Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Krystal looks to her sister concerned. "I'm not over reacting Sere. I just don't like seeing you hurt. Especially by a stupid prince who doesn't realise what he's missing." She said, looking at her sister with nothing but love and concern in her eyes. She hated to see her sister hurt in anyway, and even though Sere tried to hide it and be strong, Krystal knew better. He had destroyed her. Endymion was the only person she ever loved, and then he turned around and hit on her best friend? What a prick.

When she felt herself getting angry again, she took a deep breath. She would not hurt her sisters love, no matter how badly he had hurt her sister. She didn't like it, but she knew it was better to let him see his error, even if she doubted he would.
Serenity shook her head and turned to face Krystal. "You are too overreacting. You always have. Even when we were kids, if another kid even pinched me just to wake me up, you were ready to break the kid's arm off. And now, you were ready to tell his mother what he'd done, like we're little kids! It's bad enough I'm thought of as the immature one between us even though the title fits you better at times. I came here wanting a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen since I clearly can't go to my best friend. You've never liked him since the day we met. Everyone treats me like I'm this fragile doll with the big bad bodyguard for a sister. You don't know what that's like! Endymion's the only guy who wasn't too afraid of you to actually approach me! And you want to mess that up by sending your Pharaoh to get him, a guy who's had just as much dislike at first sight for Endymion as you! If I was truly the stupid blond people like to make me to be, I'd wonder if you'd rather see me alone for the rest of my life to keep me 'safe'! I'm sorry I bothered you Krystal. It won't happen again!" With that she turned and ran out the room, popping back to the moon right at the door.

Atem had woken up upon noticing Krystal was gone once more and headed down the hall to search for her. He heard Serenity's rant and happened to stop outside Seth's room, just after Serenity had popped away. "Is everything alright?"
Krystal looked at Atem with a mixture of shock sadness and anger. "Endymion hit on rei and Sere came to tell me, and now she's mad because she says that I'm overreacting and am being childish. I only suggested telling his mother what he did because telling her is the only way he will learn his lesson. Stupid Endymion.. you've no idea what you've done." She says, pulling Atem close. She was sad now. Her sister had hurt her deeply, whether or not she knew it or not.

"Oh Atem.... can I... can I stay here for awhile? Until Sere cools down at least." She said, cuddling close. She had only wanted to make Sere feel better, but in turn, now she was the one crying. Krystal wrapped her legs around Atem's waist and her arms around his neck, begging to be carried. She allways liked to be carried when she was sad. It may seem childish, but that was not the case. The feel of Atem's body on hers was enough to calm any feeling she may have.
Atem sighed and kissed her head. He then maneuvered her legs from around his waist so that he was carrying her bridal style. "First of all, you're my bride to be and will be carried like one and not like a child." He nodded to Seth before turning and walking back to their room. "You never have to ask to stay here love, you know that." Once in their room, he sat down on the bed with her on his lap. "Now, why don't you tell me all that she said and I'll give you some insight of my own based on it, okay?"
Krystal told him, looking at him sadly. It hurt her to think that her sister didn't trust her. She really wasn't trying to overreact, if she even did. To her, overreaction would be her killing Endymion, which she admitted, she fantasised about a lot. She didn't purely hate earths prince, he did have some good qualities, but the bad outweighed the good. Her sister had chosen him though, over Seth and even over diamond, the handsome prince of nemesis. Diamond worshipped the ground she walked on. There was no way in a millennia that he would hurt her as Endymion did. He would rather die.

Krystal sighed, looking to Atem. "I just don't know what to do my love. She probably hates me now. *cuddles into him, close to crying again* I didn't even get to tell her my news.." she said softly, her words full of pain, but there was no whine to them.
Atem listened and frowned. But even he could see that Serenity was right about what she said. "As much as I hate to say it, she's right. I saw how other suitors for her on the moon would see your protectiveness of her and back away without ever talking to her. Without meaning to, you've pushed her under your shadow to the point she feels she has to prove herself without you. And maybe she's hoping to change him, the way you try to change me into befriending Bakura. She clearly still loves him even with the pain he caused her, hence why she protected him from you like that. She came to you wanting Krystal her best friend and sister and got Krystal the bodyguard."
Krystal looked to her fiancee. "You're right. I really messed up, didn't I?" She said, looking sad. She didn't like the way she was, but she couldn't help it. She promised her mother she would keep Sere safe and sound. "I take my job a little to seriously, don't I Atem? I've actually hurt her by being the way I am. I should apologise." She said, hugging Atem tight to her.

