Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Atem laughed with a huge grin. "I still think that would take quite a feat to accomplish in comparison to you and Serenity." He nuzzled her gently. "Now I do believe we came in here to eat, didn't we?"
Yes we did. I already had some carrots, but marik wants steak." She giggles, kissing him. She could tell marik would be like her, but have Atem's looks. Boy he's gonna be a handful. She smiled at the thought of cuddling him though. Her sweet little marik. Her and Atem's son.
Atem pouted mockingly. "Now that's no fair. You're getting to know what he wants already and I haven't even gotten to feel him kick." He then chuckled. "Lucky for you there's steak amongst the items on the table. I'm told my mother had asked for the same when she carried me."
"So I see. *smiles, happily biting down on a piece of steak that was cooked earlier* Mhm, that's what he wanted." She said, putting a hand on her belly. She thought it was to early for kicking. She was only two months pregnant. She looked at Atem with her eyes narrowed for a moment. " did you tell the servants I was pregnant? I didn't really want anyone else to know until I told Sere.." she said, her eyes slightly sad. She still had to apologise to Sere. She sure hope Endymion had. But she wasn't going think about him. She focused on her steak, and her unborn son, smiling as she rubbed her stomach a little, where inside grew her little marik.
Atem raised an eyebrow. "It's better that the servants know. It gives them a chance to prepare for possible cravings you might have. What if you had some sudden strange craving before you had a chance to tell her, would you rather them not know in such cases?"
"I guess you're right love.." she said, taking another bite of her steak. It did make sense, but it kinda made her sad. She wanted it to just be their secret for now. Oh well, the cat was out ta the bag now. Krystal continued to eat her steak, drinking a giant glass of iced sweet tea. It was delicious and just what her little marik wanted.
"If it makes you feel better. Only the kitchen servants know and they've been instructed not to tell anyone else. It's still our secret otherwise. In fact, I think I'll let you have all the fun of telling your mother."
Krystal looks at him, her expression unreadable. "Yes, that does, Nbd do you think she'll be happy for us Atem? I'm almost afraid to tell mother. I don't think I wanna tell her, at least not yet. Mother is very traditional. I don't want her to chastise me." She said, looking kind of sad
He raised an eyebrow as he looked her right in the eyes. "She may be traditional, but I think it's more likely I'll have to fear for my life if not the family jewels then that she'll chastise you."
"No, mother loves you. I think maybe she'll be happy for us. But I wanna tell Sere first." She said, taking another steak and comping down on it, still hungry. Krystal was happy that only the kitchen staff knew about her being pregnant. She wasn't ready to tell all of Egypt yet, though she would eventually. Perhaps on her wedding day. Krystal ate her steak, just thinking. She wondered if Sere had cooled down enough for her to go apologise. She really needed to. She didn't want this to weigh on her heart any longer.

"Atem, do you think sere's cooled off enough to for give me? I don't like this feeling of being without her. It feels wrong." She said before taking a sip of her tea an biting into a piece of steak again. She really wanted to make up with her sister. She didn't want this disagreement over Endymion to break their special bond. She knew just how dangerous that could be.
Atem listened to Krystal while he ate. "She might just have. You know how long she can be angry at you better than I do. Go on and see her. I still have some things to do here."
"Alright love I will once I finish eating and floss. Steak is good, but it get stuck in your teeth." She said with a laugh, taking a sip of her tea . Soon after, she was done eating , so she kissed Atem good bye for now and popped away to the moon, knocking on her sisters door softly. She could hear faint crying, but she ignored it. She was not gonna let stupid endy ruin their relation ship. He was being a jerk, and that was all.

"Sere? Can I come in bunny? I want to apologise." She said, her voice calm. Her poor sister. He had hurt her. She took a deep breath though and stayed calm. He was a jerk, but she was not going to hurt him. Krystal closed her eyes and thought of her little marik, instantly calming herself.
Atem smiled and watched as she popped away. He hoped that the two sisters would be able to patch things up. He didn't want Krystal having to stress out in her condition.

Serena was face down in her pillow crying when she heard Krystal's voice outside her door. She sat up and wiped her eyes. "Come in Krys."
Krystal comes in, frowning at her sister. "He hurt you pretty badly didn't he, bunny? Its okay. Penguin's here. I'm sure the stupid prince will see his error." She said with a smile, sitting next to her sister.

