Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Jareth was starting to sit up, and looks at Kaden "Keep those safe..." He was panting only slightly as looking around 'I... I have a way... It's not the way I wanted it to happen... But I'm finally going to bind you... Mason... Baby... You know I love you... Do you still wish to be my mate...' He slowly stands and takes Kaden's hand a moment "Come on... Before my boys are taken..." He looks at Kaden a moment "I totally understand your anger Kaden... And you should know... I'm pretty sure Nicholas has already been hurt... But you need to keep your head here... Or you won't be leaving with him..." Kaden helps him up and glares at the ground as they head out "I'll try... But I make no promises..."
Kevin watches as they take Mason down. He groans as they move him and let him rest on the floor. “Now the other one. She said she wanted him to come down next. The good doctor is staying here. She’s not done with him yet. She wants him to suffer,” one man chuckles to the other one helping him. “Yeah. I hear she’s gonna cut off his balls since he had such a big pair to stand up to her.”
“I heard that too. Heard she’s gonna stuff them down his throat too.” They place the ladders and climb up to begin feeing Kevin. ‘Love, Mason is free, and they’re taking me down now. Nicholas isn’t coming with us. She’s not done with him, and it’s going to get bad for him.’ He looks over at Mason and can see his chest slowly moving. ‘I love you my love. With all my heart I do.’ Mason knows what will happen when they go back. This is his last chance. He looks up at the ceiling and weakly smiles. ‘My Jareth. My demon. I’m sorry. I never hurt you. I couldn’ it. I don’ talk about I just to know..I love you baby. Beautiful eyes. Those beautiful eyes..drew me in. You saved me..that night. You saved everyway..I needed to be. You kept me..from doing something..I would loved me. I love you baby. Always. Take care..of Help Mel..raise..him..or her. Please. Tell will. I know.’

She walked up to them and smirked. "I never thought I'd see you demon. You don't smell dead. So what the fuck are you doing here? No matter. You'll be dead soon enough." She walked up and shoved Kaden back with such force he slid across the ground. "Come on Jareth. Aren't you happy to see me," Mari asked. "Welcome to my home. The one you sent me to!"

Aliya softly slapped Melanie until her eyes opened. “What did she do to you? Come on. Can you stand?” Melanie nodded as she got to her feet. “I don’t….I don’t know. Come on. Let me get you to the hospital so we can have you checked out.” Again she nodded.
Jareth growls softly 'Don't you go giving up on me... You're both strong and stubborn... Please don't lose that now... I'm almost there...' He looks to Kaden "They are taking them down..." He looks forward again, about to teleport them "Hold o... Mari!? Kaden!" He tried to hold him but he was still a bit weak, "Fuck..." He stands and glares at her "It was nothing you didn't deserve!" He starts to circle her, keeping an ear out for Kaden.

"Ah!... Nnn..." He was shoved back and slid across the rough ground, he hisses slightly as he feels his back being cut up slightly from the rocks. He lays still for a few minutes after he stops, holding his bag close to protect its contents, he slowly sit up, ignoring the pain, to see Jareth circling around Mari several yards away. "But... So... It's like an after life..." He quickly opens the bag and looks through the vials, "Gotcha..." He pulls out a needle and a dart, filling it half full of a paralytic and the rest with a sedative. "Let's see..." He loads the dart and moves to his gun slowly, making sure not to be seen, he loads the shot and aims, 'Yes!' The dark hit her square in the back. 'Please... Work..."
She watches him move around her. “You’re weak here. I am not. How about you get what you deserve now? Hmmmm? You wouldn’t come here without a good reason. That raping, kidnapping piece of shit I just shoved away isn’t it. Oh no. He’s not dead either, and he’s not a demon. So what could possibly bring the big, bad wolf here? Your silly, wasted emotion of love? Which one? Which one of your fuck buddies was stupid enough to be caught and brought here? Huh Jareth. Do tell. I’m on pins and needles waiting to know.” She kept her eyes on him as much as possible. “Shame neither of us can die here, but I can still…..” She lifts her head smelling the air. “ stupid demon! Your blood! You are insane, but such a wonderful demon,” she smiles. “This is my key out of here! The blood of a live demon can give life back to me! Oh Jareth! I hope you’re ready to be bound to me!” She feels the dart pierce her skin and freezes. “What the…..” Mari reaches around and pulls it free. Her eyes narrow at it before she drops it. “ still..want here? You want me..dead?” She asks before falling to the ground.

