Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

"She won' win. I'll make sure of that. I love our family too. I love Aliya and Melanie. Not like I love you, but I do love them. They're important to me. These children are important to me. I want us all safe and cared for, and like you, I'm gonna fight to keep it that way. EVen if means flying here at a moments notice. I'll fly us anywhere I have to. Halfway around the world I if I have to." He leans his face into Kaden's chest and continues to cry. He had held everything in for so long. He couldn't do it any longer, and he couldn't stop it from coming out.

Kevin followed him. Jareth seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go. When they arrived, he sank down at his urging. His skin falling victim to Jareth's claws. "Yes my love. You know I like that. Growl for me love. Let me hear how much you want me," he said as his lips kisses Jareth's legs through his clothes.

Gabby stared at the phone for a minute. "Let me go outside. Okay? That way you don't hear anything I say. Just stay here and be calm. Okay?"
Kaden holds him again and just lets him cry, he needed it "You've been hiding this... Your fears... Look what that did me..." He rubs his back and squeezes him "No more hiding... At least not from me... Ok love... Honesty..." He runs his fingers through his hair "I love you... Don't forget that..." He hums softly and rubs his back, helping him calm down slowly, just letting him work through it.

Jareth kneels before him and slowly lifts off his shirt, then gently pushes him to lay on his back as Jareth removes his own shirt. He looks down at him, then crawls over him and kisses him, laying against him only slightly and running his hands over his chest as he growls a bit louder for him, nipping at his lips slightly. "Nnn..." He pulls from the kiss and starts to move down, kissing and licking as he goes.
Nicholas begins to slowly calm down, feeling the warmth and security in Kaden. “No more hiding,” he whispers.

“Oh baby. This is so crazy. I can hear them. Can they hear us? Do I need to be quieter? I can….oh Jareth,” he groans, feeling his lips move down his body. “Jareth this is..insane..but I love it. Don’t stop love. I can’t….oh yeah. That’s the spot.” H keeps lifting his head, watching his lover as he works his way down.

Gabby debates for as long as she can. “I’m sorry Jareth,” she says as she presses the button and waits.
Kaden smiles and continues to hold him until he's ready to move.

Jareth smirks up at him as he starts to pull at his pants "I don't think they can hear us yet lover... Just relax and..." He growls a little darkly as he phone starts to ring "Hold that thought..." He sits back and pulls his phone from his pocket, seeing Mason on his screen, he answers it and slowly lifts it to his ear. "Hello?.." He looks down at Kevin and slowly run his claws over his stomach and chest, helping to keep himself calm.
"I think.. I'm okay..I'm gonna go take a shower. Let the hot water help."

"Good. Not yet? What do you mean not yet? They can't hear us ever. We'll get in trouble, " he grins. His grin fades when the phone rings though.

"Jareth I am so sorry to bother you, but his mother know where Nicholas lives. I'm guessing you already know that since she went to the house and nobody was there. I created a real shit storm Jareth. Now his mother is pushing Mason into making you think he's coming back to you just so he find out where they are now. Then she wants him to leave you. He can't do that Jareth. It's tearing him apart. He refuses to hurt you by doing that, but if he doesn't....his mother is going to kill him. Jareth he's in a tight spot. What can he do? He says she already wants my head on platter for alerting you guys to her coming. My neck is on the line now. Something has gotta give with that woman and fast, or Mason and I are gonna take the fall."

She walked through the house, knocking things from shelves, smiling. "Such a pity. This was a nice place. Destroy it boys. Send a message to the good doctor. Don't burn it down though. I want him to have to work to rebuild. If you burn it down he has to start all over, and I'm not ready for that yet. Dr. Nicholas Hayden. Well now. Let's see how you like having everything you want stripped from you. Your sweet friend," she paused looking at the paper, "Kaden, is his name, well now, let's see how much damage I can do when my company pulls out of our deals with him. That should send a message. Melanie will get the papers, Kaden will lose a great deal of his money, and the good doctor, well I have something special in mind for him. He will be mine. I hope he screams beautifully. I simply can't wait."
Kaden kisses him softly "Alright... What would you like for dinner? I can give you another lesson..." He smiles softly and steps back, waiting for him.

