Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

"Come in my spiky haired Egyptian god." Krystal said softly before biting into another camel cookie. Marik apparently liked them as much as she did. She was still wearing her dress, and her face was slightly tear stained. She magically unlocked the door so he could get in, and she lounged on her giant bed. Krystal was still a little bit distraught over rubeus's death, but she was adjusting. In her hand she carried a small painting, on she had painted herself. It was a painting of charoite and she. Krystal had seen him, though he never survived. She cried a little. "I'm sorry Char. I feel like its my fault you didn't survive." She whispered to the painting, ears falling again.

Seth cuddled into Sere as well, kissing her head. He knew that she was distressed over Krystal's peril. He wished he could fix it, but he had a feeling if he succeeded, Krystal would only cry more when he killed himself again. He didn't want to see that happen. He loved Krystal like a little sister, and was very protective of her.
Atem slipped in quietly and heard her speaking to the painting. He frowned sadly. "Maybe I should've left you alone for a little while longer." He harbored no ill feelings towards Rubeus or Charoite even though they held Krystal's heart first. But at the moment, he felt like he was intruding on a personal moment for her.

Serenity stirred a bit in his arms. "What are you thinking about love?"
Krystal smiled, and put the painting back on the dresser. "Don't worry about it mi'love. If I hadn't of wanted yo here, I wouldn't of unlocked the door." She told him, smirking a little. She was being truthful. She really wouldn't have let him in if she wanted to be alone still. Right now the pretty blue moon princess was in need of some serious cuddles.

Just worried about penguin, bunny. You know she's like a little sister to me. It hurts to see her in so much pain. I wanna fix it." He told her frankly, looking sad. It was the truth. He really did hate seeing penguin in such distress.
"Maybe not consciously. Unconsciously....who knows." He walked over to her. "How are you holding up?"

Serenity nodded. "But we can't....I mean sure Krys brought Daddy back from the dead with a wish. But that technically wasn't all that selfish. I don't think we can do the same for Rubeus." She frowned. "Unless you know of a way?"
Seth looked to his fiancee. "well, there is a spell I can try, but It would need some serious shadow power. My rod might just be enough. I'm not sure, entirely. We can't ask Atem though. He's to wounded by this whole ordeal. He hurts for his love, and also, he feels slightly responsible for this Rubeus's death." he told her, cuddling closely.

Krystal looks at atem sadly. "I'm feeling a little better, after talking to ruby, but now I'm just sad. even though I know it would have been harder on you, I wish that Charoite had survived. He was so precious to me, like marik is. It hurts to think that he'll never live.. unless by some flook in the future ruby goes ballistic and rapes me.." she commented, seeing their meeting again in her mind. She missed him already.
Serenity nodded. "Atem does feel responsible. And as much as I know Rubeus meant to Krys....I have a feeling that if he were brought back....Atem would step aside and give her back to him. I don't know who that would hurt more, Krys...or Atem..."

Atem pulled her close and kissed her hard. "Shhh...Don't jinx the future love."
Seth nodded. "You're right love, he would. He would probably kill himself afterwards to i think. He loves her so deeply, and she was his only love. Atem hates seeing his future queen in such distress, especially since he knows how brightly she shine normally. it's killing him to see her like this. He probably wishes he could bring Rubeus back, and the child that came from him. I know krys very well. if her reaction to Rubeus's death is any indication, I am sure they were going to or did have a child." he told her, wondering. If Krys had loved Rubeus so much, why did she let atem court her? he didn't know, but he knew it was not appropriate at the moment to ask her.

Krystal kissed him back, limping slightly in his arms, relaxing. "I'm not love. I just know ruby." she told him, looking a mixture of concerned and sad. The prospect of having char back was amazing, but she wasn't sure how she felt about the method.
Serenity nodded quietly and just snuggled to Seth. "He might just try to find a way, like you did." She sighed. "I know Krys is still grieving and mourning...but I'm afraid...for her and Atem....that she'll do or say something that'll push him away enough to make him actually try to bring back Rubeus."

