Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

He looks at him and kisses him again before slow lying pulling him away with a groan of his own "Fuck..." He says softly "I want you so bad right now..." He whispers to him, helping him stand "As soon as we get home..." Kisses him again "But we need to go..." He smirks, loving the dazed look on his face, he helps him over to the others, "Come on..." Kaden helps Nicholas up and leans in "Guess the shows on hold..." He snickers softly as get close, Jareth holding them all, he glances at the doorway once more before they disappear.

They soon appear on the apartment roof again, leaving Nicholas to Kaden, Jareth picks up his mate and jumps to the higher part of the roof. "Where were we.." He puts him back around his waist and kisses him deeply again, his arousal was thickly pouring off him and he could feel how hard he was. "You wanna cum for me baby..." He lays him on the ground and kisses down, soon working his clothes off and taking him in his mouth, bobbing quickly with a hunger.
Kevin lifted his head, reaching for Jareth's head. He tangles his fingers in his hair and rests his hands on his head as he takes him. " I are....warm....good." Kevin had gained some of his senses when they teleported, but Jareth was quickly washing them away. He lifts his hips to him and he pulls his head down on him. "Yes. Wanna..cum..for you. Will..cum..for you. Soon."

Nicholas leads Kaden back inside. "So how about that tub now? I can go in there, run some warm water, or you could. I mean I don't mind since you did come for me. I think I owe you that much." He smiles passing through the door. Looking down he sees the blinking red light. "Already? I didn't tell anyone I was coming here." He presses the button and Aliya's voice plays out. Looking to Kaden, he sighs. "Uh oh."
He looks up at him and watches him as he bobs on him, sucking hard and twisting his tongue around him, he wanted to bring him to a quick strong orgasm. He kept the link wide open and starts to growl against him as he works him, his hand was rolling and teasing his sac as the other lightly ran his claws down his chest.

Kaden follows him "I don't know... You pick..." He moves closer as he plays the message "What... Happened..." He looks at him, then sighs and goes to sit on the couch.
Kevin’s entire body began to tremble. Perhaps it was the connection he now had with Jareth that was making this so different. Kevin was enjoying the rush of emotions and feeling that were gripping his muscles, forcing them contract on their own. “Cumming,” he shouted as he thrust his hips up, pushing his cock into Jareth’s mouth.

Mason fell from the table, hitting the floor hard, as he came inside his pants. His body jerked as the pleasure took him, and his face reddened. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling as this orgasm unlike anything he had ever felt before ripped through his body. He tried to reach for his cock, but he couldn’t move.

“I don’t know. I’ll call Aliya. Maybe Mel got worse, and Aliya wanted to take her.” He was trying to reassure Kaden as well as himself. Nicholas dialed Aliya’s cell and waited. “Nicholas,” she asked, whispering. “Yeah. What’s going on Aliya,” he asked, whispering as well. “It’s Mel. Mrs. Weathers came to see us.”
“The papers,” Nicholas says. “She gave her the papers?”
“Yeah. She did.” He looks down and sees the brown envelope by the phone. “Damn it. Well at least she finally got to do what she wanted. This is done.”
“Well,” Aliya begins. “Not exactly.”
“What do you mean not exactly?”
“She said she wanted payment for the hard time we gave her, making her hunt us down and all. The demon that was with her, raised his hand and dropped it. When he did, Mel collapsed. When she came to, I got her to come to the hospital for some tests. Nicholas, she’s not….pregnant….anymore. The babies are gone, and so are her ovaries and her womb. She couldn’t have a child now or ever again. She took her babies from her and any chance for her to have one ever. That was her payment. This is over, but look at the price Mel paid.” Nicholas drops his head and rubs his forehead. “Alright. I’ll..get..Kaden over there.”
“What about Mason?”
“Don’t mention his name. Alright?”
“Alright. Just please hurry. She was so upset they had to sedate her. She’s sleeping right now, but hurry. Get Kaden here. She’s gonna need him, and he’ll need her.” Nicholas hangs up and goes to stand in front of Kaden, hating to tell him what he has to. “Come on baby. Let’s go to the hospital. It’’s..Mel. We need to get there. Now.”
Jareth was expecting it and was ready, taking him deep and swallowing as he came, he moans softly against him and slowly pulls off, licking him clean. "Mmm... Feeling better now..." He moves up to lay with him, kissing him softly and pulling him close, he had only intended to please Kevin, having already had his fun.