Jareth sits back and is silent for a few minutes, holding back his growl at his mother's threat, he looks at Kevin. "He knows you've talked with me... Has he told you why he's doing this..." He closes his eyes for a moment "I love him... I do... And that will never change... But if he wants to hurt Melanie like that... Risk those children... Becasue he's too scared to talk to me... I can't help him..." He bites his lip "But he loves me like he says he does... He'll ask me for help himself..." He pulls the phone away and ends the call.
He forces a smile. “I think..for dinner..maybe I’ll just order out. I’m not in the mood to cook. Is that alright?”

“Jareth? Jareth? Jareth! Damn you,” she yells ending the call on her end. She looks back inside at Mason. He can see the look on her face and heads outside. “So?” She looks dowan at her feet. “He won’t help. He says he won’t let you hurt Mel and the kids, and if you want his help, you’ll ask yourself.” Mason looks angry. “That fucking demon. I knew I was right to leave him.”
“Mason calm down. You don’t mean that.”
“The hell I don’t!”
“Mason, relax,” she says reaching out to touch him. He pushes her away. “Don’t. Don’t touch me. I’ll handle my mother on my own,” he tells her turning to leave. “Mason! Don’t be stupid! The woman is evil!” She hears the door slam. “Shit. He’s fucking crazy.

Kevin looks up at him. “Love if you need to handle this, I understand.”
Kaden looks at him, not quite believing him, but letting it go for now "Alright... I guess somehow easy like take out would be good... After today..." He smiles at him softly "I better go check on Mel... Don't make me come get you again..." He smirks then heads back inside.

Jareth looks at his phone, then at Kevin "He's... He's in trouble... And I just... I hung up..." His eyes go wide, he looks at Kevin "She said she'd kill him... And I said I wouldn't help him..." He grips his chest lightly, trying to ignore the tight burning he felt there.
“Alright. I’ll be in. I promise.” He watched Kaden go back inside and smiles. “I’m so lucky. He loves me, and I love him. Kaden, I know you can’t hear me, but I promise I will take care of you until I’m no longer able to. I promise.” He climbs from the chopper and closes the door heading inside.

“Whoa! It’s alright love,” Kevin says sitting up. “She’s not going to kill him. He’s her son. No mother can kill their own flesh and blood. Gabby is exgerating. Okay? Relax. Give her a few minutes, and then call back if you feel like you have to.” He rubs Jareth’s back. “Please love. Relax.”

Gabby head for the front door and opens it to see Mason and Dawson. She narrows her eyes watching Mason talk to him. Dawson takes out his phone, and she watches his lips move. He nods several times and hangs up. Speaking to Mason, she watches Mason now nodding his head. Then, without warning, Dawon punches him in the face hard, dropping him to the ground. Dawon kneels out of sight, and Gabby opens the front door yelling at him. When he stands, he’s got Mason over his shoulder, and he eyes Gabby. “Go back inside. His mother wants him brought to her home. She coming home to deal with him. She wants him….hanging around when she gets there. Go back inside. You’re not a part of this Gabby. Not yet.” He throws the unconscious man in his car and drives away.
Jareth shakes his head no "No... I know what that woman is capable of... I've seen it in Gabby's head..." He grips his hair lightly as he tries to think the light the pain, then it stops and he opens his eyes "S-Something... Something happened..." He looks at Kevin and pulls him close "I... I can't wait anymore... He needs my help..." He kisses him and holds him closer "I'm sorry... This was supposed to be our day..." He pulls back and quickly helps them redress and picks him up, taking to the trees to get back to the car. "I'm taking you to the hospital... Contact Kaden or Nicholas..." He puts him down and opeds the car, getting in, he looks over to him "Promise me... This time you WON'T follow me... Please..." He started to drive as soon as he was in the car.
Kevin was breathless by the time they got to the car. "I..promise. I won't follow you. You're scared love. I can see and feel it. You're scared, and you're scaring me."

Gabby sat on the front porch. She didn't know what to do. Jareth wasn't going to help, and Mason was left to his mother who could be back for all she knew.