"Bunny, I'm sorry I overreacted. My emotions haven't exactly been in control lately..." she sort of trailed off, wondering if she should tell her sister her news in her state. It seemed kind of sequel to do so when she was in such pain, but Krystal was excited. She hoped Sere would be too, and it would brighten her mood.
"Of course he hurt me. Just like it would hurt you if you caught Atem hitting on a servant girl all of a sudden." She sighed. She then turned and hugged her sister. "Apology accepted. I'm sorry I blew up at you the way I did....Wait? Why haven't your emotions been in control lately?" She was curious now and she wouldn't let Krystal get away with not explaining.
Krystal looked at her sister a little bit embarrassedly, but smiled. "You really wanna know?" She asked, her smile widening. She hoped this would make her sister feel better. She knew how much she loved babies. When endy's sister Guiana had her baby, Sere spoiled him rotten. Krystal knew she would do the same with her little marik.

"You know how I've been feeling so sick lately? Well, I went to the doctors and they told me I'm pregnant!" Krystal said with a smile, hugging her sister again. She was happy she was having a baby, but was afraid of what her mother would think. "You don't think mother will be mad at Atem for it, will she?" She asked her sister, genuinely curious. Her mother loved bother her daughters, but she was much closer with Sere than Krystal.
Serenity's eyes widened and her smile grew. "Really?! Oh congratulations!" She squealed happily and hugged her sister again.

"I don't think so. Sure she might have preferred that you get pregnant after the wedding but at least the wedding was already planned before it did happen."
"Yes really. I'm so excited, bunny! I was toying with telling you cause I thought it might make you feel better. Penguin doesn't like to see bunny sad, you know." Krystal said, smiling at her sister. She really was very excited. It meant having a piece of her Atem inside her for 9 whole months. She only hoped Bakura would not notice her showing when he inevitably kidnapped her again. That could end in a fight for sure.

"I hope not bunny, really I do. You'll come with me to tell her won't you?" She asked her sister, apprehension and excitement clear in her eyes. She didn't want to go alone. It sort of scare her. She loved her mother very much, so she didn't want her to be disappointed in her. That would hurt.
Serenity giggled. "It did. So did making up with you." She smiled at her sister. "Though I do hope the kid has your hair. No body is supposed to have that many colors in their hair." She teased.

"Of course I'll come with you. I was going to anyway from the minute you told me."
Krystal shook her head. "Nope. He'll look like a copy of his father. He will have my additude though." She said with a smirk, making a different dress appear. She knew she had to wear her princess dress when She was with her mother. Krystal quickly slipped it on, smiling to her sister. "Are you ready? I'm not sure I am." She said, her voice comfident, but her exsprssion showed both her excitement and apprehension.

When Krystal was done changing, she popped with Sere to the throne room, where she knew her mother would be. "Mother? May I talk to you? Its important." Krystal said in a small voice, walking in with her sister.
Serena faked a groan. "Crap. A kid from you two with either of your attitudes is a disaster waiting to happen." She teased. "Maybe I'll just have to keep him around his Aunt Sere so he can become a sweet little boy."

Queen Serenity sat up straight upon the appearance of her two daughters. "Just what is it Krystal?" Her voice just as soft and gentle as usual
"He'll be sweet, don't worry" she told her sister telepathically, bowing respectfully to her mother, a small smile on her face. "Well, you see... *takes a deep breath* I'm pregnant. That is why I've been feeling so sick, mother." She said with a small smile, her eyes showing traces of both excitement and apprehension. She hoped her mother would not be mad.
"I'll believe it when I see it sis. Your attitude and Atem's attitude don't give signs of making a sweet tempered baby without outside help." She responded telepathically with a laugh.

Queen Serenity stayed silent as she stood and walked over to her blue-haired daughter. Once there, she pulled Krystal into her arms with a smile and hugged her tight. "Congratulations my darling." She pulled away and looked at her proudly, her eyes giving a sign that she knew more than she was telling.
Krystal looked at her mother a bit confused, than smirked a little, raising her eyebrow. 'is there something i should know mother?" she asked, still smiling. She couldn't beleive her mother was being so cool about it. It was almost a little alarming. Krystal still smiled though, happy to be pregnant with her loves child, to be with family and to be home.
Queen Serenity only smiled. "I knew already. I had a hunch, seeing you sick all that time. Did it not ever occur to you that the doctors here were only too happy to see you? As if they expected you? I'm not that old that I don't recognize the signs of morning sickness."
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