Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "That's one attempt too many from him. And I've let him slide too much. And yet I don't quite believe it was completely an accident. Just because he might not have known you were in the palace, does not mean he would hesitate to kill you along with killing me. He's had time to learn your personality and how you react to things."
"True. I probably would have murdered him in the most gruesome way I could think of for killing you. Then nubi would a made him suffer in the afterlife too."She said, smirking a little. She wasn't exactly sure how she felt about all this. It seemed strange to her that his uncle would want to poison him.

"Shall we sick rah on him?" She said with a smirk, kissing Atem softly. She loved sicking rah on people. It was fun.
Atem chuckled. "You are probably the only one he'll let get away with calling him that. But my uncle will suffer. That I will promise you."

He kissed her back. "No. You're getting to enjoy that too much anyway."
Krystal pouted a little, but then smirked. "That's because i'm special Atem. aww, spoil my fun!" She pouted again a little bit unprincess like, but then smiled. She was amused, and cuddled a small Anubis plush that had randomly appeared in her hands.

"Can I at least watch?" She asked, hugging the plush close and smirked a little. He was soft, just like Anubis himself.
Atem raised an eyebrow at the Anubis plush. "Not spoiling your fun. You got spoiled on sending him out so much."

Serenity's eyes widened as she saw the plush. "That is quite creepy sis. Don't even wanna know if you got one of me."
"Huh? Oh this? I dunno where it came from. It just appeared in my hand. I think its cute." She said, petting the little Anubis plush. She pouted a little, but then smirked. She'd be happy if she could watch. It was always fun to see the priests and Atem punish people. She didn't have a disc yet. She figured Atem would get her one after they were married.

Krystal smiled, looking at Atem. She was parched. "Can somebody get me some tea please?" She asked, a small trace of a whine in it. She was quite thirsty.
"But that's not the only plush you have sis. There is that one of Atem too." Serenity knew better than to mention the one of Bakura around Atem.

One of the doctors came in with a glass of ice tea for her, giving it to her before bowing in respect to everyone and walking out again.
"Yes. I know. Those are ones I manifested myself. This one I did not. I believe that it came from nubi." She said with a smile, drinking her tea down. Her throat felt much better now. She smiled at the rest of the people in the room and then lifted an eye brow.

"What was it you were going to say before I fainted mother?" She asked, a look of light curiosity on her face.
"They're still creepy." Serenity stuck her tongue out playfully.

Queen Serenity looked to Krystal with a smile. "Only that if you want to know what's on my mind, all you have to do is ask."
"If you say say so, bunny." She said with a smile. She was happy. She was with family and feeling better than she did even before she was poisoned. "Okay mother." She added with a brighter smile, squeesing Atem's hand. Now that she was feeling better she was quite hungry and was craving a banana split with lots of nuts and moon pies.

"I'm craving something sweet. Particularly a banana split and moon pies. Could I please have some?" She asked, smiling.
Serenity looked at Krystal as if she was nuts. "You've never been fond of sweet things like those. Are you feeling okay?"

Queen Serenity chuckled as she stepped out of the room and informed the doctors of Krystal's craving. It wasn't long before a nurse brought the desired craving in to her.
Krystal ate slowly, tasting the moom pie first. "Mmm, yes, that what he wanted." She said with a smile, starting in on her Sunday, eating the bananas first, and the the I cream, making a bottle of chocolate hardener surup appear and pouring it on. Krystal mad more happy noices as she ate, rubbing her belly absentmindedly.
Serenity shook her head. "I have no idea how you can manage to eat that. Especially the moon pies. I love sweets and even I can't stand those things. And don't blame it on the kid. He's got to have better sense than that."
"Guess I just wanted something sweet to counteract the 3 pounds of sirloin I at earlier. Even I can't control the cravings. Marik gets what he wants." She said with a smile, finishing her sundae. She had just changed her mind on sweets. She looked to her sister smiling a little and then added, "and I think I just changed my mind on sweets. That was delicious." She said, making Her giant glass of tea refill and drinking it down, the bitter taste adding to her delight in the sweets.