Mason was literally hanging from the wall. Ropes secured his wrists, but more than that, there was one around his neck pulling tightly. "I told you stupid boy not to defy me. All you had to do was ask your gay over for the fucking address, and you couldn't even do that right. No matter. I've got detectives in all the surrounding cities. I'll find your ex bitch, and that stupid doctor as well. He'll hang next to you. Oh the fun I can have with him."
He glances at him as he drives "I'm sorry... But you're right... I'm scared... I felt it when he was mad at me... Then it just stopped... No fading, just gone..." He pulls up to the hispital "Ask to be put in his office..." He leans over and kisses him deeply, holding him for a moment longer "I'm coming back... I promise..." He smiles slightly "I love you... And I'll make today up to you... I promise..." He runs his cheek, then watches him, waiting until he was inside before driving off 'Stay safe... Please...' Was his last thought to him before he picks up his phone and calls Mason's number, he quickly cuts her off with a low growl "Where is he..."
Kevin holds Jareth's face. "I know love. I know you're coming back. Just know that I love you. I will stay here. I promise." He climbs out of the car and heads inside the hospital. With a smile, he tells the nurse behind the desk that he's a friend of Nicholas', and tells her he needs to wait in his office. She returns his smile, and she tells him it's okay. Kevin walks down the hall and into his office. Closing the door behind himself, he looks around until the door opens. "Can I help you," he asks. "Yeah," the man says before hitting Kevin in the face and dropping him to the floor. "you can tell Mrs. Weathers where Nicholas is," he says picking him up.

"Jareth," was all she got out before he cut her off. "They....took him Jareth," she whispered. "I don't know..where to. His mother..has, and I..don't know..where. She Jareth..I'm scared..for him. He was so..angry..and he left..and I couldn't..stop him..and they were"

Mason comes to and looks down at his mother. "Oh my poor son. Don't worry. You won't be alone for long. Soon your little gay friend will be here. No I'm sorry it won't be your demon lover. The other one."
"Kevin," he asks.
"Whatever his name is. I don't know. My men already have and are on their way here to us. So relax. You won't be alone for long, but look at you? You're not nearly a sight bad enough to scare him. Let's see if we can fix that. She turns away from him, and when she faces him once more she holds a blade. Slowly she slices it into his belly. He groans and screams. "Shhh baby, and try not to drip too much blood on my floor. I hate stains. Now. Tell me where Nicholas would take this bitch?"
"I don't....know."
"Will you talk to your lover on the phone and find out?"
"Wrong answer."
He growls louder "You're on that island right... Would she take him somewhere there..." He quickly finds a place to park his car, away from the hospital, and gets out "Think!" He growls again and tries to call out to Mason 'Answer me baby... Please... I need to know where you are...' His demon was pushing him to shift, to seek him out himself, but he needed a starting point. "Would she go somewhere on that island..."
"I don't know! I don't....know." Gabby hangs her head. "I don't know Jareth. She's got homes on every island here. I don't know. I'm sorry."

Mason lifts his head slightly. His belly had four stab wounds. 'Baby,' was all he managed to send to Jareth.

The doors opened, and the large man carried Kevin inside. "Such a good thing to have demons around. I love how they travel son," she smirks. "Hang him up over there, across from my son. Now if my son won't tell me, then maybe his gay lover will. If he doesn't, rip the information from his mind. I don't care if you leave him a babbling, mindless idiot. He will tell me. One way or another."
Jareth heard his soft cry 'Mason!? Where are you... Give me a name a hint anything...' He could hear the pain in his voice "You're family knows theirs! Maybe your parents know something... She's hurting him gabby... Do you want his blood on your hands! Call me back!" He hangs up and quickly teleports to the island and shifts, not caring if anyone saw him, his nose was 100x better in this form. 'Stay with me love... Anything I can use to find you...' Ignoring the screams around him, he starts to run, letting his nose lead him, his eyes starting to tint red.
Mason lifts his head, hearing Jareth’s voice in his head, and sees Kevin being hung. ‘Kevin,’ he tells him. ‘Kevin’
“Mom you..can’ this.” She snarls at his and jams her finger inside one of his stab wounds. “I can do whatever the fuck I please. When I find Nicholas, he will be here as well.”
“Mom! Please!”
“Don’t beg son. It doesn’t look good for a man to beg. Then again, you’re not a real man. You fuck another man. You’re weak. Just like your father was, but I’ll fix you. Just like I did him. Get me a new set of blades. I’ll start to work on this one when he comes to,” she says taking her finger out of Mason’s wound and heading over to Kevin. “Come on gay boy! Wake up!” She punches his cock hard and Kevin groans and opens his eyes. “Jareth! Jareth!” He looks up to see Mason bloody. “Oh shit. Mason. What the fuck is this?” Again she punches him. His face reddenes. “I’m the one you talk to. Not him. Now. Let’s see if you’re willing to tell me where Nicholas has taken that bitch to.” Kevin shakes his head. “I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “Wrong answer.” She slides the blade in slowly, listening to Kevin scream. ‘Baby….we’re on….the island..she always called it..the,” he passes out before he can tell him.

