Trophy Wife -P- [Ladydark/Fancy_Brat] Continued By AndNich123]

Kevin gasps, his cock twitching under Jareth’s touch. He feels his cock explode in the water, forcing his body to stay tight as he curls up to Jareth. “,” he tells him as his eyes nearly roll back in his head.

“Yes M’lord,” she cries out before pulling his lips up to hers’. She can feel him filling her. His cock pumping his seed deep inside her. “That’s how..I got my babies,” she tells him before taking his mouth once more.
"Nnn... Yes..." He moans and holds his hips, quickly thrusting up into him as his orgasm hits him, he growls and moans loudly, the holds him close as his own hits him. He lightly claws down his back at the powerful sensation from the slow build, he shakes softly as he holds him.

Kaden holds her close and kisses her deeply, then pants softly as he starts to calm down slowly. "Mmm... I love you baby... Babies..." He smiles and runs his hands over belly, kissing it.
“70. I think..we’re 70 now my love,” Kevin laughs. “It’s a good start.

“Babies,” she grins. “That is your daddy you hear.” She looks at his face. “They’re gonna love you. I know I already do.”
Jareth chuckles and kisses him "Mmm... That was worth five... Impressive..." He smirks and holds him closer, rubbing his back slowly "I'm glad I can please you my angel..." He kisses him softly again "Shall we go dry off... And relax my love..."

Kaden smiles and holds back his tears, "I will not take credit for all the precious lives you carry my love... And those that are not mine... Will know their father..." He rubs her belly "You hear that little ones... You have another daddy... And I will bring him home to you..." He kisses her belly again and pulls her into a hug.
“Yeah,” Kevin replies. “Let’s go dry off and just relax inside. I don’t see why any of us should ever bother putting clothes on tonight,” he laughs

Melanie fought to hold back her own tears. She didn’t want to think about Mason, and she certainly didn’t want Kaden sad over this either. “It’s okay,” she says pulling back from the hug and holding his face. “Everything will work out. I know.” She kisses his lips. “Come on. Let’s get out of this water and get dry too. I could use a glass of water.” She climbs from the hot tub and wraps a towel around her body before heading towards the door. “Nicholas? Aliya? What happened to you two?” She steps through the door and instantly sees various things from the shelves and tables on the floor. One of the shelves had been broken, and it’s contents spilled on the floor. She covers her mouth. “Nicholas? Aliya? Oh my gosh.” She rushes back outside and yells for Kaden. “M’lord! Something is wrong inside! I don’t know what’s happened to them! Nicholas! Aliya! The house is wrecked!”
Jareth was in the process of squeezing out his hair when Mel came running back out, he looks up and back at the others "Stay here... And I mean it this time.." He glances at Kevin, before heading towards the house, he takes a sniff, he didn't smell anything off, just the scent of sex. He walks in and looks around, it looked like there was a large fight, broken dishes and furniture lay everywhere. "Doc? You ok? Aliya?" He slowly follows the line of destruction into the living room, the TV was down and the couch was flipped, he steps closer their strong scent and grins when he finds them. 'It's ok... Come on in... They are fine...' He chuckles softly in their heads as he stands over them.

Kaden held Mel close, he was worried about Nicholas, but knew he had to stay with Mel, he helped her calm down and kissed her softly. He sagged in releaf after Jareth's ok, wrapping a towel around them, he heads into the house and gasps softly at the mess. He looks down at them when they meet up with Jareth "They... Did all... This.." He looks around again "Guess... He was more worked up then he let on..." He chuckles.
Melanie puts her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. Nicholas and Aliya were naked and sleeping on the floor. Nicholas had covered them slightly with a blanket before falling asleep laying just a bit on Aliya. His arm stretched out of her, and she was face up sleeping soundly. "I'll say. I guess the good doctor needed to work off some aggression M'Lord."
"Should we wake them or just let them sleep right here," Kevin asks.

She hates what she's done, but Gabby can't help it. He was there, and she is a woman with needs. She was on the verge of falling asleep. Mason was too. He leans over to her an kisses her softly before whispering, "good night." She smiles back at him, and as she looks up at the ceiling, she closes her eyes and thinks, 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't help it.'
Jareth smirks and pulls Kevin closer "Hmm... They seem comfortable... Besides... They'll need their rest to clean this up tomorrow..." He chuckles softly and starts to lead Kevin away "I guess movies are out..." He laughs softly and picks Kevin up bridle style "What ever shall we do to pass the night away..." He grins and kisses him as they enter one of the guest rooms and he closes the door.