Kaden was still sitting on the couch, his head down and his hands on the back of his neck, he looks up as Nicholas stands before him. "Is she ok... Just tell me she's ok..." He stands and looks at him, his face full worry and guilt.
Kevin laughs. “Oooooh yeah. I’m feeling so much better now. I hope Mason is,” he looks over at Jareth. “You don’t think I don’t think for a minute that you were sending that to him as well do you?”

Mason lay panting, on the verge of screaming out. His mother’s face comes into view looking down at him. “Get up! Go clean yourself up you sick boy! You’ve got to go back.” She looks down at where his wounds were should have been and back to his eyes. “I see your little demon has been here. He patched you up, but you didn’t leave with him. Why?”
“Because..I don’ him. I’m” She smiles. “Good boy. I’ve got a job for you. I want you to protect Gabby. She’s doing a very special job for me, and I want you by her side at all times. As soon as the divorce is final, you will marry her. The two of you will have a family together.” He slowly stands and leans against the table. “Marry her? A family? I already have..a child..coming..that I won’t..see. I don’t want..another one.”
“You seem to think you have a choice, and stop talking crazy. You will see your child dear boy. Trust me.”
“Melanie isn’t pregnant anymore Mason. I took that from her. She can’t ever have children as well. I took that too. So go to Gabby.” She left Mason in shook as he looked up to Giles.

Nicholas kneels down and reaches for his hands. “Melanie is..okay.” He didn’t want to tell him at first, but he knew Melanie would need him strong. So he should find out now, away from her. “She’s as okay as she can be. She lost….had..the babies..taken from her by Mrs. Weathers. She’s not pregnant anymore, and she can’t have children. Ever. All taken by Mrs. Weathers’ demon. She’s sleeping at the hospital now. They had to sedate her. I’m so sorry baby.” He pulls him into his arms quickly.
Jareth smiles at him "We're connected now... He would have felt it anyway... I'm just not blocking anything..." He kisses him softly again "That was for you... For leaving you hanging like that..." He cups his cheek "That... Wasn't what I was planning when I went to talk to him... I'm glad it did... But I wasn't planning it..." He sighs and watches him "You know he thinks he'll end up like his mother... That's why he's pushing us away... To "protect us"..." He sighs and lays on his back, looking up "I told him I would let that happen... I don't think he believed me..."

Kaden looks at him and feels his heart just shatter at the news, then found himself in his arms, "No... No that... Our... Their gone..." He suddenly clings to Nicholas and cries, everything he had done and it was still for naught, their child was gone and so was any hope of having another one. "It's not fair! They were innocent!" He holds him closer and just continues to cry "Melanie... I'm sorry..."
“He won’t end up like her. She’s a nasty bitch. I don’t think there’s a bad bone in Mason’s body. Well except for when you’re fucking him,” he teases. “He’s good, and he has to see that. We’ll make him see it. She’ll push him away too. This isn’t over love. No by any means. We’ll get him back.”

Nicholas held him tight. He wanted to tell it would be okay, but how could he? The babies were gone, and Melanie couldn’t have anymore children. Mrs. Weathers had won. It was done. Melanie had the papers, but her children were gone. “I’m here baby.” He squeezed him tight. “I know it’s not fair, and believe me that bitch will pay for what she’s done. I promise you that. Those babies did not….die in vain.” He holds him close, swallowing his own tears back. “When you’re ready, we’ll go to her. She’s gonna need you baby. You gotta be strong for her. You two will be there for each other.” He knew Mason would need to be told as well, and Jareth was the right one to tell him. Right now, he was going to be there for Kaden.
Jareth kisses him softly "Thanks love... I just hope he sees it before those babies are born... They'll need someone who will be there for them... Like the rest of us..." He sighs softly and tries to relax.