“I don’t know! Maybe they can! My father is here on the island as well! Go to the business park here on St. Thomas. My father’s office is on the 14th floor! Go!”

“I’m gonna go pick up dinner,” Nicholas tells Kaden as he strolls near the door. “I’ll be fine. I’ll pick out something we all like. I think I know that,” he says with a wink. He had finally come back inside and felt better. The cry had done him good. “I’ll be fine. I know you’re worried about that. Don’t be. There’s no way they could know we’re here.” He gives Kaden a quick kiss on the cheek and heads down. When the elevator doors open, he heads towards his car. A man steps out behind him and knocks him over the head. Leaning down he pulls out his wallet. “Nicholas Hayden. Yep. You’re the one she wants. You don’t think we weren’t going to check on flight plans to the surrounding cities did you? Your chopper matched Mrs. Weather’s description too.” He places his hand on him and they’re gone.
'Kevin!? What no... No I left him at the hospital... He... He was safe!' A deep angry growl ripped from his throat and he ran faster, 'Mason? Mason!' The red in his eyes was getting worse, his demon wanted out, but he still needed his head 'Kevin... Love can you hear me... Tell her! Tell her where they were going... Give me time! I'm coming!' He skids to a halt as Gabby's words and changed directions, heading towards the large buildings not far away.

Kaden tried to keep him there, he had a bad feeling, but after a quick kiss he was gone, he paced back and forth, something felt off. He looks to Aliya "This building... Does it have security? If they did find us... Could they get up here..." He couldn't shake this feeling.
“Alright,” Kevin screams out. “I’ll tell you..where they are.” The woman smiles. “Of course you would, but you see little man, I was going to get the information no matter what.” They both turn and look as the man carries Nicholas in. “But now I don’t need you. So maybe I’ll keep you hanging around for my own pleasure. Maybe I’ll kill you. Maybe I’ll let you go. We’ll see. Hang him up too! Smartass bastard thought he got the better of me. He needs to learn a lesson. At least now, I know where she’s at. When I’m finished with these guys for the night, I’m going to her.” Kevin watches as they hang Nicholas. ‘Love. I was tell her..but she..already knows. She’s She knows love.’

“Yeah. There’s security. You can’t get up here without the code for the elevator. Plus all the residents in this building can pull up the security feeds in their offices. We can even rewind it. Wanna see,” she asks going into the office and pulling up the feed. “See. There’s Nicholas getting off the elevator. Now he’s looking for his car, and….What the?! Nicholas!”
He shakes his head 'How!' He growls again, looking for the right building 'Tell me what's happening... What has she done... Just... Just talk to me...' This was killing him, he finally found the right building and shifted, running inside and taking the stairs, jumping several flights at a time. Once on the 14th floor he starts his search again, following his nose, a scent like Gabby's hit his nose, only male "Found you..." He quickly enters the room and moves towards the man, still growling but trying to hold it back, then it hit him, he had the scent of men on him, his eyes went wide a moment. "It started with you... Didn't it... You were with her husband..." He said it softly, then got closer "She has my lovers... My friend.... Where can I find her! Mrs. Weather's... Where can I find her before she kills them!" He slams his fist into the table.

