Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Serenity took comfort in Seth's embrace. "It felt so real..." She whimpered.

Alexander nodded. "You are shutting people out. I hate the fact my death seems to have started that habit of yours. You shut people out, you withhold information. Like for the service, Atem didn't know Rubeus had even been a former flame of yours until then. And even then, you couldn't even be honest with him upfront about the dress you wore. You've got to learn how to open up again to the ones who care about you the most. They want to be there for you when you need the support but they can't if you don't let them in. That sort of trust is a two-way thing for any sort of relationship Krystal. They tell you when something's bothering or upsetting them and share things with you, but you have to do the same in return." He sighed. "You have a good man in Atem. Even though he knew I still essentially have the power to dissolve for good anything between you and him and by default between Serenity and Seth, he took a risk in pointing out to me just how biased I was in your favor that I couldn't see for myself how your unconscious actions did more harm for everyone than good. I respect him even more for that. He cared most about your happiness, and he knows one of those ways you are most happy is through the strong relationship you once held with your sister."
Seth stroked her hair. "It was just a nightmare my dear. I am safe here next to you." He promised, kissing her head.

Krystal looked conflicted. "I'm not even sure if I can do that papa. I feel like I've forgotten. I will try though, for everyone's sake." She said, still clinging to him. She just needed someone to hold her close. She nodded, smilingba little. "Yes, he is a good man, and I know I should have told him everything. It was just painful, and i've beennpushing the pain away sonlong, i've forgotten how to feel it" she admitted not eeally sure what to do.
Serenity nodded as she clung to him before pulling him to her for a deep kiss.

Alexander gently kissed the top of her head."Pushing the pain away only makes it hurt more when you finally face it darling. Just try to let them in. As long as they can see you're trying, they'll help." He hugged her close.
Serenity finally started to relax in his embrace, deepening the kiss

"Good girl. If it helps, just think about how much more beneficial it'll be to your health in your condition to not have to carry so much emotional weight." He kissed her head again. "Are you feeling better now?"
Serenity slowly broke the kiss and looked at him. "I don't know what I would've done without you here."

Alexander chuckled softly. "Look at you. You shut your sister out to the point you're trying to make it up to yourself by wanting cuddles as much as she used to."
"You would have popped down to earth to my room, like you always do when you're upset." He said, kissing her head.

Krystal looked contemplatove. "Huh, i never thought of it like that. I suppose I am." She said, chuckling slightly.
Serenity giggled. "Might've called you to me instead." She thought for a moment. "I just realized, even while with Endymion, it was always you I ran to when I was upset. And you still welcomed me with open arms every time." She smiled. "Stolen moments for you, weren't they?"

Alexander chuckled. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Though don't be surprised if one day, you find she has a slight dark side to her that she unconsciously created to supplement not having you in return."
Seth nodded. "Something like that. Moreso it was tgat Ibwas so honored you came to me." He said, giving her a light kiss.

Krystal nodded. "No, I won't be. Though, in all truth, a little darkness could probably benefit her." She said, smiling softly.
Serenity smiled as he kissed her. She nuzzled him.

Alexander nodded."That it could. Don't tell your mother I said that though."
"I love you so much Seth. I don't know what I would do without you."

Alexander smiled. "Good. I'd never hear the end of it if she found out. If it was up to me, your sister would be a senshi with you and the others. But unfortunately, that's a decision that's solely with your mother. Now, I do believe there's a young Pharaoh who sorely misses his queen to be."
Seth smiled nuzzling her. "I feel that way too, sere."

Krystal chuckled. "I know papa. Maybe in our next life." She said nodding at his other comment, quickly changing clothes before popping back down to Atem, knocking on his door.
"No matter what happens, no matter how many lifetimes, we'll always find each other again." She smiled and kissed him

Atem had truly been missing Krystal to the point of tears. When he heard the knock on his door, he didn't even bother to wipe his eyes before going over and opening the door.
Seth nodded, giving her a kiss. "Always my love."

Krystal looked at him with concern, gently whiping the tears away. "You don't have to cry, my spiky haired Egyptian god."she told him softly, smiling lightly, like a mother would.
Serenity smiled and cuddled to him, softly singing a song in Lunarian. Though he wouldn't easily understand the lyrics directly, he would be able to tell it was a love song due to all the love for him she was letting show as she sang.

"Krystal..." Atem pulled her into his embrace tightly and nuzzled her neck.
Seth stroked her hair and smiled softly, issing her head. "Loove you too."

Krystal made a soft oof sound as he hugged her, but snuggled him. She kissed his forehead. "Yeah, its just liittle ol' me" she said, chuckling softly.
Serenity gave one last smile before falling asleep in his arms once more.

Atem smiled slightly. "Going off on you and your father like I did was the hardest thing I've ever done, second to burying my own father."
Atem smiled and kissed her. "Come on. Let's get to bed. It's been a long day for both of us and we need the rest." He scooped her into his arms bridal style and carried her over to the bed.

Serenity was much more content in sleep this time as she snuggled to Seth
Krystal kissed him back with a smile, dress changing to her pajamas as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "sounds like a plan my handsome pharoah." She said, chuckling a little.

Seth snuggled her close, dreams of her and the family they would one day have.
Atem chuckled as he laid her on the bed before climbing into bed next to her and cuddling her close.

Serenity snuggled close to Seth
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