“Come on. Let’s teleport out of here. Mrs. Weathers is back, and I know she doesn’t want this trash here when she gets here. She’s happy though. Her trip must have went well. She gave Mel the papers,” the guys says looking down at Mason. “You grab him. I’ve got this one. Take a good deep breath. It may be your last. Who knows? Maybe you’ll live even once you get back. Maybe,” he laughs reaching down and grabbing his wrist.

The doctor comes in and looks at Aliya. “The blood work shows nothing out of the ordinary.”
“The x-rays show…..”
“The x-rays! She’s pregnant! You can’t do x-rays on a pregnant woman!”
“Relax Aliya.” He moves to put up the x-ray so she can see. “The x-rays show nothing broken, but Aliya you can clearly see for yourself.” She covers her mouth. “There are no babies there. Her blood work showed she wasn’t pregnant. It’s why we took the x-rays. Aliya, her ovaries are gone. This woman can’t conceive.”
“That’s impossible. She was….payment. Oh my….she took them. She took her babies….and her….ovaries….so she can’t….have any children. Oh Kaden….Mason….I can’t….call you. I can’t….tell you….about this. I’m not close enough….to Jareth….for that to work. How is she doctor?”
“Sleeping I’m afraid. We had to sedate her. She was upset after we told her what the blood work showed.” Aliya nodded. “Thank you.” She opened the door for him to leave. ‘Jareth. I gotta try this. Please. If you can hear me,” she paused, wanting to tell him, but she didn’t want to distract him too much. “Just bring them all home safely. We really need you all here.’
Kaden was already running back to him as Mari was starting to fall, he gets there panting and grabs him "It worked! It worked! We can knock them out... I... I made a few more darts... Let's go!"

Jareth watches as Mari circles him, taunting him, "You call love useless... But it's when you have someone else to fight for... That you truly become strong..." He stops and watches her as the dart hits her, he frowns a bit "I'm sorry Mari... I wish you could have found your own love..." He looks to Kaden as w runs up and smiles "Nice one... Yes... Now hold on!" He holds him and stares at the castle in the distance 'I'm coming...' He closes his eyes and teleports them, keeping his mind fixed on Mason an Kevin.
Kevin sees them appear. “Love,” he cries out. The man holding his wrist looks up. “One more step, and I’ll take him home. Stop right there.” He looks over to the man holding Mason. “One more step, and they’re both home.”

Aliya walks in and sits next to Melanie. She runs her fingers through her hair. ‘Poor baby. Kaden, Jareth, I wish you two were here.’
Jareth opens his eyes at Kevin's cry, then freezes, he looks at te two of them and he can feel his blood boiling, his eyes tinting red. "Bastards..." He glances at Kaden "Don't move..." 'Is the blood in darts or needles...' Kaden quickly glances at him 'D-Darts... They were the largest containers...' He closes his eyes in a moment of relief, then stares at them again "Why is she doing this... All because her husband likes a little more meat in his bed..." He growls, he was distracting them, his hand slipped into Kaden's bag, holding two of the blood darts, he chanted in his head. "Where is her puppet man... Does she keep him locked up here too..." He pulls the darts out, both glowing softly 'I love you... Both... This may burn a little...' He suddenly whips the two darts out, one hitting each of them, his enchanted blood quickly entering their systems. The blood, being demon, was quite strong, so it burns slightly as it starts to fuse with their own, slowly starting to heal their wounds, he hopped the two demons would notice, he had also masked scent of blood. "What are you..!" Kaden looks up at him, not knowing what he did "Those were meant for the demons!" 'Trust me...' They looks at each other, Jareth glaring slightly.
Kevin, being a bit stronger, sits up and cries out as the blood begins to course through his body. Mason groans and twitches slightly. Both can feel their wounds starting to close. 'Love! What did,' Kevin asks him. He looks over to Mason and can see him healing. Looking down he runs his hand over the one stab wound he had. 'I'm..healing love! Take us home!'

The demon glares at him. "What business is it of yours' about her husband? That is none of your concern." Nicholas screams out in pain just before Mason's mother comes through the door behind Jareth and Kaden. "Oh please. Just let the demon take his little lovers back. One is truly of no concern to me. The other," she looks over at Mason, "will leave him anyway. So let them go. Stop wasting my time. Go ahead demon. Take them. I have a business meeting back in the city. I shall be late." She sighs. "If they go near the doctor, kill them. Giles. To my office. Take care boys. Mason, I shall see you tonight. Tell Gabby to wear something sexy. The press will be there."
"Nicholas!" Kaden quickly turns around and fires at his mother, "I'm not leaving here without him..." He glares at her, and fire another dart "What's the matter... Can't handle that you couldn't keep your man... The way you act... I bet you're a real dead fish in bed... No wonder he turned to someone else..." As her men come at him, he fires at them too.