Kaden was still pacing when Aliya started the feed, then stopped a moment to watch and make sure he was ok, then he pales "No... No no no NO!" His eyes are wide as he watches the screen "She... She has demons... Working for her..." He stands and paces again, thinking, then stops and looks at her "Alright... Call security and get them up here... Show them this... And... Keep Mel safe..." He turns and heads to Nicholas's room "I'm going after them... Jareth needs to know she has demons..." He starts to look through his things "Come on doc... You have to have something... Yes..." He finds a medical go bag and searches through it for what he'd need, his cold mask slowly slipping into his face.
The man holds up his hands as he tries to remain calm. “It’s alright. Take a deep breath.” He nodded to his secretary who had come in through the open door. “It’s okay. Close the door behind you.” Once she had, he looks to Jareth. “I am so sorry for your lovers and friends. I’ll do anything I can to help. You’re right friend. It did start with me. Mr. Weathers, as I now have to call him, was my lover. His wife found out and used her….associates to put a stop to me and to all but silence him. He’s under a spell. It’s why she can make the controlling decisions for the company. She had demons of all kind employeed and at her service. There is a place she takes those she doesn’t wish to be found. It’s a special island where only the worst of the worst demons go, even in death. They walk freely there, and though she’s not a demon, her nature makes them accept her. She might as well be one of them. They’re stronger there. It’s hard to get to. It’s out of phase with the rest of time. A simple teleport won’t get you there demon.” He smiled softly. “I know the scent of a demon all too well. No, I’m not one, but I can still sense it. I’m telling you this not only so you can help those you care about, but in the hopes that you can somehow manage to have the spell lifted from my lover. I miss him terribly, and I don’t wish that kind of pain on anyone. Including you. The island is called The Isle of the Demons. When demons cross the bridge of fate, that’s what is on the other side for them. Humans go there, they don’t die. They suffer for eternity. She doesn’t want them dead. She just wants them to suffer. So if you can manage a trip there, be careful, but it comes with a price. You have to shed your own blood as the price before you even attempt to teleport. It weakens you. See in death you can go without it, but in death, you can never return. So a live demon entering there is more dangerous. He can leave and come back. So be careful my friend. I’ve done my research in the hopes of lifting the spell from my lover. I am unable to do so, but you? Well you are my new hope.”

Aliya jumps up. “Going after them! You can’t do that! What if you get caught? No. Let Jareth do this.” She knew her pleading wasn’t doing any good. Shaking her head she told him, “Fine. I’ll call them and show this to them. Be careful Kaden.”

Kevin shakes as Mason wakes up once more. ‘Mason..isn’t dead love. He’s awake. They have..Nicholas too. I can hear..him screaming. I’ve been..stabbed..once. Mason..has been..too..but more times. He’s pale. She knows..where she She’s Love..I’m so..cold. It feels did..before. You know. Remember that I..watched over you..before love. I’ll do it.again. Maybe..we can meet..again.’
He sits back and stares at the man "But... But the bridge isn't real... It's meant for souls... I've only seen it through the mind of the dying..." He hears Kevin and growls softly 'Don't you dare... You're not going anywhere...' He looks at him again and holds his head "Tell me where to go... If it's in my power... I'll free him for you... But I can't listen to them die... Not again!" He let his tears fall slowly, he was desperate, his fear overpowering his anger at Kevin's attempt at a goodbye. "Tell me what you know..."

Kaden looks at her "I have to try... He saved me Aliya... I love him... I can't just sit here and let him... Let them..." He grips the bag at his side, filled with different vials and needles, his now hard eyes watching her. "Keep my family safe..." He kisses her forehead before grabbing the bag and heading back to the roof, he pulls out his phone and calls Jareth "You come get me... She took Nicholas..." He could hear a man speaking in the background "You come get me before you face her Jareth or so help me..." His voice was hard and demanding, but there was a slight quiver that he was trying hard to hold back "I'll be waiting on the roof... Of his place in the city..." He hung up, knowing Jareth heard him, he moves to the chopper and looks inside, all he can picture is Nicholas crying over the controls. "I'm coming... I promise..." He opens the door and pulls out the dart gun from the back, he had seen it before, since it was also a medical chopper, he was glad to have it.
‘I’m not..going..anywhere love. I want to..My body feels it..but I can’t..die. I don’t know..why.’ The men come through, two of them, laughing. Their hands covered in blood. “That’ll teach the scum. He’ll never forget her now.”
“You..branded him,” Mason says. They stop and look at him. “Yeah. Carved a nice W on his chest. Goes down to his belly too. She wants us to go back later and cut his balls off. Since he clearly has such a nice pair. Fag passes out. She wants your fuck buddy awake when we do that. Don’t worry. You two are going home soon. He’s staying here with us though. So he can kiss his balls goodbye. Literally!” They laugh leaving the two there. ‘Love! They’re bring Mason..and I..home. They’re keeping..Nicholas. Hold on. We’re coming..home.’

