Blue Moon in shadows (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Bakura didn't even look at her now as they rode back to the palace. He already knew by her words that she realized she caused him pain even if she didn't know why. Since she didn't know how she'd hurt him...he wouldn't bother telling her if he could help it. For someone who seemed to pick up on how he was feeling, he'd never understand how she didn't pick up how in love with her he was.

He pushed his feelings of hurt and love for her down, his eyes hardening in response. "Don't apologize. You have no reason to. Don't cry either. It would negate my attempt at a wedding present for you."
Krystal looked at him and nodded. "I'm trying not to Baki. I just feel bad. I wouldn't ever wanna hurt you Baki." She said, her blue eyes sad. Something about the way his eyes hardened after she spoke made her wonder. Could he be in love with her? He did tell her every time she saw him, but she had allways saw it in a friendly way. She had been so mistaken. Krystal's eyes grew wide as she looked into his dark ones.

"Baki... I... Didn't... Know...." she squeaked out, almost unable to keep the tears from coming, but somehow stopping them from coming. She could and would cry about it later. Krystal looked at him again, cuddling close. She didn't want him to hurt because of her, but she couldn't change his pain. It all made sense to her now, everything. "Oh Baki... I'm so sorry." She squeaked out, turning into a penguin from stress.
The moment she turned into a penguin, he stopped the horse. "For the love of Ra, don't do that! I hate when you do that. I told you you have nothing to be sorry for. And I meant it. I didn't speak up when I had the chance and so its my loss. I just have to deal with your choice just as I'm sure the high priest has to deal with your sister's."

He sighed. "And don't you dare cry over me. I don't deserve it no matter what you might think. Believe me I'll know if you cried over me. So don't try doing it in secret either."
Krystal looked at him, big penguin eyes wide. "But.. Baki..." she sort of whined, wishing that he could see what she did when she looked at him. She knew he wasn't as evil as he appeared. The fact that he could love her the way she suspected he did proved it. True evil could never love, this she knew for a fact, having seen it first hand.

It was long ago back when the silver millennium was just established. The king of plant nenesis, a cruel and ruthless man fell in love with the Queen of a a nearby asteroid, and they had two children, but what the king did not know was this particular queen Was a kisinian blossom in disguise. She toyed with his emotions and had to be killed. The king was so distraught, he killed himself, and her friend diamond became king. The fact Baki could love like the king shows he is not pure evil like he seems to think.
"But Baki nothing. I don't want your pity or your tears." He started the horse on the path again. "Especially don't need you crying and having everyone rush to supposedly end the cause of your pain. And stop the whining. You're going to be queen of Egypt for Ra's sake. Egyptian queens don't whine."

He saw they were nearing the palace now. "I suggest you turn back now or I'll drop you right on your Pharaoh. I doubt he knows you become a penguin....naughty of you to keep that from him."
Krystal laughed. "Its for his own good. If he knew the reason why I do that he'd have killed you by now. And stop being such a stick in the mud about it Baki. It wouldn't be out of pity. Never out of that. Let's just say maybe this penguin has more than one love." She said with a wicked smIrk that rivaled even his. She poofed back to normal and kissed him square on the lips, smirking at his obvious confusion.

"I love you both yah goof!" She said quietly, smirking at him again. That was the truth though, plain and simple. She did love both of them, even if she could only have have one. "You'll have your chance Baki. You'll see." She said with a cryptic grin before materializing back in Atem's embrace, happy to see he was still sleeping.
Bakura was definitely confused by Krystal's words. But before he could say anything else, she had materialized away. With a sigh and a chuckle, he turned his horse around and headed home.

Atem may have looked sleep, but at this point he was not. He cracked an eye open when he felt her weight on his arm. "Went for a walk, did you love?"
Krystal giggled. "Something like that love. Now go back to sleep. I know how little you get when I'm not here." She whispered, cuddling close to him and kissing him softly. Krystal knew how much he needed the rest. He barely ever slept when she was not with him, and she knew it.she wrapped her arms around him so there was no space between them an fell into a peaceful sleep, dreams of both Bakura and Atem in her mind.