She didn't like that she had added to her sister's pain. It hurt her. She had been stupid. She really had overreacted.
Atem hugged her tight in return. "You do. Your heart is in the right place. You do need to apologize to her. Just ease up on your protectiveness. I'd hate for this to break up the bond between you two. You two have been so close for as long as I've known you and probably longer. I've envied you sometimes even because you have a sibling who cares about you so much."
Krystal cuddled close to him, kissing him softly. "I will apologise. *sighs* maybe I am the more childish one." She said, looking off into the distance. Maybe she was, or maybe it was the sitchuation. She didn't know. She didn't let it keep her down though. She would apologise to her sister, and hopefully Sere would forgive her. Endymion had hurt Sere, that she knew, but she vowed not to chastise him for it. Sere still loved him, so she couldn't hurt him.
Atem nodded and kissed her back. "She'll forgive you. She loves you too much not to. Just give her a little time to cool down first. Now did you want to rest a little longer?" He looked out the window and saw the sun was starting to rise, which meant he couldn't go back to sleep now. Though he wouldn't keep her from doing so if that's what she wanted.
Krystal nodded. "Yes, maybe a little. Marik is making me so tired my spiky haired Egyptian god. Do you think I should tell her our news?" She asked, wishing he could stay in bed with her and just cuddle. She needed the contact. She didn't want to call Baki though, as she knew that could possibly cause a fight, and she didn't want to see that happen at her exspence. She hated it when they fought, even though she knew now they only did it because they both loved her.
Atem smiled and gently kissed her forehead. "You get some rest then. I would stay but I have my duties. I would hope you'd tell her. But do it after you resolve your fight with her." He moved her from his lap and gently laid her down. "I'll be back to check on you as soon as I can. If you feel you need to leave before I'm free, let Seth know where you're going, even if it's just to get fresh air." He knew how powerful she was, but he didn't want to take the risk of something happening to her and their unborn child if he could prevent it.
"Alright my love, I will." She said with a smile, kissing him again softly before curling up into the bed, holding what looked to be a plush of Atem. She was absolutely exhausted. Marik took a lot out of her. She was happy to be having him though. Her little baby. One who would look just like his father. The future king of Egypt. Krystal went out like a light, dreams of her and little marik going through her mind. It was almost as if he was with her in the dream. "Oh sweetness, how I love you, my sweet boy." She told the marik in her dream, cuddling close as she kissed his head. She knew how good of a king he would make. Just like his father.
Atem chuckled as he watched her curl up with the little plush of him. He found that cute. He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead before leaving the room reluctantly to start the day. He couldn't wait to get through the day so he could curl back in bed with her.
Krystal slept soundly for a few more hours, dreaming only of her sweet little marik. They all peaceful dreams of shopping in the market, trips to see her mother on the moon, and sweet kisses to his forehead at bedtime, even though he usually slept with Atem and her in the dreams. When she awoke, she smiled and got up, her stomach grumbled. "Hungry sweetness?" She asked with a laugh, walking over to seth. "I'm going to get some breakfast. Tell Atem as such, cousin." She said with a smile, walking to the kitchen, where she knew there would be food.
It seemed that she hadn't needed to tell Seth to let Atem know she was going for food. Atem was already in the kitchen getting himself something to eat. He smiled as he saw her walk in. "How are you feeling love?" He walked over to her and kissed her forehead then her lips.
Krystal hugged him close. "Better. I guess great minds think alike my love. I had wonderful dreams of marik." She said telepathically as she kissed him back. She loved kissing him so much. She loved him so much. 'shall we get some food then?"
Atem could only chuckle. "Can't you just let me have my fantasy that our child will be a girl in peace?" He teased playfully and led her to the dining room where a full spread of food sat waiting for them both
"No girl in this millennia my love." She said simply, knowing their only child in this life would be their son marik. She didn't however, know that he would be still born. That had been left out in her vision of him. She hugged Atem close, cutting up some carrots and eating them. While her sister hated them, Krystal loved them
Atem groaned. "You're making me start to resent those visions of yours. All I wanted to do was dream of you and a daughter, whether we'd have one or not. But you just have to keep rubbing it in that you know we're gonna have a boy. Fine we'll adopt one. I want to have a daddy's girl to spoil." He chuckled
She looks at him sadly. "I'm sorry love... I... I... didn't mean to...." she said, breaking into tears for no real reason. She resented the pregnancy mood swings.They intensified everything. That's partly why she overreacted about Endymion. But he was being a bad boy...
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I know you didn't love. I didn't mean for you to cry. I was just being playful. I still want to adopt a daughter though since you're so sure we won't have one on our own."
He smirked. "You mean more spoiled than you and your sister?" He chuckled and tickled her lightly. He was glad to see her laughing again. He hated seeing her cry and would do everything he could to make her laugh once more whenever she cried.
"I like that idea a lot my love. They'll be the most spoiled siblings on the planet!" She said with a laugh, kissing him softly. Now that she was in his arms, she felt better. Calm. That was the affect he had on her. He quieted all the doubts she had, and all the emotions she might be feeling at that particular moment. Being in his arms meant being safe, calm and serene. It was a feeling she only experienced with him or Baki.
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