Atem frowned. "From where I'm standing you are. Damn your visions Krystal. Maybe what makes them come true is you actually saying them. I can deal with your having been in love with Rubeus....and even that you miss the son you were to have with him....but the last thing I want to hear or think about is a man I felt guilty over taking you from coming back and raping you all because you've 'seen it'. He pulled away. "It was a mistake for me to come in here. You need more time to yourself no matter what you claim. I love you dearly and with all my heart but for the sake of us while you're in's better if we're apart. And I want not just your word that you're truly fine again but I want it from a doctor, your parents and Sere before we can see each other again. " He walked back to her door. "I'll have your father take me home." With that he walked out the room, closing the door behind him and as he said, had Alexander take him back to Egypt.
Seth sighed. "You're right. Krystal isn't thinking now due to her grief, and Atem isn't making it any better. his own jealousy is overpowering his love for her. Atem is likely to blow up at her and walk away. she needs him now, even if he thinks leaving her is the better option." he told his fiancee, looking concerned for his cousin and his fiancee.

Krystal fell to her knees. "you're right, I shouldn't have said it. But you know sometimes I can't control what I say. If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but I do need you. well, goodbye then atem, I love you. I'll see you sometime." she told him, the tears pricking her eyes again, though these weren't tears for Rubeus. These were tears because she was feeling as though everything she loved was being taken from her, one by one. Her screams of anguish could be heard around the castle, but no one came to her rescue. She felt all alone.

Alexander took Atem back to Egypt. "You're making a mistake, you know. Krystal may pretend to be strong, but the truth is she is really more fragile than even serenity. She probably thinks you hate her and are abandoning her. I understand you think you are doing what's right for her, but think hard atem. Are you really doing it for her benefit, or are you just jealous? I assure you atem, if you had died too, it would destroy her. but doing this, you are essentially telling her you don't want her. No matter how many times you tell Krystal you love her, in a state like this, she will see it as her fault. In trying to help her, you're essentially pushing her away. Understand?" the noble king asked, walking toward the door. He thought it better to leave the pharaoh to his thoughts. hopefully he'd come to his senses for Krystal's sake.
Serenity sighed. "He's not jealous...not anymore. He's hurt. She's likely making him feel like he's not really wanted. He likely feels used. If he had known from the start about Rubeus....he wouldn't have even attempted to court her, rather loved her from afar. His honor would've prevented it. Just like yours kept you from pursuing me until I was free from Endymion. I knew that she had been engaged to Rubeus at first. But when she first came home stating she and Atem had started courting...I assumed that she and Rubeus had fallen apart and never questioned. I love my sister dearly but I'm upset with her on Atem's behalf because she kept that from him and then would've been right there trying to stop Rubeus if he had instead tried to fight Atem all the while Atem would've just assumed that Rubeus was nothing more than an admirer like Bakura. No. Atem is not jealous, his heart tells it for him. He's hurt and would gladly give up his own happiness with her...He'll try to find a way to bring Rubeus and Charoite back for her sake and for her happiness and let her be happy with them.