She smiled at her mother. "mother, is it alright if I go to my room? I need a rest, and this bed isn't big enough for myself and Atem. Also, my bed is much more comfortable." She asked, still smiling, but yawning just slightly.
Serenity rolled her eyes, still not believing the baby was causing the cravings. "If you say so. Spoiled brat." She kissed her sister's cheek. "Get your rest sis." She headed on to her room.

Queen Serenity nodded. "It is. But you're on bed rest for the next few days except for bathroom breaks and baths. Also, no getting him to carry you anywhere." She chuckled and left the room.

Atem chuckled himself. "I like your mother. A lot. She's quite sneaky."
"Alright bunny. I will." She smiled at her sister and watched her go, hugging her plushie, and smiling at her mother and nodding. "Okay mother. So should I walk to my room now?" She was a little puzzled by what her mother had said. It didn't make sense to her.

Krystal huuged Atem. "I know you do love. She's an amazing woman. Full of life, love and crazy plans. " she said with a smile, kissing him softly.
Atem chuckled. "Basically your mother means the few times you're allowed to get out of bed, such as now, I'm not allowed to carry you. She seems to know you well enough that you would've wanted me to do that."
"Ah. Now I understand. I suppose I would like it if you carried me, but we can save that for after the wedding. *she gets out of the hospital bed and stands, walking to the door* let's go back to my room my spiky haired Egyptian god. I really need the rest." She said, taking his hand and pulling him out of the room, then popping them inside of her bed covers, kissing him softly. Krystal snuggled up next to him with her little nubi plush, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.
Atem looked at her with a chuckle and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight princess." He wrapped his arm around her and fell asleep next to her soon after.
Krystal's dreams were peaceful. She dreamed of her wedding, her coronation, and the birth of their son. Her arms wrapped around him instinctively as she called out his name softly, kissing his neck. Her dream just got sexy. She dreamed about their fist time and also about dating Anubis in the distant future. The last one puzzled her, but she didn't let it bother her. She did love nubi, she just knew his destiny lied with her daughter and not her.
Atem slept peacefully beside her, though he had no dreams of his own. He was just glad that Krystal and their unborn son were safe and sound.

Serenity however, hadn't gone to sleep after leaving Krystal's side. Instead she went out to the balcony of her room to look at the earth
Krystal kept on dreaming, happy to be home and to have her love at her side. While she was sleeping, she appeared in endymion's dream. "Endy, may I talk to you?" She asked, smiling a little. She was not here to scold him, she simply wondered what had possessed him to hit on another girl. A curiosity. She wondered why he could want another when her sister worshipped the ground he walked on.
Endymion scowled upon hearing her voice in his dream. He already had an idea as to why she wanted to talk to him, especially with what had happened with Serenity earlier. "What exactly do you want? Shouldn't you be tending to your precious Pharaoh?"
"Atem is asleep. He needs no protection on the moon. I was only curious, Endymion. I do not mean harm." She said, her voice calm. She wished he didn't hate her so much. That was part of the reason they butt heads a lot. While she did not outright hate him, she suspected he did hate her. She sighed. "Endy, why do you hate me so much? I only want what's best for my sister. You really hurt her you know. *takes a breath* but I will not chastise you about it. We all have moments of weakness." She said, sitting in a chair she had just constructed for herself, putting her hand on her stomach.
Endymion sneered. "If he needs you to protect him in his kingdom, then he's a weaker ruler than I thought. You're one to talk about hate. You just don't know when to keep your nose out of my business with your sister. She doesn't need you protecting her now, she has me. And once we're married, she won't need the princesses either. Princesses shouldn't be fighting anyway." He was not going to tell her that he had hit on Rei because Rei seemed to be easier sexually as he still had not had sex with Serenity. It was not information that Krystal needed to know.
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