“You’ll need a circle formed by cursed crystals,” he says opening a drawer. He pulls out a wooden box. Opening it are several small, white crystals. “These were not easy to come by. The circle is formed, the words on this parchement read by a demon before he slices open his left hand. His blood hits the ground, and you’re teleported there. You’ll be weak. Very weak. You’re supposed to be, but beware. The demons that are because they died are strong. They’ll know you’re not dead. You won’t smell like death to them. I hope you don’t have many enemies. She has a place that looks like a castle in the thick of the forest. She uses it for protection, but the walls can be seen above the trees. That’s where you’ll find her. Demons all around it no doubt. It’s dangerous my friend. Be careful. I won’t try to stop you. You’ve got that look in your eyes. It’s the same look I have had ever day as I’ve searched for someone who get this spell lifted from my love.”

Aliya shook her head as the buzzer sounded letting her know someone wanted to come up. Her face froze as she made her way over to the intercom. There she was, looking up to the camera. She covered her mouth. “Mrs. Weathers,” she whispered. She held up a sign to the camera that read:
Let me in, or I’ll burn it down. A pyro demon behind her brandished a fireball. “Shit. Shit. Shit Shit.” She ran into the room with Mel. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s here. She’s gonna burn the place down if I don’t let her up. Mel I can’t fly the chopper. You have to move. We have to run.”
“We’ll never make it down to the ground before they start a fire Aliya.”
“Well what am I supposed to do?”
“Let her in.”
“Let her in. Either way, she gets us,” she shrugged. “I’m not going to run from her. “let her in, or I will.” Melanie moved from the bed and pushed past Aliya towards the front door. She pushed the button and spoke into the intercom. “You want me. Come and get me.” She pushed the button opening the door to the elevators. Mrs. Weathers looked up, smiled, and got inside. “Now. Call security. Tell them there’s an intruder in the elevator on the way up here. Tell them to kill the power to the elevator. She’ll be trapped. She tries to start a fire in there, she’ll be a crispy bitch. You didn’t really think I was letting her come up here did you,” she smiles as she turns to face Aliya.
'No... No you have to stay there... It's that place keeping you alive... You leave... And...' He paces the room a moment and looks at the man "Thank you... I'll see you again..." He takes the crystals and vanishes, appearing next to Kaden "You better be ready..." He uses his magic to place the stones, he says the words and cuts his wrist, making a fist to let it drip to the ground beneath them. He grabs Kaden with his other hand as they vanish, Jareth falling to the ground as they reappear again. "Nnn... Fuck..." He was gasping slightly as the drain hit him hard. Kaden was in a bit of a shock, he had been waiting for Jareth when he suddenly appeared, he didn't even have time to ask before he was grabbed and they were off. "Wh-Where are we..." He looks down to Jareth gasping and falls beside him "Jareth! What's wrong..." "S'fine... Need... Need a minute..." Kaden stays close to him, he looks up "Take... Take my blood... Th-Three vials... Or they... They can't leave..." Kaden looks at him, then nods "Ok..." He does as told, waiting for him to gain his strength back.
The man nods after he's gone. "Be safe my friend, and good luck."

'What? We can't..but how will we? We can't stay here love. What shall we do?'

"That was amazing! You're incredible Mel!"
"Too bad she's not that smart." They both turn to see her standing in front of her demon. "You stupid girl. Did you forget about teleportation? Being with that demon hasn't taught you much. Has it?" She grins holding the papers out. "This is all I wanted to give you, but no. You and your band of sexual freaks had to make it difficult. Well now they're going to pay, and so are you. I know exactly what I want to take as payment. Giles!" The demon raises his hand and with one quick swipe down Melanie falls to the floor. "You bitch! What have you done, " Aliya yells dropping to the floor checking on her. "She'll be fine. I did nothing to her really. I just took my payment. Now, woman, you are the only one I will spare. Consider yourself lucky. Giles. Home." The two disappear leaving Aliya to try and awaken Melanie."
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