Jareth growls softly at the sound of her voice, be he didn't get a chance to do anything before Kaden too action, Nicholas' scream having made him snap. He quickly moves to pull Mason and Kevin out of the way "Where's Nicholas?"
"You waste your time boy. Your insults are as meaningless to me as you are." She looks past him to Jareth. "Oh please. Does the good doctor mean that much to you both? This family of yours' is so sick. Everyone loving and fucking. Just one big, happy, gay family." She rolls her eyes and sighs. "He is back there," she gestures. "Now if you'll excuse me, I do have a shareholder's meeting to get to. My husband is waiting. Take them all. Just get out of here. My demons are already going to have a tough time cleaning up all their blood. Just go. I have to get another demon to teleport me now since you seem to be a little trigger happy with that dart gun of yours. So you go that way and get your man, and I'll go this way and get my demon." She opened a side door and gave them a wave before leaving. "Love! Get us out of here! Please!"
Jareth gently picks up Mason and stands "Can you walk? We need to get Nicholas... Kaden wait! Dammit..." He moves to follow him.

Kaden doesn't waste a moment and runs into the other room "Nicho... No..." He runs up to him, tears already falling from his eyes "Nich... Baby can you hear me..." He looks over his chest, he was almost afraid to touch him "Jareth... Please... Help me get him d-down..."

Jareth enters the room and was shocked at the sight, he moves to set Mason by the door and walks over and lifts his as gently as possible, still cringing as he cries out. "I'm sorry..." He cuts the ropes and lays him on the ground, looking him over "This is... Ok... Hold his hand... This is going to hurt him... I'm sorry... But it should help..." He looks at Kaden "He was there for you... You're here for him..." The blood he drew wasn't going to be enough, he lifts his hand and slices it, "Nnn..." He slowly lets the blood drip along the wound, as it was coming straight from him, the burn was much worse. "I know it hurts... But try to keep still..." His other hand helps to gently hold him down.
Mason is hanging on to being awake as Jareth picks him up. “Baby,” he whispers. Kevin is able to stand on his own. When Jareth runs after Kaden, he follows slowly. The sight they see is Nicholas unconscious, hanging limp, as the blood drips from his body. His pants have been ripped to shreds. His chest is the source of the blood. A huge W carved deep into skin. His face has been beaten. Cleary her demons roughed him up. When the blood hits his, Nicholas opens his eyes wide as he screams. The burning was so intense. “Just let me die bitch,” he screams out. “Please! Let me die!” He closes his eyes shaking his head. Nicholas tried to lift his head, to sit up as he tries to push them away. “I said let me die bitch! I won’t fucking tell you where they are!” Kevin runs his fingers through Mason’s hair. “,” Mason tells him. “He’s still..her.” Kevin nods and starts over to them. “He thinks you’re her. Let him know who you are. Come on Kaden. You love him. Let him know it’s you.”
Jareth continues what he's doing, glancing at Kaden, he was crying softly and holding hand "Nich... Doc... It's Kaden... It's Kaden baby..." He leans down and kisses his forehead, he moves into his line of sight "See... I came to get you... Jareth... He's trying to heal you... I know it hurts..." He holds his hand tighter and reaches up to run his fingers through his hair slowly "I love you..." He smiles at him softly.

Jareth focused on his work, he made a pass over the whole wound once and was starting on a second go, if this worked, there shouldn't be a scar, he sends Kevin a hug and a soft kiss to the cheek 'Thanks...' He then glances back at Mason 'How are you doing?'
"Don't you fucking talk about Kaden! You don't know him! Don't you touch him! I'll rip your throat out bitch! I'll....I'll....Kaden? Kaden?! Is that really you? Baby?! Oh baby! It hurts! It burns! Wh-What is this? You came..for me." He begins to cry as he focuses on him. Kevin smiles and rubs Jareth's shoulder. 'I've been....better,' Mason replies.
Kaden smiles and nods "Yeah... Of course I came..." He glances at his chest "I know it hurts... Jareth is trying to heal you... If we don't... You'll die when we leave..." He continues to hold his hand and gently touches his face and leans in closer to kiss him softly, then lays beside him "This is all my fault... None of this... Would have happened if I had died in that tub... Mason wouldn't have left..."

