Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Serenity nodded to Diamond. "You and Sapph are welcome to use your old rooms in the south wing for the night, if being close to us might help." She gently kissed Krystal's head. "Sleep well Penguin." She stepped back by Seth.

Atem nodded with a soft smile. "She'll be fine after she gets some rest. I'll stay with her." He nodded to his cousin, the two brothers and Sere before carrying Krystal into her room and closing the door behind him. He gently laid her on the bed and snuggled close with her.
Diamond nodded. "Yes, that would be nice. I'm much to worn out emotionally to deal with emerald climbing my tree today." He said, and sapphire nodded. "Same here. Only with prima. Wish she'd see me like Krys does instead of the other way around." He said with a sigh, hinting to Atem of his feelings for the princess.

Krystal sleep peacefully, cuddling into Atem and dreaming about seeing ruby again in the future. Marik did not intrude, he instead bugged his father, who he was sure was dreaming of his mother. "Mommy's dreams are her own until she wants me. I wouldn't want to break in." He said, looking to his father. He knew she was grieving.
Serenity rolled her eyes at hearing Sapphire. "Why don't you give Prisma a chance Sapph? She's a sweetheart." She looked to Diamond with a soft smile. "Ugh. Emerald has officially reached creeper status. You didn't know she followed you every time you came to visit, did you? Well, it got to a point that Mother has told the guards to look out for her whenever you're here and boot her from here."

Atem smiled softly to her son. "That's very good. Let her call us when she's ready."
Sapphire smiled. "I know she is Sere. I just don't see her like that. You know I've been in love with Krys since we were kids." He said, sighing a little before adding. "Doubt she knows though."

Diamond shuddered. "I think I'll stay here for awhile then, if that's okay." He said, his dark eyes suddenly showing fear.

"Right daddy." He said with a nod, cuddling into his father and sniffing in his scent.
Serenity sighed. "It's amazing you and Rubeus became friends honestly. She may or may not know. That's why I'm telling you to give Prisma a chance. You may not see Prisma in that way now. But you can grow to love her if you actually try. No sense in you letting yourself spend the rest of your life broken hearted. And if Krys were to find out you're in love with her, imagine the guilt she'll feel. I know it hurts Sapph, but you need to find your own happiness and I think Prisma can give you that happiness. And to give you more assurance in that, even Mina says it and she's from the planet of love." She winked. She looked to Diamond and hugged him softly. "Of course Dia. Though if Papa finds her, he won't be so lenient. He's never been fond of people who make guests or family uncomfortable and will likely order her killed should he find her."

Atem held the little boy close. "She's grieving still but I think she'll heal. Though you're not exactly helping things." He teased. "You're exhausting her quite often. Using your powers so much is probably affecting her. She's spending way more time in bed than out and I highly doubt she'll enjoy being forced to spend time in the medical wing of the palace due to her not getting enough nutrients." He ruffled the little boy's hair.
Sapphire sighed. "Maybe I will, but not yet. I'm not ready yet." He said simply, looking to his brother, he looked annoyed at the thought of emerald being there. "I wouldn't want to see her killed, I just wish she would take the hint. I don't love her, and I'm not sure I ever could; I mean, maybe I could, but only if she lays off a bit. Its flattering, but creepy too." He said, sighing.

Emerald listened, and tears came to her eyes. She was just trying to show him she loved him. "Perhaps I have been a bit over zealous" and with that she disappeared to her room back on nemesis.

Marik frowned. "I'm sorry daddy. I'll try to lay off." He said, cuddling into his father once more.
Serenity nodded at Sapphire's words. "Of course. You don't have to rush into it." She then nodded to Diamond. "Well here's hoping for the best for both of you." She hugged both the brothers before yawning softly. "This has been a bit tiring of a day. So, if you don't mind, I think I'll get some rest." She looked to Seth. "Coming love?"

Atem nodded. "Good. I'd hate to lose either of you because of something that could've been prevented."
"No, I wouldn't. Go get some sleep bunny. Di and I will still be here in the morning." He Hamid with a smile, and diamond just nodded. "Yes. Go sleep bunny." He said, smiling at her too.

Seth picked her up and smiled at the two princes before heading off to sere's room.

"Right daddy." He said smiling slightly as a figure appeared, with flame hair and similar flaming eyes. He looked to them, and smiled slightly.

"Hello there... sorry to intrude, but Krys insisted I tell you not to feel guilty, either of you. It wasn't your fault." Rubeus said, looking to them again.
"Night Sapph, Dia." She waved to them as Seth picked her up and headed to her room. She leaned against him, his heartbeat lulling her.

Atem nodded to Rubeus. "I won't feel guilty if she doesn't. She told me everything. From what I've heard, you were a good man. And you should have no worries. I'll cherish her til my dying breath and beyond. I want to let you know, I would've never pursued her if I'd known about you from the beginning." He held his hand out for a hand shake.
Rubeus nodded and took his hand to shake. "I know that Atem. You're good for her. But I dunno. I suppose I was blinded, thinking I was the only one good for her. I see now that's not the case, though, I do regret her loosing Char. Though, if he had lived, it would have been harder for you, huh?" He said, Looking slightly concerned.

"Night bunny." They both said as they watched Seth walk away with her, and when the got to her room, they popped to their own rooms in the south wing, laying on their beds, each carrying a plush of their unrequited loves.
Atem nodded. "Knowing that she lost her son with you has me more concerned and afraid that we might lose Marik. If your son had lived, it might've made things harder for me if she'd hid him from me. But out of love for her, I would've treated him as my own. Just as I plan to treat the eventual daughter we'll adopt as if she were my own from birth."