He cries for a little longer before it starts to slow and he just holds Nicholas, he was the only thing keeping him up at the moment. He kept his eyes closed, trying to hold on to all the dreams he had, but they slowly faded away, leaving him feeling empty. "All our plans... Our dreams... Are gone..." He looks up at him "How am I supposed to be strong... When almost everything has been taken from us..."
"Yeah," he smiles. "I can't wait for all of us to be a family. Three little ones running around. There's going to be so much love in our home. You just wait. Mason will make a good father. Kaden will be happy. Mel will be the perfect mother. You and I will be spoiling them. I'm excited." He snuggles close to him.

"Almost everything baby. She can't take everything from you, and even she knows that. She'll never take my love for you away. She'll never make Melanie stop loving you. Hold on to the things she can't take from you. You and Mel, you could still be parents. Sure the babies won't come from your bodies, but blood doesn't make a parent. Look at Mason's mom. She's not a parent, and she gave birth to him. Just because Mel doesn't give birth to a child doesn't mean a child couldn't be hers'. You can still have those plans, those dreams you want. They can still be yours." He holds him tight, rubbing his back.
Jareth smiles "I know he will be... I just wish he'd come around... He's going to miss so much..."

Kaden looks at him "What... Have I ever done... To deserve someone like you..." He looks at his still healing chest, the mark barely visible, he runs his fingers over it "Lokk what knowing me got you... Y-You could have... He wants to hurt me... No one else... Me... This is all in me... Because of what I did..." His tears come back but he ignores them "As positive as you want me to be... As she needs me to be... I know this is my fault..."
"Speaking of missing things, I'm missing food," he laughs. "I'm starving. Come on love. Let's go inside and get something to eat. Say hi to the girls too while we're in there." Kevin stands and holds his hand out for Jareth. "Let me help you up."

"No. This was not your fault. That woman went overboard. This is her fault. Keep your focus baby. It's not your fault. She's evil and bitter, and she wants to take that out on anyone that gets in her way. This," he runs his fingers over his chest, "Was my fault. I stood up to her, and I do it again if I had the chance. Because she didn't get to you. The only way she could hurt me was to make you hurt, and for that I'll never forgive her. I want her dead, and I know the demon to help make that possible, but that come later. Right now it's all about you and Mel."
Jareth smirks at him "How about I help you up... Or your pants anyway..." He picks his sweets up and pulls them up as he stands "We really need to get you some clothes..." He kisses him softly and picks him up, jumping down to the door. He opens it "Let's get you..." He looks inside and takes a sniff "Somethings... Wrong.." He heads inside and comes to the living room, seeing Kaden and Nicholas "What's wrong..."

Kaden listens to him "You will not! You will not get hurt again for me..." He stands just before Jareth walks in, he looks over at him and can't help but glare slightly, he looks back to Nicholas "I'm going to take a shower... And get ready... Join me after you tell him..." He pushes him aside slightly and heads for the bathroom.

Jareth looks at Nicholas "Where... Are the girls..."
Kevin follows behind him, smiling, but all that fades once they’re inside. Nicholas stands. “They’re at the hospital. Mrs. Weathers paid them a visit while we were being tortured. The babies are gone. She took them….and any chance Mel has of ever having children. It was payment for the runaround Melanie gave her. She left the divorce papers too,” he points to them on the small table by the door. “Aliya got her to go to be checked out after Weathers left with her demon. That’s when they found out she’s not pregnant anymore, and she can’t ever be pregnant again. Looks like she won boys, but I’ll be damn if she’s getting away with it.” He pushes past Jareth and heads out the front door. "Take care of him," was all he said as he left.
“Ah shit. That’s not good love.”
Jareth was shocked, how had it been done with her not being harmed, he looks at Nicholas "Wait Nicholas!... Dammit..." He looks at Kevin "This isn't good at all..." He looks to where Kaden went "As much as I want to go after him... I'm not leaving you or Kaden alone right now... You better... Go find something to ware... And stay with him... He won't want to be near me..." He turns to the kitchen "I'll make some lunch..."