Atem narrowed his eyes at Alexander's accusations. "I am not jealous. I do not and will never hate her...even when my brain screams at me that I have every right to. She led me on...your highness. Knowingly. She should've been married long before to Rubeus...but instead allowed me to court her knowing she was engaged to him....never telling me. I can understand her missing Rubeus and their unborn son....I declared myself that if their son had lived I would've treated him as my own, declared him as one of my own to my people. And I know she's grieving over Rubeus's death. But the last thing any man would want to hear is about the 'what ifs' of his fiance with his predecessor to her heart. It's why I was originally giving her time to be grieve...and checking on her is why I went in there. She says she can't control what she says after saying that the future could fuck up and have Rubeus rape her to give her Charoite back. Last I checked, all royalty and nobles are taught to watch what they say.....all children are taught to watch what they say. And funny enough she was sure able to control herself enough not to tell me about her that line about her not being able to control what she says is utter bullshit. Forgive me your highness...but I think you're her favor....because she took after you while Serenity took after the Queen. I killed my own uncle....who though he was trying to kill me....I would've let him live and banished him. But the moment he harmed Krystal even if unintentional...that was the last straw. You have no idea how scared I was when she was laying in that hospital bed....I don't deny she's fragile no matter how much she tries to hide it. But I also thought she and I were supposed to be honest to each other! I don't know how much of her feelings are truly for me anymore.....I don't know whether or not now that our son was supposed to be just a replacement for Charoite. What I do know is this....I don't believe she'll truly be happy until she has them back. And I'm going to give it my all to try to return them to her....because I love her enough to give her up, even if my own happiness will be lost because of it. I was never jealous this entire time. Guilty and hurt but never jealous..I don't know how...but I know Serenity knows that...That's all."
Seth sighed. "I'm sure its something like that. but i do beleive its possible krystal and rubeus had grown apart, or something caused krystal to want to hurt him. She doesn't always say the things she feels or sees.' he admitted, before sighing again. he couldn't tell sere what had driven krystal into atem's arms. he was sworn to secrecy by krystal herself. 'life works in mysterious ways, sere. perhaps rubeus was never destined for krystal, and that's why it fell apart, only rah knows for sure.

alexander sighed. 'perhaps I am, atem, but there is a reason she never told you about rubeus. While she loved him, he broke her heart. He was visiting the moon, with diamond's cousin Catzy, on a normal trip to see her, but something happened with them. I'm not sure on the details, all I know Is what Krystal told me. He cheated on her, Atem. Whether it was intentional or not, Krystal never knew, but somehow catzy got him in bed and Krystal saw them having sex. That's the real reason she didn't tell you. In her mind she supposed cheating on him for what he did to her would make them even. As for her statements about the future? It is possible that in her state she isn't watching what she's letting being said. I apologize for you feeling so shafted, but you and I know Krystal does not deal with her emotions. Rubeus's death is crashing down on her, and all the emotion she didn't express both when with him and after is bearing down on her heart. She loves you, Atem. Marik is not a replacement for Charoite. He is simply Krystal's only real way of showing you she loves you in her mind." He admitted, sighing again as he sat. He hated this whole situation, and wished he could make it all go away. Where was Loki when you need him?
Serenity sighed. "She used to at least talk with me....when we were little. Then Papa died...and she....closed off. Then of course, the inner princesses became our guardians and somehow she took Mother's words to them about protecting us, myself especially since Krys is a senshi too, to heart in ways not even the others did. She's become so bent on protecting me from everything...that I've been...quite sheltered honestly. To the point of even not knowing what signs to be wary of in a relationship....could've saved me some heartbreak long ago if I'd known that much."

Atem listened quietly. "And therein lies a problem that could've avoided all of this if it had been taken care of back then. From what you're telling me, she didn't even try to find out the truth. I'm not condoning it if it had been a one time intentional thing on his part. But some men do get that bit of cold feet before marriage...wanting one last fling before they fully commit themselves. Whether that was the case or he was being seduced doesn't matter. Whatever it was, he felt guilty because he lost her....And clearly truly loved her, feeling he was unworthy. I suggest your majesty...that maybe you talk with your daughters. With Krys, because maybe you might be able to get her to be willing to open up again from the start. I want to be there for her if we continue....but I can't if she won't be honest and keep things from me. Or if not me...then maybe open up to Sere. Talk to Sere, find your death might've affected the twins relationship with each other. Neither Seth nor myself like to see either of them in pain or stressed. And trust me, Sere knows when something's wrong with Krys....but hates that Krys won't tell her."
Seth nodded. "I know, bunny. no one truly knows y goes on in Krystal's head, but from what I can tell, she is struggling. She feels as though it is her fault that Rubeus died, and feels badly about hurting atem as well. She's conflicted, and doesn't realize she can trust people with her feelings. As far as her protecting you? I think that stems more from your father not being here most of your lives. Its almost as if she feels protecting you will fill the void that she feels for loosing him, though now she has him back. Does that make sense?" he asked, hilding her close. He really had no idea how to help the twins, and it was weighing on the high preists mind.