It made her wonder actually, what Baki thought of what she had said. She was only being truthful. She maybe marrying Atem and having his child, but that was mostly duty, even if she did love him. If she weren't a moon princess though, she wondered what she would do. Would she marry the handsome and kind pharaoh, or the rough around the edges thief king Bakura. She didn't know for sure, but she hoped she know sometime in the future.
Atem chuckled. "If you say so love." He soon fell back into a peaceful sleep with her in his arms.

Bakura thought about what Krystal said on his way back to his place. He didn't know how to take it. Part of him wanted to believe it and that she honestly did return the feelings even with her love for the Pharaoh. The other part refused to believe her, thinking that she was only trying to make him feel better. He wasn't the type to believe that marriages for duty could ever be anything but and that such couples could never be in love.
Krystal played around with her bracelet, thinking Baki. She knew him well enough to know that he would think she was just trying to make him hurt less, but that really wasn't the case here. She did love both of them. She loved them for different reasons though. For Atem, it was his kindness and his fairness to all and for Baki, it was his ability to hallway speak his mind, and his snow whit locks. She found that endlessly ironic.
Since she was dreaming and thinking of Bakura, he appeared in her dream, walking over to her. "Gold coin for your thoughts, my jewel?" He looked at her curiously before pulling her into his arms."Or are you just thinking of me again?"
"You should know I'm always thinking about you Baki. Awake or in sleep. And that I wasn't just trying to make you feel better. I was being truthful." She said, kissing him in the lips and cuddling close. She liked it when Baki was holding her. She never felt safer than when she was in his arms. She couldn't explain it. Baki was like a magnet to her. She was drawn to him. it was a different pull than with atem. sometimes it felt stronger.
He kissed her back. "Then call off the wedding with spikey and run away with me for good." He stepped back. "Who am I fooling? You won't do it. Because even if you love me, you still love him more. And don't give me that duty crap. You're too stubborn to marry only for duty."

Since she was also thinking of Atem, he appeared too. "That's right Bakura. She does love me more. So you better get used to it." He glared at the thief king. It seemed even in her dreams, the two men wanted to fight.
Krystal sighed. "Can't you two ever get along? Even in my dreams?" She looked at the two of them, shaking her head. Krystal was quite annoyed, and it showed on her face. It hurt her to see the two men fight, especially since she knew they were so much alike. If they would just talk to each other, they'd know that.

"For ones who supposedly love me, you sure stress me out. Kiss one (even in a dream) feel guilty, kiss the other, feel guilty... will you two ever get along? I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to watch you two fight every time I see you! I love you both. Get over it, and be friends, or I might just call off the wedding and live as spinster on the moon!" Krystal said, annoyance showing on her face, but her tone still calm. That was something she had mastered as a princess, to show anger without necessarily raising her voice. It was a way to retain the seriousness, but do it in a ladylike way.
Bakura snorted. "There goes that naivete that I told you you share with your sister. If you two wanted rivals in love to be friends with each other, you clearly should've gone looking for love on one of those other planets in your alliance. The Pharaoh and I will never be friends, not even for your sake my jewel."

Atem nodded. "This is probably the only thing we agree on. Same as Seth and your sister's prince would never be friends even for her sake. You think the fights between me and Bakura are nuts. Don't let there be a chance for Seth to fight Endymion. The prince would lose."
Krystal smirked. "Oh, I know that. I never said I liked Endymion now did I? I'd much rather have Seth as a brother in law. Endymion may act tough and regal, but the truth is he is a dumb twit who really only wants Sere because of her beauty. He tried hitting on me once, you know." She said, looking at the pair.