Kaden strips his bloody clothes and steps into the shower, letting the hot water fall over him, then starts to wash slowly, thinking. It wasn't until he was done and drying off that he noticed Nicholas never came in, he wraps in a towel and heads to the master room. "Nich... Baby you in here?"
Kevin nodded and headed into the first bedroom he came to. Nothing. He kept looking until he came to the one next to the bathroom where he could hear Kaden showering. He started to get dressed as Kaden came out. “No. Sorry. It’s just me. Nicholas is….well….out. He left to go..take care..of something.”

Nicholas doesn’t both with getting the car. ‘Let them come after me on foot. I don’t give a shit. What more can they take from me?’ He kept walking until he stopped. He wasn’t sure why he stopped. The Demon’s Claw. He smirked. “Fitting.” Walking inside he looked around, and it became clear as all eyes turned on him, that he had walked right into a demon bar. “Relax. I’m one of you. Sort of.” They turned to go about what they were doing before he came in. “Listen! I need some help! I need a demon! A ruthless demon!” Again they turned to look at him, laughed, and went back to what they were doing. “I need a demon to kill a human. A real bitch. Does the name Weathers mean anything?” They all froze and turned to look at him once more. “You’re trying to get yourself killed. Aren’t you,” a voice asked. “Come here Nicholas before you get just that.” He made his way to the booth at the back. “You.” The man nodded. “Why aren’t you on your leash with her?”
“Sit down Nicholas,” Giles told him. “You want her dead, but I can’t let that happen.”
“Oh yeah? Why not? She’s a bitch.”
“Careful. I love that bitch. I’d love to slit your throat and drink you blood until your body was a lifeless corpse. The darkness, I embrace. She can’t handle it. Now sit the fuck down before I break your damn legs boy. We have to come to a compromise, or someone will end up dead. I assure you, it won’t be her.”
He looks at Kevin and glares slightly "What do you mean he's out!" He starts to go through drawers and pulls out clothes, throwing them on. "And you just let him leave! After what that bitch did! You should know!" He gets in Kevin's face "That woman took my children... Almost took him... You... That ass we left back in that hell..." He storms out of the room "How could you just let him leave!"

Jareth was in the kitchen making sandwiches when Kaden starts to yell and storm down the hall "Kaden! Kaden wait!" He jumps the counter and grabs him "Stop! He'll come back!" Kaden pulls against him "You don't know that! Let me go!" Jareth holds him closer "Trust him... Think of Melanie..." Kaden continues to struggle and cries softly "I can't lose him too... Please..." He slowly stops and just cries against him "Not him too..." Jareth just looks down at him and holds him "He'll be back..." Jareth looks up as he hears Kevin come down the hall.
“The same way I could let you leave right now,” he says following after him. “Because he was so passionate about it, so intent on doing it that nothing short of a brick wall would stop him. Just like you are right now. I’m well aware of what that woman did. I still feel it even though Jareth’s blood healed me, but I couldn’t stop him Kaden. I’m sorry, but you need to stay calm and either stay here or go see Mel. We don’t need more people out chasing after this woman.” He watches Jareth stop him and breathes a sigh of relief as Kaden lets go. ‘I hope Nicholas knows what he’s doing.’