Jareth looks at him "Kaden... He'll be fine... She hasn't won... And we'll keep Mel and the children safe..." He glances back at Mason 'Are you ready to talk with me yet...' He slowly finishes up a third pass and sits back, licking the wound closed "There... Should be closed up in a few minutes... We'll leave then... It will still hurt for a while... I'm sorry..." He gets up and moves over to sit next to Mason, then looks at him.
"Shut..up. I don't talking..about a..bath tub..unless you mean..with it," he tells him. "It's not..your..fault. It's her. She evil. She got..what she wanted. It's done." He reaches over to him, as he rests beside him.

'Talk? About what?' Mason watches him work with Nicholas. When Jareth moves to come closer, his eyes widen. "What," he asks him looking over to him. Kevin shakes his head but stays quiet.
Kaden just cries silently and holds him as best he can without hurting him "I'm sorry..."

Jareth sighs and leans back against the wall 'Has he been hurt enough yet...' He says softly in his head, looking over at Nicholas and Kaden.
"Ssshh baby. It's okay. It doesn't..hurt as much..anymore. You better.. stop..all this crying..and start thinking..about taking a bath.with me..when I get home. I've got..that woman's stink..all over me," he grins, trying to make Kaden smile. "I want..your arms..around me..touching me. Okay?"

Mason watches, hearing Jareth. 'No,' he tells him standing, leaning against the wall. 'Call me when we're ready to leave,' he tells him as he heads for the door slowly.
Kaden takes a deep breath and looks at him, smiling slightly and tries to calm down "Just... Hearing you scream... The wounds..." He leans closer and kisses him, holding his hand tightly "I'll help you clean up when we get home..."

Jareth sighs slightly at his response and watches him go, he'd have to talk to him once they were home, he stands to follow him. "I'll be right back..." He walks up beside him "Did you hear before... About your father... What your mother has done to him..."
"That's You're lips..are already..making me feel..better. Doctor's orders. You have to..keep giving me..kisses. Okay?" He squeezes Kaden's hand back, feeling his strength coming back. "Don't're getting out lessons..because I got..hurt. Not a chance."

He looks over at his feet. Mason can't look at his face. "No. I didn't. What's wrong with my father?"
Kaden smiles a bit more "Aren't I supposed to be comforting you..." He kisses him softly again "Don't worry... The lessons won't stop..." He rubs his cheek "You're gonna need to cook for the little one at some point..." He smiles again.

Jareth looks at him "Do you remember Gabby's father... He used to be business partners with your father..." He continued at his nod "They were more then business partners Mason... They were lovers... They still would be... If your mother hadn't put a spell on your father..." He turns to him "Her hatred started with them..."
"Oh yes. Little ones. I don't want to..subject them to the horrors that cooking," he laughs, wincing. "I'll have to to bake cookies too. What's your favorite kind? We can make those for them. None until after dinner though. Pot roast baby." Nicholas tries to sit up. His wound wasn't fully healed yet, but he was still trying. He had to. "I'm not laying down..anymore. I have to..sit up. Come on baby. I want to look..into your eyes."

"Yeah. I remember him," he tells him. "What? No. You're wrong. My dad wasn't into men. He loved mom. He was just the quiet type who knew she had the better head for business. That's why the company did so well."
"You shouldn't move yet..." He slowly helps him to sit up and then lean against him, he checks to make sure he wasn't opening anything. "I... Don't really know... I've never had much of a sweet tooth..." He smiles at him and holds him closer, rubbing his back softy.

"No... Your mother uses him like a puppet... I'll show you..." He stands before him and gently tips his head up, culling his cheeks and looking into his eyes, his glow softly and the memories of what Gabby's father had said and what his mother had said played in his mind. Once thy were done he steps back and lets him go slowly, wanting to just pull him closer and never let go, but he knew he still needed time.
"No," he tells him reaching for his face. "Right here. Look at me right here. Don't worry about rubbing my back. Just look at me Kaden. I have to see your eyes. I have to feel your love. Please. Lean your forehead against mine."

"All she wanted to do was give her the damn papers! Why did he have to be a smartass and run? Huh? Why did you go along with this? Do all of you think it's funny to fuck with my mother? She's not one to be fucked with! I could have told you that, but no! You had to run just to keep Mel from getting those damn divorce papers! It's what she wants!" He can't stop yelling. "It's! What! She! Wants! Not me! So just let my mother give her the damn papers before she's so pissed something else happens! Can you do that?"
Kaden turns and looks at him, soon resting against him like asked and smiles softly "I do love you..."

Jareth growls slightly and steps back "She wanted to do a lot more then just give her the papers..." He looks him over "Has your mother started to work on you too..."
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