Alexander nodded. "Yes, I understand that, and I'm not condoning it either, but what you have to understand is that Krystal's first response to true emotion is to run. If she had given herself the time to think logically, she might have been able to get past what had happened and asked Rubeus about it. She didn't though. She preferred to suffer on her own not even knowing the truth." He explained with a sigh, reclining slightly tonget comfortable. He nodded. "Yes, I will talk to Krystal. I can't saybif it will do any good, but I will try anyway for everyone's sake. Krystal, while I love her, needs to learn that its okay to let the ones u ou love offer comfort." He said, sighing a bit. Hebhoped that he could fix this, because he knew that on the inside, krystal was craving the love and affection she didn't realize she has, ir was worthy of
Serenity sighed and cuddled to Seth. "And her closing off is doing more harm than good."

Atem nodded. "Then I suggest your talk with her is more extensive. Closing herself off when she's in pain hurts others who care for her. And she needs to work on not running at the first signs of true emotion. It's concerning honestly."
"I hope she will soon." Serenity placed a light kiss on his cheek.

Atem nodded. "I'll be here once you've talked with her. Now if you will excuse me your highness I need to check on my kingdom"
Alexander nodded. "Of course atem. I will be going now." He said with a soft smile, disappearing in a blue puff of smoke.

Seth smiled at the kiss to the cheek. "I do to, my moon bunny." He agreeed, hugging her close.
Atem sighed as he watched Alexander leave before going to talk to his other priests

Serenity snuggled to Seth closely before just dropping off to sleep. The light princess was exhausted from worrying about her sister
Seth held her close, falling asleep himself.

When Alexander would get to krystal, she'd be sleeping, long blue hair cascading down her back . She muttered something in her sleep, holding two plushes as she slept.
Serenity didn't sleep peacefully this time, tossing and turning a bit in her sleep.

Alexander sighed as he watched her sleep. He gently moved a stray hair behind her ear. He hated waking her but it was just too important not to. "Krystal..."
Seth sighed, trying to sooth her in her sleep.

Krystal made a sleepy noise, stretching a little before she began to focus, eyes puffy from crying. "What is it papa?" She asked, looking curious as she stretched and yawned again.
Serenity continued to toss and turn, whimpering and muttering protests. "Not!" Were her muttered protests though after a louder, "NO!", she began thrashing and crying in her sleep

Alexander pulled Krystal into a hug. "I just spoke with Atem on your behalf. He doesn't want to truly end things with you. But he's asked for some things that if done, will only make your relationship with him stronger. But first, I need to know, from your end of things, just how did my death affect your relationship with your sister. And I need your fully honesty."
Seth shook serenity, looking worried. "Sere! Its okay, i"m here!" He soothed, looking concerned.

Krystal hugged him back, looking curious. "I'm not really sure papa. I guess that I became so paranoid she'd die too if I felt to much, i just.. didn't anymore. Like, I locked it all up in an attempt to protect her." She admitted, sighing.
Serenity's eyes shot open then, her eyes still watery as she focused her sight before hugging him tight as she sobbed.

Alexander sighed. "My death had nothing to do with how much emotion you felt nor would hers be caused by you feeling too much. In essence, you shut your sister out when you needed each other most. You may be a senshi to help protect her, but it doesn't mean that you stop being as close to her as a sister, no matter what happens to me or your mother. Do you realize that by shutting her out in an effort to protect her, you hurt the both of you? You made her feel as if you don't trust her enough that she didn't even bother to ask you why you suddenly changed from being with Rubeus to Atem. Where if you hadn't shut her out, she would've asked, would've consoled and comforted you and been by your side through it all the way she would for anyone else."
Seth held her close, stroking her hair and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Krystal sighed, shaking her head. "No, I didn't. Am i doing that to atem? Shutting him out? I don't mean to, papa. I don't mean to shut anyone out, but when I start feeling sad, i just curl up and run away. I've never been able to pinpoint why." She explained, snuggling close against her father, snuffling.
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