“A compromise? Like what? The demon you’ve got. He wants Mason back. Right? I’ll get Mason to come back, but you have to back off her.”
“You’re insane. That bitch killed three babies. Mason isn’t going to make up for that. I love the guy. He’s real great, but three babies? No. No deal. I still want her head.”
“It’s a shame to hear you say that. Real shame. You know I’m not dead. I go there with her. My blood has the same healing properties as Jareth’s does.”
“That’s real fascinating, but what the hell is your point?”
“My blood can also bring back dead demons so they can return here.”
“Hello Nicholas,” the voice says as hand slinks along the back of his booth. “We haven’t met yet. Allow me to introduce myself. Marissa, but you can call me Mari. You look absolutely delicious.”
He picks Kaden up and moves to the couch, sitting him down "Now... You can stay here with us... And calm down... Or we can take you to Mel... Don't you think she needs you right now..." Kaden rests back on the couch and looks at the ceiling, then rubs his eyes "I told him... Not to get hurt again... Not for me... And he just..." He looks at the door then sits up "Take me to Mel... You're right..." Jareth nods "Just let me change..." He gets up and quickly goes to change, grabbing his lunch on the way past 'I hope Mason knows what he's doing...' He dresses and comes back out "At least eat something..." Kaden looks at the food and shakes his head "Not hungry..." Jareth sighs, then leads them from the building and to the hospital, hailing a cab.
Kevin remains silent. He knows Jareth knows what he's doing.

Giles stands. "I'm going to leave you to the trusted hands of Mari here. She's a very special girl." He kisses her forehead. "You have no idea. Now you be good and sit there and let her eat. She needs to. I'm sure she's very hungry." Giles leaves as Mari sits down across from him. "You're the girl Mason was having sex with." She nods. "That I am." "You're a demon." "Again, that I am. Do you know what I like to eat Nicholas?" "Pizza?" She laughs. "Oh no. You've got demon blood now. You'll be so....strong. Come with me Nicholas. I like to play with my food."

Aliya stirs as Mel opens her eyes. "Hey. You're awake." Melanie looks at her, her heart broken. "They're..gone. My babies are gone. She..she." Aliya hugs her. "I know sweetie. I'm so sorry." "Where's..Kaden..and Mason. I need them." "They're on the way."
The cab barely parks before Kaden is out and heading inside, Jareth takes care of the bill and they move to follow him, he takes Kevin's hand. "I don't know what to do here... Other then be there... If they even want me..." They slowly follow Kaden, making sure he gets into the room before sitting outside it.

Kaden runs inside and asks where she is, then makes his way to her room, he enters and looks at her, walking up to the bedside. "Mel... I..." He slowly rests his hand over her now flat belly and lets the tears fall slowly "It's true... God I was hopping..." He gasps softly as he cries, then leans down and hugs her, pulling her closer "Love I'm sorry... I... I shouldn't have left..." He slips into the bed beside her and just holds her close.
She starts to cry all over at just the sight of him. As he crawls into bed, she wraps her arm around him. "Our babies," she cries over and over again. Aliya looks towards the door and quietly lets herself out to let them be alone. "Jareth," she asks. "Where the hell is Mason? He should be here. She's gonna need him. What happened?" Kevin looks up. "We know."

"Giles. Where the hell have you been," Mason snarls. "I had to take care of something," he smiles. "Your friend is persistent. Maybe he's stupid. I haven't made up my mind yet."
"What are you talking about?"
"Nicholas wants your mother dead because she took Melanie's children."
"She did what?! I'll fucking kill her myself!"
"No relax Mason. Listen to what I said. She took them. Did I say they were dead? Actually I took them."
"I took them and implanted into the womb of another woman. A strong woman who will carry them and give them to give you and Gabby to raise."
"That's impossible. Who the fuck did she give Mel's babies to?"

