Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Krystal looked to her father. "It was Atem's uncle. He was trying to poison Atem so Seth could have the throne; because he knew that would be the only way Seth would even consider being pharaoh. Atem and Seth are brothers." She said then added, looking at Atem. "You should probably let pap help Atem"

Seth laughed. "I'd say both of them together. I almost pity my father. Let's hope he learns his lesson in the next life. Anubis is gonna have his head, that's for sure." He said, taking a sip of his tea.
Alexander frowned and looked at Atem. "I would like to help punish him for what he's done. While he may not have intended to poison Krystal, he did intend to poison you. By marrying Krystal, you are already considered part of the family and are treated as such. Therefore, he has earned the wrath of the moon kingdom regardless."

Serenity giggled. "Papa would have to let him keep his head first." She sipped some tea of her own.
Atem nodded. "Of course majesty. I would consider it both an honor and privlage. From the look in your eyes, I can see where Krystal gets her amazing battle skills and temper.' atem said, smiling repectfully at the king.

Seth laughed. "That is true my dear. I am sure I will love your papa. It is clear Atem already does. I know him well enough to know." He said, smiling as he took a bite of his pancake.
Alexander laughed. "She is the strength while her sister is the calm. They perfectly balance each other out."

Serenity giggled. "He'll love you too, I'm sure." She took a bite of her food
Atem nodded. "That is true majesty. I have seen Sere calm Krystal down when she was on even the scariest of rampages." He said, laughing a little.

"I hope so bunny. I would be terribly crushed if he didn't. He said, smiling a little.
Alexander laughed. "You think her rampages are scary. You should've seen her tantrums as a little girl."

Sere smiled. "Oh he will. Atem and Krys are surely telling him all about how much you love me."
Alexander chuckled. "Just will tell you, thank goodness for Serenity even back then."

Serenity smiled. "He will my love. I'm sure of it."
Atem laughed. "Oh I'm sure." He said, kissing Krystal's head chastely be fore adding. "So, when should we punish my uncle? He is in Egypt's palace at the moment."

Seth smiled. "I trust you serenity." He said with a smile, finishing his breakfast and kissing her softly before adding. "Atem and your papa will be coming here it seems."
Alexander laughed. "Whenever you're ready. I would also like to meet your cousin while we're there."

Serenity finished her breakfast with a smile. "How is it that you seem to know? Or did Atem tell you?"
"Alright then majesty. How about we go now then? Krystal should come too. She wanted to watch." He said with a laugh, smirking at the monarch before adding, "Seth will probably want to help. He's very protective of both twins, as is the Egyptian god of the underworld, Anubis. krystal is the only one that is allowed to use his nickname.though."

Krystal smiled. "yes. I call him Nubi. he actually saved me from dying yesterday when I was poisoned. he delayed it enough that mother was able to get me to the doctors here in the palace." she said, hugging the anubis plush that she made appear in her hands. "he sent me this afterward. nubi knows how much I love plushis." she said with a laugh, smiling.

Seth smiled. "Because I know how my cousin thinks, and he just told me telepathically. i'm right now debating whether or not to help them punish my father." he said, sipping the last of his tea.
Queen Serenity lightly slapped Alexander's shoulder before looking to Atem. "I've never forgiven Alex for causing her enjoyment of watching punishments. He started her on that when the twins were just babies."

Alexander held up his hands in surrender. "I did not. She followed me to a judgement and by the time I found out she was there, it was too late to keep her from seeing." He looked to Atem. "Let's go before my wife decides to kill me."

Serenity giggled. "It's up to you if you want to be in on it. I won't watch though."
Atem laughed. "Well, no disrespect meant my queen, but I'm pretty sure Krystal would enjoy that even if she hadn't the judgement." He said, smiling and bowing respectfully.

Krystal smiled. "He's probably right mother. I've Always been a bit sadistic." She said, holding on to both her father and Atem before popping down to where Seth and Sere are. Krystal hugged Seth. "Hello cousin. Sere told you the news, correct?" She asked, still smiling.

Seth nodded. "Yes she did. I could not be more excited for both things. I can't wait to meet your father. From what Sere has told me, he's an amazing man. I'm glad to see you are better too, Krystal. I was worried." He said, smiling and kissing the top of her head.

Krystal nodded. "No real need to worry, cousin. Nubi kept me safe, as always." She said with a smile. She nodded at the shadows so her father would come out. "You can stop hiding now papa." She added, smirking.
Serenity giggled at Krystal. "How is it that Atem doesn't get annoyed with 'Nubi this' and 'Nubi that'? She teased.

Alexander stepped out of the shadows with a smile, looking directly at Seth. "So you must be Seth. I've heard quite a bit about you."
Krystal pouted. "Because he knows I do not mean it in a lover kind of way. And I don't about him that much bunny."

Seth bowed respectfully to the king. "All good things I hope, majesty." He said with a small smile, but not looking up out of respect for the king.
Serenity giggled. "You don't hear yourself in your sleep sometimes, do you Krys?"

Alexander smiled. "Rise my boy. They've been nothing but good. All about how much you love Serenity and how devoted you are to her."
Krystal laughed. "Course not, I'm sleeping! You don't hear yourself talking about Seth in your sleep!" She teased right back, smirking.

Seth rose. "Yes majesty. There is nothing I wouldn't do for your daughter. She is the light of my life and my everything. Its been that way since the day I met her." He said, smiling a little at the king, and shuffling his feet.
Serenity blushed. "I won't deny I do it. Especially not when Luna's recorded it with some tech from Ami. Same way I found out about you talking about Anubis in your sleep."

Alexander smiled. "And I wouldn't expect anything less towards her. She has a way of lighting everyone's life."
Serenity giggled and shook her head. "Uh-uh. Go ask Luna." She scurried over behind Seth.

Alexander smiled. "I have faith that you'll take care of her and look after her. Now I do believe we have a punishment to dish out."
"Fine I shall then." Krystal said with a smile, looking to Atem and giving him a kiss.

Seth smirked. "Yes we do. Nobody hurts my family. Not even my father." He said with a wider smirk, happy Alexander approved of him.
Serenity giggled and kissed Seth on the cheek. "I'll be in your chambers when you're done love. You all have fun now." She left to head for Seth's chambers.

Alexander watched Serenity leave. "Sweet, innocent Serenity. She was never fond of bloodshed." He sighed. "Shall we go then?"
"Okay Sere my love." He said with a small smile, watching her go. He took his millennium rod from its resting place, looking to Atem and Alexander, smirking a little. He was ready to make his father pay for hurting his family.

Krystal smiled at her father. "Yes, Sere is quite squeamish. She does have moments when she's more like us though papa." She said, walking toward the door. "Shall we do this in the throne room like usual, Atem?"
Atem nodded, his millennium puzzle around his neck. He looked to Krystal. "Why hide his punishment by doing it anywhere else?" He smirked.

Alexander smirked. "I definitely like both of them Krystal."
Krystal smirked right back. "True. Shall we call him there then?" She asked, smirking at the 3 of them. This was going be quite a treat, especially with her papa helping as well.

Krystal laughed and smirked back at her father. "You ain't seen nothing yet, papa."
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