Serenity had fallen asleep in Seth's arms by the time he got them to her room
Ruebeus nods. "I know. It will be alright." He said, ruffling Marik's hair. "I do not think that she will will loose him. I'll make sure of it." He said softly, smiling at both of them. Marik hugged him, kissing his cheek, smiling up at him. "We'll take good care of mommy. You just rest and don't be afraid to drop in. She'll need you from time to time." He said, smiling again at Rubeus.

Seth smiled and laid her down on the bed, kissing her softly before getting to bed with her and cuddling close, falling asleep next to her.

Marik smiled again before breaking the hug and nodding at him. "Uncle sapphy needs you next." He said simply as he watch Rubeus fade and land in sapphire's dream. Sapphire looked shocked, but smirked. "Wings huh? Bet Krys loves those." He said, his smirk widening.
Atem nodded and watched as Rubeus faded away.

Serenity cuddled close to Seth, sleeping with a smile on her face.

Rubeus smirked at Sapphire. "You have no idea. She wouldn't leave them alone all while I was visiting her."
"That I don't doubt. They do look rather fluffy, and you know how she is about fluffy things." Sapphire replied with a laugh, smiling. He hugs his friend. "Its strange not having you around ruby." He added simply, looking kind of sad.

Seth smiled in his sleep as well, cuddled in close to her. He loved finally being able to be with his princess, the one he thought his true love.
Rubeus hugged him back. "Oh stop with it." He joked. "You'll be fine. And you'll fall in love with someone not Krys and be back to your old self in no time."

Serenity slept peacefully next to Seth.
"Sere says that too. Maybe prism a will finally get what she's always wanted. Me." He said, a small chuckle escaping his lips. He looked a Rubeus. "I'll miss you man." He added, still smiling. He knew Krys probably pushed ruby to do this for his sake. "You know, catsy's devastated. She loved you a lot"

Seth slept just as peacefully.
Rubeus nodded. "I'll miss you too." His eyes widened and he frowned. "Fine time for someone to tell me. After I'm dead. If I'd known sooner....I would've given her a chance." It was clear he felt guilty for not noticing it in time.
"She kept quiet because she knew how much you loved Krys. She was sure you two would end up together. Then Atem came along.. he was a monkey wrench. She didn't know about Atem. So, she still kept quiet, wanting only your happiness ruby." Sapphire said matter of factly, Rubeus was always the last one to know, no matter what the situation.
Rubeus sighed. "And let me guess, she didn't know about Atem because you and Diamond didn't tell her." He shook his head. "And I didn't hang around Catsy enough myself to realize she didn't know." He looked at Sapphire. "Promise me. In the next life, don't let me always be the last to know."
"I'll try my friend, but you can be be sort of dense at points." He said with a laugh, smiling at Rubeus softly. "We thought it wasn't our place to tell her, that you would tell her, and it would help her confess her feelings for you." He added, still smiling. He knew how much catsy was hurting over this. Probably as much as Krys, maybe even more. Sapphire smiled at his friend. "You should go see her next, ruby."
He eyed Sapphire. "And how would I have thought to tell her when I didn't hang around her as much as you and Diamond did? I rarely saw her. Least y'all could've done was given me a nudge towards her or something." He knocked Sapphire upside the head. "Seriously. Y'all knew how she felt and did nothing towards trying to help her. I could've still been alive if you'd done something or spoke up." He glared. "You didn't need to tell me to visit her Sapphire. I'm not stupid."
"We didn't do anything because she asked us not to, and I know. I was merely retesting the obvious." He said, smirking a little. "Now go. I'm okay now ruby." he finished, smiling again at his friend.

Meanwhile, Krystal was dreaming of a room unfamiliar to her, in the sense that it was never made. She looked around, and saw a smallish boy, about 6 with dark purple hair. She smiled at him. He turned his head slightly, and a black moon symbol was clearly on his forehead. She took a step forward tentatively, going to touch him. "Char?" She asked, curiosity in her pretty features.
Rubeus glared. "I said you could've nudged me...You didn't have to tell me outright. And you could've told her about Atem so don't use that as an excuse there either." He popped him upside the head twice more. "That's for you and Diamond. Idiots, both of you." He faded and went to go watch Catsy from afar and so she wouldn't know he was watching her.
Sapphire sighed. "Well at least now he knows." He said, looking to the ceiling.

Krystal looked around the room, sitting in the plush purple chair, and seeing nemesis and her and ruby's treehouse out the window. "I'm on nemesis? Why am I here?" She looked at the boy with curious eyes, wondering if he would say something. She had no idea what was going on, but so far she thought it was a good dream. "You are char, aren't you sweetikins?" She asked, her eyes still curious. When he didn't answer, she shrugged it off and started to sing softly, absentmindedly rubbing her stomach as she did so. She had noticed she was showing much more in this dream, probably about 6 months pregnant. She still sang softly as she rubbed her belly, looking out the window. Ruebeus came in only moments later, putting a hand on her stomach and kissing her. "Our daughter, and our son. Soon she'll be with blue." And with that she woke up, holding her stomach.

"What a weird dream" she announced to herself, but unable to go back to sleep. Krystal laid there, wondering. She thought maybe that was a dream of what might've happened if she had married ruby. "Looks like I'm dreaming you're still here ruby." She added, looking rather sad as she ate some camel cookies. She missed him already.
Atem soon headed to Krystal's room and knocked on the door gently.

Serenity snuggled more against Seth
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