"You may not believe this, but I will tell you anyway. I see a future on earth where Seth is king and you two are as close as brothers. That is many millennia from now though." she said, a wry grin on her face as she looked at them. It was a nice thought to think about the two of them being friends. She knew that in this life Bakura would kill Atem and himself, but she kept quiet about that. Krystal didn't want him to get any ideas. She needed to prepare herself for their impending deaths. She didn't like it, but she knew they both had to die in order for her future to come true.
Bakura shook his head in disbelief. "You're right. I don't believe it. You said yourself you'd rather him as a brother in law and for us to get along. Not surprising you'd start saying you see it as a vision in hopes to influence it that way. Keep dreaming on that Princess. I'll accept Seth as king one day though cause that's more likely."
Krystal smirks. "You'd doubt me? That's a first. You allways listened to my advice. Eh, it matters not. I know the difference between dream and vision, Baki." She said simply, playing with the bracelet on her wrist. She knew she was right. She had never been wrong before, so why would she be now. She smiled though. At least they were being civil to each other. That accounted for something.

It was sort of surreal, seeing them together, and not fighting. Perhaps they were just being nice cause they were in her head, but it was a step in the right direction, as far as she was concerned.
Bakura snorted once more. "Sometimes I wonder dear jewel. Sometimes I wonder if you really do know. I'd rather burn forever in the Shadow realm than be friends with that pompous Pharaoh. His father killed my people, remember? I can't exactly over look that. I'll deal that you're marrying him...but it doesn't mean I'll stop trying to exact revenge on him since I can't get his father. I'll gladly die trying if it means I get to drag him to death with me."

Atem snorted himself and glared at the thief king. "You? Take me down? Never Bakura. The sentiment is mutual. I'll gladly kill you if that's what it takes to get you to stop kidnapping Krystal for good."
Krystal sighed. "Well, it was nice while it lasted" she thought to herself as Seth randomly Appeared in her dream. She looked at him curiously.... "what is it cousin?" She was accustomed to calling him that , since she was Atem's fiancee. They had been friends for many many years. So, she pretty much allways called him that.

"Your sister is crying. Endymion hurt her." He said, his fist clenched trying to stop from killing him. Krystal nodded her head and looked to Seth, her eyes kind. "Okay. I'll be right there." And then she awoke, running to Seth's room, where she knew Sere would be.
Sere was exactly where Krystal expected her to be, in Seth's room. She looked up when Krystal entered, her eyes showing how hard she had been crying, puffy and red. "Krys...." She ran to her sister, starting a new wave of tears.
"Oh bunny.. what did he do?" She asked, cuddling her sister close and stoking her hair. Endymion was gonna get it, but good. Krystal picked her sister and brought her to her own room in the palace, where Atem stood. She laid Sere down on the bed and Laid down next to her, cuddling close.

"It's alright bunny. Tell penguin all about it." She said soothingly, wiping away her sister's tears. Whatever Endymion did to make her cry this badly should cause him to die. Her poor sister. Krystal sang softly, trying to make her distraught sister smile. "Endymion, I should sick Seth on you for this..." she thought to herself, quite pissed. No one hurt her sister this badly and lived.
Serenity sniffled. "He....I caught him....hitting on one of the other princesses....on Rei...Like he wasn't engaged to me." She hugged her sister tight. As upset as she was, and as much as she knew that Krystal wouldn't take the offense lightly.....she still found herself loving Endymion
Krystal hugged her sister. "It'll be okay bunny. Promise. Want me to sick Atem on him?" She asked her sister, focusing hard on Sere so she didn't go kill that dumbass prince herself. Then she got an even wickeder idea. It made her smirk widely, and she liked it.

"I say we tell his mommy on him. She adores you. He'll get his, worse than Atem when he's angry. Sound good bunny?" She asked, cuddling her sister close, still whipping her tears.
Serenity shook her head when Krystal suggested sending Atem to get him. She shook her head even harder when Krystal suggested telling Endymion's mom. "No. Don't tell her and don't any of you go after him either." She pulled away from Krystal, hugging herself tight. "Maybe I shouldn't have come here to tell you. You always overreact."
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