softly. It felt good to get it all off her chest, even if it made her sad.
Her eyes widened in a bit of fear at the sight of Sapphire's cool smile. She knew that smile all too well and knew it meant he would get her back eventually. "Aww, come on now Sapph. I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit and get you to smile some in this tough time. Just like Rubeus would've wanted us to do." She pouted. "Don't be mad at me."

Atem smiled and gently scooped her up in his arms bridal style. "Of course my love. Now, should I expect a group outside your room?" He started back in toward the palace and her room
Serenity smiled. "You and Dia gonna be okay?" She glanced to Diamond, feeling a little bad that she hadn't given him much attention.

Atem chuckled. "See how much you have people worrying about you." He smiled as he saw the group outside Krystal's door. "And they haven't left."
Krystal smiles. "It appears so Atem. I just don't feel like I can break down and cry. I feel like I have to be the strong one. That's not the case though, is it, bunny: then why can't I let myself cry?" She asked, looking around at her friends and fiancee, and laying her head on his shoulder.

Diamond looks to Sere. "I'm holding up bunny. This is very hard, but I'm holding up. I'm more worried about penguin and my brother than myself." He said simply, his eyes showing intense sadness. While diamond wasn't as close with Rubeus as sapphire was, they were still very good friends. He was hurting. Maybe not as much as his brother, but he was.

"Glad to see you at least look a little better penguin. We're all worried for you. You were closest to him out of all of us. Just know we're here for you." Seth said in a concerned tone, kissing Krystal's head softly to try to make her feel better.

She smiled at him as he kissed her head. "Thank you all for everything. But right now, I just need to rest, for marik's sake. Being stressed out and pregnant are a lethal combination. So please, go do the same. I have Atem. I'll be alright." She said softly, fainting. She was exhausted, even though she just had a nap.

Seth looked to his cousin, and then to the rest of the group. "She'll be okay. I'm sure she just needs rest. But let's pray for her and marik, okay?" He said softly, once again looking to Sere and her friends.
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