Kaden watches them go and smirks "Well... I think we'll be lucky if we see them before lunch tomorrow... Well... Jareth anyway... I don't think Kevin will be moving much..." He laughs softly and leads Mel into the kitchen "You need a drink... Then we'll head to bed... You four need to sleep..." He kisses her and hands her a glass of water.
Kevin stifles his laughs, but gasps as Jareth picks him up. "I don't know. I'm sure the good dcotr has more than one tv in here," he teases as he heads into the room.

"Yeah. Thanks," she tells him. The water is cold, but she drinks it all. "You know. I think a good night of sleep is what I need. Will you..sleep in the same bed with me?"
Jareth grins "Mmm... You're a much better show my love..." He kisses him and then tosses him into the plush bed, soon to follow and crawls over him, he starts at his neck and kisses down. He slowly trails his fangs and tongue over every inch of his chest, nipping and teasing his nipples. "Mmm... Unless you want a movie..." He starts to remove the towel.

Kaden smiles at her "Where else would I be... Even if Nich was awake... We'd still be staying with you... I told you... I'm not going anywhere..." He kisses her and leads here back to the bedroom, he removes their towels and looks her over "Such a beauty..." He smiles and leads her to bed, curling close to her, he slowly runs his fingers over her arm and side, humming softy to help her relax.
"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa," Kevin says grabbing the towel covering back up. "You're gonna send me to hospital at this rate. How about we just spend some time together. We haven't done that in 80 years either."

"It all seems like a dream," she says softly. "When I stop think about everything that's happened, it doesn't seem real. Why couldn't I have met you first? Do you think we would have like each other if we had known each other in school?"
Jareth chuckles and moves up, kissing him softly "Mmm... You know I wouldn't go that far..." He lays on his side beside him "I just... You're back... And with all the crazy stuff going on lately..." He sighs and pulls him closer, curling around him gently and lacing their fingers. "I love Mason, very much... And I can't wait to have him back with us... But at the same time... I have you back... And all to myself... I can touch you... Smell you... Kiss you again..." He holds him close.

He smiles softly "There are things I wish I could change... But how 'met'... The people we have brought together... I... Don't want to change that..." He kisses her softy "I think I would have loved you in school... But that wasn't meant to be... But this is... And Mason... He'll come to see that soon... For now... We just wait... You do want him home... Right?"
"I know," he tells him. "Isn't it hard on you? Splitting your time between two men?"

"Of course I do M'lord, but he finds happiness somewhere else, who are we, all of us, to make him come back here because we want him here? Shouldn't we be glad he's happy and let him move on?"
Jareth looks at him "Of course it is... But love has its ups and downs... And you saw how I was when you came back... How much it hurt to have him gone... How it hurts even more now..." He nuzzles into his neck "He's been whispering to me... My beast..." He smiles and hugs him a bit closer "Dogs... They are pack animals... One... Isn't enough... As selfish as that sounds... It's... It's me... And I can't change that..." He sighs "I wish... I knew what his fear was... That he'd talk to me..." He kisses his neck "Being in this full house, with everyone... Feels so right... Feels like home... Almost..."

Kaden sighs and rubs her back "But I don't think he had... I think he's hiding something... And trying to run from it..." He looks down "And I can't help but feel it's about me..." He helps her into bed and lays with her, pulling her close gently.
“Almost like home? I haven’t heard you say that before. You really do love him….and all of us being here. Oh love I want you to be happy. I really do, but I want Mason happy as well. If you’re sure all of this will make him happy, then you know I’ll stand by your side.” Kevin turns over on his side and drapes his arm over Jareth. “You deserve to be happy love, and I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy.”

“He’s with her,” she sighs. “That woman never liked me. Sometimes I wonder if she even liked her own husband. The poor man barely had said two words the entire time I’ve known him. It’s like she runs everything. I can see why Mason picked her to hide behind. Nothing will get to him with her around. Nothing or anyone for that matter.
Jareth watches him "If Mason truly isn't happy with me... You know I'll let him go... But I heard him baby... I hear him through that woman... He said he still loves me... He said it hurts to be away from me... That's why I was crying before... I heard him say it..." He nuzzles Kevin "I can't just let him go... Not like this..." He closes his eyes and tries to calm down.

Kaden looks at her "He's with who? Who is he hiding behind? Who couldn't like you..."
Kevin can feel Jareth’s pain. That comes with being so close, so in love with him. “Okay love. I believe you. I truly do. I understand. Let’s just hold each other and talk about how you’re going to make up the other 70 years to me,” he teased.

