Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Serenity smiled as she thought of how cute Seth looked blushing. "'s something I want to give you but it would be easier if you were to come over by me."

"And here I thought you'd know all about her my son. What can I say? She's tough and proud on the outside but warm and soft on the inside. The sweetest woman I've had the pleasure of knowing, second only to your aunt Sere." Atem told the little boy with a warm smile in Krystal's direction
Seth smiled. "Alright Sere." He said to her as he got up, walking over to her so there was only a foot is space between them. "Is this better?" He asked smiling a bit wider."

Marik smiled widely. "Really? Wow. Tell me about things she's done daddy? Mommy says I should know, and I'm curious. I think auntie bunny said she was ruthless?" He said, his expression a little confused.
Serenity nodded and stepped a little closer to him. She took a deep breath to calm her racing nerves before closing her eyes. She pushed up on her tiptoes and gently touched her lips to Seth's. After about a minute she pulled away and looked at him nervously, biting her lip.

"Your mother is quite ruthless, towards those who dare try to harm her loved ones. I daresay even the people of Egypt wouldn't dare try to harm her loved ones if they were smart."
Seth kissed her back, but his eyes widened in surprise. "Okay, please tell me I'm not dreaming." He said, his eyes half lidded when she pulled back. He was thouraly confused, but happy all the same.

Marik smiled. "I see. Very cool. Tell me aboyt you daddy!" He said, cuddling close, his red eyes wide with curiosity.
Serenity smiled. "You're not dreaming." She then frowned a bit. "Unfortunately for this life, my contract with Endymion is set. But you and I will have a chance in the next. This I can promise." She held out her star locket to him. She knew he knew how much that locket meant to her as he would've seen it around her neck quite often.

Atem chuckled. "I'm a lot like your mother. Except my ruthlessness is also in favor of the people of Egypt, as it is my duty as Pharaoh to look out for them and protect them and guide them."
Seth's eyes widened again in shock. "You're giving me your star locket? But why?" He asked, curiosity in his usually stoic features.

"Ah, I see daddy. Mommy will be like that too. She loves Egypt and its people as you do." He said, cuddling close.
Serenity smiled softly. "So you can play its music when you think of me. And because I have this feeling that it'll help you find me in the next life. Think of it as a promise that we will be together someday even though it won't be this life." She gently cupped his cheek.

Atem nodded with a smile. "I think it's more because Egypt gave her me." He laughed.
Seth arched into her touch, still reeling over all this. It was dream some true to know that Sere loved him back, even if it wasn't meant to be in this life. "I'll treasure it Sere. I'll never leave my neck, and I'll charm it so it it returns to me when I'm reborn." He said with a smile, bending down to kiss her again.

Marik looked at Atem in confusion. "What do you mean daddy??" He asked, his eyes curious.
Serenity kissed him back with a smile. "We'll find each other again. And be happy."

Atem chuckled. "It means that I think she loves Egypt because if it wasn't for Egypt, she wouldn't have found me."
"I hope so my love." He said, smiling back stupidly from the kiss. Sere kissing him was something that in the past he had only dreamed of.

Marik looked at Atem curiously. "Will you tell me how mommy and you met daddy?" He asked, curiosity in his eyes.
Serenity nodded. "We will. A couple of birds told me so." She giggled, thinking of Marik and her sister.

He looked to Krystal then back to Marik. "I think that's a story your mother can tell better. She might know some details that I don't."
Serenity smiled and kissed him back. "Can I spend the with you?" Her cheeks tinted pink in a blush

Marik snuggled against Krystal. "Please tell me mommy?"
"Of course you can. you never have to ask, sere."he said with a light smile, giving her cheek a quick kiss.

krystal smiled. "Okay sweetness. but only because you asked so nicely." she said, kissing his little head. she took a breath, and a sip of tea, and then spoke.

"Once upon a time, there lived two beautiful moon princess. One was ruthless tough and violent, while the other was quiet, merciful, and squeamish. they were each others complete balance. Krystal's shadows to Serenity's light. One day, the blue haired princess decided to visit earth. she landed in the beautiful warm and sandy land lof egypt, where she was swiftly captured by the theif king Bakura, who wanted her both for her beauty and her braun. when the pharoah heard of this though, he rushed to her aid, and a fight broke out between the handsome pharoah Atem and the sweet and intelligent Bakura. it went on for hours at a stale mate, until krystal finally stopped it. "Baki! stop this stalemate. its obvious your both good" the young princess said, telling him telepathically that she really must get home before her mother sent her cousin Derek down to get her. So he let her go, and the handsome pharoah showed her around egypt before she left. it was love for her. she knew in her heart that atem was her destiny. before she left, she kissed him lightly, disappearing in a rush of blue sparkles. that's how I met your father sweetness. anything to add atem/' she said, smiling at both her boys.
Serenity smiled before covering her mouth as a light yawn hit. "Great. I'm quite a fan of my beauty sleep and rude awakenings take that from me. So I'm still quite tired."

Marik looked up at Krystal. "That's a great story Mommy."

Atem stayed silent while Krystal told the story, though he frowned when Krystal called Bakura sweet and intelligent. "Nothing to add. Though I will state that Bakura is neither sweet nor intelligent. He is a thief king, remember? Thieves are not sweet. And he's clearly not intelligent because he keeps kidnapping you rather than staying away."
Seth smiled. 'you go ahead to bed. i will be there in a moment.' he said with a smile,kissing her head.

krystal smiled a little. 'thank you sweetness.' she looked at her fiance and smirked a little. 'he's only sweet to me. you know the only reason he kidnaps me is to give me my birthday presents. he knows better than to try to take me away.' she stated simply, ending that discussion.
Serenity smiled and nodded. "Okay. Don't be too long." She went on and climbed in his bed.

Atem snorted. "Wish he'd just stay away."

Marik looked between them. "Mommy, Daddy don't fight."
Seth crumpled up the letter and thew it into the fire. he had no use for it now. he changed into his night clothes and joined serenity in bed, cuddling her. 'goodnight my moon goddess.' he said before exhaustion took him into sleep.

Krystal picked him up. 'we're not fighting sweetness. your father just doesn't like bakura. it is alright though. even he has to admit if it weren't for him we wouldn't have met.
Serenity cuddled with Seth and soon fell asleep as well.

Atem snorted. "I don't believe that one. We would've likely met anyway especially if you kept returning to Egypt."
seth dreamed peacefully of him and serenity together in another life, snoring softly. he had never been happier in all his life to not have to sleep alone.

"anything is possible my love." krystal stated, kissing him to try to make him stop being mad. She hated that bakura and he fought so much.
Serenity's dream was just as peaceful, she felt safe in Seth's arms, safer than she ever felt in Endymion's.

Atem chuckled and kissed her back.
Atem tensed at Krystal's suggestion. It was still slightly a sore spot for Atem to talk about his late father. "There's not much I can say really. Except he was a great ruler and took the wrath of the gods on himself so I wouldn't get it."
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