"Nicholas I am famished, and you do look delicious. Let's get down to business. I am eating for four now."
Kaden just holds her and lets her cry, rubbing her back softly "I know Sweety... I know..." He kisses her head, his own tears still falling, "I'll miss them too... I was so ready... To have a family..." He his her close "Nich... Said something to me... And I know it'll be hard to do... But he said... She hasn't won... That we can still have a family... Someday... It doesn't have to come from us to be ours..." He pulls back and looks at her "I want you to be a mother... I want you to have at least that... Blood does not a parent make..." He rubs her wet cheeks softly and leans closer to kiss her forehead.

Jareth looks away from her "Mason... Chose to stay with his mother... I think he's trying to prove something to himself... But if he had anything to do... With this..." He closes his eyes.
Melanie snuggles close to him. What he had said made sense, but right now, she didn't want to think about having children in her life. Her heart was broken over the three that she knew she had in her belly just this morning. "Don't leave me M'Lord. I don't be alone. Please. Stay with me. Don't let anyone tell you to leave. I've babies. I've lost..Mason. I can't lose you too."

"No," Aliya shakes her head. "I refuse to believe Mason had anything to do with this. Where the hell is Nicholas? Kaden needs him. What the hell is going on around here?"

"Four," he asks glancing down to her belly. She rubs her hand over her swollen belly. "Oh yes. It's why Giles brought me back. Momma Weathers needed a place to put the children. She couldn't do it herself. One of them belongs to her own son. She didn't trust Gabby. So Giles brought me back and put me before her. He held the children until then before he implanted them in me. I'll give birth to them, and momma Weathers will use them to keep Mason in her family.Maybe, if she trusts Gabby again, she can marry Mason, and they can raise a happy little family that will never know Kaden and Melanie. So I have one thing to ask you Nicky boy. Is that what you want?"
"You know I don't."
"Good. Then you be a good little boy and play along."
"What," he asked confused. "You stay with me, let me fed, get stronger, and then....I'll figure something out. The only demon I really know here....killed me. I'm not keen on trusting him. If I can find a demon who can reverse this, take these vile things out of me, then she can have them back, but you have to play along. Giles gets wind of it, momma Weathers, and it's game over. I find the right demon to do this, and she'll never know. I'll disappear, and Mel can raise her happy little family."
"Why would you do this?" She slides from the booth and grabs his arm, urging him to stand up. "There's a room in back we can use. I fuck you until you cum, and then I feed from your energy. That's how this works."
"Why would you do this?" She shrugs. "I'll let you know when I figure that out myself. Come on. I'm hungry."

"You're kidding me! She took them and put them in that demon! Shit," he said. "I need you to take me to the hospital Giles. Now! I have to make sure she's okay."
"Your mother will be furious with you."
"Yeah. Tell me something I don't know. I'll deal with her. Just take me." Giles takes Mason's arm and lands them straight in front of the hospital. He doesn't stay. Mason enters and was about to ask where she was when he sees Jareth, Kevin, and Aliya. 'Shit. He had to be here.' He walks up to them. "Where is she?"
Jareth looks up and actually growls, he stands and grabs mason's shirt, pulling him closer "I know you're mad a Kaden... You have every right to be... But if you had a hand in this... If this is why you stayed behind..." He growls louder, glaring slightly, they were innocent children.

Kaden held her close "I'm not..." He looks to the door, hearing Jareth growling and speaking to someone 'Mason...' He looks to Mel "Stay here... Somethings going on out there..." He kisses her "I'll be back... I'm not letting you get hurt again..." He kisses her once more then gets up, "Stay there..." He moves to the door and opens it, he sees Jareth holding Mason and growling at him, he quickly walks up to them "Let him go!" He pulls them apart and grabs Mason himself, "Are you happy now! Have you punished me enough!" He grips his shirt and cries softly "How could you... You were mad at me! ME!" He shakes him slightly before falling to his knees "I'm done... You win... I-I'll do anything... Just fix her... Please... Punish me... Not her..." He holds his pant leg and just cries.

Jareth looks on in shock, he had never seen Kaden like this, Mason had done it, Kaden was broken.
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