“His mother,” she hisses. “His mother always hated me. That woman rules that family. She keeps everyone under tight lock and key. I don’t think they even speak unless they know she’ll approve. I remember once in school, this was before she got like that, Mason told me his parents were fighting, and he thought his father was about to leave. She threatened to ruin him. Next thing I knew she was pretty much calling the shots with the business, and his father is basically her puppet.”
Jareth smiles slightly and kisses him softly "Thank you..." Then he chuckles softly "Nice change of subject baby..." He cups his cheek "How about... I take you out... There are still a few places we went to before... That are still around... Plus... I need to take you shopping... Get you some things of your own..."

Kaden looks at her and sits up slightly "I... I wonder what she has on him... Maybe we can get his help... If we can free him from her hold..." He smiles at her "Baby... What else can you tell me of his family..."
“Things of my own,” he smiled. “I haven’t even thought about that. You know love, that sounds like fun. We could plan a whole day of it tomorrow. Go to all our old places, shopping, have some fun together. Just you and me. No Mel or Kaden. Just us. Oh I love the sound of that.” He snuggles up closer to him.

She sits up and smiles at him. “Well. Let’s see. His father had a business partner. Mason’s mom actually bought him out, and then she just took over. He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. I do remember Gabby though.” She shakes her head. “How could I forget. Her father was his business partner. Now they just work together. Her father has a good head for business. He started his own company, and last I heard they were doing really well. I’ve got some old photos at my house of Mason’s family, but that’s really about it. When he left, he didn’t bring much of anything. I wish I could tell you more.”
Jareth smiles "So do I... It's settled... Tomorrow is you and me... We'll head out early... And get breakfast, then head into the city... You decide where we go from there..." He kisses him softly and settles down, purring softly to help him fall asleep, smiling at him as he rubs his cheek.

Kaden smiles again "That's plenty baby... We'll start looking tomorrow... Give us something to do..." He kisses her softly "Now sleep my love... It's late..." He could see how tired she was getting and softly rubs her back.
The next morning Kevin awoke before Jareth. He could hear sound coming from the next room. Swallowing hard, he gently nudges him. “Jareth. There’s somebody moving around in the house. I don’t know who it is. Can you tell?”

Melanie opens her eyes and is starring at Kaden as she hears the sound of cups clinking together. “M’Lord. Someone is awake. Coffee?”

“Ssshhh. You’ll wake them up.”
“Sorry,” Nicholas says in a hushed tone. He had led Aliya into his private bedroom and given her a pair of his shorts as he put on a pair as well. The two had been up for half an hour putting the kitchen back in order. “Nicholas what came over you last night?” He grins. “I don’t know, but I liked it. I know you did.” She grins. “Yeah. I did. Now let’s get some coffee going.”
Jareth slowly opens his eyes, he had been awake for a while, he smiles softly "Just the home wreckers starting to clean up... Mmm and making coffee..." He slowly sits up and stretches "Nnn... We should get ready..." He smiles at him and kisses him deeply before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

Kaden moans softly, not ready to wake up "Mmm... Prob... Nicholas..." He curls back up around her "It's early..."
Kevin watching him, making no effort to hide the fact that he's starring at his ass as he heads into the bathroom. "Good. Coffee does sound good." He slides from the bed shaking his head and finds some clothes to put on. Heading towards the kitchen he spots them. "What did you two do last night?" Nicholas looks up at him. "Each other my friend. We did each other, and it was fucking great."
"Yeah? Well you damn near tore the house apart," Kevin laughs. "Did I say good," Nicholas asks handing him a cup of coffee.

She grins. "I know M'lord, but we've got work to do....fuck it," she says snuggling up to him.
Jareth takes a quick shower and dresses, he heads out to the kitchen, stopping to check on Kaden and Mel as he passes, smiling to find them still sleeping. He continues to the kitchen and gives Nicholas and Aliya a look "Well... Did you enjoy yourselves last night.." He gets a cup of coffee and leans against the counter, sipping it.

Kaden hums softly and holds her, going back to sleep.
"Yes," Aliya tells him with a wink. "But you already know that." Nicholas comes up behind her and kisses her neck. "I don't get it. I thought you were hot for Kaden."
"I am," Nicholas tells Kevin. "I'm hot for Kaden, as you put it, but look at her! Who wouldn't want to fuck her?" Aliya blushes. "Alright. Enough of that. So you boys want some breakfast?"
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